コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the features of the given utterance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sentId">
        /// Sentence id.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="utterance">
        /// Service Provider utterance object.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The sentence contains all the features.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidDataException">
        /// Exception.
        /// </exception>
        public Sentence Extract(string sentId, TtsUtterance utterance)
            List<FeatureVector> vectors;

                // Then, extracts the features.
                vectors = ExtractionEngine.Extract(utterance, FeatureMetas);
            catch (EspException e)
                throw new InvalidDataException(Helper.NeutralFormat("Extract feature error on sentence \"{0}\"",
                    sentId), e);

            // Validates the extracted vectors.
            if (vectors.Count != FeatureMetas.Count)
                throw new InvalidDataException(
                    Helper.NeutralFormat("Length of result is mismatch on sentence \"{0}\"", sentId));

            for (int i = 0; i < vectors.Count; i++)
                if (vectors[i].Count != utterance.Phones.Count)
                    throw new InvalidDataException(
                        Helper.NeutralFormat("Length of vector is mismatch on sentence \"{0}\"", sentId));

            // Creates a sentence to store all the features.
            Sentence sentence = new Sentence { Id = sentId };
            for (int i = 0; i < vectors[0].Count; ++i)
                // Create candidates for each phoneme.
                PhoneSegment p = new PhoneSegment
                    Sentence = sentence,
                    Index = i,
                    Features = vectors.Select(v => v[i])

                // Create the label to store the features.
                Label label = new Label(FeatureNameSet);
                for (int j = 0; j < vectors.Count; ++j)
                    if (vectors[j][i].ValueType == FeatureValueType.FEATURE_VALUE_TYPE_UNKOWN)
                        label.SetFeatureValue(FeatureNameSet.FeatureNames[j], Label.NotApplicableFeatureValue);
                    else if (FeatureMetas[j].Property == TtsFeatureProperty.TTS_FEATURE_PROPERTY_PHONE_ID)
                        Phone phone = PhoneSet.GetPhone(vectors[j][i].IntValue);
                        label.SetFeatureValue(FeatureNameSet.FeatureNames[j], Offline.Phoneme.ToHtk(phone.Name));

                    // Updates the corresponding value records.

                p.Label = label;

            return sentence;
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PhoneCandidate"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="phoneme">Phone segment link.</param>
 public PhoneCandidate(PhoneSegment phoneme)
     Type = UnitCandidateType.Phone;
     Id = InvalidId;
     Label = phoneme.Label;
     Name = phoneme.Name;
     LeftPhoneme = phoneme.LeftPhoneme;
     RightPhoneme = phoneme.RightPhoneme;
     StartTime = phoneme.StartTime;
     EndTime = phoneme.EndTime;
     Index = phoneme.Index;
     IndexOfNonSilence = phoneme.IndexOfNonSilence;
     MustHold = false;
     PhoneSegmentLink = phoneme;
     Sentence = phoneme.Sentence;
     SilenceCandidate = phoneme.Name == Phoneme.ToHtk(Phoneme.SilencePhone);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HalfPhoneCandidate"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="phoneme">Phone segment link.</param>
        /// <param name="isLeftHalfPhone">Flag to left or right half phone.</param>
        public HalfPhoneCandidate(PhoneSegment phoneme, bool isLeftHalfPhone)
            Type = UnitCandidateType.Halfphone;
            Id = InvalidId;
            Label = phoneme.Label;

            // bug #93090, TBD: Offline should call serviceProvider to get half phone name and boundary
            IsLeftHalfPhone = isLeftHalfPhone;
            Name = isLeftHalfPhone ? "hpl_" + phoneme.Name : "hpr_" + phoneme.Name;
            int middleTime = (int)(((phoneme.StateAlignments[2].StartTime + phoneme.StateAlignments[2].EndTime) / 2 / 50000.0) + 0.6) * 50000;
            StartTime = isLeftHalfPhone ? phoneme.StartTime : middleTime;
            EndTime = isLeftHalfPhone ? middleTime : phoneme.EndTime;

            LeftPhoneme = phoneme.LeftPhoneme;
            RightPhoneme = phoneme.RightPhoneme;
            Index = isLeftHalfPhone ? phoneme.Index * 2 : (phoneme.Index * 2) + 1;
            IndexOfNonSilence = isLeftHalfPhone ? phoneme.IndexOfNonSilence * 2 : (phoneme.IndexOfNonSilence * 2) + 1;
            MustHold = false;
            PhoneSegmentLink = phoneme;
            Sentence = phoneme.Sentence;
            SilenceCandidate = phoneme.Name == Phoneme.ToHtk(Phoneme.SilencePhone);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads one sentence from the master label file.
        /// Please notice this load may be called multi-times to load the different
        /// Information, such as full-context label, alignment data and so on.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">StreamReader of master label file.</param>
        /// <returns>A bool value indicates whether end of sentence exists.</returns>
        public bool Load(StreamReader reader)
            // Load all the lines belong to this sentence.
            bool endOfSentenceExist = false;
            List<string> lines = LoadLines(reader, ref endOfSentenceExist);

            int indexOfLines = 0;
            if (_phoneSegments.Count == 0)
                // The first time to load the phone segment.
                int index = 0;
                int indexOfNonSilence = 0;
                while (indexOfLines < lines.Count)
                    PhoneSegment phoneSegment = new PhoneSegment();
                    phoneSegment.Load(lines, ref indexOfLines);
                    phoneSegment.Index = index++;
                    phoneSegment.IndexOfNonSilence = (!Phoneme.IsSilenceFeature(phoneSegment.Name)) ? indexOfNonSilence++ : -1;
                    phoneSegment.Sentence = this;
                // Reload information about the phone segment.
                    foreach (PhoneSegment phoneSegment in _phoneSegments)
                        phoneSegment.Load(lines, ref indexOfLines);
                catch (InvalidDataException e)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Mismatched data between multi master label files", e);

            if (indexOfLines != lines.Count)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Mismatched data between multi master label files");

            return endOfSentenceExist;