コード例 #1
        // Cases like "from 3:30 to 5" or "between 3:30am to 6pm", at least one of the time point contains colon
        private DateTimeResolutionResult ParseSpecificTimeCases(string text, DateObject referenceTime)
            var ret = new DateTimeResolutionResult();
            int year = referenceTime.Year, month = referenceTime.Month, day = referenceTime.Day;

            // Handle cases like "from 4:30 to 5"
            var match = config.SpecificTimeFromToRegex.MatchExact(text, trim: true);

            if (!match.Success)
                // Handle cases like "between 5:10 and 7"
                match = config.SpecificTimeBetweenAndRegex.MatchExact(text, trim: true);

            if (match.Success)
                // Cases like "half past seven" are not handled here
                if (match.Groups[Constants.PrefixGroupName].Success)

                // Cases like "4" is different with "4:00" as the Timex is different "T04H" vs "T04H00M"
                int beginHour;
                int beginMinute = Constants.InvalidMinute;
                int beginSecond = Constants.InvalidSecond;
                int endHour;
                int endMinute = Constants.InvalidMinute;
                int endSecond = Constants.InvalidSecond;

                // Get time1 and time2
                var hourGroup = match.Groups[Constants.HourGroupName];

                var hourStr = hourGroup.Captures[0].Value;

                if (config.Numbers.ContainsKey(hourStr))
                    beginHour = config.Numbers[hourStr];
                    beginHour = int.Parse(hourStr, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                hourStr = hourGroup.Captures[1].Value;

                if (config.Numbers.ContainsKey(hourStr))
                    endHour = config.Numbers[hourStr];
                    endHour = int.Parse(hourStr, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                var time1StartIndex = match.Groups["time1"].Index;
                var time1EndIndex   = time1StartIndex + match.Groups["time1"].Length;
                var time2StartIndex = match.Groups["time2"].Index;
                var time2EndIndex   = time2StartIndex + match.Groups["time2"].Length;

                // Get beginMinute (if exists) and endMinute (if exists)
                for (int i = 0; i < match.Groups[Constants.MinuteGroupName].Captures.Count; i++)
                    var minuteCapture = match.Groups[Constants.MinuteGroupName].Captures[i];
                    if (minuteCapture.Index >= time1StartIndex && minuteCapture.Index + minuteCapture.Length <= time1EndIndex)
                        beginMinute = int.Parse(minuteCapture.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    else if (minuteCapture.Index >= time2StartIndex && minuteCapture.Index + minuteCapture.Length <= time2EndIndex)
                        endMinute = int.Parse(minuteCapture.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                // Get beginSecond (if exists) and endSecond (if exists)
                for (int i = 0; i < match.Groups[Constants.SecondGroupName].Captures.Count; i++)
                    var secondCapture = match.Groups[Constants.SecondGroupName].Captures[i];
                    if (secondCapture.Index >= time1StartIndex && secondCapture.Index + secondCapture.Length <= time1EndIndex)
                        beginSecond = int.Parse(secondCapture.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    else if (secondCapture.Index >= time2StartIndex && secondCapture.Index + secondCapture.Length <= time2EndIndex)
                        endSecond = int.Parse(secondCapture.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                // Desc here means descriptions like "am / pm / o'clock"
                // Get leftDesc (if exists) and rightDesc (if exists)
                var leftDesc  = match.Groups["leftDesc"].Value;
                var rightDesc = match.Groups["rightDesc"].Value;

                for (int i = 0; i < match.Groups[Constants.DescGroupName].Captures.Count; i++)
                    var descCapture = match.Groups[Constants.DescGroupName].Captures[i];
                    if (descCapture.Index >= time1StartIndex && descCapture.Index + descCapture.Length <= time1EndIndex && string.IsNullOrEmpty(leftDesc))
                        leftDesc = descCapture.Value;
                    else if (descCapture.Index >= time2StartIndex && descCapture.Index + descCapture.Length <= time2EndIndex && string.IsNullOrEmpty(rightDesc))
                        rightDesc = descCapture.Value;

                var beginDateTime = DateObject.MinValue.SafeCreateFromValue(year, month, day, beginHour, beginMinute >= 0 ? beginMinute : 0, beginSecond >= 0 ? beginSecond : 0);
                var endDateTime   = DateObject.MinValue.SafeCreateFromValue(year, month, day, endHour, endMinute >= 0 ? endMinute : 0, endSecond >= 0 ? endSecond : 0);

                var hasLeftAm  = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(leftDesc) && leftDesc.StartsWith("a", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                var hasLeftPm  = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(leftDesc) && leftDesc.StartsWith("p", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                var hasRightAm = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rightDesc) && rightDesc.StartsWith("a", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                var hasRightPm = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rightDesc) && rightDesc.StartsWith("p", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                var hasLeft    = hasLeftAm || hasLeftPm;
                var hasRight   = hasRightAm || hasRightPm;

                // Both time point has description like 'am' or 'pm'
                if (hasLeft && hasRight)
                    if (hasLeftAm)
                        if (beginHour >= Constants.HalfDayHourCount)
                            beginDateTime = beginDateTime.AddHours(-Constants.HalfDayHourCount);
                        if (beginHour < Constants.HalfDayHourCount)
                            beginDateTime = beginDateTime.AddHours(Constants.HalfDayHourCount);

                    if (hasRightAm)
                        if (endHour > Constants.HalfDayHourCount)
                            endDateTime = endDateTime.AddHours(-Constants.HalfDayHourCount);
                        if (endHour < Constants.HalfDayHourCount)
                            endDateTime = endDateTime.AddHours(Constants.HalfDayHourCount);
                else if (hasLeft || hasRight)
                    // one of the time point has description like 'am' or 'pm'
                    if (hasLeftAm)
                        if (beginHour >= Constants.HalfDayHourCount)
                            beginDateTime = beginDateTime.AddHours(-Constants.HalfDayHourCount);

                        if (endHour < Constants.HalfDayHourCount)
                            if (endDateTime < beginDateTime)
                                endDateTime = endDateTime.AddHours(Constants.HalfDayHourCount);
                    else if (hasLeftPm)
                        if (beginHour < Constants.HalfDayHourCount)
                            beginDateTime = beginDateTime.AddHours(Constants.HalfDayHourCount);

                        if (endHour < Constants.HalfDayHourCount)
                            if (endDateTime < beginDateTime)
                                var span = beginDateTime - endDateTime;
                                endDateTime = endDateTime.AddHours(span.TotalHours >= Constants.HalfDayHourCount ?
                                                                   24 :

                    if (hasRightAm)
                        if (endHour >= Constants.HalfDayHourCount)
                            endDateTime = endDateTime.AddHours(-Constants.HalfDayHourCount);

                        if (beginHour < Constants.HalfDayHourCount)
                            if (endDateTime < beginDateTime)
                                beginDateTime = beginDateTime.AddHours(-Constants.HalfDayHourCount);
                    else if (hasRightPm)
                        if (endHour < Constants.HalfDayHourCount)
                            endDateTime = endDateTime.AddHours(Constants.HalfDayHourCount);

                        if (beginHour < Constants.HalfDayHourCount)
                            if (endDateTime < beginDateTime)
                                beginDateTime = beginDateTime.AddHours(-Constants.HalfDayHourCount);
                                var span = endDateTime - beginDateTime;
                                if (span.TotalHours > Constants.HalfDayHourCount)
                                    beginDateTime = beginDateTime.AddHours(Constants.HalfDayHourCount);

                // No 'am' or 'pm' indicator
                else if (beginHour <= Constants.HalfDayHourCount && endHour <= Constants.HalfDayHourCount)
                    if (beginHour > endHour)
                        if (beginHour == Constants.HalfDayHourCount)
                            beginDateTime = beginDateTime.AddHours(-Constants.HalfDayHourCount);
                            endDateTime = endDateTime.AddHours(Constants.HalfDayHourCount);

                    ret.Comment = Constants.Comment_AmPm;

                if (endDateTime < beginDateTime)
                    endDateTime = endDateTime.AddHours(24);

                var beginStr = DateTimeFormatUtil.ShortTime(beginDateTime.Hour, beginMinute, beginSecond);
                var endStr   = DateTimeFormatUtil.ShortTime(endDateTime.Hour, endMinute, endSecond);

                ret.Success = true;

                ret.Timex = $"({beginStr},{endStr},{DateTimeFormatUtil.LuisTimeSpan(endDateTime - beginDateTime)})";

                ret.FutureValue = ret.PastValue = new Tuple <DateObject, DateObject>(

                ret.SubDateTimeEntities = new List <object>();

                // In SplitDateAndTime mode, time points will be get from these SubDateTimeEntities
                // Cases like "from 4 to 5pm", "4" should not be treated as SubDateTimeEntity
                if (hasLeft || beginMinute != Constants.InvalidMinute || beginSecond != Constants.InvalidSecond)
                    var er = new ExtractResult()
                        Start  = time1StartIndex,
                        Length = time1EndIndex - time1StartIndex,
                        Text   = text.Substring(time1StartIndex, time1EndIndex - time1StartIndex),
                        Type   = $"{Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME}",

                    var pr = this.config.TimeParser.Parse(er, referenceTime);

                // Cases like "from 4am to 5", "5" should not be treated as SubDateTimeEntity
                if (hasRight || endMinute != Constants.InvalidMinute || endSecond != Constants.InvalidSecond)
                    var er = new ExtractResult
                        Start  = time2StartIndex,
                        Length = time2EndIndex - time2StartIndex,
                        Text   = text.Substring(time2StartIndex, time2EndIndex - time2StartIndex),
                        Type   = $"{Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME}",

                    var pr = this.config.TimeParser.Parse(er, referenceTime);

                ret.Success = true;

コード例 #2
        // Cases like "between 0730 to 0930", only this case is handled in this method
        private DateTimeResolutionResult ParsePureDigitNumCases(string text, DateObject referenceTime)
            var ret = new DateTimeResolutionResult();
            int year = referenceTime.Year, month = referenceTime.Month, day = referenceTime.Day;
            var trimmedText = text.Trim();

            var match = this.config.PureNumberBetweenAndRegex.MatchBegin(trimmedText, trim: true);

            if (match.Success)
                // get hours
                var hourGroup   = match.Groups[Constants.HourGroupName];
                var minuteGroup = match.Groups[Constants.MinuteGroupName];

                if (hourGroup.Captures.Count == 2 && minuteGroup.Captures.Count == 2)
                    var beginHourEndIndex     = hourGroup.Captures[0].Index + hourGroup.Captures[0].Length;
                    var beginMinuteStartIndex = minuteGroup.Captures[0].Index;
                    var endHourEndIndex       = hourGroup.Captures[1].Index + hourGroup.Captures[1].Length;
                    var endMinuteStartIndex   = minuteGroup.Captures[1].Index;

                    // falls into the case "between 0730 to 0930"
                    if (beginHourEndIndex == beginMinuteStartIndex && endHourEndIndex == endMinuteStartIndex)
                        var startHourStr   = hourGroup.Captures[0].Value;
                        var startMinuteStr = minuteGroup.Captures[0].Value;
                        var endHourStr     = hourGroup.Captures[1].Value;
                        var endMinuteStr   = minuteGroup.Captures[1].Value;

                        if (!this.config.Numbers.TryGetValue(startHourStr, out int beginHour))
                            beginHour = int.Parse(startHourStr, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        if (!this.config.Numbers.TryGetValue(startMinuteStr, out int beginMinute))
                            beginMinute = int.Parse(startMinuteStr, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        if (!this.config.Numbers.TryGetValue(endHourStr, out int endHour))
                            endHour = int.Parse(endHourStr, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        if (!this.config.Numbers.TryGetValue(endMinuteStr, out int endMinute))
                            endMinute = int.Parse(endMinuteStr, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        var beginDateTime = DateObject.MinValue.SafeCreateFromValue(year, month, day, beginHour, beginMinute, 0);
                        var endDateTime   = DateObject.MinValue.SafeCreateFromValue(year, month, day, endHour, endMinute, 0);

                        if (beginHour <= Constants.HalfDayHourCount && endHour <= Constants.HalfDayHourCount)
                            if (beginHour > endHour)
                                if (beginHour == Constants.HalfDayHourCount)
                                    beginDateTime = beginDateTime.AddHours(-Constants.HalfDayHourCount);
                                    endDateTime = endDateTime.AddHours(Constants.HalfDayHourCount);

                            ret.Comment = Constants.Comment_AmPm;

                        if (endDateTime < beginDateTime)
                            endDateTime = endDateTime.AddHours(24);

                        var beginStr = DateTimeFormatUtil.ShortTime(beginDateTime.Hour, beginMinute);
                        var endStr   = DateTimeFormatUtil.ShortTime(endDateTime.Hour, endMinute);

                        ret.Timex = $"({beginStr},{endStr},{DateTimeFormatUtil.LuisTimeSpan(endDateTime - beginDateTime)})";

                        ret.FutureValue = ret.PastValue = new Tuple <DateObject, DateObject>(

                        ret.Success = true;
