/// <summary>
        /// Loop epm receive process
        /// </summary>
        private static void epmReceiveLoop()
            byte[] responseStub = new byte[eptMapResponseStub.Length];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(eptMapResponseStub, 0, responseStub, 0, eptMapResponseStub.Length);

            while (true)
                RpceServerSessionContext context;
                ushort opnum;
                    byte[] requestStub = epmServer.ExpectCall(EPM_RECEIVE_LOOP_TIMEOUT, out context, out opnum);

                    if (opnum == eptMapOpnum)
                        p_syntax_id_t ifSpec = new p_syntax_id_t();
                        // 37 == offset of interface uuid, 16 == the size of uuid
                        ifSpec.if_uuid = new Guid(ArrayUtility.SubArray(requestStub, 37, 16));
                        //53 == offset of interface vers_major
                        ifSpec.if_vers_major = BitConverter.ToUInt16(requestStub, 53);
                        //57 == offset of interface vers_minor
                        ifSpec.if_vers_minor = BitConverter.ToUInt16(requestStub, 57);
                        if (endpointMap.ContainsKey(ifSpec))
                            //copy tower from request stub to response stub
                            //37 is the offset to interface uuid in request
                            //53 is the offset to interface uuid in response
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(requestStub, 37, responseStub, 53, 70);
                            //modify the endpoint in big enddian oder, offset is 112
                            responseStub[112] = (byte)(endpointMap[ifSpec] >> 8);
                            responseStub[113] = (byte)endpointMap[ifSpec];
                            //modify the address, offset is 119
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(hostIp.GetAddressBytes(), 0, responseStub, 119, 4);
                            //todo support Ipv6
                            epmServer.SendResponse(context, responseStub);
                catch (TimeoutException)