private void UpdateErrorsAndWarnings( IProjectEntry entry, ITextSnapshot snapshot, CollectingErrorSink errorSink, List<TaskProviderItem> commentTasks ) { // Update the warn-on-launch state for this entry bool changed = false; lock (_hasParseErrorsLock) { changed = errorSink.Errors.Any() ? _hasParseErrors.Add(entry) : _hasParseErrors.Remove(entry); } if (changed) { OnShouldWarnOnLaunchChanged(entry); } // Update the parser warnings/errors. var factory = new TaskProviderItemFactory(snapshot); if (errorSink.Warnings.Any() || errorSink.Errors.Any()) { _errorProvider.ReplaceItems( entry, ParserTaskMoniker, errorSink.Warnings .Select(er => factory.FromErrorResult(_serviceProvider, er, VSTASKPRIORITY.TP_NORMAL, VSTASKCATEGORY.CAT_BUILDCOMPILE)) .Concat(errorSink.Errors.Select(er => factory.FromErrorResult(_serviceProvider, er, VSTASKPRIORITY.TP_HIGH, VSTASKCATEGORY.CAT_BUILDCOMPILE))) .ToList() ); } else { _errorProvider.Clear(entry, ParserTaskMoniker); } // Update comment tasks. if (commentTasks.Count != 0) { _commentTaskProvider.ReplaceItems(entry, ParserTaskMoniker, commentTasks); } else { _commentTaskProvider.Clear(entry, ParserTaskMoniker); } }
internal Task Analyze() { if (_updater != null) { _updater.UpdateStatus(_progressOffset, _progressTotal, "Starting analysis"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_logDiagnostic) && AnalysisLog.Output == null) { try { AnalysisLog.Output = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(_logDiagnostic, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read), Encoding.UTF8); AnalysisLog.AsCSV = _logDiagnostic.EndsWith(".csv", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); } catch (Exception ex) { TraceWarning("Failed to open \"{0}\" for logging{1}{2}", _logDiagnostic, Environment.NewLine, ex.ToString()); } } var callDepthOverrides = GetCallDepthOverrides(); var skipModules = new HashSet<string>(GetSkipModules(), StringComparer.Ordinal); foreach (var files in _analyzeFileGroups) { if (_cancel.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } if (files.Count == 0) { continue; } var outDir = GetOutputDir(files[0]); if (_dryRun) { foreach (var file in files) { if (ContainsModule(skipModules, file.ModuleName)) { continue; } Debug.Assert(!file.IsCompiled); var idbFile = PathUtils.CreateFriendlyDirectoryPath( _outDir, Path.Combine(outDir, file.ModuleName) ); TraceDryRun("ANALYZE;{0};{1}.idb", file.SourceFile, idbFile); } continue; } Directory.CreateDirectory(outDir); TraceInformation("Start group \"{0}\" with {1} files", files[0].LibraryPath, files.Count); AnalysisLog.StartFileGroup(files[0].LibraryPath, files.Count); Console.WriteLine("Now analyzing: {0}", files[0].LibraryPath); string currentLibrary; if (_treatPathsAsStandardLibrary.Contains(files[0].LibraryPath)) { currentLibrary = "standard library"; } else { currentLibrary = PathUtils.GetFileOrDirectoryName(files[0].LibraryPath); } using (var factory = InterpreterFactoryCreator.CreateAnalysisInterpreterFactory( _version, null, new[] { _outDir, outDir }.Concat(_baseDb.Skip(1)).Distinct(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToArray() )) using (var projectState = PythonAnalyzer.CreateAsync(factory).WaitAndUnwrapExceptions()) { int? mostItemsInQueue = null; if (_updater != null) { projectState.SetQueueReporting(itemsInQueue => { if (itemsInQueue > (mostItemsInQueue ?? 0)) { mostItemsInQueue = itemsInQueue; } if (mostItemsInQueue > 0) { var progress = (files.Count * (mostItemsInQueue - itemsInQueue)) / mostItemsInQueue; _updater.UpdateStatus(_progressOffset + (progress ?? 0), _progressTotal, "Analyzing " + currentLibrary); } else { _updater.UpdateStatus(_progressOffset + files.Count, _progressTotal, "Analyzing " + currentLibrary); } }, 10); } try { using (var key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(AnalysisLimitsKey)) { projectState.Limits = AnalysisLimits.LoadFromStorage(key, defaultToStdLib: true); } } catch (SecurityException) { projectState.Limits = AnalysisLimits.GetStandardLibraryLimits(); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { projectState.Limits = AnalysisLimits.GetStandardLibraryLimits(); } catch (IOException) { projectState.Limits = AnalysisLimits.GetStandardLibraryLimits(); } var items = files.Select(f => new AnalysisItem(f)).ToList(); foreach (var item in items) { if (_cancel.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } item.Entry = projectState.AddModule(item.ModuleName, item.SourceFile); foreach (var name in ModulePath.GetParents(item.ModuleName, includeFullName: true)) { int depth; if (callDepthOverrides.TryGetValue(name, out depth)) { TraceVerbose("Set CallDepthLimit to 0 for {0}", item.ModuleName); item.Entry.Properties[AnalysisLimits.CallDepthKey] = depth; break; } } } foreach (var item in items) { if (_cancel.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } if (ContainsModule(skipModules, item.ModuleName)) { continue; } if (_updater != null) { _updater.UpdateStatus(_progressOffset, _progressTotal, string.Format("Parsing {0}", currentLibrary)); } try { var sourceUnit = new FileStream(item.SourceFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); var errors = new CollectingErrorSink(); var opts = new ParserOptions() { BindReferences = true, ErrorSink = errors }; TraceInformation("Parsing \"{0}\" (\"{1}\")", item.ModuleName, item.SourceFile); item.Tree = Parser.CreateParser(sourceUnit, _version.ToLanguageVersion(), opts).ParseFile(); if (errors.Errors.Any() || errors.Warnings.Any()) { TraceWarning("File \"{0}\" contained parse errors", item.SourceFile); TraceInformation(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, errors.Errors.Concat(errors.Warnings) .Select(er => string.Format("{0} {1}", er.Span, er.Message)))); } } catch (Exception ex) { TraceError("Error parsing \"{0}\" \"{1}\"{2}{3}", item.ModuleName, item.SourceFile, Environment.NewLine, ex.ToString()); } } TraceInformation("Parsing complete"); foreach (var item in items) { if (_cancel.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } if (item.Tree != null) { item.Entry.UpdateTree(item.Tree, null); } } foreach (var item in items) { if (_cancel.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } try { if (item.Tree != null) { TraceInformation("Analyzing \"{0}\"", item.ModuleName); item.Entry.Analyze(_cancel, true); TraceVerbose("Analyzed \"{0}\"", item.SourceFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { TraceError("Error analyzing \"{0}\" \"{1}\"{2}{3}", item.ModuleName, item.SourceFile, Environment.NewLine, ex.ToString()); } } if (items.Count > 0 && !_cancel.IsCancellationRequested) { TraceInformation("Starting analysis of {0} modules", items.Count); items[0].Entry.AnalysisGroup.AnalyzeQueuedEntries(_cancel); TraceInformation("Analysis complete"); } if (_cancel.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } TraceInformation("Saving group \"{0}\"", files[0].LibraryPath); if (_updater != null) { _progressOffset += files.Count; _updater.UpdateStatus(_progressOffset, _progressTotal, "Saving " + currentLibrary); } Directory.CreateDirectory(outDir); new SaveAnalysis().Save(projectState, outDir); TraceInformation("End of group \"{0}\"", files[0].LibraryPath); AnalysisLog.EndFileGroup(); AnalysisLog.Flush(); } } // Lets us have an awaitable function, even though it doesn't need // to be async yet. This helps keep the interfaces consistent. return Task.FromResult<object>(null); }
private void ParsePythonCode( ITextSnapshot snapshot, TextReader content, Severity indentationSeverity, out PythonAst ast, out CollectingErrorSink errorSink, out List<TaskProviderItem> commentTasks ) { ast = null; errorSink = new CollectingErrorSink(); var tasks = commentTasks = new List<TaskProviderItem>(); var options = new ParserOptions { ErrorSink = errorSink, IndentationInconsistencySeverity = indentationSeverity, BindReferences = true, }; options.ProcessComment += (sender, e) => ProcessComment(tasks, snapshot, e.Span, e.Text); using (var parser = Parser.CreateParser(content, Project.LanguageVersion, options)) { ast = ParseOneFile(ast, parser); } }
private void ParseFile(IProjectEntry entry, IDictionary<int, CodeInfo> buffers) { IPythonProjectEntry pyEntry; IExternalProjectEntry externalEntry; SortedDictionary<int, ParseResult> parseResults = new SortedDictionary<int, ParseResult>(); if ((pyEntry = entry as IPythonProjectEntry) != null) { foreach (var buffer in buffers) { var errorSink = new CollectingErrorSink(); var tasks = new List<AP.TaskItem>(); ParserOptions options = MakeParserOptions(errorSink, tasks); using (var parser = buffer.Value.CreateParser(Project.LanguageVersion, options)) { var ast = ParseOneFile(parser); parseResults[buffer.Key] = new ParseResult( ast, errorSink, tasks, buffer.Value.Version ); } } // Save the single or combined tree into the project entry UpdateAnalysisTree(pyEntry, parseResults); // update squiggles for the buffer. snapshot may be null if we // are analyzing a file that is not open SendParseComplete(pyEntry, parseResults); // enqueue analysis of the file if (parseResults.Where(x => x.Value.Ast != null).Any()) { _analysisQueue.Enqueue(pyEntry, AnalysisPriority.Normal); } } else if ((externalEntry = entry as IExternalProjectEntry) != null) { foreach (var keyValue in buffers) { externalEntry.ParseContent(keyValue.Value.GetReader(), null); _analysisQueue.Enqueue(entry, AnalysisPriority.Normal); } } }
private ParserOptions MakeParserOptions(CollectingErrorSink errorSink, List<AP.TaskItem> tasks) { var options = new ParserOptions { ErrorSink = errorSink, IndentationInconsistencySeverity = _options.indentation_inconsistency_severity, BindReferences = true }; options.ProcessComment += (sender, e) => ProcessComment(tasks, e.Span, e.Text); return options; }
public ParseResult(PythonAst ast, CollectingErrorSink errors, List<AP.TaskItem> tasks, int version) { Ast = ast; Errors = errors; Tasks = tasks; Version = version; }
private static PythonAst ParseFileNoErrors(string filename, PythonLanguageVersion version, Severity indentationInconsistencySeverity = Severity.Ignore) { var errorSink = new CollectingErrorSink(); var ast = ParseFile(filename, errorSink, version, indentationInconsistencySeverity); foreach (var warn in errorSink.Warnings) { Trace.TraceInformation("WARN: {0} {1}", warn.Span, warn.Message); } foreach (var err in errorSink.Errors) { Trace.TraceInformation("ERR: {0} {1}", err.Span, err.Message); } Assert.AreEqual(0, errorSink.Warnings.Count + errorSink.Errors.Count, "Parse errors occurred"); return ast; }
private void ParseErrors(string filename, PythonLanguageVersion version, Severity indentationInconsistencySeverity, params ErrorInfo[] errors) { var sink = new CollectingErrorSink(); ParseFile(filename, sink, version, indentationInconsistencySeverity); StringBuilder foundErrors = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < sink.Errors.Count; i++) { foundErrors.AppendFormat("new ErrorInfo(\"{0}\", {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6})," + Environment.NewLine, sink.Errors[i].Message, sink.Errors[i].Span.Start.Index, sink.Errors[i].Span.Start.Line, sink.Errors[i].Span.Start.Column, sink.Errors[i].Span.End.Index, sink.Errors[i].Span.End.Line, sink.Errors[i].Span.End.Column ); } string finalErrors = foundErrors.ToString(); Console.WriteLine(finalErrors); Assert.AreEqual(errors.Length, sink.Errors.Count, "Version: " + version + Environment.NewLine + "Unexpected errors: " + Environment.NewLine + finalErrors); for (int i = 0; i < errors.Length; i++) { if (sink.Errors[i].Message != errors[i].Message) { Assert.Fail("Wrong msg for error {0}: expected {1}, got {2}", i, errors[i].Message, sink.Errors[i].Message); } if (sink.Errors[i].Span != errors[i].Span) { Assert.Fail("Wrong span for error {0}: expected ({1}, {2}, {3} - {4}, {5}, {6}), got ({7}, {8}, {9}, {10}, {11}, {12})", i, errors[i].Span.Start.Index, errors[i].Span.Start.Line, errors[i].Span.Start.Column, errors[i].Span.End.Index, errors[i].Span.End.Line, errors[i].Span.End.Column, sink.Errors[i].Span.Start.Index, sink.Errors[i].Span.Start.Line, sink.Errors[i].Span.Start.Column, sink.Errors[i].Span.End.Index, sink.Errors[i].Span.End.Line, sink.Errors[i].Span.End.Column ); } } }
private static string StdLibWorker(PythonVersion curVersion) { var files = new List<string>(); CollectFiles(curVersion.LibPath, files, new[] { "site-packages" }); var skippedFiles = new HashSet<string>(new[] { "", // included in 2x distributions but includes 3x grammar "", // included in 3x distributions but includes 2x grammar "", // included in Qt port to Py3k but installed in 2.x distributions "" // we need to update to support this. }); var errorSink = new CollectingErrorSink(); var errors = new Dictionary<string, List<ErrorResult>>(); foreach (var file in files) { string filename = Path.GetFileName(file); if (skippedFiles.Contains(filename) || filename.StartsWith("badsyntax_") || filename.StartsWith("bad_coding") || file.IndexOf("\\lib2to3\\tests\\") != -1) { continue; } using (var parser = Parser.CreateParser(new StreamReader(file), curVersion.Version, new ParserOptions() { ErrorSink = errorSink })) { var ast = parser.ParseFile(); } if (errorSink.Errors.Count != 0) { var fileErrors = errorSink.Errors.ToList(); if (curVersion.Configuration.Version == new Version(3, 5)) { // TODO: fileErrors.RemoveAll(e => { return e.Message == "non-keyword arg after keyword arg"; }); } if (fileErrors.Any()) { errors["\"" + file + "\""] = fileErrors; errorSink = new CollectingErrorSink(); } } } if (errors.Count != 0) { StringBuilder errorList = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var keyValue in errors) { errorList.Append(keyValue.Key + " :" + Environment.NewLine); foreach (var error in keyValue.Value) { errorList.AppendFormat(" {0} {1}{2}", error.Span, error.Message, Environment.NewLine); } } return errorList.ToString(); } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to parse the given text. Returns true if the text is a valid expression. Returns false if the text is not /// a valid expression and assigns the error messages produced to errorMsg. /// </summary> public virtual bool TryParseText(string text, out string errorMsg) { CollectingErrorSink errorSink = new CollectingErrorSink(); Parser parser = Parser.CreateParser(new StringReader(text), _thread.Process.LanguageVersion, new ParserOptions() { ErrorSink = errorSink }); var ast = parser.ParseSingleStatement(); if (errorSink.Errors.Count > 0) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var error in errorSink.Errors) { msg.Append(error.Message); msg.Append(Environment.NewLine); } errorMsg = msg.ToString(); return false; } errorMsg = null; return true; }