コード例 #1
ファイル: Monitor.cs プロジェクト: jeswin/BigBrother
        private void SerializeReturnValue(Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.MdbgEngine.MDbgValue value, CallStackEntry callStackEntry)
            var methodInfo = callStackEntry.BreakpointMetadata.Details.MethodInfo;

            shell.WriteLine("Captured return value for {0}", methodInfo.Name);
            var path = Path.Combine(GetWorkingDirectory(), string.Format("{0}.{1}-{2}-{3}-returnvalue.txt", methodInfo.DeclaringType.FullName, methodInfo.Name, methodInfo.MetadataToken, callStackEntry.Identifier));

            parameterSerializer.Serialize(path, new MDbgValue[] { value });
コード例 #2
        // Print the value to the treeview
        // This will clear out the TreeView and repopulate it with the Value.
        void Print(MDbgValue val, TreeView t)


            if (val == null)
                t.Nodes.Add("(Error:Expression not valid in this scope)");
                PrintInternal(val, t.Nodes, 0);

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the specified Field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The Name of the Field to get.</param>
        /// <returns>The Value of the specified Field.</returns>
        public MDbgValue GetField(string name)
            MDbgValue ret = null;

            foreach (MDbgValue v in GetFields())
                if (v.Name.Equals(name))
                    ret = v;
            if (ret == null)
                throw new MDbgValueException("Field '" + name + "' not found.");
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Array Items.  This function can be called only on one dimensional arrays.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An array of the values for the Array Items.</returns>
        public MDbgValue[] GetArrayItems()
            if (!IsArrayType)
                throw new MDbgValueException("Type is not array type");

            CorValue value = Dereference(CorValue, null);

            CorArrayValue av = value.CastToArrayValue();

            int[] dims = av.GetDimensions();
            Debug.Assert(dims != null);

            ArrayList al = new ArrayList();

            Debug.Assert(av.Rank == 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++)
                MDbgValue v = new MDbgValue(Process, "[" + i + "]", av.GetElementAtPosition(i));
コード例 #5
ファイル: Value.cs プロジェクト: EbinJohn/BigBrother
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Array Item for the specified indexes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indexes">Which indexes to get the Array Item for.</param>
        /// <returns>The Value for the given indexes.</returns>
        public MDbgValue GetArrayItem(params int[] indexes)
            if (!IsArrayType)
                throw new MDbgValueException("Type is not array type");

            CorValue value = Dereference(CorValue, null);
            CorArrayValue av = value.CastToArrayValue();
            Debug.Assert(av != null);
            if (av.Rank != indexes.Length)
                throw new MDbgValueException("Invalid number of dimensions.");

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[");
            for (int i = 0; i < indexes.Length; ++i)
                if (i != 0)

            MDbgValue v = new MDbgValue(Process, sb.ToString(), av.GetElement(indexes));
            return v;
コード例 #6
ファイル: mdbgCommands.cs プロジェクト: finalpatch/mdbg4emacs
        public static void UnwrapGCHandleCmd(string arguments)
            ArgParser ap = new ArgParser(arguments);
            if (ap.Count != 1)
                WriteError("Wrong arguments, should be name or address of a \"System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle\" object.");

            long handleAdd = 0;

            // First try to resolve the argument as a variable in the current frame
            MDbgValue var = Debugger.Processes.Active.ResolveVariable(
            if (var != null)
                if (var.TypeName != "System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle")
                    WriteError("Variable is not of type \"System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle\".");

                foreach (MDbgValue field in var.GetFields())
                    if (field.Name == "m_handle")
                        handleAdd = Int64.Parse(field.GetStringValue(0));
                // Trying to resolve as a raw address now
                    handleAdd = ap.GetArgument(0).AsAddress;
                catch (System.FormatException)
                    WriteError("Couldn't recognize the argument as a variable name or address");

            IntPtr add = new IntPtr(handleAdd);
            CorReferenceValue result;

                result = Debugger.Processes.Active.CorProcess.GetReferenceValueFromGCHandle(add);
            catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException e)
                if (e.ErrorCode == (int)HResult.CORDBG_E_BAD_REFERENCE_VALUE)
                    WriteError("Invalid handle address.");

            CorValue v = result.Dereference();
            MDbgValue mv = new MDbgValue(Debugger.Processes.Active, v);
            if (mv.IsComplexType)
                WriteOutput(string.Format("GCHandle to <{0}>",
                                          InternalUtil.PrintCorType(Debugger.Processes.Active, v.ExactType)));

                // now print fields as well
                foreach (MDbgValue f in mv.GetFields())
                    CommandBase.WriteOutput(" " + f.Name + "=" + f.GetStringValue(0));
                WriteOutput(string.Format("GCHandle to {0}", mv.GetStringValue(0)));
コード例 #7
        public static Dictionary<string, string> GetLocalVars(MDbgEngine pDebugger, List<string> specificVarNames = null, bool debuggerVarsOpt = false, bool noFuncevalOpt = false, int? expandDepthOpt = null)
            Dictionary<string, string> retVal = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            //const string debuggerVarsOpt = "d";
            //const string noFuncevalOpt = "nf";
            //const string expandDepthOpt = "r";

            //ArgParser ap = new ArgParser(arguments, debuggerVarsOpt + ";" + noFuncevalOpt + ";" + expandDepthOpt + ":1");
            bool canDoFunceval = !noFuncevalOpt;

            int? expandDepth = null;			    // we use optional here because
            // different codes bellow has different
            // default values.
            if (expandDepthOpt != null)
                expandDepth = (int)expandDepthOpt;
                if (expandDepth < 0)
                    throw new MDbgShellException("Depth cannot be negative.");

            MDbgFrame frame = pDebugger.Processes.Active.Threads.Active.CurrentFrame;
            if (debuggerVarsOpt)
                // let's print all debugger variables
                MDbgProcess p = pDebugger.Processes.Active;
                foreach (MDbgDebuggerVar dv in p.DebuggerVars)
                    MDbgValue v = new MDbgValue(p, dv.CorValue);
                    string value = v.GetStringValue(expandDepth == null ? 0 : (int)expandDepth, canDoFunceval);
                    retVal.Add(dv.Name, value);
                //!debuggerVarsOpt && !noFuncevalOpt && expandDepthOpt == null &&
                if (specificVarNames == null || specificVarNames.Count == 0)
                    // get all active variables
                    MDbgFunction f = frame.Function;

                    ArrayList vars = new ArrayList();
                    MDbgValue[] vals = f.GetActiveLocalVars(frame);
                    if (vals != null)

                    vals = f.GetArguments(frame);
                    if (vals != null)
                    foreach (MDbgValue v in vars)
                        string value = v.GetStringValue(expandDepth == null ? 0 : (int)expandDepth, canDoFunceval);
                        retVal.Add(v.Name, value);
                    // user requested printing of specific variables
                    for (int j = 0; j < specificVarNames.Count; ++j)
                        MDbgValue var = pDebugger.Processes.Active.ResolveVariable(specificVarNames[j], frame);
                        if (var != null)
                            string value = var.GetStringValue(expandDepth == null ? 1 : (int)expandDepth, canDoFunceval);
                            retVal.Add(specificVarNames[j], value);
                            throw new MDbgShellException("Variable not found");
            return retVal;
コード例 #8
ファイル: mdbgCommands.cs プロジェクト: finalpatch/mdbg4emacs
        public static void FuncEvalCmd(string arguments)
            const string appDomainOption = "ad";
            ArgParser ap = new ArgParser(arguments, appDomainOption + ":1");
            if (!(ap.Count >= 1))
                throw new MDbgShellException("Not Enough arguments");

            // Currently debugger picks first function -- we have not implementing resolving overloaded functions.
            // Good example is Console.WriteLine -- there is 18 different types:
            // 1) [06000575] Void WriteLine()
            // 2) [06000576] Void WriteLine(Boolean)
            // 3) [06000577] Void WriteLine(Char)
            // 4) [06000578] Void WriteLine(Char[])
            // 5) [06000579] Void WriteLine(Char[], Int32, Int32)
            // 6) [0600057a] Void WriteLine(Decimal)
            // 7) [0600057b] Void WriteLine(Double)
            // 8) [0600057c] Void WriteLine(Single)
            // 9) [0600057d] Void WriteLine(Int32)
            // 10) [0600057e] Void WriteLine(UInt32)
            // 11) [0600057f] Void WriteLine(Int64)
            // 12) [06000580] Void WriteLine(UInt64)
            // 13) [06000581] Void WriteLine(Object)
            // 14) [06000582] Void WriteLine(String)
            // 15) [06000583] Void WriteLine(String, Object)
            // 16) [06000584] Void WriteLine(String, Object, Object)
            // 17) [06000585] Void WriteLine(String, Object, Object, Object)
            // 18) [06000586] Void WriteLine(String, Object, Object, Object, Object, ...)
            // 19) [06000587] Void WriteLine(String, Object[])
            CorAppDomain appDomain;
            if (ap.OptionPassed(appDomainOption))
                MDbgAppDomain ad = Debugger.Processes.Active.AppDomains[ap.GetOption(appDomainOption).AsInt];
                if (ad == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Appdomain Number");
                appDomain = ad.CorAppDomain;
                appDomain = Debugger.Processes.Active.Threads.Active.CorThread.AppDomain;

            MDbgFunction func = Debugger.Processes.Active.ResolveFunctionNameFromScope(ap.AsString(0), appDomain);
            if (null == func)
                throw new MDbgShellException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Could not resolve {0}", new Object[] { ap.AsString(0) }));

            CorEval eval = Debugger.Processes.Active.Threads.Active.CorThread.CreateEval();

            // Get Variables
            ArrayList vars = new ArrayList();
            String arg;
            for (int i = 1; i < ap.Count; i++)
                arg = ap.AsString(i);

                CorValue v = Shell.ExpressionParser.ParseExpression2(arg, Debugger.Processes.Active,

                if (v == null)
                    throw new MDbgShellException("Cannot resolve expression or variable " + ap.AsString(i));

                if (v is CorGenericValue)
                    vars.Add(v as CorValue);

                    CorHeapValue hv = v.CastToHeapValue();
                    if (hv != null)
                        // we cannot pass directly heap values, we need to pass reference to heap valus
                        CorReferenceValue myref = eval.CreateValue(CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS, null).CastToReferenceValue();
                        myref.Value = hv.Address;


            eval.CallFunction(func.CorFunction, (CorValue[])vars.ToArray(typeof(CorValue)));

            // now display result of the funceval
            if (!(Debugger.Processes.Active.StopReason is EvalCompleteStopReason))
                // we could have received also EvalExceptionStopReason but it's derived from EvalCompleteStopReason
                WriteOutput("Func-eval not fully completed and debuggee has stopped");
                WriteOutput("Result of funceval won't be printed when finished.");
                eval = (Debugger.Processes.Active.StopReason as EvalCompleteStopReason).Eval;
                Debug.Assert(eval != null);

                CorValue cv = eval.Result;
                if (cv != null)
                    MDbgValue mv = new MDbgValue(Debugger.Processes.Active, cv);
                    WriteOutput("result = " + mv.GetStringValue(1));
                    if (cv.CastToReferenceValue() != null)
                        if (Debugger.Processes.Active.DebuggerVars.SetEvalResult(cv))
                            WriteOutput("results saved to $result");
コード例 #9
ファイル: mdbgCommands.cs プロジェクト: finalpatch/mdbg4emacs
        public static void NewObjCmd(string arguments)
            ArgParser ap = new ArgParser(arguments);

            string className = ap.AsString(0);
            MDbgFunction func = Debugger.Processes.Active.ResolveFunctionName(null, className, ".ctor", Debugger.Processes.Active.Threads.Active.CorThread.AppDomain);
            if (null == func)
                throw new MDbgShellException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Could not resolve {0}", ap.AsString(0)));

            CorEval eval = Debugger.Processes.Active.Threads.Active.CorThread.CreateEval();

            ArrayList callArguments = new ArrayList();
            // parse the arguments to newobj
            int i = 1;
            while (ap.Exists(i))
                string arg = ap.AsString(i);
                // this is a normal argument
                MDbgValue rsMVar = Debugger.Processes.Active.ResolveVariable(arg,
                if (rsMVar == null)
                    // cordbg supports also limited literals -- currently only NULL & I4.
                    if (string.Compare(arg, "null", true) == 0)
                        callArguments.Add(eval.CreateValue(CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS, null));
                        int v;
                        if (!Int32.TryParse(arg, out v))
                            throw new MDbgShellException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Argument '{0}' could not be resolved to variable or number",

                        CorGenericValue gv = eval.CreateValue(CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_I4, null).CastToGenericValue();
                        Debug.Assert(gv != null);

            eval.NewParameterizedObject(func.CorFunction, null, (CorValue[])callArguments.ToArray(typeof(CorValue)));

            // now display result of the funceval
            if (!(Debugger.Processes.Active.StopReason is EvalCompleteStopReason))
                // we could have received also EvalExceptionStopReason but it's derived from EvalCompleteStopReason
                WriteOutput("Newobj command not fully completed and debuggee has stopped");
                WriteOutput("Result of Newobj won't be printed when finished.");
                eval = (Debugger.Processes.Active.StopReason as EvalCompleteStopReason).Eval;
                Debug.Assert(eval != null);

                CorValue cv = eval.Result;
                if (cv != null)
                    MDbgValue mv = new MDbgValue(Debugger.Processes.Active, cv);
                    WriteOutput("result = " + mv.GetStringValue(1));
                    if (Debugger.Processes.Active.DebuggerVars.SetEvalResult(cv))
                        WriteOutput("results saved to $result");
コード例 #10
 //zos; CSScript.Npp related changes
 static internal T GetFieldValue <T>(this MDbgValue value, string name)
コード例 #11
ファイル: mdbgCommands.cs プロジェクト: finalpatch/mdbg4emacs
        public static void PrintCmd(string arguments)
            const string debuggerVarsOpt = "d";
            const string noFuncevalOpt = "nf";
            const string expandDepthOpt = "r";

            ArgParser ap = new ArgParser(arguments, debuggerVarsOpt + ";" + noFuncevalOpt + ";" + expandDepthOpt + ":1");
            bool canDoFunceval = !ap.OptionPassed(noFuncevalOpt);

            int? expandDepth = null;			    // we use optional here because
            // different codes bellow has different
            // default values.
            if (ap.OptionPassed(expandDepthOpt))
                expandDepth = ap.GetOption(expandDepthOpt).AsInt;
                if (expandDepth < 0)
                    throw new MDbgShellException("Depth cannot be negative.");

            MDbgFrame frame = Debugger.Processes.Active.Threads.Active.CurrentFrame;
            if (ap.OptionPassed(debuggerVarsOpt))
                // let's print all debugger variables
                MDbgProcess p = Debugger.Processes.Active;
                foreach (MDbgDebuggerVar dv in p.DebuggerVars)
                    MDbgValue v = new MDbgValue(p, dv.CorValue);
                    WriteOutput(dv.Name + "=" + v.GetStringValue(expandDepth == null ? 0 : (int)expandDepth,
                if (ap.Count == 0)
                    // get all active variables
                    MDbgFunction f = frame.Function;

                    ArrayList vars = new ArrayList();
                    MDbgValue[] vals = f.GetActiveLocalVars(frame);
                    if (vals != null)

                    vals = f.GetArguments(frame);
                    if (vals != null)
                    foreach (MDbgValue v in vars)
                        WriteOutput(v.Name + "=" + v.GetStringValue(expandDepth == null ? 0 : (int)expandDepth,
                    // user requested printing of specific variables
                    for (int j = 0; j < ap.Count; ++j)
                        MDbgValue var = Debugger.Processes.Active.ResolveVariable(ap.AsString(j), frame);
                        if (var != null)
                            WriteOutput(ap.AsString(j) + "=" + var.GetStringValue(expandDepth == null ? 1
                                : (int)expandDepth, canDoFunceval));
                            throw new MDbgShellException("Variable not found");
コード例 #12
ファイル: Value.cs プロジェクト: EbinJohn/BigBrother
        private string PrintObject(int indentLevel, CorObjectValue ov, int expandDepth, bool canDoFunceval)
            Debug.Assert(expandDepth >= 0);

            bool fNeedToResumeThreads = true;

            // Print generics-aware type.
            string name = InternalUtil.PrintCorType(this.m_process, ov.ExactType);

            StringBuilder txt = new StringBuilder();

            if (expandDepth > 0)
                // we gather the field info of the class before we do
                // funceval since funceval requires running the debugger process
                // and this in turn can cause GC and invalidate our references.
                StringBuilder expandedDescription = new StringBuilder();
                if (IsComplexType)
                    foreach (MDbgValue v in GetFields())
                        expandedDescription.Append("\n").Append(IndentedString(indentLevel + 1, v.Name)).
                            Append("=").Append(IndentedBlock(indentLevel + 2,
                                   v.GetStringValue(expandDepth - 1, false)));

                // if the value we're printing is a nullable type that has no value (is null), we can't do a func eval
                // to get its value, since it will be boxed as a null pointer. We already have the information we need, so
                // we'll just take care of it now. Note that ToString() for null-valued nullable types just prints the
                // empty string.

                // bool hasValue = (bool)(GetField("hasValue").CorValue.CastToGenericValue().GetValue());

                if (IsNullableType(ov.ExactType) && !(bool)(GetField("hasValue").CorValue.CastToGenericValue().GetValue()))
                    txt.Append(" < >");

                else if (ov.IsValueClass && canDoFunceval)
                // we could display even values for real Objects, but we will just show
                // "description" for valueclasses.
                    CorClass cls = ov.ExactType.Class;
                    CorMetadataImport importer = m_process.Modules.Lookup(cls.Module).Importer;
                    MetadataType mdType = importer.GetType(cls.Token) as MetadataType;

                    if (mdType.ReallyIsEnum)
                        txt.AppendFormat(" <{0}>", InternalGetEnumString(ov, mdType));
                    else if (m_process.IsRunning)
                        txt.Append(" <N/A during run>");
                        MDbgThread activeThread = m_process.Threads.Active;

                        CorValue thisValue;
                        CorHeapValue hv = ov.CastToHeapValue();
                        if (hv != null)
                            // we need to pass reference value.
                            CorHandleValue handle = hv.CreateHandle(CorDebugHandleType.HANDLE_WEAK_TRACK_RESURRECTION);
                            thisValue = handle;
                            thisValue = ov;

                            CorEval eval = m_process.Threads.Active.CorThread.CreateEval();

                            MDbgFunction toStringFunc = m_process.ResolveFunctionName(null, "System.Object", "ToString",

                            Debug.Assert(toStringFunc != null); // we should be always able to resolve ToString function.

                            eval.CallFunction(toStringFunc.CorFunction, new CorValue[] { thisValue });
                                if (m_process.StopReason is EvalCompleteStopReason)
                                    CorValue cv = eval.Result;
                                    Debug.Assert(cv != null);
                                    MDbgValue mv = new MDbgValue(m_process, cv);
                                    string valName = mv.GetStringValue(0);

                                    // just purely for esthetical reasons we 'discard' "
                                    if (valName.StartsWith("\"") && valName.EndsWith("\""))
                                        valName = valName.Substring(1, valName.Length - 2);

                                    txt.Append(" <").Append(valName).Append(">");
                                if ((m_process.StopReason is ProcessExitedStopReason) ||
                                    (m_process.StopReason is EvalExceptionStopReason))
                                    txt.Append(" <N/A cannot evaluate>");
                                // hitting bp or whatever should not matter -- we need to ignore it
                            while (true);
                        catch (COMException e)
                            // Ignore cannot copy a VC class error - Can't copy a VC with object refs in it.
                            if (e.ErrorCode != (int)HResult.CORDBG_E_OBJECT_IS_NOT_COPYABLE_VALUE_CLASS)
                        catch (System.NotImplementedException)
                            fNeedToResumeThreads = false;
                            if (fNeedToResumeThreads)
                                // we need to resume all the threads that we have suspended no matter what.
            return txt.ToString();
コード例 #13
ファイル: Debugger.cs プロジェクト: uQr/Visual-NHibernate
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the output of a function using MDbg.
        /// </summary>
        /// <example>
        /// 	<code lang="CS" title="Getting the Message from an Exception" description="An example showing how you would get the value of the Message property of an Exception. The variable ex is a MDbgValue object that represents the exception you are examining.">
        /// MDbgValue returnValue = ResolveFunction(debuggedProc, ex, "System.Exception.get_Message");
        /// string message = returnValue.GetStringValue(true);
        ///     </code>
        /// </example>
        /// <param name="debuggedProc">The process we are debugging.</param>
        /// <param name="ex">The MDbgValue object to execute the function on.</param>
        /// <param name="function">The full name of the function in MDbg syntax.</param>
        /// <returns>The MDbgValue that contains the return value of the function. If the function
        /// could not be evaluated, it returns null.</returns>
        private MDbgValue ResolveFunction(MDbgProcess debuggedProc, MDbgValue ex, string function)
            CorAppDomain appDomain = debuggedProc.Threads.Active.CorThread.AppDomain;
            MDbgFunction func = debuggedProc.ResolveFunctionNameFromScope(function, appDomain);
            if (func == null)
                throw new Exception("A required function is missing. Are you running a template compiled with an different version of ArchAngel?");
            CorEval eval = debuggedProc.Threads.Active.CorThread.CreateEval();
            eval.CallFunction(func.CorFunction, new[] { ex.CorValue });


            if (!(debuggedProc.StopReason is EvalCompleteStopReason))
                return null;

            eval = ((EvalCompleteStopReason)debuggedProc.StopReason).Eval;
            if (eval == null)
                return null;

            CorValue cv = eval.Result;
            if (cv != null)
                MDbgValue mv = new MDbgValue(debuggedProc, cv);
                return mv;

            return null;
コード例 #14
ファイル: DebuggerUtils.cs プロジェクト: amitbet/AppCompanion
        private static string GetStringFromException(MDbgThread activeThread, MDbgValue ex)
            ExceptionInfo exinfo = GetExceptionInfo(activeThread, ex);

            StringBuilder retVal = new StringBuilder();
            string exceptionType = exinfo.ExType;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exinfo.Function))
                retVal.AppendLine("at function: " + exinfo.Function);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exinfo.Message))
                retVal.AppendLine("Message: " + exinfo.Message);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exinfo.Source))
                retVal.AppendLine("in source file: " + exinfo.Source);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exinfo.Callstack))
                retVal.AppendLine("Callstack: " + exinfo.Callstack);

            return retVal.ToString();
コード例 #15
ファイル: Value.cs プロジェクト: bangush/Scriptable-Debugger
        private string PrintArray(int indentLevel, CorArrayValue av, int expandDepth, bool canDoFunceval, string variableName, Dictionary <string, int> variablesToLog)
            Debug.Assert(expandDepth >= 0);

            if (variablesToLog == null)
            else if (variablesToLog.Any(variable => variable.Key.StartsWith($@"{variableName}.")))
                variablesToLog = variablesToLog
                                 .Where(variable => variable.Key.StartsWith($@"{variableName}."))
                                 .ToDictionary(variable => variable.Key, variable => variable.Value);

                expandDepth = 1;
            else if (variablesToLog.Any(variable => variable.Key == variableName))
                var thisVariable = variablesToLog.First(variable => variable.Key == variableName);
                expandDepth    = thisVariable.Value;
                variablesToLog = null;

            StringBuilder txt = new StringBuilder();

            txt.Append("array [");
            int[] dims = av.GetDimensions();
            Debug.Assert(dims != null);

            for (int i = 0; i < dims.Length; ++i)
                if (i != 0)

            if (expandDepth > 0 && av.Rank == 1 && av.ElementType != CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID)
                for (int i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++)
                    MDbgValue v = new MDbgValue(Process, av.GetElementAtPosition(i));
                    var       newVariableName = $"{variableName}.[{i}]";

                    var newVariablesToLog = variablesToLog == null
                        ? null
                        : variablesToLog
                        variable => $"{newVariableName}{variable.Key.Remove(0, variableName.Length)}",
                        variable => variable.Value);

                    .Append(IndentedString(indentLevel + 1, "[" + i + "] = "))
                    .Append(IndentedBlock(indentLevel + 2, v.GetStringValue(expandDepth - 1, canDoFunceval, $"{variableName}.[{i}]", newVariablesToLog)));
コード例 #16
ファイル: DebuggerUtils.cs プロジェクト: amitbet/AppCompanion
        private static ExceptionInfo GetExceptionInfo(MDbgThread activeThread, MDbgValue ex)
            ExceptionInfo exinfo = new ExceptionInfo();
            exinfo.ExType = ex.TypeName;
            exinfo.Function = (ex.GetField("_exceptionMethodString").IsNull ? null : ex.GetField("_exceptionMethodString").ToString());
            exinfo.Message = (ex.GetField("_message").IsNull ? null : ex.GetField("_message").GetStringValue(false));
            exinfo.Source = (ex.GetField("_source").IsNull ? null : ex.GetField("_source").ToString());

            //StringBuilder sbCallstack = new StringBuilder();
            //    if (activeThread != null)
            //        activeThread.Frames.ToList().ForEach(f => sbCallstack.AppendLine(f.ToString()));
            //catch (Exception ex1)
            //    DebuggerUtils.HandleExceptionSilently(ex1);
            exinfo.Callstack = DebuggerUtils.GetThreadStacks(activeThread, true).ToString();
            return exinfo;
コード例 #17
        public void Serialize(string path, IEnumerable<MDbgValue> valuesList)
            var values = valuesList.ToList();
            CorEval eval = debugger.Processes.Active.Threads.Active.CorThread.CreateEval();
            var functionName = "BigBrother.Serialization.JsonSerializer.Serialize" + (values.Count + 1);

            CorAppDomain appDomain = debugger.Processes.Active.Threads.Active.CorThread.AppDomain;

            if (serializers.Count == 0)
                //Load BigBrother into the AppDomain. Then we can call BigBrother.Serialization.JsonSerializer's methods.
                if (useLoadFrom)
                    var evalAssemblyName = eval.Result;
                    var fnLoad = debugger.Processes.Active.ResolveFunctionNameFromScope("System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom", appDomain);
                    eval.CallParameterizedFunction(fnLoad.CorFunction, null, new CorValue[] { evalAssemblyName });
                    var evalAssemblyName = eval.Result;
                    var fnLoad = debugger.Processes.Active.ResolveFunctionNameFromScope("System.Reflection.Assembly.Load", appDomain);
                    eval.CallParameterizedFunction(fnLoad.CorFunction, null, new CorValue[] { evalAssemblyName });

            if (!serializers.ContainsKey(functionName))
                serializers[functionName] = debugger.Processes.Active.ResolveFunctionNameFromScope(functionName, appDomain);

            CorValue fileName = (debugger.Processes.Active.StopReason as EvalCompleteStopReason).Eval.Result;
            var corValues = new List<CorValue>();
            corValues.AddRange(values.Select(v => v.CorValue));
            eval.CallParameterizedFunction(serializers[functionName].CorFunction, corValues.Select(v => v.ExactType).ToArray(), corValues.ToArray());

            if (debugger.Processes.Active.StopReason is EvalExceptionStopReason)
                var stopReason = (EvalExceptionStopReason)debugger.Processes.Active.StopReason;
                string message = new MDbgValue(debugger.Processes.Active, stopReason.Eval.Result).GetStringValue(true);
コード例 #18
ファイル: Function.cs プロジェクト: windygu/Visual-NHibernate
        //  Support for printing local printing variables

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an Array of MDbgValues for the Active Local Vars in the given frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="managedFrame">The Frame to look in.</param>
        /// <returns>The MDbgValue[] Active Local Valiables.</returns>
        public MDbgValue[] GetActiveLocalVars(MDbgFrame managedFrame)
            Debug.Assert(managedFrame != null);
            if (managedFrame == null)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            CorFrame frame = managedFrame.CorFrame;

            // we only support this, when the frame is our function
            Debug.Assert(frame.FunctionToken == m_function.Token);
            if (!(frame.FunctionToken == m_function.Token))
                throw new ArgumentException();


            if (!m_haveSymbols)
                // if we don't have symbols -- we'll print local variables as (loca1_0,local_1,local_2,...)
                // to give them names consistent with ILasm.
                int c = frame.GetLocalVariablesCount();
                if (c < 0)
                    c = 0;                                                        // in case we cannot get locals,
                // we'll hide them.
                MDbgValue[] locals = new MDbgValue[c];
                for (int i = 0; i < c; ++i)
                    CorValue arg = null;
                        arg = frame.GetLocalVariable(i);
                    catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException e)
                        if (e.ErrorCode != (int)Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorDebug.HResult.CORDBG_E_IL_VAR_NOT_AVAILABLE)
                    locals[i] = new MDbgValue(m_module.Process, "local_" + (i), arg);

            uint ip;
            CorDebugMappingResult mappingResult;

            frame.GetIP(out ip, out mappingResult);

            ArrayList    al    = new ArrayList();
            ISymbolScope scope = SymMethod.RootScope;

            AddLocalVariablesToList(frame, (int)ip, al, scope);

コード例 #19
ファイル: Value.cs プロジェクト: EbinJohn/BigBrother
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Array Items.  This function can be called only on one dimensional arrays.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An array of the values for the Array Items.</returns>
        public MDbgValue[] GetArrayItems()
            if (!IsArrayType)
                throw new MDbgValueException("Type is not array type");

            CorValue value = Dereference(CorValue, null);

            CorArrayValue av = value.CastToArrayValue();
            int[] dims = av.GetDimensions();
            Debug.Assert(dims != null);

            ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
            Debug.Assert(av.Rank == 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++)
                MDbgValue v = new MDbgValue(Process, "[" + i + "]", av.GetElementAtPosition(i));
            return (MDbgValue[])al.ToArray(typeof(MDbgValue));
コード例 #20
ファイル: Process.cs プロジェクト: EbinJohn/BigBrother
        // Helper to parse args to get a value for a GC handle.
        // Syntax for gchandle. Ultimately need to compute an address.
        //  gchandle(var) where var is System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle, address=var.m_handle
        //  gchandle(integer) where address =integer
        //  gchandle(var, offset) where var is a valuetype, then we do address= (IntPtr*) (&var + offset*sizeof(IntPtr))
        internal MDbgValue ParseGCHandleArgs(string stName, string[] args, MDbgFrame scope)
            if (args.Length != 1 && args.Length != 2)
                throw new MDbgException("Wrong number of args to gchandle function.");

            string stVarBase = args[0];
            MDbgValue varBase = ResolveVariable(stVarBase, scope);
            //MDbgValue varBase = Shell.ExpressionParser.ParseExpression(stVarBase,this, scope);

            IntPtr add;

            if (args.Length == 2)
                if (varBase == null)
                    throw new MDbgException("Can't resolve var '" + stVarBase + "'");

                // Form: gchandle(var, offset)
                CorGenericValue gv = varBase.CorValue.CastToGenericValue();
                IntPtr[] ar = null;
                if (gv != null)
                    ar = gv.GetValueAsIntPtrArray();
                if (ar == null)
                    throw new MDbgException("Variable '" + stVarBase + "' is not a value type.");

                int offset = Int32.Parse(args[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                add = ar[offset];
                if (varBase != null)
                    add = IntPtr.Zero;
                    // Form: gchandle(var)
                    if (varBase.TypeName != "System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle")
                        throw new MDbgException("Variable is not of type \"System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle\".");

                    foreach (MDbgValue field in varBase.GetFields())
                        if (field.Name == "m_handle")
                            int handleAddress = Int32.Parse(field.GetStringValue(0));
                            add = new IntPtr(handleAddress);
                    // Trying to resolve as a raw address now
                    // form: gchandle(integer)
                    int handleAddress;
                    if (!Int32.TryParse(stVarBase, out handleAddress))
                        throw new MDbgException("Couldn't recognize the argument as a variable name or address");
                    add = new IntPtr(handleAddress);

            CorReferenceValue result;

                result = this.CorProcess.GetReferenceValueFromGCHandle(add);
            catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException e)
                if (e.ErrorCode == (int)HResult.CORDBG_E_BAD_REFERENCE_VALUE)
                    throw new MDbgException("Invalid handle address.");
            MDbgValue var = new MDbgValue(this, stName, result);
            return var;
コード例 #21
ファイル: Value.cs プロジェクト: EbinJohn/BigBrother
        private string PrintArray(int indentLevel, CorArrayValue av, int expandDepth, bool canDoFunceval)
            Debug.Assert(expandDepth >= 0);

            StringBuilder txt = new StringBuilder();
            txt.Append("array [");
            int[] dims = av.GetDimensions();
            Debug.Assert(dims != null);

            for (int i = 0; i < dims.Length; ++i)
                if (i != 0)

            if (expandDepth > 0 && av.Rank == 1 && av.ElementType != CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID)
                for (int i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++)
                    MDbgValue v = new MDbgValue(Process, av.GetElementAtPosition(i));
                    txt.Append("\n").Append(IndentedString(indentLevel + 1, "[" + i + "] = ")).
            Append(IndentedBlock(indentLevel + 2,
                           v.GetStringValue(expandDepth - 1, canDoFunceval)));
            return txt.ToString();
コード例 #22
        // Recursive helper to populate tree view.
        // val - value to print
        // c - node collection to add to.
        // iDepth - track how far we are to avoid infinite recursion.
        void PrintInternal(MDbgValue val, TreeNodeCollection c, int iDepth)
            if (iDepth > 10)

            if (val.IsArrayType)
                TreeNode n = new TreeNode(val.TypeName + " array:");
                foreach (MDbgValue vField in val.GetArrayItems())
                    PrintInternal(vField, n.Nodes, iDepth + 1);
            else if (val.IsComplexType)
                // This will include both instance and static fields
                // It will also include all base class fields.
                TreeNode n = new TreeNode(val.TypeName + " fields:");
                foreach (MDbgValue vField in val.GetFields())
                    PrintInternal(vField, n.Nodes, iDepth + 1);
                // This is a ctach-call for primitives.
                string st = val.GetStringValue(false);
                c.Add(val.Name + "=" + st + " (type='" + val.TypeName + "')");

コード例 #23
ファイル: Debugger.cs プロジェクト: uQr/Visual-NHibernate
            private LocalVariableInformation GetLocalVariableInformation(MDbgValue value, VariableType variableType, int depth)
                // Some MDbgValues don't have an associated CorValue. This occurs when there is no variable declaration in IL.
                if (value == null || value.CorValue == null)
                    return null;

                if (createdLocals.ContainsKey(value.CorValue.Address))
                    return createdLocals[value.CorValue.Address];

                var fields = new List<LocalVariableInformation>();

                if (value.IsComplexType && value.IsNull == false && depth < 10)
                    MDbgValue[] fieldValues = value.GetFields();
                    foreach (var fieldValue in fieldValues)
                        fields.Add(GetLocalVariableInformation(fieldValue, VariableType.Field, depth + 1));

                var information = new LocalVariableInformation
                    TypeName = value.TypeName,
                    Name = value.Name,
                    StringValue = value.GetStringValue(false),
                    TypeOfVariable = variableType,
                    IsPrimitive = !value.IsComplexType,
                    Fields = fields

                createdLocals[value.CorValue.Address] = information;

                return information;
コード例 #24
        private string PrintObject(int indentLevel, CorObjectValue ov, int expandDepth, bool canDoFunceval)
            Debug.Assert(expandDepth >= 0);

            bool fNeedToResumeThreads = true;

            // Print generics-aware type.
            string name = InternalUtil.PrintCorType(this.m_process, ov.ExactType);

            StringBuilder txt = new StringBuilder();


            if (expandDepth > 0)
                // we gather the field info of the class before we do
                // funceval since funceval requires running the debugger process
                // and this in turn can cause GC and invalidate our references.
                StringBuilder expandedDescription = new StringBuilder();
                if (IsComplexType)
                    foreach (MDbgValue v in GetFields())
                        expandedDescription.Append("\n").Append(IndentedString(indentLevel + 1, v.Name)).
                        Append("=").Append(IndentedBlock(indentLevel + 2,
                                                         v.GetStringValue(expandDepth - 1, false)));

                // if the value we're printing is a nullable type that has no value (is null), we can't do a func eval
                // to get its value, since it will be boxed as a null pointer. We already have the information we need, so
                // we'll just take care of it now. Note that ToString() for null-valued nullable types just prints the
                // empty string.

                // bool hasValue = (bool)(GetField("hasValue").CorValue.CastToGenericValue().GetValue());

                if (IsNullableType(ov.ExactType) && !(bool)(GetField("hasValue").CorValue.CastToGenericValue().GetValue()))
                    txt.Append(" < >");

                else if (ov.IsValueClass && canDoFunceval)
                // we could display even values for real Objects, but we will just show
                // "description" for valueclasses.
                    CorClass          cls      = ov.ExactType.Class;
                    CorMetadataImport importer = m_process.Modules.Lookup(cls.Module).Importer;
                    MetadataType      mdType   = importer.GetType(cls.Token) as MetadataType;

                    if (mdType.ReallyIsEnum)
                        txt.AppendFormat(" <{0}>", InternalGetEnumString(ov, mdType));
                    else if (m_process.IsRunning)
                        txt.Append(" <N/A during run>");
                        MDbgThread activeThread = m_process.Threads.Active;

                        CorValue     thisValue;
                        CorHeapValue hv = ov.CastToHeapValue();
                        if (hv != null)
                            // we need to pass reference value.
                            CorHandleValue handle = hv.CreateHandle(CorDebugHandleType.HANDLE_WEAK_TRACK_RESURRECTION);
                            thisValue = handle;
                            thisValue = ov;

                            CorEval eval = m_process.Threads.Active.CorThread.CreateEval();

                            MDbgFunction toStringFunc = m_process.ResolveFunctionName(null, "System.Object", "ToString",

                            Debug.Assert(toStringFunc != null); // we should be always able to resolve ToString function.

                            eval.CallFunction(toStringFunc.CorFunction, new CorValue[] { thisValue });
                                if (m_process.StopReason is EvalCompleteStopReason)
                                    CorValue cv = eval.Result;
                                    Debug.Assert(cv != null);
                                    MDbgValue mv      = new MDbgValue(m_process, cv);
                                    string    valName = mv.GetStringValue(0);

                                    // just purely for esthetical reasons we 'discard' "
                                    if (valName.StartsWith("\"") && valName.EndsWith("\""))
                                        valName = valName.Substring(1, valName.Length - 2);

                                    txt.Append(" <").Append(valName).Append(">");
                                if ((m_process.StopReason is ProcessExitedStopReason) ||
                                    (m_process.StopReason is EvalExceptionStopReason))
                                    txt.Append(" <N/A cannot evaluate>");
                                // hitting bp or whatever should not matter -- we need to ignore it
                            }while (true);
                        catch (COMException e)
                            // Ignore cannot copy a VC class error - Can't copy a VC with object refs in it.
                            if (e.ErrorCode != (int)HResult.CORDBG_E_OBJECT_IS_NOT_COPYABLE_VALUE_CLASS)
                        catch (System.NotImplementedException)
                            fNeedToResumeThreads = false;
                            if (fNeedToResumeThreads)
                                // we need to resume all the threads that we have suspended no matter what.
コード例 #25
ファイル: Function.cs プロジェクト: EbinJohn/BigBrother
        //  Support for printing local printing variables
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an Array of MDbgValues for the Active Local Vars in the given frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="managedFrame">The Frame to look in.</param>
        /// <returns>The MDbgValue[] Active Local Valiables.</returns>
        public MDbgValue[] GetActiveLocalVars(MDbgFrame managedFrame)
            Debug.Assert(managedFrame != null);
            if (managedFrame == null)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            CorFrame frame = managedFrame.CorFrame;

            // we only support this, when the frame is our function
            Debug.Assert(frame.FunctionToken == m_function.Token);
            if (!(frame.FunctionToken == m_function.Token))
                throw new ArgumentException();


            if (!m_haveSymbols)
                // if we don't have symbols -- we'll print local variables as (loca1_0,local_1,local_2,...)
                // to give them names consistent with ILasm.
                int c = frame.GetLocalVariablesCount();
                if (c < 0)
                    c = 0;                                    // in case we cannot get locals,
                // we'll hide them.
                MDbgValue[] locals = new MDbgValue[c];
                for (int i = 0; i < c; ++i)
                    CorValue arg = null;
                        arg = frame.GetLocalVariable(i);
                    catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException e)
                        if (e.ErrorCode != (int)Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorDebug.HResult.CORDBG_E_IL_VAR_NOT_AVAILABLE)
                    locals[i] = new MDbgValue(m_module.Process, "local_" + (i), arg);
                return locals;

            uint ip;
            CorDebugMappingResult mappingResult;
            frame.GetIP(out ip, out mappingResult);

            ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
            ISymbolScope scope = SymMethod.RootScope;
            AddLocalVariablesToList(frame, (int)ip, al, scope);

            return (MDbgValue[])al.ToArray(typeof(MDbgValue));
コード例 #26
ファイル: Process.cs プロジェクト: EbinJohn/BigBrother
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves a Variable name in a given scope.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="variableName">The name of the variable to resolve.</param>
        /// <param name="scope">The MDbgFrame to look in for that variable.</param>
        /// <returns>The MDbgValue that the given variable has in the given scope.</returns>
        public MDbgValue ResolveVariable(string variableName, MDbgFrame scope)
            Debug.Assert(variableName != null);
            Debug.Assert(scope != null);

            // variableName should have this form:
            // [[module][#<appdomain>]!][(([namespace.]+)<type.>)|.]variable([.field]*)

            // Syntax in BNF form:
            // Expr --> module_scope '!' var_expr
            //         | var_expr
            // module_scope --> <module name>  // as determined by Modules.Lookup
            // var_expr --> var_root
            //            | var_expr '.' <id:field>
            //            | var_expr '[' <integer> ']'
            // var_root --> psuedo_var | local_var | parameter_var | global_var | static_class_var\
            //            | 'gchandle(' ... ')' // see ParseGCHandleArgs
            // psuedo_var --> '$' <id>   // as determined by DebuggerVars.HaveVariable
            // local_var --> <id> // as determined by f.GetActiveLocalVars
            // parameter_var --> <id> // as determined by f.GetArguments
            // global_var --> <id> // as determined by fields on global token in each module
            // static_class_var --> (<id:namespace> '.')* <id:class> '.' <id:static field>

            MDbgModule variableModule;          // name of the module we should look into for variable resolution
            // will contain null, if no module was specified
            { // limit scope of moduleVar
                string[] moduleVar = variableName.Split(new char[] { '!' }, 2);
                Debug.Assert(moduleVar != null);
                if (moduleVar.Length > 2)
                    throw new MDbgException("Illegal variable syntax.");
                else if (moduleVar.Length == 2)
                    variableModule = Modules.Lookup(moduleVar[0]);
                    variableName = moduleVar[1];
                    if (variableModule == null)
                        throw new MDbgException("Module not found");
                    variableModule = null;

            // lookup 1st part
            MDbgValue var = null;
            int nextPart = 0;

            // Check for predicates
            if (variableName.StartsWith("gchandle("))
                string stName;
                string[] args;
                GetExpressionFunctionArgs(ref variableName, out stName, out args);
                nextPart = 1;

                var = this.ParseGCHandleArgs(stName, args, scope);
            } // end gchandle

            string[] nameParts = variableName.Split(new char[] { '.', '[' });

            Debug.Assert(nameParts.Length >= 1);  // there must be at least one part.

            if (var != null)
                // already resolved, no extra work to do.

            // Let's check if we are asking for debugger var. Those vars are prefixed with $.
            // if yes, return the var.
            else if (variableName.StartsWith("$")
               && variableModule == null          // debugger vars cannot have module specifier
                string varName = nameParts[nextPart];

                if (DebuggerVars.HaveVariable(nameParts[nextPart]))
                    MDbgDebuggerVar dv = DebuggerVars[nameParts[0]];
                    var = new MDbgValue(this, dv.Name, dv.CorValue);
                    var = null;
                ArrayList vars = new ArrayList();
                {  // fill up vars with locals+arguments
                    MDbgFunction f = scope.Function;
                    MDbgValue[] vals = f.GetActiveLocalVars(scope);
                    if (vals != null)

                    vals = f.GetArguments(scope);
                    if (vals != null)

                // try to find a match in locals and arguments first
                foreach (MDbgValue v in vars)
                    if (v.Name == nameParts[nextPart])
                        var = v;

                // if no match for locals and arguments, look for globals and static class members
                if (var == null)
                    // now let's try to resolve static var of form Namespace.namespace.typeName.var
                    bool bGlobal = (nameParts[nextPart].Length == 0);
                    if (bGlobal)

                    foreach (MDbgModule m in this.Modules)
                        if (variableModule != null
                           && variableModule != m)
                            continue;                       // we're interested only in certain module

                        if (bGlobal)    // global variables
                            // nil type token is used to enum global static data members
                            MetadataType gType = (MetadataType)m.Importer.GetType(0);
                            FieldInfo[] gField = gType.GetFields(0);

                            for (int i = 0; i < gField.Length; i++)
                                if (nameParts[nextPart] == gField[i].Name)
                                    var = new MDbgValue(this, "." + gField[i].Name, scope.Function.Module.CorModule.GetGlobalVariableValue(gField[i].MetadataToken));

                            if (var != null)    // done if we find the first match in any module
                        else    // static class members
                            System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                            for (int i = nextPart + 1; i < nameParts.Length; i++)
                                int typeToken = m.Importer.GetTypeTokenFromName(sb.ToString());
                                if (typeToken != CorMetadataImport.TokenNotFound)
                                    // we resolved type, let's try to get statics
                                    CorClass cl = m.CorModule.GetClassFromToken(typeToken);

                                    Type classType = m.Importer.GetType(cl.Token);
                                    foreach (MetadataFieldInfo fi in classType.GetFields())
                                        if (fi.Name != nameParts[i])

                                        if (fi.IsStatic)
                                            CorValue fieldValue = cl.GetStaticFieldValue(fi.MetadataToken, scope.CorFrame);
                                            var = new MDbgValue(this, sb.ToString(), fieldValue);
                                            nextPart = i + 1;
                                            goto FieldValueFound;   // done if we find the first match in any module

            if (var != null)
                // now try to resolve remaining parts.
                for (int i = nextPart; i < nameParts.Length; i++)
                    string part = nameParts[i];
                    if (part.EndsWith("]"))
                        // it is probably array index
                        string[] indexStrings = part.Substring(0, part.Length - 1).Split(',');
                        Debug.Assert(indexStrings != null && indexStrings.Length > 0);
                        int[] indexes = new int[indexStrings.Length];
                        for (int j = 0; j < indexStrings.Length; ++j)
                            indexes[j] = Int32.Parse(indexStrings[j], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        var = var.GetArrayItem(indexes);
                        // we'll treat it as field name
                        var = var.GetField(part);
            return var;