public void Add(NameIdPair obj) { if (obj != null) { this.List.Add(obj); } }
internal void Load(BizTalkCore.BtsCatalogExplorer explorer, BizTalkCore.ReceiveLocation location) { this.Address = location.Address; this.Name = location.Name; this.receivePipeline = new NameIdPair(location.ReceivePipeline.FullName, ""); this.transportProtocol = location.TransportType.Name; = location.TransportTypeData; this.CustomDescription = location.Description; if (location.SendPipeline != null) { this.sendPipeline = new NameIdPair(location.SendPipeline.FullName, ""); } else { this.sendPipeline = new NameIdPair("<Not configured>", ""); } this.serviceWindow = new ServiceWindow(); this.serviceWindow.Enabled = location.ServiceWindowEnabled; this.serviceWindow.StartDateEnabled = location.StartDateEnabled; this.serviceWindow.EndDateEnabled = location.EndDateEnabled; this.serviceWindow.EndTime = location.ToTime; this.serviceWindow.StartTime = location.FromTime; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="explorer"></param> /// <param name="orchestration"></param> internal void Load(BizTalkCore.BtsCatalogExplorer explorer, BizTalkCore.BtsOrchestration orchestration) { if (orchestration != null) { this.QualifiedName = orchestration.AssemblyQualifiedName; this.Name = orchestration.FullName; this.ApplicationName = orchestration.Application.Name; this.CustomDescription = orchestration.Description; this.AssemblyName = orchestration.AssemblyQualifiedName; if (orchestration.Host != null) { = new NameIdPair(orchestration.Host.Name, ""); } foreach (BizTalkCore.OrchestrationPort port in orchestration.Ports) { OrchestrationPort op = new OrchestrationPort(port.Name); op.Load(port); this.ports.Add(op); } this.GetInfo(orchestration); } }
public void Load(BizTalkCore.OrchestrationPort port) { this.Name = port.Name; this.BindingType = (BindingType)Enum.Parse(typeof(BindingType), ((int)port.Binding).ToString()); this.sendPortGroupName = port.SendPortGroup != null ? new NameIdPair(port.SendPortGroup.Name, "") : null; this.sendPortName = port.SendPort != null ? new NameIdPair(port.SendPort.Name, "") : null; this.receivePortName = port.ReceivePort != null ? new NameIdPair(port.ReceivePort.Name, "") : null; }
internal void Load(BizTalkCore.BtsCatalogExplorer explorer, BizTalkCore.Role role) { if (role != null) { this.QualifiedName = String.Empty; this.serviceLinkType = role.ServiceLinkType; this.parentAssembly = new NameIdPair(role.BtsAssembly.Name, ""); foreach (BizTalkCore.EnlistedParty party in role.EnlistedParties) { this.enlistedParties.Add(new NameIdPair(party.Party.Name, "")); } } return; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="explorer"></param> internal override void FixReferences(BizTalkCore.BtsCatalogExplorer explorer) { TraceManager.SmartTrace.TraceIn(explorer); Schema s = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Schemas[this.sourceSchema.Name] as Schema; if (s != null) { this.sourceSchema = s.NameIdPair; } s = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Schemas[this.targetSchema.Name] as Schema; if (s != null) { this.targetSchema = s.NameIdPair; } TraceManager.SmartTrace.TraceOut(); }
internal override void FixReferences(BizTalkCore.BtsCatalogExplorer explorer) { TraceManager.SmartTrace.TraceIn(explorer); foreach (NameIdPair enlistedParty in this.enlistedParties) { Party party = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Parties[enlistedParty.Name] as Party; enlistedParty.Id = party.Id; party.LinkedRoles.Add(this.NameIdPair); } BizTalkAssembly asm = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Assemblies[parentAssembly.Name] as BizTalkAssembly; if (asm != null) { this.parentAssembly = asm.NameIdPair; } TraceManager.SmartTrace.TraceOut(); }
public OrchestrationRoleLink(XmlNode linkNode, XmlNamespaceManager mgr) { // Basic Info this.Name = linkNode.SelectSingleNode("om:Property[@Name='Name']", mgr).Attributes.GetNamedItem("Value").Value; this.typeName = linkNode.SelectSingleNode("om:Property[@Name='Type']", mgr).Attributes.GetNamedItem("Value").Value; XmlNode initRoleNode = linkNode.SelectSingleNode("om:Property[@Name='RoleName']", mgr); if (initRoleNode != null) { this.initiatingRole = new NameIdPair(initRoleNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Value").Value, ""); } // Service Link Type Info string shortTypeName = this.typeName.Substring(this.typeName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1); string serviceTypeXpath = ".//om:Element[@Type='ServiceLinkType' and om:Property[@Value='" + shortTypeName + "']]"; XmlNode svcLinkTypeNode = linkNode.OwnerDocument.SelectSingleNode(serviceTypeXpath, mgr); if (svcLinkTypeNode != null) { XmlNode providerRoleNode = svcLinkTypeNode.SelectSingleNode("om:Element[@Type='RoleDeclaration' and position()=1]", mgr); XmlNode consumerRoleNode = svcLinkTypeNode.SelectSingleNode("om:Element[@Type='RoleDeclaration' and position()=2]", mgr); if (providerRoleNode != null) { string name = providerRoleNode.SelectSingleNode("om:Property[@Name='Name']", mgr).Attributes.GetNamedItem("Value").Value; this.providerRole = new NameIdPair(name, ""); } if (consumerRoleNode != null) { string name = consumerRoleNode.SelectSingleNode("om:Property[@Name='Name']", mgr).Attributes.GetNamedItem("Value").Value; this.consumerRole = new NameIdPair(name, ""); } } return; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> internal override void FixReferences(BizTalkCore.BtsCatalogExplorer explorer) { TraceManager.SmartTrace.TraceIn(explorer); // Host if (this.Host != null) { Host h = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Hosts[this.Host.Name] as Host; if (h != null) { = h.NameIdPair; h.HostedOrchestrations.Add(this.NameIdPair); } } // Ports foreach (OrchestrationPort port in this.ports) { if (port.ReceivePortName != null) { ReceivePort rp = this.Application.ParentInstallation.ReceivePorts[port.ReceivePortName.Name] as ReceivePort; if (rp != null) { port.ReceivePortName = rp.NameIdPair; rp.BoundOrchestrations.Add(this.NameIdPair); } } if (port.SendPortName != null) { SendPort sp = this.Application.ParentInstallation.SendPorts[port.SendPortName.Name] as SendPort; if (sp != null) { port.SendPortName = sp.NameIdPair; sp.BoundOrchestrations.Add(this.NameIdPair); } } if (port.SendPortGroupName != null) { SendPortGroup spg = this.Application.ParentInstallation.SendPortGroups[port.SendPortGroupName.Name] as SendPortGroup; if (spg != null) { port.SendPortGroupName = spg.NameIdPair; spg.BoundOrchestrations.Add(this.NameIdPair); } } } // Maps foreach (NameIdPair transform in this.transforms) { Transform t = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Maps[transform.Name] as Transform; if (t != null) { transform.Id = t.NameIdPair.Id; t.Orchestrations.Add(this.NameIdPair); } } // Role links foreach (OrchestrationRoleLink roleLink in this.roleLinks) { if (roleLink.ConsumerRole != null) { Role role = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Roles[roleLink.ConsumerRole.Name] as Role; if (role != null) { roleLink.ConsumerRole.Id = role.Id; } } if (roleLink.ProviderRole != null) { Role role = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Roles[roleLink.ProviderRole.Name] as Role; if (role != null) { roleLink.ProviderRole.Id = role.Id; } } if (roleLink.InitiatingRole != null) { Role role = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Roles[roleLink.InitiatingRole.Name] as Role; if (role != null) { roleLink.InitiatingRole.Id = role.Id; } } } // Shape Map if (this.artifactData != string.Empty && this.viewData != string.Empty) { try { Bitmap bmp = this.GetImage(); bmp.Dispose(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(this.ArtifactData); XmlNamespaceManager xnm = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); xnm.AddNamespace("om", ""); foreach (OrchShape os in this.ShapeMap) { switch (os.ShapeType) { case ShapeType.ReceiveShape: case ShapeType.SendShape: XmlNode shapeNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//om:Element[@OID='" + os.Id + "']", xnm); if (shapeNode != null) { os.PortName = shapeNode.SelectSingleNode("om:Property[@Name='PortName']/@Value", xnm).Value; os.OperationName = shapeNode.SelectSingleNode("om:Property[@Name='OperationName']/@Value", xnm).Value; os.MessageName = shapeNode.SelectSingleNode("om:Property[@Name='MessageName']/@Value", xnm).Value; } break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { TraceManager.SmartTrace.TraceError(ex); } } TraceManager.SmartTrace.TraceOut(); return; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="explorer"></param> internal override void FixReferences(Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsCatalogExplorer explorer) { TraceManager.SmartTrace.TraceIn(explorer); BizTalkCore.ReceivePort port = explorer.ReceivePorts[this.Name]; if (port != null) { // Outbound Transforms if (port.OutboundTransforms != null) { foreach (BizTalkCore.Transform transform in port.OutboundTransforms) { Transform t = this.Application.Maps[transform.FullName] as Transform; if (t != null) { t.ReceivePorts.Add(this.NameIdPair); this.outboundMaps.Add(t.NameIdPair); } } } // Inbound Transforms if (port.InboundTransforms != null) { foreach (BizTalkCore.Transform transform in port.InboundTransforms) { Transform t = this.Application.Maps[transform.FullName] as Transform; if (t != null) { t.ReceivePorts.Add(this.NameIdPair); this.inboundMaps.Add(t.NameIdPair); } } } // Locations try { foreach (ReceiveLocation location in this.receiveLocations) { NameIdPair nameIdPair = new NameIdPair(location.Name, this.Id); Pipeline pl = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Pipelines[location.ReceivePipeline.Name] as Pipeline; if (pl != null) { //Colin Dijkgraaf 20141010 //location.ReceivePipeline = pl.NameIdPair; //pl.ReceiveLocations.Add(nameIdPair); if (pl.Name == location.ReceivePipeline.Name) // Actually check that a match was found. { location.ReceivePipeline = pl.NameIdPair; pl.ReceiveLocations.Add(nameIdPair); } } if (this.twoWay) { pl = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Pipelines[location.SendPipeline.Name] as Pipeline; if (pl != null) { //Colin Dijkgraaf 20141010 //location.SendPipeline = pl.NameIdPair; if (pl.Name == location.SendPipeline.Name) // Actually check that a match was found. { location.SendPipeline = pl.NameIdPair; } } } Protocol p = this.Application.ParentInstallation.ProtocolTypes[location.TransportProtocol] as Protocol; if (p != null) { p.ReceiveLocations.Add(nameIdPair); //foreach (NameIdPair handler in p.ReceiveHandlers)CD 20140402 //{ //Host h = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Hosts[handler.Name] as Host; Host h = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Hosts[port.PrimaryReceiveLocation.ReceiveHandler.Name] as Host; if (h != null) { h.HostedReceiveLocations.Add(nameIdPair); location.ReceiveHandler = h.NameIdPair; } //} } } } catch (Exception ex) { TraceManager.SmartTrace.TraceError(ex); } TraceManager.SmartTrace.TraceOut(); return; } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> internal override void FixReferences(BizTalkCore.BtsCatalogExplorer explorer) { TraceManager.SmartTrace.TraceIn(explorer); // Host if (this.Host != null) { Host h = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Hosts[this.Host.Name] as Host; if (h != null) { = h.NameIdPair; h.HostedOrchestrations.Add(this.NameIdPair); } } // Ports foreach (OrchestrationPort port in this.ports) { if (port.ReceivePortName != null) { ReceivePort rp = this.Application.ParentInstallation.ReceivePorts[port.ReceivePortName.Name] as ReceivePort; if (rp != null) { port.ReceivePortName = rp.NameIdPair; rp.BoundOrchestrations.Add(this.NameIdPair); } } if (port.SendPortName != null) { SendPort sp = this.Application.ParentInstallation.SendPorts[port.SendPortName.Name] as SendPort; if (sp != null) { port.SendPortName = sp.NameIdPair; sp.BoundOrchestrations.Add(this.NameIdPair); } } if (port.SendPortGroupName != null) { SendPortGroup spg = this.Application.ParentInstallation.SendPortGroups[port.SendPortGroupName.Name] as SendPortGroup; if (spg != null) { port.SendPortGroupName = spg.NameIdPair; spg.BoundOrchestrations.Add(this.NameIdPair); } } } // Maps foreach (NameIdPair transform in this.transforms) { Transform t = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Maps[transform.Name] as Transform; if (t != null) { transform.Id = t.NameIdPair.Id; t.Orchestrations.Add(this.NameIdPair); } } // Role links foreach (OrchestrationRoleLink roleLink in this.roleLinks) { if (roleLink.ConsumerRole != null) { Role role = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Roles[roleLink.ConsumerRole.Name] as Role; if (role != null) { roleLink.ConsumerRole.Id = role.Id; } } if (roleLink.ProviderRole != null) { Role role = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Roles[roleLink.ProviderRole.Name] as Role; if (role != null) { roleLink.ProviderRole.Id = role.Id; } } if (roleLink.InitiatingRole != null) { Role role = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Roles[roleLink.InitiatingRole.Name] as Role; if (role != null) { roleLink.InitiatingRole.Id = role.Id; } } } // Shape Map if (this.artifactData != string.Empty && this.viewData != string.Empty) { try { Bitmap bmp = this.GetImage(); bmp.Dispose(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(this.ArtifactData); XmlNamespaceManager xnm = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); xnm.AddNamespace("om", ""); foreach (OrchShape os in this.ShapeMap) { switch (os.ShapeType) { case ShapeType.ReceiveShape: case ShapeType.SendShape: XmlNode shapeNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//om:Element[@OID='" + os.Id + "']", xnm); if (shapeNode != null) { os.PortName = shapeNode.SelectSingleNode("om:Property[@Name='PortName']/@Value", xnm).Value; os.OperationName = shapeNode.SelectSingleNode("om:Property[@Name='OperationName']/@Value", xnm).Value; os.MessageName = shapeNode.SelectSingleNode("om:Property[@Name='MessageName']/@Value", xnm).Value; } break; case ShapeType.TransformShape: // NJB TransformShape -- CD Tidied this code. XmlNode shapeNode2 = doc.SelectSingleNode("//om:Element[@OID='" + os.Id + "']", xnm); XmlNode name = shapeNode2.SelectSingleNode("om:Property[@Name='ClassName']/@Value", xnm); if (name != null) { os.TransformName = name.Value; } XmlNodeList messagesIn = shapeNode2.SelectNodes("om:Element[@ParentLink='Transform_InputMessagePartRef']", xnm); if (messagesIn != null) { foreach (XmlNode selectNode in messagesIn) { foreach (XmlNode detail in selectNode.ChildNodes) { if (detail.Attributes != null) { if (detail.Attributes["Name"].Value == "MessageRef") { os.InputMessage += detail.Attributes["Value"].Value + ','; } } } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(os.InputMessage)) { os.InputMessage = os.InputMessage.Remove(os.InputMessage.LastIndexOf(",")); } XmlNodeList messagesOut = shapeNode2.SelectNodes("om:Element[@ParentLink='Transform_OutputMessagePartRef']", xnm); if (messagesOut != null) { foreach (XmlNode selectNode in messagesOut) { foreach (XmlNode detail in selectNode.ChildNodes) { if (detail.Attributes != null) { if (detail.Attributes["Name"].Value == "MessageRef") { os.OutputMessage += detail.Attributes["Value"].Value + ','; } } } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(os.OutputMessage)) { os.OutputMessage = os.OutputMessage.Remove(os.OutputMessage.LastIndexOf(",")); } break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { TraceManager.SmartTrace.TraceError(ex); } } TraceManager.SmartTrace.TraceOut(); return; }
//public NameIdPair SendHandler //{ // get { return this.sendHandler; } // set { this.sendHandler = value; } //} #endregion #region Load /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="explorer"></param> /// <param name="port"></param> internal void Load(BizTalkCore.BtsCatalogExplorer explorer, BizTalkCore.SendPort port) { if (port != null) { this.QualifiedName = String.Empty; // Basic properties this.trackingType = (TrackingType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TrackingType), ((int)port.Tracking).ToString()); this.priority = port.Priority; this.twoWay = port.IsTwoWay; this.dynamic = port.IsDynamic; //this.sendPipeline = port.SendPipeline.FullName; // Fix so to have link for Send Pipeline CD 20140404 Pipeline pl = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Pipelines[port.SendPipeline.FullName] as Pipeline; if (pl != null) { if (pl.Name == port.SendPipeline.FullName) // Actually check that a match was found. { this.sendPipeline = pl.NameIdPair; } else { this.sendPipeline = new NameIdPair(port.SendPipeline.FullName, ""); } } this.ApplicationName = port.Application.Name; this.RouteFailedMessage = port.RouteFailedMessage; this.StopSendingOnFailure = port.StopSendingOnFailure; this.CustomDescription = port.Description; // Encryption Certificates if (port.EncryptionCert != null) { this.encryptionCert = new EncryptionCert(port.EncryptionCert); } // Receive pipeline if two way if (this.twoWay) { //this.receivePipeline = port.ReceivePipeline.FullName; CD 20140405 Pipeline rpl = this.Application.ParentInstallation.Pipelines[port.ReceivePipeline.FullName] as Pipeline; if (rpl != null) { if (rpl.Name == port.ReceivePipeline.FullName) // Actually check that a match was found. { this.ReceivePipeline = rpl.NameIdPair; } else { this.ReceivePipeline = new NameIdPair(port.ReceivePipeline.FullName, ""); } } } // Primary transport if (port.PrimaryTransport != null) { this.primaryTransport = new TransportInfo(port.PrimaryTransport, true); } // Secondary transport if (port.SecondaryTransport != null && port.SecondaryTransport.Address.Length > 0) { this.secondaryTransport = new TransportInfo(port.SecondaryTransport, false); } // Filters if (port.Filter != string.Empty) { this.FilterGroups = BizTalkInstallation.CreateFilterGroups(port.Filter); } } }