public static void NewBuild(TFSCmdletBase cmdlet, string name) { try { // 20131102 // ReSharper warning //IBuildDefinition buildDefinition; BuildTypeInfo buildInfo = new Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Common.BuildTypeInfo("1.2.3"); // IBuildDefinition buildDefinition = // CurrentData.CurrentServer. // //var buildDefinition = (IBuildDefinition)listAddDefinitionBuildDefinitions.SelectedItem; // IBuildDetail buildDetail = buildDefinition.CreateManualBuild(txtBuildName.Text); // IBuildProjectNode buildProjectNode = buildDetail.Information.AddBuildProjectNode( // DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(10), // Finish Time = The time at which the project finished building. // comboFlavor.SelectedValue.ToString(), //Flavor = The flavor (configuration) the project was built for. // txtLocalPath.Text, //Local Path = The local path of the project file. // comboPlatform.SelectedValue.ToString(), //Platform = The platform the project was built for. // txtServerPath.Text, // Server Path = The server path of the project file. // DateTime.Now, //Start Time = The time at which the project was built. // "default"); //Target Name = The targets for which the project was built. // buildProjectNode.Save(); // buildDetail.FinalizeStatus((BuildStatus)comboBuildStatus.SelectedItem); // ClearAddBuildForm(); // // ITestPlan testPlan = // CurrentData.CurrentProject.TestPlans.Create(); // testPlan.Name = name; // testPlan.Save(); // // CurrentData.CurrentTestPlan = testPlan; // // cmdlet.WriteObject(cmdlet, testPlan); } catch (Exception eNewTestPlan) { Console.WriteLine(eNewTestPlan.Message); } }