public static void CreateResponse( ModelSmb2Status status, ReplayModelDurableHandle durableHandleResponse, ReplayServerConfig c) { Condition.IsTrue(State == ModelState.Connected); Condition.IsNotNull(Request); ModelReplayCreateRequest createRequest = ModelHelper.RetrieveOutstandingRequest<ModelReplayCreateRequest>(ref Request); bool openIsFound = false; if (PreCheckChannelSequence(ReplayModelRequestCommand.Create,, ref createRequest.channelSequence, createRequest.isSetReplayFlag == ReplayModelSetReplayFlag.WithReplayFlag, status)) { do { if (createRequest.switchChannelType == ReplayModelSwitchChannelType.ReconnectMainChannel && LastOpen != null && LastOpen.IsPersistent && LastOpen.Lease.LeaseState == ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateNotIncludeH && createRequest.fileName == ReplayModelFileName.DefaultFileName && createRequest.leaseState == ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateIncludeH && createRequest.leaseKey == ReplayModelLeaseKey.DefaultLeaseKey) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "SwitchChannelType is {0}, LastOpen is NOT null, LastOpen is persistent, LastOpen.Lease is {1}", createRequest.switchChannelType, LastOpen.Lease.LeaseState); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Parameters in create request is fileName {0}, leaseState {1}, leaseKey {2}", createRequest.fileName, createRequest.leaseState, createRequest.leaseKey); ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestTag, TestTag.Compatibility); Condition.IsTrue(status == ModelSmb2Status.STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION); break; } #region Handle Oplock Break Acknowledgment Timer Event if (createRequest.switchChannelType == ReplayModelSwitchChannelType.ReconnectMainChannel || createRequest.switchChannelType == ReplayModelSwitchChannelType.AlternativeChannelWithDisconnectMainChannel) { //TODO: More comments ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "When switchChannelType == AlternativeChannelWithDisconnectMainChannel or switchChannelType == ReconnectMainChannel (i.e. experiencing connection drop)," + " the server will send oplock/lease break notification to the client, but currently test cases do not send acknowledgement request, so the oplock break acknowledgment timer always expires."); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "createRequest.switchChannelType is {0}", createRequest.switchChannelType); ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestTag, TestTag.Compatibility); if (Open != null && Open.Lease != null && Open.IsPersistent && createRequest.fileName == ReplayModelFileName.DefaultFileName) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " When the oplock break acknowledgment timer expires, the server MUST scan for oplock breaks that have not been acknowledged by the client within the configured time." + " It does this by enumerating all opens in the GlobalOpenTable. For each open, if Open.OplockState is Breaking and Open.OplockTimeout is earlier than the current time," + " the server MUST acknowledge the oplock break to the underlying object store represented by Open.LocalOpen, set Open.OplockLevel to SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE, and set Open.OplockState to None"); Open.OplockLevel = ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelNone; ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "For each lease, if Lease.Breaking is TRUE and Lease.LeaseBreakTimeout is earlier than the current time," + " the server MUST acknowledge the lease break to the underlying object store represented by the opens in Lease.LeaseOpens, and set Lease.LeaseState to NONE"); Open.Lease.LeaseState = ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateIsNone; if (createRequest.createGuid == ReplayModelCreateGuid.DefaultCreateGuid) { Open.ConnectionIsNotNull = true; } else { LastOpen = Open; Open = null; } } } #endregion if (createRequest.fileName == ReplayModelFileName.DefaultFileName && Open != null && Open.IsPersistent && !Open.ConnectionIsNotNull && Open.OplockLevel != ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelBatch && ((Open.OplockLevel != ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV1 && Open.OplockLevel != ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV2) || (Open.Lease != null && Open.Lease.LeaseState != ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateIncludeH))) { // Replay will always use 3.x family ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " If Connection.Dialect belongs to the SMB 3.x dialect family and the request does not contain SMB2_CREATE_DURABLE_HANDLE_RECONNECT Create Context" + " or SMB2_CREATE_DURABLE_HANDLE_RECONNECT_V2 Create Context, the server MUST look up an existing open in the GlobalOpenTable" + " where Open.FileName matches the file name in the Buffer field of the request. If an Open entry is found, and if all the following conditions are satisfied," + " the server MUST fail the request with STATUS_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "\tOpen.IsPersistent is TRUE"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "\tOpen.Connection is NULL"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "\tOpen.OplockLevel is not equal to SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_BATCH"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "\tOpen.OplockLevel is not equal to SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_LEASE or Open.Lease.LeaseState does not include SMB2_LEASE_HANDLE_CACHING"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Connection.Dialect is {0}, Open is found from GlobalOpenTable, Open.IsPersistent is {1}, Open.Connection is{2}NULL, Open.OplockLevel is {3}, Open.Lease.LeaseState is {4}",, Open.IsPersistent, Open.ConnectionIsNotNull ? " NOT " : " ", Open.OplockLevel, Open.Lease.LeaseState); ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestTag, TestTag.UnexpectedContext); Condition.IsTrue(status == ModelSmb2Status.STATUS_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE); break; } Condition.IsTrue(Config == c); Condition.IsTrue(Config.TreeConnect_Share_Type_Include_STYPE_CLUSTER_SOFS == c.TreeConnect_Share_Type_Include_STYPE_CLUSTER_SOFS); if (Config.TreeConnect_Share_Type_Include_STYPE_CLUSTER_SOFS && createRequest.requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelBatch) { // Replay will always use 3.x family ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " If Connection.Dialect belongs to the SMB 3.x dialect family TreeConnect.Share.Type includes STYPE_CLUSTER_SOFS" + " and the RequestedOplockLevel is SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_BATCH, the server MUST set RequestedOplockLevel to SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_II"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Connection.Dialect is {0}, TreeConnect.Share.Type includes STYPE_CLUSTER_SOFS and the RequestedOplockLevel is SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_BATCH",; createRequest.requestedOplockLevel = ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelII; } #region Handle Lease and if (Open != null) { if (Open.Lease != null && (createRequest.requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV1 || createRequest.requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV2) && createRequest.leaseKey == ReplayModelLeaseKey.DefaultLeaseKey && createRequest.fileName != ReplayModelFileName.DefaultFileName) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " The server MUST attempt to locate a Lease by performing a lookup in the LeaseTable.LeaseList using the LeaseKey" + " in the SMB2_CREATE_REQUEST_LEASE as the lookup key. If a lease is found but Lease.Filename does not match the file name for the incoming request," + " the request MUST be failed with STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " The server MUST attempt to locate a Lease by performing a lookup in the LeaseTable.LeaseList using the LeaseKey" + " in the SMB2_CREATE_REQUEST_LEASE_V2 as the lookup key. If a lease is found but Lease.Filename does not match the file name for the incoming request," + " the request MUST be failed with STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER"); ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestTag, TestTag.UnexpectedFields); Condition.IsTrue(status == ModelSmb2Status.STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); break; } // At this point, execution of create continues as described in until the Oplock Acquisition phase. } #endregion #region Handling the SMB2_CREATE_DURABLE_HANDLE_REQUEST_V2 Create Context if (createRequest.modelDurableHandle == ReplayModelDurableHandle.DurableHandleV2 || createRequest.modelDurableHandle == ReplayModelDurableHandle.DurableHandleV2Persistent) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " Handling the SMB2_CREATE_DURABLE_HANDLE_REQUEST_V2 Create Context"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "createRequest.modelDurableHandle is {0}", createRequest.modelDurableHandle); bool hasLeaseCreateContext = (createRequest.requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV1 || createRequest.requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV2); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "createRequest.requestedOplockLevel is {0}", createRequest.requestedOplockLevel); if (createRequest.modelDurableHandle == ReplayModelDurableHandle.DurableHandleV2 && createRequest.requestedOplockLevel != ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelBatch && !((createRequest.requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV1 || createRequest.requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV2) && createRequest.leaseState == ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateIncludeH)) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " If the SMB2_DHANDLE_FLAG_PERSISTENT bit is not set in the Flags field of this create context," + " if RequestedOplockLevel in the create request is not set to SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_BATCH, and if the create request does not include" + " a SMB2_CREATE_REQUEST_LEASE or SMB2_CREATE_REQUEST_LEASE_V2 create context with a LeaseState field that includes SMB2_LEASE_HANDLE_CACHING," + " the server MUST ignore this create context and skip this section"); ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestTag, TestTag.Compatibility); break; } // If ClientGuid is different, alternative channel cannot be create. if (Open != null) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " The server MUST locate the Open in GlobalOpenTable where Open.CreateGuid matches the CreateGuid in the SMB2_CREATE_DURABLE_HANDLE_REQUEST_V2 create context," + " and Open.ClientGuid matches the ClientGuid of the connection that received this request"); openIsFound = (createRequest.createGuid == ReplayModelCreateGuid.DefaultCreateGuid && Open.CreateGuidIsNotNull); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Open is not NULL and Open could{0}be located", openIsFound ? " " : " not "); } if (!openIsFound) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " If an Open is not found, the server MUST continue the create process specified in the \"Open Execution\" Phase, and perform the following additional steps:"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " The server MUST set Open.CreateGuid to the CreateGuid in SMB2_CREATE_DURABLE_HANDLE_REQUEST_V2."); if (Open != null) { LastOpen = Open; } Open = new ReplayOpen(); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "In the \"Successful Open Initialization\" phase, the server MUST set Open.IsDurable to TRUE." + " The server MUST also set Open.DurableOwner to a security descriptor accessible only by the user represented by Open.Session.SecurityContext."); Open.IsDurable = true; ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestInfo, "Open.IsDurable is set to TRUE"); if ( createRequest.modelDurableHandle == ReplayModelDurableHandle.DurableHandleV2Persistent && == ReplayModelShareType.CAShare && // assume connection dialect always 3.x { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " If the SMB2_DHANDLE_FLAG_PERSISTENT bit is set in the Flags field of the request, TreeConnect.Share.IsCA is TRUE, and Connection.ServerCapabilities includes SMB2_GLOBAL_CAP_PERSISTENT_HANDLES," + " the server MUST set Open.IsPersistent to TRUE."); Open.IsPersistent = true; ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestInfo, "Open.IsPersistent is set to {0}", Open.IsPersistent); } // Handling the SMB2_CREATE_REQUEST_LEASE Create Context // Handling the SMB2_CREATE_REQUEST_LEASE_V2 Create Context if (createRequest.requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV1 || createRequest.requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV2) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Requested OplockLevel is {0}, Open.leaseState is {1}", createRequest.requestedOplockLevel, createRequest.leaseState); Open.Lease = new ReplayLease(createRequest.leaseState); } } else // Open is found { if (createRequest.isSetReplayFlag == ReplayModelSetReplayFlag.WithoutReplayFlag) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " If an Open is found and the SMB2_FLAGS_REPLAY_OPERATION bit is not set in the SMB2 header," + " the server MUST fail the request with STATUS_DUPLICATE_OBJECTID."); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "Open is found and SMB2_FLAGS_REPLAY_OPERATION bit is not set in the SMB2 header"); ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestTag, TestTag.UnexpectedFields); Condition.IsTrue(status == ModelSmb2Status.STATUS_DUPLICATE_OBJECTID); break; } ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " If an Open is found and the SMB2_FLAGS_REPLAY_OPERATION bit is set in the SMB2 header, the server MUST verify the following:"); if (!Open.IsDurable || (Open.Lease == null && hasLeaseCreateContext) || (Open.Lease != null && !hasLeaseCreateContext) || // Open is NOT NULL but request does not have lease context (Open.Lease != null && hasLeaseCreateContext && createRequest.leaseKey != ReplayModelLeaseKey.DefaultLeaseKey)) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "The server MUST fail the create request with STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED in the following cases:"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "\tOpen.IsDurable is FALSE"); // "Open.DurableOwner is not the user represented by Open.Session.SecurityContext." not covered ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "\tIf Open.Lease is not NULL and Open.Lease.LeaseKey is not equal to the LeaseKey specified in the SMB2_CREATE_REQUEST_LEASE or SMB2_CREATE_REQUEST_LEASE_V2 Create Context"); if (!Open.IsDurable) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Open.IsDurable is FALSE"); } else if (Open.Lease == null && hasLeaseCreateContext) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Open.Lease is NULL but request has lease context"); } else if (Open.Lease != null && !hasLeaseCreateContext) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Open is NOT NULL but request does not have lease context"); } else { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "If Open.Lease is not NULL and Open.Lease.LeaseKey is not equal to the LeaseKey specified in the request"); } ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestTag, TestTag.UnexpectedFields); Condition.IsTrue(status == ModelSmb2Status.STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED); break; } if (createRequest.fileAttributes != ReplayModelFileAttributes.DefaultFileAttributes) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "If Open.FileAttributes does not match the FileAttributes field of the SMB2 CREATE request, the server MUST fail the request with STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER."); break; } if (createRequest.createDisposition != ReplayModelCreateDisposition.DefaultCreateDisposition) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "If Open.CreateDisposition does not match the CreateDisposition field of the SMB2 CREATE request, the server MUST fail the request with STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER"); } if (Open.IsPersistent && createRequest.modelDurableHandle != ReplayModelDurableHandle.DurableHandleV2Persistent) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "If Open.IsPersistent is TRUE and the SMB2_DHANDLE_FLAG_PERSISTENT bit is not set in the Flags field of the SMB2_CREATE_DURABLE_HANDLE_REQUEST_V2 Create Context, the server MUST fail the request with STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER"); } } if (createRequest.modelDurableHandle == ReplayModelDurableHandle.DurableHandleV2 && Open.OplockLevel != ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelBatch && ( !hasLeaseCreateContext || ( hasLeaseCreateContext && ( Open.Lease.LeaseState == ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateIsNone || Open.Lease.LeaseState == ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateNotIncludeH ) ) ) ) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " The server MUST skip the construction of the SMB2_CREATE_DURABLE_HANDLE_RESPONSE_V2 create context if the SMB2_DHANDLE_FLAG_PERSISTENT bit is not set in the Flags field of the request and if neither of the following conditions are met:"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "Open.OplockLevel is equal to SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_BATCH"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "Open.Lease.LeaseState has SMB2_LEASE_HANDLE_CACHING bit set"); // Handle normal open break; } if (createRequest.modelDurableHandle == ReplayModelDurableHandle.DurableHandleV2Persistent && createRequest.requestedOplockLevel != ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelBatch && ( !hasLeaseCreateContext || ( hasLeaseCreateContext && ( createRequest.leaseState == ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateIsNone || createRequest.leaseState == ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateNotIncludeH ) ) ) ) { // Handle normal open break; } #region Handle Lease if (Open != null) { if ((createRequest.requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV1 || createRequest.requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV2) && Open.Lease != null && Open.Lease.LeaseState == ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateNotIncludeH && createRequest.leaseState == ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateIncludeH) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " & If the lease state requested is a superset of Lease.LeaseState and Lease.Breaking is FALSE," + " the server MUST request promotion of the lease state from the underlying object store to the new caching state."); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Assume that Lease.Breaking is FALSE as no lease break happens"); Open.Lease.LeaseState = ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateIncludeH; ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Open.Lease.LeaseState is {0}", Open.Lease.LeaseState); } } #endregion ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " The server MUST construct the create response from Open, as specified in the \"Response Construction\" phase," + " with the following additional steps, and send the response to client"); if (createRequest.modelDurableHandle == ReplayModelDurableHandle.DurableHandleV2 && (Open.OplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelBatch || (Open.Lease != null && Open.Lease.LeaseState != ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateIncludeH))) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " The server MUST skip the construction of the SMB2_CREATE_DURABLE_HANDLE_RESPONSE_V2 create context " + "if the SMB2_DHANDLE_FLAG_PERSISTENT bit is not set in the Flags field of the request and if neither of the following conditions are met:"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "Open.OplockLevel is equal to SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_BATCH"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "Open.Lease.LeaseState has SMB2_LEASE_HANDLE_CACHING bit set"); Condition.IsTrue(durableHandleResponse == ReplayModelDurableHandle.NormalHandle); break; } if (Open.IsPersistent) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " If Open.IsPersistent is TRUE, the server MUST set the SMB2_DHANDLE_FLAG_PERSISTENT bit in the Flags field."); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Open.IsPersistent is TRUE"); Condition.IsTrue(durableHandleResponse == ReplayModelDurableHandle.DurableHandleV2Persistent); Condition.IsTrue(status == ModelSmb2Status.STATUS_SUCCESS); } else { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Open.IsPersistent is FALSE"); Condition.IsTrue(status == ModelSmb2Status.STATUS_SUCCESS); } } #endregion } while (false); // Create an open if (status == ModelSmb2Status.STATUS_SUCCESS && Open == null) { Open = new ReplayOpen(); } if (createRequest.modelDurableHandle == ReplayModelDurableHandle.DurableHandleV1) { if (!(createRequest.requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelBatch || ((createRequest.requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV1 || createRequest.requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV2) && createRequest.leaseState == ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateIncludeH))) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " If the RequestedOplockLevel field in the create request is not set to SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_BATCH" + " and the create request does not include an SMB2_CREATE_REQUEST_LEASE create context with a LeaseState field" + " that includes the SMB2_LEASE_HANDLE_CACHING bit value, the server MUST ignore this create context and skip this section"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "RequestedOplockLevel is {0}, LeaseState is {1}", createRequest.requestedOplockLevel, createRequest.leaseState); Condition.IsFalse(durableHandleResponse == ReplayModelDurableHandle.DurableHandleV1); } else { if (Open != null) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " In the \"Successful Open Initialization\" phase, the server MUST set Open.IsDurable to TRUE."); Open.IsDurable = true; ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Open.IsDurable is set to TRUE"); } } } } // Sending Any Outgoing Message PostCheckChannelSequence(ReplayModelRequestCommand.Create,, createRequest.channelSequence); Condition.IfThen(status != ModelSmb2Status.STATUS_SUCCESS, durableHandleResponse == ReplayModelDurableHandle.NormalHandle); }
public static void CreateRequest( ModelDialectRevision maxSmbVersionClientSupported, ReplayModelShareType shareType, ReplayModelClientSupportPersistent clientPersistentCapability, ReplayModelSwitchChannelType switchChannelType, ReplayModelChannelSequenceType channelSequence, ReplayModelSetReplayFlag isSetReplayFlag, ReplayModelDurableHandle modelDurableHandle, ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel requestedOplockLevel, ReplayModelLeaseState leaseState, ReplayModelFileName fileName, ReplayModelCreateGuid createGuid, ReplayModelFileAttributes fileAttributes, ReplayModelCreateDisposition createDisposition, ReplayModelLeaseKey leaseKey) { Condition.IsTrue(State == ModelState.Connected || State == ModelState.Initialized); Condition.IsNull(Request); Combination.NWise(2, maxSmbVersionClientSupported, shareType, clientPersistentCapability, switchChannelType, channelSequence, isSetReplayFlag, modelDurableHandle, requestedOplockLevel, leaseState, fileName, createGuid, fileAttributes, createDisposition, leaseKey); Combination.Isolated(channelSequence == ReplayModelChannelSequenceType.InvalidChannelSequence); Combination.Isolated(channelSequence == ReplayModelChannelSequenceType.ChannelSequenceBoundaryValid); //No lease for non durable handle Condition.IfThen(modelDurableHandle == ReplayModelDurableHandle.NormalHandle, requestedOplockLevel != ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV1 && requestedOplockLevel != ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV2); //No lease state or lease key(default) if not requesting lease Condition.IfThen( requestedOplockLevel != ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV1 && requestedOplockLevel != ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV2, leaseState == ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateIsNone && leaseKey == ReplayModelLeaseKey.DefaultLeaseKey); //Ensure valid lease state if requesting lease Condition.IfThen( requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV1 || requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV2, leaseState != ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateIsNone); if (State == ModelState.Initialized) { Condition.IsTrue(switchChannelType == ReplayModelSwitchChannelType.MainChannel); DialectRevision negotiateDialect = ModelHelper.DetermineNegotiateDialect(maxSmbVersionClientSupported, Config.MaxSmbVersionSupported); MainChannel = new ModelReplayChannel(negotiateDialect, shareType, clientPersistentCapability == ReplayModelClientSupportPersistent.ClientSupportPersistent); } else // There's already an open exist { //Open eixsts Condition.IsTrue(Open != null); // Ensure same dialect Condition.IsTrue(ModelUtility.GetDialectRevision(maxSmbVersionClientSupported) == MainChannel.Connection_NegotiateDialect); // Ensure connect to same share Condition.IsTrue(shareType == MainChannel.Connection_Session_TreeConnect_Share_IsCA); switch (switchChannelType) { case ReplayModelSwitchChannelType.MainChannel: { Condition.IsTrue((clientPersistentCapability == ReplayModelClientSupportPersistent.ClientSupportPersistent) == MainChannel.Connection_ClientCapabilities_SupportPersistent); break; } case ReplayModelSwitchChannelType.ReconnectMainChannel: { MainChannel.Connection_ClientCapabilities_SupportPersistent = (clientPersistentCapability == ReplayModelClientSupportPersistent.ClientSupportPersistent); break; } case ReplayModelSwitchChannelType.AlternativeChannelWithDisconnectMainChannel: case ReplayModelSwitchChannelType.AlternativeChannelWithMainChannel: case ReplayModelSwitchChannelType.MainChannelWithAlternativeChannel: { AlternativeChannel = new ModelReplayChannel(MainChannel.Connection_NegotiateDialect, shareType, clientPersistentCapability == ReplayModelClientSupportPersistent.ClientSupportPersistent); break; } } #region Handle state changes when there's connection lost or reconnection if (switchChannelType == ReplayModelSwitchChannelType.AlternativeChannelWithDisconnectMainChannel || switchChannelType == ReplayModelSwitchChannelType.ReconnectMainChannel) { bool isPreserved = false; ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " The server MUST iterate over the Session.OpenTable and determine whether each Open is to be preserved for reconnect." + " If any of the following conditions is satisfied, it indicates that the Open is to be preserved for reconnect"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Open.OplockLevel is {0}, Open.OplockState is {1}, Open.IsDurable {2}", Open.OplockLevel, Open.OplockStateIsHeld ? "Held" : "not Held", Open.IsDurable); if (Open.Lease != null) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "LeaseState is {0}", Open.Lease.LeaseState); } if (switchChannelType == ReplayModelSwitchChannelType.AlternativeChannelWithDisconnectMainChannel) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "TD does not states the open is preserved when multi channels exist."); isPreserved = true; } else if (Open.OplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelBatch && Open.OplockStateIsHeld && Open.IsDurable) // Open.OplockLevel is equal to SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_BATCH { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "Open.OplockLevel is equal to SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_BATCH and Open.OplockState is equal to Held, and Open.IsDurable is TRUE"); isPreserved = true; ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Open is to be preserved for reconnect"); } else if (((Open.OplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV1 || Open.OplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV2) && Open.Lease != null && Open.Lease.LeaseState == ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateIncludeH && Open.OplockStateIsHeld && Open.IsDurable)) // Open.OplockLevel is equal to SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_LEASE and contains SMB2_LEASE_HANDLE_CACHING { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "Open.OplockLevel is equal to SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_LEASE, Lease.LeaseState contains SMB2_LEASE_HANDLE_CACHING," + " Open.OplockState is equal to Held, and Open.IsDurable is TRUE."); isPreserved = true; ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Open is to be preserved for reconnect"); } // "The server supports leasing and Open.IsResilient is TRUE" covered by resilient model if (isPreserved) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "If the Open is to be preserved for reconnect, perform the following actions:"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "Set Open.Connection to NULL"); //Skip requirement for resilient handle which covered by resilient model Open.ConnectionIsNotNull = false; } else { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, "If the Open is not to be preserved for reconnect, the server MUST close the Open as specified in section"); LastOpen = Open; Open = null; ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Open is set to NULL"); } } #endregion } ModelReplayChannel channel = GetChannel(switchChannelType); ModelReplayCreateRequest replayCreateRequest = new ModelReplayCreateRequest(channel, switchChannelType, channelSequence, modelDurableHandle, requestedOplockLevel, fileName, createGuid, fileAttributes, createDisposition, leaseState, isSetReplayFlag, leaseKey); Request = replayCreateRequest; State = ModelState.Connected; }
public static void PrepareCreate( ModelDialectRevision maxSmbVersionClientSupported, ReplayModelClientSupportPersistent clientPersistentCapability, ReplayModelDurableHandle modelDurableHandle, ReplayModelShareType shareType, ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel requestedOplockLevel, ReplayModelLeaseState leaseState) { Condition.IsNull(MainChannel); DialectRevision negotiateDialect = ModelHelper.DetermineNegotiateDialect(maxSmbVersionClientSupported, Config.MaxSmbVersionSupported); Combination.NWise(2, maxSmbVersionClientSupported, clientPersistentCapability, modelDurableHandle, shareType, requestedOplockLevel, leaseState); //No lease state if no lease requested Condition.IfThen(requestedOplockLevel != ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV1 && requestedOplockLevel != ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV2, leaseState == ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateIsNone); //Do not set lease state to none if requesting a lease Condition.IfThen(requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV1 || requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV2, leaseState != ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateIsNone); MainChannel = new ModelReplayChannel(negotiateDialect, shareType, clientPersistentCapability == ReplayModelClientSupportPersistent.ClientSupportPersistent); if (Config.TreeConnect_Share_Type_Include_STYPE_CLUSTER_SOFS && requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelBatch) { // Replay will always use 3.x family ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " If Connection.Dialect belongs to the SMB 3.x dialect family TreeConnect.Share.Type" + " includes STYPE_CLUSTER_SOFS and the RequestedOplockLevel is SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_BATCH," + " the server MUST set RequestedOplockLevel to SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_II"); requestedOplockLevel = ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelII; } Open = new ReplayOpen(); if (requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV1) { // Replay will always use 3.x family ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " If Connection.Dialect is \"2.100\" or belongs to the \"3.x\" dialect family, and the DataLength field equals 0x20," + " the server MUST attempt to acquire a lease on the open from the underlying object store as described in section"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " The server MUST set Open.OplockState to Held"); Open.Lease = new ReplayLease(leaseState); Open.OplockStateIsHeld = true; } if (requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV2) { // Replay will always use 3.x family ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " If Connection.Dialect belongs to the \"3.x\" dialect family, and the DataLength field equals 0x34," + " the server MUST attempt to acquire a lease on the open from the underlying object store, as described in section"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " The server MUST set Open.OplockState to Held"); Open.Lease = new ReplayLease(leaseState); Open.OplockStateIsHeld = true; } Open.OplockLevel = requestedOplockLevel; State = ModelState.Connected; switch (modelDurableHandle) { case ReplayModelDurableHandle.DurableHandleV1: { if (requestedOplockLevel != ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelBatch && !((requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV1 || requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV2) && leaseState == ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateIncludeH)) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " If the RequestedOplockLevel field in the create request is not set to SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_BATCH and" + " the create request does not include an SMB2_CREATE_REQUEST_LEASE create context with a LeaseState field that includes the SMB2_LEASE_HANDLE_CACHING bit value," + " the server MUST ignore this create context and skip this section."); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Create context is ignored and skipped due to above conditions"); ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestTag, TestTag.Compatibility); } else { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " In the \"Successful Open Initialization\" phase, the server MUST set Open.IsDurable to TRUE." + " This permits the client to use Open.DurableFileId to request a reopen of the file on a subsequent request as specified in section" + " The server MUST also set Open.DurableOwner to a security descriptor accessible only by the user represented by Open.Session.SecurityContext."); Open.IsDurable = true; ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestInfo, "Open.IsDurable is set to TRUE"); } break; } case ReplayModelDurableHandle.DurableHandleV2: case ReplayModelDurableHandle.DurableHandleV2Persistent: { if (modelDurableHandle == ReplayModelDurableHandle.DurableHandleV2 && requestedOplockLevel != ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelBatch && !((requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV1 || requestedOplockLevel == ReplayModelRequestedOplockLevel.OplockLevelLeaseV2) && leaseState == ReplayModelLeaseState.LeaseStateIncludeH)) { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " If the SMB2_DHANDLE_FLAG_PERSISTENT bit is not set in the Flags field of this create context," + " if RequestedOplockLevel in the create request is not set to SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_BATCH, and if the create request does not include" + " a SMB2_CREATE_REQUEST_LEASE or SMB2_CREATE_REQUEST_LEASE_V2 create context with a LeaseState field that includes SMB2_LEASE_HANDLE_CACHING," + " the server MUST ignore this create context and skip this section"); ModelHelper.Log( LogType.TestInfo, "Create context is ignored and skipped due to above conditions"); ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestTag, TestTag.Compatibility); } else { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " The server MUST set Open.CreateGuid to the CreateGuid in SMB2_CREATE_DURABLE_HANDLE_REQUEST_V2."); Open.CreateGuidIsNotNull = true; ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " In the \"Successful Open Initialization\" phase, the server MUST set Open.IsDurable to TRUE." + " The server MUST also set Open.DurableOwner to a security descriptor accessible only by the user represented by Open.Session.SecurityContext."); Open.IsDurable = true; ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestInfo, "Open.IsDurable is set to TRUE"); if (modelDurableHandle == ReplayModelDurableHandle.DurableHandleV2Persistent && shareType == ReplayModelShareType.CAShare && clientPersistentCapability == ReplayModelClientSupportPersistent.ClientSupportPersistent) //assume connection dialect always 3.x { ModelHelper.Log( LogType.Requirement, " If the SMB2_DHANDLE_FLAG_PERSISTENT bit is set in the Flags field of the request, TreeConnect.Share.IsCA is TRUE," + " and Connection.ServerCapabilities includes SMB2_GLOBAL_CAP_PERSISTENT_HANDLES, the server MUST set Open.IsPersistent to TRUE"); Open.IsPersistent = true; ModelHelper.Log(LogType.TestInfo, "Open.IsPersistent is set to TRUE"); } } break; } case ReplayModelDurableHandle.NormalHandle: { //Do nothing for NormalHandle break; } default: break; } }
public static void ReadConfigReturn(ReplayServerConfig c) { Condition.IsTrue(State == ModelState.Uninitialized); Condition.IsNotNull(c); Config = c; Open = null; LastOpen = null; MainChannel = null; AlternativeChannel = null; ModelRequestCommand = ReplayModelRequestCommand.NoRequest; State = ModelState.Initialized; }
public static void FileOperationRequest( ReplayModelSwitchChannelType switchChannelType, ModelDialectRevision maxSmbVersionClientSupported, ReplayModelRequestCommand requestCommand, ReplayModelChannelSequenceType channelSequence, ReplayModelSetReplayFlag isSetReplayFlag, ReplayModelRequestCommandParameters requestCommandParameters) { Condition.IsNull(Request); Condition.IfThen(ModelRequestCommand != ReplayModelRequestCommand.NoRequest, ModelRequestCommand == requestCommand); Condition.IsTrue(requestCommand != ReplayModelRequestCommand.Create && requestCommand != ReplayModelRequestCommand.NoRequest); Condition.IsTrue(switchChannelType != ReplayModelSwitchChannelType.ReconnectMainChannel); Combination.NWise(2, switchChannelType, maxSmbVersionClientSupported, requestCommand, channelSequence, isSetReplayFlag, requestCommandParameters); ModelReplayChannel channel = null; if (State == ModelState.Initialized) { Condition.IsTrue(switchChannelType == ReplayModelSwitchChannelType.MainChannel); Condition.IsTrue(requestCommandParameters == ReplayModelRequestCommandParameters.DefaultParameters); MainChannel = new ModelReplayChannel(ModelHelper.DetermineNegotiateDialect(maxSmbVersionClientSupported, Config.MaxSmbVersionSupported)); Open = new ReplayOpen(); channel = MainChannel; } else { Condition.IsNotNull(MainChannel); Condition.IsNotNull(Open); Condition.IsTrue(maxSmbVersionClientSupported == ModelUtility.GetModelDialectRevision(MainChannel.Connection_NegotiateDialect)); if (switchChannelType == ReplayModelSwitchChannelType.MainChannel) { channel = MainChannel; } else { AlternativeChannel = new ModelReplayChannel(MainChannel.Connection_NegotiateDialect); channel = AlternativeChannel; } } ModelReplayFileOperationRequest operationRequest = new ModelReplayFileOperationRequest(channel, switchChannelType, maxSmbVersionClientSupported, requestCommand, channelSequence, isSetReplayFlag, requestCommandParameters); Request = operationRequest; State = ModelState.Connected; }
public static void PrepareFileOperation( ModelDialectRevision maxSmbVersionClientSupported, ReplayModelRequestCommand requestCommand) { // Condition.IsTrue(maxSmbVersionClientSupported != ModelDialectRevision.Smb302); Condition.IsTrue(State == ModelState.Initialized); Condition.IsNull(MainChannel); Condition.IsNull(Open); Condition.IsTrue(ModelRequestCommand == ReplayModelRequestCommand.NoRequest); Condition.IsTrue(requestCommand != ReplayModelRequestCommand.Create && requestCommand != ReplayModelRequestCommand.NoRequest); MainChannel = new ModelReplayChannel(ModelHelper.DetermineNegotiateDialect(maxSmbVersionClientSupported, Config.MaxSmbVersionSupported)); Open = new ReplayOpen(); ModelRequestCommand = requestCommand; State = ModelState.Connected; }