コード例 #1
        public static int Main(String[] args)
            Display("To fully understand this sample, you should step through the");
            Display("code in the debugger while monitoring the output generated.\n");
            Display("NOTE: The demos in this application assume that no garbage");
            Display("      collections occur naturally. To ensure this, the sample");
            Display("      objects are small in size and few are allocated.\n");
            Display("Main thread's hash code: " + Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode());
            Introduction();      // GC introduction
            ResurrectionDemo();  // Demos object resurrection
            DisposeDemo();       // Demos the use of Dispose & Finalize
            FinalizationQDemo(); // Demos the use of SuppressFinalize & ReRegisterForFinalize
            GenerationDemo();    // Demos GC generations
            WeakRefDemo(false);  // Demos WeakReferences without resurrection tracking
            WeakRefDemo(true);   // Demos WeakReferences with resurrection tracking

            // Demos Finalize on Shutdown symantics (this demo is inline)
            Display(0, "\n\nDemo start: Finalize on shutdown.", +1);

            // When Main returns, obj will have its Finalize method called.
            BaseObj obj = new BaseObj("Shutdown");

            // This is the last line of code executed before the application terminates.
            Display(-1, "Demo stop: Finalize on shutdown (application is now terminating)", 0);
コード例 #2
        // This method demonstrates the unbalanced nature of ReRegisterForFinalize
        // and SuppressFinalize. The main point is if your code makes multiple
        // calls to ReRegisterForFinalize (without intervening calls to
        // SuppressFinalize) the Finalize method may get called multiple times.
        private static void FinalizationQDemo()
            Display(0, "\n\nDemo start: Suppressing and ReRegistering for Finalize.", +1);

            // Since this object has a Finalize method, a reference to the object
            // will be added to the finalization queue.
            BaseObj obj = new BaseObj("Finalization Queue");

            // Add another 2 references onto the finalization queue
            // NOTE: Don't do this in a normal app. This is only for demo purposes.

            // There are now 3 references to this object on the finalization queue.
            // Set a bit flag on this object indicating that it should NOT be finalized.

            // There are now 3 references to this object on the finalization queue.
            // If the object were unreachable, the 1st call to this object's Finalize
            // method will be discarded but the 2nd & 3rd calls to Finalize will execute.
            // Sets the same bit effectively doing nothing!
            obj = null;   // Remove the strong reference to the object.

            // Force a GC so that the object gets finalized

            // NOTE: Finalize is called twice because only the 1st call is suppressed!
            Display(-1, "Demo stop: Suppressing and ReRegistering for Finalize.", 0);
コード例 #3
        // This method demonstrates how weak references (WR) work. A WR allows
        // the GC to collect objects when GC determines it is time for a collection, for instance, when
        // system is under memory pressure (but this is not the only case when GC decides to start a collection).
        // WRs are useful to apps that have large amounts of easily-reconstructed
        // data that they want to keep around to improve performance. But, if the
        // system is low on memory, the objects can be destroyed and replaced when
        // the app knows that it needs it again.
        private static void WeakRefDemo(Boolean trackResurrection)
            Display(0, String.Format("\n\nDemo start: WeakReferences that {0}track resurrections.", trackResurrection ? "" : "do not "), +1);

            // Create an object
            BaseObj obj = new BaseObj("WeakRef");

            // Create a WeakReference object that refers to the new object
            WeakReference wr = new WeakReference(obj, trackResurrection);

            // The object is still reachable, so it is not finalized.
            WaitForFinalizers(); // The Finalize method should NOT execute
            obj.Display("Still exists");

            // Let's remove the strong reference to the object
            obj = null;     // Destroy strong reference to this object

            // The following line creates a strong reference to the object
            obj = (BaseObj)wr.Target;
            Display("Strong reference to object obtained: " + (obj != null));
            obj = null;     // Destroy strong reference to this object again.

            // The GC considers the object to be unreachable and collects it.
            WaitForFinalizers();    // Finalize should run.

            // This object resurrects itself when its Finalize method is called.
            // If wr is NOT tracking resurrection, wr thinks the object is dead
            // If wr is tracking resurrection, wr thinks the object is still alive
            // NOTE: If the object referred to by wr doesn't have a Finalize method,
            // then wr would think that the object is dead regardless of whether
            // wr is tracking resurrection or not. For example:
            //    Object obj = new Object();   // Object doesn't have a Finalize method
            //    WeakReference wr = new WeakReference(obj, true);
            //    obj = null;
            //    Collect();
            //    WaitForFinalizers();       // Does nothing
            //    obj = (Object) wr.Target;  // returns null
            // The following line attempts to create a strong reference to the object
            obj = (BaseObj)wr.Target;
            Display("Strong reference to object obtained: " + (obj != null));
            if (obj != null)
                // The strong reference was obtained so this wr must be
                // tracking resurrection. At this point we have a strong
                // reference to an object that has been finalized but its memory
                // has not yet been reclaimed by the collector.
                obj.Display("See, I'm still alive");
                obj = null; // Destroy the strong reference to the object

                // Collect reclaims the object's memory since this object
                // has no Finalize method registered for it anymore.
                WaitForFinalizers();      // We should see nothing here
                obj = (BaseObj)wr.Target; // This now returns null
                Display("Strong reference to object obtained: " + (obj != null));

            // Cleanup everything about this demo so there is no affect on the next demo
            obj = null;           // Destroy strong reference (if it exists)
            wr  = null;           // Destroy the WeakReference object (optional)

            // NOTE: You are dicouraged from using the WeakReference.IsAlive property
            // because the object may be killed immediately after IsAlive returns
            // making the return value incorrect. If the Target property returns
            // a non-null value, then the object is alive and will stay alive
            // since you have a reference to it. If Target returns null, then the
            // object is dead.
            Display(-1, String.Format("Demo stop: WeakReferences that {0}track resurrections.", trackResurrection ? "" : "do not "), 0);