コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the SLK Settings XML for a given SPSite.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spSiteGuid">The GUID of the SPSite to retrieve SLK Settings for.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A string containing SLK Settings XML, or null if <pr>spSiteGuid</pr> is not configured for
        /// use with SLK.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is static so it can used outside the context of IIS.  Only SharePoint
        /// administrators can perform this function.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="SafeToDisplayException">
        /// An error occurred that can be displayed to a browser user.
        /// </exception>
        public static string GetSettingsXml(Guid spSiteGuid)
            // only SharePoint administrators can perform this action

            // set <mapping> to the mapping between <spSiteGuid> and the LearningStore connection
            // information for that SPSite
            SlkSPSiteMapping mapping = SlkSPSiteMapping.GetMapping(spSiteGuid);

            if (mapping == null)

            // return the SLK Settings XML for this SPSite
            LearningStore learningStore = new LearningStore(mapping.DatabaseConnectionString,
                                                            String.Empty, ImpersonationBehavior.UseOriginalIdentity);

            using (LearningStorePrivilegedScope privilegedScope = new LearningStorePrivilegedScope())
                LearningStoreJob   job   = learningStore.CreateJob();
                LearningStoreQuery query = learningStore.CreateQuery(Schema.SiteSettingsItem.ItemTypeName);
                query.AddCondition(Schema.SiteSettingsItem.SiteGuid, LearningStoreConditionOperator.Equal, spSiteGuid);
                DataRowCollection dataRows = job.Execute <DataTable>().Rows;
                if (dataRows.Count != 1)
                    throw new SafeToDisplayException(LoadCulture(spSiteGuid).Resources.SlkSettingsNotFound, spSiteGuid);
                DataRow dataRow = dataRows[0];
コード例 #2
        int DeleteMapping(out string output)
            string guidValue = Value("guid");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(guidValue))
                output = FormatString(culture.Resources.StsMissingParameter, "guid");

            Guid guid = new Guid(guidValue);

            // set <mapping> to the mapping between <spSiteGuid> and the LearningStore connection information for that SPSite
            SlkSPSiteMapping mapping = SlkSPSiteMapping.GetMapping(guid);

            if (mapping == null)
                output = FormatString(culture.Resources.StsInvalidGuid, guid);
                output = FormatString(culture.Resources.StsMappingDeleted, guid);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>Loads SLK configuration information from WSS and LearningStore, in a form that's
        /// suitable for copying to Configure.aspx form fields. </summary>
        /// <param name="spSiteGuid">The GUID of the SPSite to retrieve configuration information
        ///     from.</param>
        /// <returns>An AdministrationConfiguration.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is static so it can used outside the context of IIS.  Only SharePoint
        /// administrators can perform this function.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="SafeToDisplayException">
        /// An error occurred that can be displayed to a browser user.
        /// </exception>
        public static AdministrationConfiguration LoadConfiguration(Guid spSiteGuid)
            AdministrationConfiguration configuration = new AdministrationConfiguration(spSiteGuid);

            // only SharePoint administrators can perform this action

            // set <mapping> to the mapping between <spSiteGuid> and the LearningStore connection
            // information for that SPSite
            SlkSPSiteMapping mapping = SlkSPSiteMapping.GetMapping(spSiteGuid);

            // set "out" parameters based on <mappingExists> and <mapping>
            if (mapping != null)
                // the mapping exists -- set "out" parameters based on <mapping>
                configuration.DatabaseServer       = mapping.DatabaseServer;
                configuration.DatabaseName         = mapping.DatabaseName;
                configuration.InstructorPermission = mapping.InstructorPermission;
                configuration.LearnerPermission    = mapping.LearnerPermission;

                // The below given condition will be true only during the migration of SLK from
                // 'SLK without Observer role' to 'SLK with Observer role' implementation
                if (mapping.ObserverPermission == null)
                    mapping.ObserverPermission = LoadCulture(spSiteGuid).Resources.DefaultSlkObserverPermissionName;
                configuration.ObserverPermission = mapping.ObserverPermission;
                SlkCulture        siteCulture    = LoadCulture(spSiteGuid);
                AppResourcesLocal adminResources = SlkCulture.GetResources();

                configuration.IsNewConfiguration = true;
                mapping = SlkSPSiteMapping.CreateMapping(spSiteGuid);
                // the mapping doesn't exist -- set "out" parameters to default values
                SPWebService adminWebService = SlkAdministration.GetAdminWebService();
                configuration.DatabaseServer       = adminWebService.DefaultDatabaseInstance.Server.Address;
                configuration.DatabaseName         = adminResources.DefaultSlkDatabaseName;
                mapping.DatabaseServer             = configuration.DatabaseServer;
                mapping.DatabaseName               = configuration.DatabaseName;
                configuration.InstructorPermission = siteCulture.Resources.DefaultSlkInstructorPermissionName;
                configuration.LearnerPermission    = siteCulture.Resources.DefaultSlkLearnerPermissionName;
                configuration.ObserverPermission   = siteCulture.Resources.DefaultSlkObserverPermissionName;

            // set "out" parameters that need to be computed
            bool createDatabaseResult = false;

                createDatabaseResult = !DatabaseExists(mapping.DatabaseServerConnectionString, mapping.DatabaseName);
            configuration.CreateDatabase = createDatabaseResult;

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves SLK configuration information.  This method accepts information in a form that's
        /// compatible with Configure.aspx form fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spSiteGuid">The GUID of the SPSite being configured.</param>
        /// <param name="databaseServer">The name of the database server to associate with the
        ///     specified SPSite.  By default, integrated authentication is used to connect to the
        ///     database; to use a SQL Server user ID and password instead, append the appropriate
        ///     connection string information to the database server name -- for example, instead of
        ///     "MyServer", use "MyServer;user id=myacct;password=mypassword".  For security reasons,
        ///     integrated authentication is strongly recommended.</param>
        /// <param name="databaseName">The name of the database to associate with the specified
        ///     SPSite.  This database must exist if <paramref name="schemaToCreateDatabase"/> is
        ///     <c>null</c>, and must not exist if <paramref name="schemaToCreateDatabase"/> is
        ///     non-<c>null</c>, otherwise an error message is returned.</param>
        /// <param name="schemaToCreateDatabase">If non-<c>null</c>, this is the SlkSchema.sql file
        ///     containing the schema of the database, and an SLK database named
        ///     <paramref name="databaseName"/> is created using this schema.  If <c>null</c>,
        ///     <paramref name="databaseName"/> specifies an existing database.</param>
        /// <param name="instructorPermission">The name of the SharePoint permission that
        ///     identifies instructors.</param>
        /// <param name="learnerPermission">The name of the SharePoint permission that
        ///     identifies learners.</param>
        /// <param name="observerPermission">The name of the SharePoint permission that
        ///     identifies observers.</param>
        /// <param name="createPermissions">If <c>true</c>, the permissions specified by
        ///     <paramref name="instructorPermission"/> and <paramref name="learnerPermission"/>
        ///     are added to the root SPWeb of the specified SPSite (if they don't already
        ///     exist).</param>
        /// <param name="settingsFileContents">If not <c>null</c>, this is the contents of a SLK
        ///     Settings file to associate with this SPSite.  If <c>null</c>, the previous SLK
        ///     Settings file is used if one exists, or the default SLK settings file is used if a
        ///     database is being created.</param>
        /// <param name="defaultSettingsFileContents">The contents of the default SLK Settings file.
        ///     Must not be <n>null</n>.</param>
        /// <param name="appPoolAccountName">The name of the application pool account; for example,
        ///     "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE".  If <n>null</n>, then the current Windows identity is
        ///     used, or, if the current identity is impersonated, the original Windows identity is
        ///     used.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is static so it can used outside the context of IIS.  Only SharePoint
        /// administrators can perform this function.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="SafeToDisplayException">
        /// An error occurred that can be displayed to a browser user.
        /// </exception>

        public static void SaveConfiguration(Guid spSiteGuid, string databaseServer,
                                             string databaseName, string schemaToCreateDatabase, string instructorPermission,
                                             string learnerPermission, string observerPermission, bool createPermissions, string settingsFileContents,
                                             string defaultSettingsFileContents, string appPoolAccountName)
            CheckParameters(databaseServer, databaseName, instructorPermission, learnerPermission, observerPermission, defaultSettingsFileContents);
            // only SharePoint administrators can perform this action

            // set <mapping> to the mapping between <spSiteGuid> and the LearningStore connection information for that SPSite
            SlkSPSiteMapping mapping = SlkSPSiteMapping.GetMapping(spSiteGuid);

            if (mapping == null)
                mapping = SlkSPSiteMapping.CreateMapping(spSiteGuid);

            mapping.DatabaseServer       = databaseServer;
            mapping.DatabaseName         = databaseName;
            mapping.InstructorPermission = instructorPermission;
            mapping.LearnerPermission    = learnerPermission;
            mapping.ObserverPermission   = observerPermission;

            if (mapping.IsDirty)

            // create the database if specified
            if (schemaToCreateDatabase != null)
                CreateDatabase(mapping, databaseName, appPoolAccountName, schemaToCreateDatabase);

            // create permissions if specified
            if (createPermissions)
                SlkCulture culture = LoadCulture(spSiteGuid);

                // create the permissions if they don't exist yet
                CreatePermission(spSiteGuid, instructorPermission, culture.Resources.SlkInstructorPermissionDescription, 0);
                CreatePermission(spSiteGuid, learnerPermission, culture.Resources.SlkLearnerPermissionDescription, 0);
                CreatePermission(spSiteGuid, observerPermission, culture.Resources.SlkObserverPermissionDescription, 0);

            UpdateSlkSettings(mapping.DatabaseConnectionString, spSiteGuid, settingsFileContents, defaultSettingsFileContents);