コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Main read loop
        /// Read raw frame from Kinect service, then process it asynchronously, then request UI update
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A standard CCR iterator.</returns>
        private IEnumerator<ITask> ReadKinectLoop()
            // note: see frame rate at C:\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 4\projects\TrackRoamer\TrackRoamerServices\Config\TrackRoamer.TrackRoamerBot.Kinect.Config.xml
            while (true)
                    kinectProxy.QueryRawFrameRequest frameRequest = new kinectProxy.QueryRawFrameRequest();
                    frameRequest.IncludeDepth = this.IncludeDepth;
                    frameRequest.IncludeVideo = this.IncludeVideo;
                    frameRequest.IncludeSkeletons = this.IncludeSkeletons;

                    if (!this.IncludeDepth && !this.IncludeVideo && !this.IncludeSkeletons)
                        // poll 2 times a sec if user for some reason deselected all image options (this would turn into a busy loop then)
                        yield return TimeoutPort(KinectLoopWaitIntervalMs).Receive();

                    kinect.RawKinectFrames rawFrames = null;

                    // poll depth camera
                    yield return this.kinectPort.QueryRawFrame(frameRequest).Choice(
                        rawFrameResponse =>
                            rawFrames = rawFrameResponse.RawFrames;
                        failure =>
                            if (!this.atLeastOneFrameQueryFailed)
                                this.atLeastOneFrameQueryFailed = true;

                    this.frameProcessor.currentPanKinect = _state.currentPanKinect;
                    this.frameProcessor.currentTiltKinect = _state.currentTiltKinect;

                    if (null != rawFrames.RawSkeletonFrameData)
                        yield return new IterativeTask(this.frameProcessor.ProcessSkeletons);

                        var tmpAllSkeletons = frameProcessor.AllSkeletons;  // get a snapshot of the pointer to allocated array, and then take sweet time processing it knowing it will not change

                        if (tmpAllSkeletons != null)
                            // tmpAllSkeletons is a list of seven skeletons, those good enough for processing have IsSkeletonActive true
                            var skels = from s in tmpAllSkeletons
                                        where s.IsSkeletonActive
                                        select s;

                            foreach (VisualizableSkeletonInformation skel in skels)
                                // Kinect Z goes straight forward, X - to the left side, Y - up
                                double kZ = skel.JointPoints[nui.JointType.Spine].Z;     // meters, relative to Kinect camera
                                double kX = skel.JointPoints[nui.JointType.Spine].X;

                                GeoPosition pos1 = (GeoPosition)_mapperVicinity.robotPosition.Clone();

                                double relBearing = Direction.to180fromRad(Math.Atan2(-kX, kZ));
                                double rangeMeters = Math.Sqrt(kZ * kZ + kX * kX);

                                pos1.translate(new Direction() { heading = _mapperVicinity.robotDirection.heading, bearingRelative = relBearing }, new Distance(rangeMeters));

                                DetectedHuman dhum1 = new DetectedHuman()
                                    geoPosition = pos1,
                                    firstSeen = DateTime.Now.Ticks,
                                    lastSeen = DateTime.Now.Ticks,
                                    detectorType = DetectorType.KINECT_SKELETON,

                                lock (_mapperVicinity)

                    if (null != rawFrames.RawColorFrameData)
                        yield return new IterativeTask(this.frameProcessor.ProcessImageFrame);      // RGB Video

                    if (null != rawFrames.RawDepthFrameData)
                        yield return new IterativeTask(this.frameProcessor.ProcessDepthFrame);      // Depth information frame



                    // poll state at low frequency to see if tilt has shifted (may happen on an actual robot due to shaking)
                    if (common.Utilities.ElapsedSecondsSinceStart - this.lastStateReadTime > 1)
                        yield return this.kinectPort.Get().Choice(
                            kinectState =>
                                this.UpdateState(kinectState);  // update value displayed in WPF window
                                _state.currentTiltKinect = kinectState.TiltDegrees;
                            failure =>
                                if (!this.atLeastOneTiltPollFailed)
                                    this.atLeastOneTiltPollFailed = true;

                        this.lastStateReadTime = common.Utilities.ElapsedSecondsSinceStart;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Main read loop
        /// Read raw frame from Kinect service, then process it asynchronously, then request UI update
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A standard CCR iterator.</returns>
        private IEnumerator <ITask> ReadKinectLoop()
            while (true)
                kinectProxy.QueryRawFrameRequest frameRequest = new kinectProxy.QueryRawFrameRequest();
                frameRequest.IncludeDepth     = this.IncludeDepth;
                frameRequest.IncludeVideo     = this.IncludeVideo;
                frameRequest.IncludeSkeletons = this.IncludeSkeletons;

                if (!this.IncludeDepth && !this.IncludeVideo && !this.IncludeSkeletons)
                    // poll 5 times a sec if user for some reason deselected all image options (this would turn
                    // into a busy loop then)
                    yield return(TimeoutPort(200).Receive());

                kinect.RawKinectFrames rawFrames = null;

                // poll depth camera
                yield return(this.kinectPort.QueryRawFrame(frameRequest).Choice(
                                 rawFrameResponse =>
                    rawFrames = rawFrameResponse.RawFrames;
                                 failure =>
                    if (!this.frameQueryFailed)
                        this.frameQueryFailed = true;


                if (null != rawFrames.RawSkeletonFrameData)
                    yield return(new IterativeTask(this.frameProcessor.ProcessSkeletons));


                // poll state at low frequency to see if tilt has shifted (may happen on an actual robot due to shaking)
                if (common.Utilities.ElapsedSecondsSinceStart - this.lastStateReadTime > 1)
                    yield return(this.kinectPort.Get().Choice(
                                     kinectState =>
                                     failure =>
                        if (!this.tiltPollFailed)
                            this.tiltPollFailed = true;

                    this.lastStateReadTime = common.Utilities.ElapsedSecondsSinceStart;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Main read loop
        /// Read raw frame from Kinect service, then process it asynchronously, then request UI update
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A standard CCR iterator.</returns>
        private IEnumerator <ITask> ReadKinectLoop()
            // note: see frame rate at C:\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 4\projects\TrackRoamer\TrackRoamerServices\Config\TrackRoamer.TrackRoamerBot.Kinect.Config.xml
            while (true)
                    kinectProxy.QueryRawFrameRequest frameRequest = new kinectProxy.QueryRawFrameRequest();
                    frameRequest.IncludeDepth     = this.IncludeDepth;
                    frameRequest.IncludeVideo     = this.IncludeVideo;
                    frameRequest.IncludeSkeletons = this.IncludeSkeletons;

                    if (!this.IncludeDepth && !this.IncludeVideo && !this.IncludeSkeletons)
                        // poll 2 times a sec if user for some reason deselected all image options (this would turn into a busy loop then)
                        yield return(TimeoutPort(KinectLoopWaitIntervalMs).Receive());

                    kinect.RawKinectFrames rawFrames = null;

                    // poll depth camera
                    yield return(this.kinectPort.QueryRawFrame(frameRequest).Choice(
                                     rawFrameResponse =>
                        rawFrames = rawFrameResponse.RawFrames;
                                     failure =>
                        if (!this.atLeastOneFrameQueryFailed)
                            this.atLeastOneFrameQueryFailed = true;

                    this.frameProcessor.currentPanKinect  = _state.currentPanKinect;
                    this.frameProcessor.currentTiltKinect = _state.currentTiltKinect;

                    if (null != rawFrames.RawSkeletonFrameData)
                        yield return(new IterativeTask(this.frameProcessor.ProcessSkeletons));

                        var tmpAllSkeletons = frameProcessor.AllSkeletons;  // get a snapshot of the pointer to allocated array, and then take sweet time processing it knowing it will not change

                        if (tmpAllSkeletons != null)
                            // tmpAllSkeletons is a list of seven skeletons, those good enough for processing have IsSkeletonActive true
                            var skels = from s in tmpAllSkeletons
                                        where s.IsSkeletonActive
                                        select s;

                            foreach (VisualizableSkeletonInformation skel in skels)
                                // Kinect Z goes straight forward, X - to the left side, Y - up
                                double kZ = skel.JointPoints[nui.JointType.Spine].Z;     // meters, relative to Kinect camera
                                double kX = skel.JointPoints[nui.JointType.Spine].X;

                                GeoPosition pos1 = (GeoPosition)_mapperVicinity.robotPosition.Clone();

                                double relBearing  = Direction.to180fromRad(Math.Atan2(-kX, kZ));
                                double rangeMeters = Math.Sqrt(kZ * kZ + kX * kX);

                                pos1.translate(new Direction()
                                    heading = _mapperVicinity.robotDirection.heading, bearingRelative = relBearing
                                }, new Distance(rangeMeters));

                                DetectedHuman dhum1 = new DetectedHuman()
                                    geoPosition  = pos1,
                                    firstSeen    = DateTime.Now.Ticks,
                                    lastSeen     = DateTime.Now.Ticks,
                                    detectorType = DetectorType.KINECT_SKELETON,

                                lock (_mapperVicinity)

                    if (null != rawFrames.RawColorFrameData)
                        yield return(new IterativeTask(this.frameProcessor.ProcessImageFrame));      // RGB Video

                    if (null != rawFrames.RawDepthFrameData)
                        yield return(new IterativeTask(this.frameProcessor.ProcessDepthFrame));      // Depth information frame



                    // poll state at low frequency to see if tilt has shifted (may happen on an actual robot due to shaking)
                    if (common.Utilities.ElapsedSecondsSinceStart - this.lastStateReadTime > 1)
                        yield return(this.kinectPort.Get().Choice(
                                         kinectState =>
                            this.UpdateState(kinectState);      // update value displayed in WPF window
                            _state.currentTiltKinect = kinectState.TiltDegrees;
                                         failure =>
                            if (!this.atLeastOneTiltPollFailed)
                                this.atLeastOneTiltPollFailed = true;

                        this.lastStateReadTime = common.Utilities.ElapsedSecondsSinceStart;