コード例 #1
ファイル: HtmTrixel.cs プロジェクト: davelondon/dontstayin
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the internal angles of the trixel described by
		/// a given HID.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="hid">The 64-bit HID</param>
		/// <param name="t1">First internal angle</param>
		/// <param name="t2">Second internal angle</param>
		/// <param name="t3">Third internal angle</param>
		/// <returns>true if successful, false if HID is invalid</returns>
		public bool getAngles(Int64 hid, out double t1, out double t2, out double t3){
			// formula for area of spherical triangle
			// A = R^2[(t1 + t2 + t3 ) - Pi], but R=1.
			Cartesian n0, n1, n2;
			double[] v0, v1, v2;
			v0 = new double[3];
			v1 = new double[3];
			v2 = new double[3];
			char[] name = new char[HtmTrixel.eMaxNameSize];
			int level = this.hid2name(name, hid);
			if (level < 0) {
				t1 = t2 = t3 = 0.0;
				return false;
			} else {

				this.name2Triangle(name, v0, v1, v2);
				// Compute the plane normals for the three GC arcs
				n0 = new Cartesian();
				n1 = new Cartesian();
				n2 = new Cartesian();
				Cartesian.cross(n2, v1, v0);
				Cartesian.cross(n0, v2, v1);
				Cartesian.cross(n1, v0, v2);
				t1 = Math.PI - Math.Acos(Cartesian.dot(n0, n1));
				t2 = Math.PI - Math.Acos(Cartesian.dot(n1, n2));
				t3 = Math.PI - Math.Acos(Cartesian.dot(n2, n0));
			return true	;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Convex.cs プロジェクト: davelondon/dontstayin
		} // METHOD

		/// <summary>
		/// Test for boundingCircles intersecting with halfspace
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="v0"></param>
		/// <param name="v1"></param>
		/// <param name="v2"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private bool testBoundingCircle(Cartesian v0, Cartesian v1, Cartesian v2){

			// Set the correct direction: The normal vector to the triangle plane
			//Cartesian c = ( v1 - v0 ) ^ ( v2 - v1 );

			Cartesian c = new Cartesian(v1);

			Cartesian t = new Cartesian(v2);


			// Set the correct opening angle: Since the plane cutting out the triangle
			// also correctly cuts out the bounding cap of the triangle on the sphere,
			// we can take any corner to calculate the opening angle
			double d = Math.Acos (c.dot(v0));

			// for zero convexes, we have calculated a bounding circle for the convex.
			// only test with this single bounding circle.
			// NOTE! Bounding circle gets changed by simplify0
			// If you did not run simplify, bounding circle may contain
			// unpredictable numbers.
			if(_sign == Halfspace.Sign.Zero && _boundingCircle != null) {
				double tst;
				tst = (tst = c.dot(_boundingCircle.sv));
				if ((tst < -1.0 + Cartesian.Epsilon ? Cartesian.Pi : Math.Acos(tst)) >
					(d + _boundingCircle.hangle)) return false;
				return true;

			// for all other convexes, test every constraint. If the bounding
			// circle lies completely outside of one of the constraints, reject.
			// else, accept.

			int i;
			double ftmp;
			Halfspace hs;
			for(i = 0; i < _halfspaces.Count; i++) {
				hs = (Halfspace) _halfspaces[i];
				if (c.dot(hs.sv) < -1.0 + Cartesian.Epsilon){
					ftmp = Cartesian.Pi;
				} else {
					ftmp = Math.Acos(c.dot(hs.sv));
				if (ftmp > (d + hs.hangle)){
					return false;
			return true;
		} // end METHOD testBoundingCircle
コード例 #3
ファイル: Convex.cs プロジェクト: davelondon/dontstayin
		/// <summary>
		/// Test a triangle's subtriangle whether they are partial.
		//  if level is nonzero, recurse, unless some conditions are met
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="min_addlevel"></param>
		/// <param name="level"></param>
		/// <param name="hid"></param>
		/// <param name="v0"></param>
		/// <param name="v1"></param>
		/// <param name="v2"></param>
		/// <param name="PPrev"></param>
		private void testPartial(int min_addlevel, int level, Int64 hid,
			Cartesian v0, Cartesian v1, Cartesian v2, int PPrev){
			Int64[] ids = new Int64[4];
			Int64 id0;
			Convex.Savecode why;
			Convex.Markup[] m = new Convex.Markup[4];
			bool keepgoing; // force later termination of recorsion
			int P, F;// count number of partials and fulls

			// Console.WriteLine("testpartial level {0}", level);
			Cartesian w0 = new Cartesian(v1);

			Cartesian w1 = new Cartesian(v0);

			Cartesian w2 = new Cartesian(v1);

			ids[0] = id0 = hid << 2;
			ids[1] = id0 + 1;
			ids[2] = id0 + 2;
			ids[3] = id0 + 3;

			m[0] = testNode(v0, w2, w1, ids[0]);
			m[1] = testNode(v1, w0, w2, ids[1]);
			m[2] = testNode(v2, w1, w0, ids[2]);
			m[3] = testNode(w0, w1, w2, ids[3]); // [DEBUG] After 36 entries

			F = 0;
			if (m[0] == Markup.Full) F++;
			if (m[1] == Markup.Full) F++;
			if (m[2] == Markup.Full) F++;
			if (m[3] == Markup.Full) F++;

			P = 0;
			if (m[0] == Markup.Partial) P++;
			if (m[1] == Markup.Partial) P++;
			if (m[2] == Markup.Partial) P++;
			if (m[3] == Markup.Partial) P++;

			// Several interesting cases for saving this (the parent) trixel.
			// Case P==4, all four children are partials, so pretend parent is full, we save and return
			// Case P==3, and F==1, most of the parent is in, so pretend that parent is full again
			// Case P==2 or 3, but the previous testPartial had three partials, so parent was in an arc
			// as opposed to previous partials being fewer, so parent was in a tiny corner...
			why = Savecode.Nosave;
			// The Big Idea: several heuristics cut off further subdivisions
			// but this may cause huge overshoots!
			// So, I added an option to tweak the heuristics
			// with a flagarray to ignore certain heuristic on demand
			// code  abbrev         summary
			// ----------------------------------------------------
			// p4    peq4	        all four children are partial
			// f2    fge2           more than two children are full
			// p3    peq3feq1       3 are partial one is full
			// p1    pgt1ppreveq3   more than 1 partial, parent had three partials
			// a good halfspace to test this on is
			// (1, 0.8, 0.5, 0.9998) normalized, of course.

			/* <EXP> */
			//if (HtmState.Instance.maxlevel - level >= this._smallestLevel) {
			//    why = Savecode.Reachedlevel;
			//} /* </EXP> */
			// if you remove EXP code, make sure that else is also removed below

			// We sometimes force the smallest level
			// maxlevel is usually 20 - level is levels yet to go.
			// _smalletstLevel 
			keepgoing = (HtmState.Instance.maxlevel - level >= this._smallestLevel);
			if (level <= 0) why = Savecode.Reachedlevel;
			else if (P == 4)               why = Savecode.Peq4;
			else if (F >= 2)               why = Savecode.Fge2;
			else if ((P == 3) && (F == 1)) why = Savecode.Peq3Feq1;
				// Feb 07, 2005, ruls
				// if the feature size (side) is in the same ballpark
				// as the radius of the smallest circle among the halfspaces
				// Use this condition to stop if current level is greater than
				// smallest desired level

			else if (keepgoing && (P > 1 && PPrev == 3))
			// WAS1 : else if ((P > 1 && PPrev == 3))
			// WAS2 : else if ((level <= this._smallestLevel) && (P > 1 && PPrev == 3))
			// level is levels yet to go, so currect level is HtmState.Instance.maxlevel - level
				why = Savecode.Pgt1Ppreveq3;

			// from the C++ source:
			//   if ((level-- <= 0) || ((P == 4) || (F >= 2) || (P == 3 && F == 1) || (P > 1 && PPrev == 3))){
			// in above legacy line, level-- was wrong, it should be decremented after
			// all the tests are made
			// GYF: added to ensure a minimum depth
			if (min_addlevel > 0 && level > 0)
				why = Savecode.Nosave;		// Force recursion, unless 

			if (why != Savecode.Nosave){
				/// <LOG>"Saving <hid> code <why> "</LOG>
				if(_mode == Mode.File){
					this._tracefile.dump("Saving {0} why {1} (level to go {2})",
						hid, why, level);
				saveTrixel(hid, "1", level);
			} else {
				// look at each child, see if some need saving;
				for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
					if (m[i] == Markup.Full){
						/// <LOG>"saving <hid> code Child is full"</LOG>
						if (_mode == Mode.File){
							this._tracefile.dump("Saving {0} why {1} (level to go {2})",
								ids[i], Savecode.Childisfull, level);
						saveTrixel(ids[i], "2", level);
				// look at the four kids again, for partials
				level--; // <--- moved here from above, see legacy comment
				if (m[0] == Markup.Partial) testPartial(min_addlevel, level, ids[0], v0, w2, w1, P);
				if (m[1] == Markup.Partial) testPartial(min_addlevel, level, ids[1], v1, w0, w2, P);
				if (m[2] == Markup.Partial) testPartial(min_addlevel, level, ids[2], v2, w1, w0, P);
				if (m[3] == Markup.Partial) testPartial(min_addlevel, level, ids[3], w0, w1, w2, P);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Convex.cs プロジェクト: davelondon/dontstayin

		/// <summary>
		/// Simplify ZERO convexes. calculate corners of convex
		/// and the bounding circle.
		/// ZERO convexes are made up of constraints which are all great
		/// circles. It can happen that some of the constraints are redundant.
		/// For example, if 3 of the great circles define a triangle as the convex
		/// which lies fully inside the half sphere of the fourth constraint,
		/// that fourth constraint is redundant and will be removed.
		/// The algorithm is the following:
		/// zero-constraints are half-spheres, defined by a single normalized
		/// vector v, pointing in the direction of that half-sphere.
		/// Two zero-constraints intersect at
		///    i    =  +- v  x v
		///     1,2        1    2
		/// the vector cross product of their two defining vectors.
		/// The two vectors i1,2 are tested against every other constraint in
		/// the convex if they lie within their half-spheres. Those
		/// intersections i which lie within every other constraint, are stored
		/// into corners_.
		/// Constraints that do not have a single corner on them, are dropped.
		/// </summary>
		private void simplify0() {
			int i;
			int j,k;
			Cartesian vi1, vi2;
			//typedef std::vector<size_t> ValueVectorSzt;
			//ValueVectorSzt cornerConstr1, cornerConstr2, removeConstr;
			//ValueVectorSpvec corner;
			// bool ruledout;
			ArrayList corner = new ArrayList();
			ArrayList cornerConstr1 = new ArrayList();
			ArrayList cornerConstr2 = new ArrayList();
			ArrayList removeConstr = new ArrayList();

			bool vi1ok, vi2ok;
			bool[] ruledout = null;

			if (_halfspaces.Count == 1) { // for one constraint, it is itself the BC
				_boundingCircle.copy((Halfspace) _halfspaces[0]);
			} else if(_halfspaces.Count == 2) {
				// For 2 constraints, take the bounding circle a 0-constraint...
				// this is by no means optimal, but the code is optimized for at least
				// 3 ZERO constraints... so this is acceptable.

				// test for constraints being identical - rule 1 out
				Halfspace hs0, hs1;
				hs0 = (Halfspace) _halfspaces[0];
				hs1 = (Halfspace) _halfspaces[1];
					// delete 1
					_halfspaces[1] = null; // was:constraints_.erase(constraints_.end()-1);
				// test for constraints being two disjoint half spheres - empty convex!
				_boundingCircle = new Halfspace(); // TODO: halfspace constructor from sum of two vectors
				_boundingCircle.d = 0;

				//	SpatialConstraint(constraints_[0].v() +
				//	constraints_[1].v(),0);

			// Go over all pairs of constraints
			ruledout = new bool[_halfspaces.Count];
			for(i=0; i<(int)_halfspaces.Count; i++){
				ruledout[i] = true;
			for(i = 0; i < _halfspaces.Count - 1; i++) {
				// ruledout = true;
				// was:
				Halfspace hi, hj;
				hi = (Halfspace) _halfspaces[i];
				for(j = i+1; j < _halfspaces.Count; j ++) {
					hj = (Halfspace) _halfspaces[j];
					// test for constraints being identical - rule i out
					if(hi.sv.eq(hj.sv))		//constraints_[i].a_ == constraints_[j].a_) 
					// test for constraints being two disjoint half spheres - empty convex!
					// vi1 and vi2 are their intersection points
//					vi1 = constraints_[i].a_ ^ constraints_[j].a_ ;
//					vi1.normalize();
//					vi2 = (-1.0) * vi1;

					vi1 = new Cartesian(hi.sv);
					vi2 = new Cartesian(vi1);

					vi1ok = true;
					vi2ok = true;
					// now test whether vi1 or vi2 or both are inside every constraint.
					// other than i or j
					// if yes, store them in the corner array.
					// vi1ok is false, if vi1 is outisde even one constraint
					for(k = 0; k < _halfspaces.Count; k++) {
						Halfspace hk;
						if( k == i || k == j) continue;
						hk = (Halfspace)_halfspaces[k];
						if(vi1ok && vi1.dot(hk.sv) <= 0.0) {
							vi1ok = false;
						if(vi2ok && vi2.dot(hk.sv) <= 0.0) {
							vi2ok = false;
						if(!vi1ok && !vi2ok) // don't look further
					if(vi1ok) { // vi1 is inside all other constraints
						// was: corner.push_back(vi1);

						// was: cornerConstr1.push_back(i);
						// was: cornerConstr2.push_back(j);
						ruledout[i] = false;
						ruledout[j] = false;
						// ruledout = false;
					if(vi2ok) {
//						corner.push_back(vi2);
//						cornerConstr1.push_back(i);
//						cornerConstr2.push_back(j);
						ruledout[i] = false;
						ruledout[j] = false;
						// ruledout = false;
				} // END of J loop
				// is this constraint ruled out? i.e. none of its intersections
				// with other constraints are corners... remove it from constraints_ list.
				/******************** WAS:
				if(ruledout) {
			} // END of i loop

			// See if you can rule out a constraint
			for(i=0; i< (int) _halfspaces.Count; i++){
				if (ruledout[i]){
			ruledout = null; // delete ruledout;

			// Now set the corners into their correct order, which is an
			// anti-clockwise walk around the polygon.
			// start at any corner. so take the first.
			if (corner.Count == 0){

			// The trick is now to start off into the correct direction.
			// this corner has two edges it can walk. we have to take the
			// one where the convex lies on its left side.
			i = (int) cornerConstr1[0];		// the i'th constraint and j'th constraint
			j = (int) cornerConstr2[0];		// intersect at 0'th corner
			int c1,c2,k1,k2;
			// Now find the other corner where the i'th and j'th constraints intersect.
			// Store the corner in vi1 and vi2, and the other constraint indices
			// in c1,c2.
			c1 = c2 = k1 = k2 = -1;
			vi1 = null;
			vi2 = null;
			for( k = 1; k < cornerConstr1.Count; k ++) {
				if((int) cornerConstr1[k] == i) {
					vi1 = (Cartesian) corner[k];
					c1 = (int) cornerConstr2[k];
					k1 = k;
				if((int) cornerConstr2[k] == i) {
					vi1 = (Cartesian) corner[k];
					c1 = (int) cornerConstr1[k];
					k1 = k;
				if((int) cornerConstr1[k] == j) {
					vi2 = (Cartesian) corner[k];
					c2 = (int) cornerConstr2[k];
					k2 = k;
				if((int) cornerConstr2[k] == j) {
					vi2 = (Cartesian) corner[k];
					c2 = (int) cornerConstr1[k];
					k2 = k;
			// Now test i'th constraint-edge ( corner 0 and corner k ) whether
			// it is on the correct side (left)
			//  ( (corner(k) - corner(0)) x constraint(i) ) * corner(0)
			// is >0 if yes, <0 if no...
			int c,currentCorner;
			Cartesian va;
			va = new Cartesian(vi1);
			va.subMe((Cartesian) corner[0]);
			va.crossMe( ((Halfspace) _halfspaces[i]).sv);
			if (va.dot((Cartesian) corner[0]) > 0.0){
				if (k1 == -1) {
					throw (new Exception("Simplify0:k1 uninitialized"));
				c = c1;
				currentCorner = k1;
			} else {
				if (k2 == -1) {
					throw (new Exception("Simplify0:k2 uninitialized"));
				c = c2;
				currentCorner = k2;
//			if( ((vi1 - corner[0]) ^ constraints_[i].a_) * corner[0] > 0 ) {
//				corners_.push_back(vi1);
//				c = c1;
//				currentCorner = k1;
//			} else {
//				corners_.push_back(vi2);
//				c = c2;
//				currentCorner = k2;
//			}

			// Now append the corners that match the index c until we got corner 0 again
			// currentCorner holds the current corners index
			// c holds the index of the constraint that has just been intersected with
			// So:
			// x We are on a constraint now (i or j from before), the second corner
			//   is the one intersecting with constraint c.
			// x Find other corner for constraint c.
			// x Save that corner, and set c to the constraint that intersects with c
			//   at that corner. Set currentcorner to that corners index.
			// x Loop until 0th corner reached.
			while( currentCorner > 0 ) {
				for (k = 0; k < cornerConstr1.Count; k++) {
					if(k == currentCorner)continue;
					if( (int) cornerConstr1[k] == c) {
						if( (currentCorner = k) == 0) break;
						c = (int) cornerConstr2[k];
					if((int) cornerConstr2[k] == c) {
						if( (currentCorner = k) == 0) break;
						c = (int) cornerConstr1[k];
			// Remove all redundant constraints
			for ( i = removeConstr.Count - 1; i>=0; i--){ //Start from END
				// WAS earlier: constraints_.erase(constraints_.end()-removeConstr[i]-1); 
				/// in C++:constraints_.erase(constraints_.begin()+removeConstr[i]);
				_halfspaces.RemoveAt( (int) removeConstr[i]);
			// Now calculate the bounding circle for the convex.
			// We take it as the bounding circle of the triangle with
			// the widest opening angle. All triangles made out of 3 corners
			// are considered.
			_boundingCircle.d = 1.0;
			if (_halfspaces.Count >=3 ) {
				for(i = 0; i < (int) _corners.Count; i++){
					for(j = i+1; j < _corners.Count; j++){
						for(k = j+1; k < _corners.Count; k++) {
							Cartesian v = new Cartesian();
							Cartesian tv = new Cartesian();
							v.assign((Cartesian) _corners[j]);
							v.subMe((Cartesian) _corners[i]);
							tv.assign((Cartesian) _corners[k]);
							tv.subMe((Cartesian) _corners[j]);

							//	SpatialVector v = ( corners_[j] - corners_[i] ) ^
							//	( corners_[k] - corners_[j] );
							//	v.normalize();
							// Set the correct opening angle: Since the plane cutting
							// out the triangle also correctly cuts out the bounding cap
							// of the triangle on the sphere, we can take any corner to
							// calculate the opening angle
							double d = v.dot((Cartesian) _corners[i]);
							if(_boundingCircle.d > d){
								_boundingCircle.d = d;
								//new Halfspace(v,d);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Polygon.cs プロジェクト: davelondon/dontstayin
		public Polygon.Error add(double[] x, double[] y, double[] z, int len){
			bool DIRECTION = false;
			bool FIRST_DIRECTION = false;
			// The constraint we have for each side is a 0-constraint (great circle)
			// passing through the 2 corners. Since we are in counterclockwise order,
			// the vector product of the two successive corners just gives the correct
			// constraint.
			// Polygons should be counterclockwise
			// Polygons are assumed to be convex, otherwise windingerror is
			// computed wrong.
			int ix;
			Cartesian v = new Cartesian();
			Convex cvx = 
				new Convex(Convex.Mode.Normal);
			int i;

			/* PASS 1: check for winding error */

			for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				// Keep track of winding direction. Should be positive
				// that is, CCW.
				ix = (i==len-1 ? 0 : i+1); 
				if (i>0){
					// test third corner against the constraint just formed
					// v is computed in the previous iteration
					// Look at a corner dot v

					if (v.dot(x[ix], y[ix], z[ix]) < Cartesian.Epsilon) {
						DIRECTION = true;
						if (i == 1) {
							FIRST_DIRECTION = true;
						// break; 		// Move to pass 2
					} else {
						DIRECTION = false;
						if (i == 1) {
							FIRST_DIRECTION = false;
					if (i > 1) {
							// C++: must clea up new Cartesian and convex
							// or better yet, do no allocate on top until you know
							// you need it
							return Polygon.Error.errBowtieOrConcave; // BOWTie error
				// v = corners[i] ^ corners[ i == len-1 ? 0 : i + 1];
				v.assign(x[i], y[i], z[i]);
				v.crossMe(x[ix], y[ix], z[ix]);
				if (v.isLength(0.0, Cartesian.Epsilon)) {
					return Polygon.Error.errZeroLength;
				// WARNING! if v = zerovector, then edge error!!!
			/* PASS 2: build convex in either original or reverse
			   order */

			/* forward:
			   Go from 0 to len-1 by +1, cross i and i+1 (or 0)
			   Go from len-1 to 0 by -1, cross i and i-1 (or len-1)
			if (DIRECTION) {
				for(i=len-1; i>=0; i--){
					// v = corners[i] ^ corners[ i == 0 ? len-1 : i-1];
					// v.normalize();
					ix = (i==0? len-1 : i-1);
					v.assign(x[i], y[i], z[i]);
					v.crossMe(x[ix], y[ix], z[ix]);
					// WARNING! if v = zerovector, then edge error!!!

					Halfspace c = new Halfspace(v, 0.0);
					// SpatialConstraint c(v,0);
			} else {
				for(i=0; i<len; i++){

					//v = corners[i] ^ corners[ i == len-1 ? 0 : i+1];
					// v.normalize();
					ix = (i==len-1 ? 0 : i+1);
					v.assign(x[i], y[i], z[i]);
					v.crossMe(x[ix], y[ix], z[ix]);
					// WARNING! if v = zerovector, then edge error!!!

					Halfspace c = new Halfspace(v, 0.0);
			return Polygon.Error.Ok;