Inheritance: BaseRequestType
コード例 #1
 /// <remarks/>
 public void SendItemAsync(SendItemType SendItem1, object userState)
     if ((this.SendItemOperationCompleted == null))
         this.SendItemOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OnSendItemOperationCompleted);
     this.InvokeAsync("SendItem", new object[] {
             SendItem1}, this.SendItemOperationCompleted, userState);
コード例 #2
 /// <remarks/>
 public System.IAsyncResult BeginSendItem(SendItemType SendItem1, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState)
     return this.BeginInvoke("SendItem", new object[] {
             SendItem1}, callback, asyncState);
コード例 #3
 /// <remarks/>
 public void SendItemAsync(SendItemType SendItem1)
     this.SendItemAsync(SendItem1, null);
コード例 #4
        public void MSOXWSMSG_S06_TC01_OperateMultipleMessages()
            #region Create multiple message
            string subject = Common.GenerateResourceName(this.Site, Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Subject", Site), 0);
            string anotherSubject = Common.GenerateResourceName(this.Site, Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Subject", Site), 1);

            CreateItemType createItemRequest = new CreateItemType
                MessageDisposition = MessageDispositionType.SaveOnly,

                // MessageDispositionSpecified value needs to be set.
                MessageDispositionSpecified = true,

                SavedItemFolderId = new TargetFolderIdType
                    Item = new DistinguishedFolderIdType
                        Id = DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.drafts

                Items = new NonEmptyArrayOfAllItemsType
                    // Create an responseMessageItem with two MessageType instances.
                    Items = new MessageType[]
                        new MessageType
                            Sender = new SingleRecipientType
                                Item = new EmailAddressType
                                    EmailAddress = this.Sender

                            ToRecipients = new EmailAddressType[]
                                new EmailAddressType
                                     EmailAddress = this.Recipient1                              

                            Subject = subject,                                          

                        new MessageType
                             Sender = new SingleRecipientType
                                Item = new EmailAddressType
                                    EmailAddress = this.Sender

                            ToRecipients = new EmailAddressType[]
                                new EmailAddressType
                                     EmailAddress = this.Recipient2                               

                            Subject = anotherSubject,

            CreateItemResponseType createItemResponse = this.MSGAdapter.CreateItem(createItemRequest);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(this.VerifyMultipleResponse(createItemResponse), @"Server should return success for creating the email messages.");
            this.infoItems = TestSuiteHelper.GetInfoItemsInResponse(createItemResponse);
            this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem = TestSuiteHelper.GetItemTypeItemFromInfoItemsByIndex(this.infoItems, 0, 0);
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.infoItems, @"InfoItems in the returned response should not be null.");
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem, @"The first item of the array of ItemType type returned from server response should not be null.");

            // Save the first ItemId of message responseMessageItem got from the createItem response.
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId, @"The ItemId property of the first item should not be null.");
            ItemIdType itemIdType1 = new ItemIdType();            
            itemIdType1.Id = this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId.Id;
            itemIdType1.ChangeKey = this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId.ChangeKey;

            // Save the second ItemId.
            this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem = TestSuiteHelper.GetItemTypeItemFromInfoItemsByIndex(this.infoItems, 1, 0);
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem, @"The second item of the array of ItemType type returned from server response should not be null.");
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem.ItemId, @"The ItemId property of the second item should not be null.");
            ItemIdType itemIdType2 = new ItemIdType();
            itemIdType2.Id = this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem.ItemId.Id;
            itemIdType2.ChangeKey = this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem.ItemId.ChangeKey;

            #region Get the multiple messages which created
            GetItemType getItemRequest = new GetItemType
                // Set the two ItemIds got from CreateItem response.
                ItemIds = new ItemIdType[]

                ItemShape = new ItemResponseShapeType
                    BaseShape = DefaultShapeNamesType.AllProperties,

            GetItemResponseType getItemResponse = this.MSGAdapter.GetItem(getItemRequest);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(this.VerifyMultipleResponse(getItemResponse), @"Server should return success for creating the email messages.");

            #region Update the multiple messages which created
            UpdateItemType updateItemRequest = new UpdateItemType
                MessageDisposition = MessageDispositionType.SaveOnly,

                // MessageDispositionSpecified value needs to be set.
                MessageDispositionSpecified = true,

                // Create two ItemChangeType instances.
                ItemChanges = new ItemChangeType[]
                    new ItemChangeType
                        Item = itemIdType1,                        

                        Updates = new ItemChangeDescriptionType[]
                            new SetItemFieldType
                                Item = new PathToUnindexedFieldType
                                    FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.messageToRecipients

                                // Update ToRecipients property of the first message.
                                Item1 = new MessageType
                                    ToRecipients = new EmailAddressType[]
                                        new EmailAddressType
                                            EmailAddress = this.Recipient2

                    new ItemChangeType
                        Item = itemIdType2,                        

                        Updates = new ItemChangeDescriptionType[]
                            new SetItemFieldType
                                Item = new PathToUnindexedFieldType
                                    FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.messageToRecipients

                                // Update ToRecipients property of the second message.
                                Item1 = new MessageType
                                    ToRecipients = new EmailAddressType[]
                                        new EmailAddressType
                                            EmailAddress = this.Recipient1

            UpdateItemResponseType updateItemResponse = this.MSGAdapter.UpdateItem(updateItemRequest);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(this.VerifyMultipleResponse(updateItemResponse), @"Server should return success for updating the email messages.");
            this.infoItems = TestSuiteHelper.GetInfoItemsInResponse(updateItemResponse);
            this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem = TestSuiteHelper.GetItemTypeItemFromInfoItemsByIndex(this.infoItems, 0, 0);
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.infoItems, @"InfoItems in the returned response should not be null.");
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem, @"The first item of the array of ItemType type returned from server response should not be null.");

            // Save the ItemId of the first message responseMessageItem got from the UpdateItem response.
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId, @"The ItemId property of the first item should not be null.");
            itemIdType1.Id = this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId.Id;
            itemIdType1.ChangeKey = this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId.ChangeKey;

            // Save the ItemId of the second message responseMessageItem got from the UpdateItem response.
            this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem = TestSuiteHelper.GetItemTypeItemFromInfoItemsByIndex(this.infoItems, 1, 0);
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem, @"The second item of the array of ItemType type returned from server response should not be null.");
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem.ItemId, @"The ItemId property of the second item should not be null.");
            itemIdType2.Id = this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem.ItemId.Id;
            itemIdType2.ChangeKey = this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem.ItemId.ChangeKey;

            #region Copy the updated multiple message to junkemail
            CopyItemType copyItemRequest = new CopyItemType
                ItemIds = new ItemIdType[]

                // Copy the message to junk email folder.
                ToFolderId = new TargetFolderIdType
                    Item = new DistinguishedFolderIdType
                        Id = DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.junkemail

            CopyItemResponseType copyItemResponse = this.MSGAdapter.CopyItem(copyItemRequest);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(this.VerifyMultipleResponse(copyItemResponse), @"Server should return success for copying the email messages.");
            this.infoItems = TestSuiteHelper.GetInfoItemsInResponse(copyItemResponse);
            this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem = TestSuiteHelper.GetItemTypeItemFromInfoItemsByIndex(this.infoItems, 0, 0);
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.infoItems, @"InfoItems in the returned response should not be null.");
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem, @"The first item of the array of ItemType type returned from server response should not be null.");

            // Save the ItemId of the first message responseMessageItem got from the CopyItem response.
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId, @"The ItemId property of the first item should not be null.");
            ItemIdType copyItemIdType1 = new ItemIdType();
            copyItemIdType1.Id = this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId.Id;
            copyItemIdType1.ChangeKey = this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId.ChangeKey;

            // Save the ItemId of the second message responseMessageItem got from the CopyItem response.
            this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem = TestSuiteHelper.GetItemTypeItemFromInfoItemsByIndex(this.infoItems, 1, 0);
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem, @"The second item of the array of ItemType type returned from server response should not be null.");
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem.ItemId, @"The ItemId property of the second item should not be null.");
            ItemIdType copyItemIdType2 = new ItemIdType();
            copyItemIdType2.Id = this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem.ItemId.Id;
            copyItemIdType2.ChangeKey = this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem.ItemId.ChangeKey;

            #region Move the copied multiple message from junkemail to deleteditems
            MoveItemType moveItemRequest = new MoveItemType
                // Set to copied message responseMessageItem id.
                ItemIds = new ItemIdType[]

                // Move the copied messages to deleted items folder.
                ToFolderId = new TargetFolderIdType
                    Item = new DistinguishedFolderIdType
                        Id = DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.deleteditems

            MoveItemResponseType moveItemResponse = this.MSGAdapter.MoveItem(moveItemRequest);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(this.VerifyMultipleResponse(moveItemResponse), @"Server should return success for moving the email messages.");
            this.infoItems = TestSuiteHelper.GetInfoItemsInResponse(moveItemResponse);
            this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem = TestSuiteHelper.GetItemTypeItemFromInfoItemsByIndex(this.infoItems, 0, 0);
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.infoItems, @"InfoItems in the returned response should not be null.");
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem, @"The first item of the array of ItemType type returned from server response should not be null.");

            // Save the ItemId of the first message responseMessageItem got from the MoveItem response.
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId, @"The ItemId property of the first item should not be null.");
            copyItemIdType1.Id = this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId.Id;
            copyItemIdType1.ChangeKey = this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId.ChangeKey;

            // Save the ItemId of the second message responseMessageItem got from the MoveItem response.
            this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem = TestSuiteHelper.GetItemTypeItemFromInfoItemsByIndex(this.infoItems, 1, 0);
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem, @"The second item of the array of ItemType type returned from server response should not be null.");
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem.ItemId, @"The ItemId property of the second item should not be null.");
            copyItemIdType2.Id = this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem.ItemId.Id;
            copyItemIdType2.ChangeKey = this.firstItemOfSecondInfoItem.ItemId.ChangeKey;

            #region Send multiple messages
            SendItemType sendItemRequest = new SendItemType
                // Set to the two updated messages' ItemIds.
                ItemIds = new ItemIdType[]

                // Do not save copy.
                SaveItemToFolder = false,

            SendItemResponseType sendItemResponse = this.MSGAdapter.SendItem(sendItemRequest);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(this.VerifyMultipleResponse(sendItemResponse), @"Server should return success for sending the email messages.");

            #region Delete the copied messages
            DeleteItemType deleteItemRequest = new DeleteItemType
                // Set to the two copied messages' ItemIds.
                ItemIds = new ItemIdType[]

            DeleteItemResponseType deleteItemResponse = this.MSGAdapter.DeleteItem(deleteItemRequest);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(this.VerifyMultipleResponse(deleteItemResponse), @"Server should return success for deleting the email messages.");

            #region Clean up Recipient1's and Recipient2's inbox folders
            bool isClear = this.MSGSUTControlAdapter.CleanupFolders(
                Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Recipient2", this.Site), 
                Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Recipient2Password", this.Site), 
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(isClear, "Recipient2's inbox folder should be cleaned up.");

            isClear = this.MSGSUTControlAdapter.CleanupFolders(
                Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Recipient1", this.Site), 
                Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Recipient1Password", this.Site), 
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(isClear, "Recipient1's inbox folder should be cleaned up.");
コード例 #5
        public void MSOXWSMSG_S01_TC02_CreateMessageWithMessageDispositionTypeSaveOnly()
            #region Sender creates a message
            CreateItemType createItemRequestOfMessage = GetCreateItemType(MessageDispositionType.SaveOnly, DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.inbox);
            CreateItemResponseType createItemResponse = this.MSGAdapter.CreateItem(createItemRequestOfMessage);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(this.VerifyCreateItemResponse(createItemResponse, MessageDispositionType.SaveOnly), @"Server should return success for creating the email messages.");
            this.infoItems = TestSuiteHelper.GetInfoItemsInResponse(createItemResponse);
            this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem = TestSuiteHelper.GetItemTypeItemFromInfoItemsByIndex(this.infoItems, 0, 0);

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXWSMSG_R82");

            // Verify MS-OXWSMSG requirement: MS-OXWSMSG_R82
            // This requirement can be verified when the ItemId of message responseMessageItem got from the createItem response is not null which indicates the responseMessageItem identifier is returned.
                @"[In t:MessageDispositionType Simple Type] [when ""SaveOnly"" used in CreateItem Type element] In this case, an item identifier is returned.");

            #region Sender gets the message
            GetItemType getItemRequest = DefineGeneralGetItemRequestMessage(this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId, DefaultShapeNamesType.AllProperties);
            GetItemResponseType getItemResponseOfMessage = this.MSGAdapter.GetItem(getItemRequest);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(this.VerifyResponse(getItemResponseOfMessage), @"Server should return success for getting the email messages.");
            this.infoItems = TestSuiteHelper.GetInfoItemsInResponse(getItemResponseOfMessage);
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.infoItems, @"The CreateItem response should contain one or more items of ItemInfoResponseMessageType.");
            this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem = TestSuiteHelper.GetItemTypeItemFromInfoItemsByIndex(this.infoItems, 0, 0);
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem, @"The first item of the array of ItemType type returned from server response should not be null.");

            #region Sender finds the message in the inbox folder
            bool findItemResult = this.SearchItems(Role.Sender, "inbox", this.Subject, "itemSubject");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXWSMSG_R80");

            // Verify MS-OXWSMSG requirement: MS-OXWSMSG_R80
            // This requirement can be verified since the message created using SaveOnly can be sent successfully by using the SendItem operation.
                @"[In t:MessageDispositionType Simple Type] The value ""SaveOnly"" means when used in the CreateItemType complex type ([MS-OXWSCORE] section, the email message item is saved in the folder that is specified by the TargetFolderIdType complex type ([MS-OXWSFOLD] section");

            #region Sender sends the created message
            SendItemType sendItemRequest = new SendItemType
                ItemIds = new ItemIdType[] { this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId },

                SaveItemToFolder = true,
                SavedItemFolderId = new TargetFolderIdType
                    Item = new DistinguishedFolderIdType
                        Id = DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.sentitems

            SendItemResponseType sendItemResponse = this.MSGAdapter.SendItem(sendItemRequest);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(this.VerifyResponse(sendItemResponse), @"Server should return success for sending the email messages.");

            #region Recipient1 verifies if the message has been received
            findItemResult = this.SearchItems(Role.Recipient1, "inbox", this.Subject, "itemSubject");
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(findItemResult, "The item should be found in the inbox folder of Recipient1.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXWSMSG_R81");

            // Verify MS-OXWSMSG requirement: MS-OXWSMSG_R81
            // This requirement can be verified since the message created using SaveOnly can be sent successfully by using the SendItem operation.
                @"[In t:MessageDispositionType Simple Type] [when ""SaveOnly"" used in CreateItem Type element] Messages can be sent later by using the SendItem operation (section on an ExchangeServiceBinding object.");

            #region Clean up Sender's sentitems folder and Recipient1's inbox folder
            bool isClear = this.MSGSUTControlAdapter.CleanupFolders(
                Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Sender", this.Site),
                Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("SenderPassword", this.Site),
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(isClear, "Sender's sentitems folder should be cleaned up.");

            isClear = this.MSGSUTControlAdapter.CleanupFolders(
                Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Recipient1", this.Site),
                Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Recipient1Password", this.Site),
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(isClear, "Recipient1's inbox folder should be cleaned up.");
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Send messages and post items on the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sendItemRequest">Specify a request to send items on the server.</param>
        /// <returns>A response to SendItem operation request.</returns>
        public SendItemResponseType SendItem(SendItemType sendItemRequest)
            SendItemResponseType response = this.exchangeServiceBinding.SendItem(sendItemRequest);
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(response, "If the operation is successful, the response should not be null.");

            // SOAP version is set to 1.1, if a response can be received from server, then it means SOAP 1.1 is supported.

            // Verify transport type related requirement.

            this.VerifyServerVersionInfo(this.exchangeServiceBinding.ServerVersionInfoValue, this.exchangeServiceBinding.IsSchemaValidated);
            this.VerifySendItemResponse(response, this.exchangeServiceBinding.IsSchemaValidated);
            return response;
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Send message related Item elements on the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Specify a request to send message objects.</param>
        /// /// <returns>The response message returned by SendItem operation.</returns>
        public SendItemResponseType SendItem(SendItemType request)
            if (request == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The request of operation 'SendItem' should not be null.");

            SendItemResponseType response = this.exchangeServiceBinding.SendItem(request);
            return response;
コード例 #8
        public void MSOXWSMSG_S05_TC01_SendMessage()
            #region Create the message
            CreateItemType createItemRequest = GetCreateItemType(MessageDispositionType.SaveOnly, DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.drafts);
            CreateItemResponseType createItemResponse = this.MSGAdapter.CreateItem(createItemRequest);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(this.VerifyCreateItemResponse(createItemResponse, MessageDispositionType.SaveOnly), @"Server should return success for creating the email messages.");
            this.infoItems = TestSuiteHelper.GetInfoItemsInResponse(createItemResponse);
            this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem = TestSuiteHelper.GetItemTypeItemFromInfoItemsByIndex(this.infoItems, 0, 0);

            // Save the ItemId of message responseMessageItem got from the createItem response.
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId, @"The ItemId property of the first item should not be null.");
            ItemIdType itemIdType = new ItemIdType();
            itemIdType.Id = this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId.Id;
            itemIdType.ChangeKey = this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId.ChangeKey;

            #region Send the message
            SendItemType sendItemRequest = new SendItemType
                ItemIds = new ItemIdType[]

                SaveItemToFolder = true,

                // Save the message copy in sent items folder.
                SavedItemFolderId = new TargetFolderIdType
                    Item = new DistinguishedFolderIdType
                        Id = DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.sentitems

            SendItemResponseType sendItemResponse = this.MSGAdapter.SendItem(sendItemRequest);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(this.VerifyResponse(sendItemResponse), @"Server should return success for sending the email messages.");
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(sendItemResponse.ResponseMessages.Items, @"Items in the returned response should not be null.");

            #region Verify the requirements about SendItem
            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXWSMSG_R177");

            // Verify MS-OXWSMSG requirement: MS-OXWSMSG_R177           
                @"[In SendItem] The protocol client sends a SendItemSoapIn request WSDL message, and the protocol server responds with a SendItemSoapOut response WSDL message.");

            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(sendItemResponse.ResponseMessages.Items[0].ResponseClass, @"The ResponseClass property of the first item of infoItems instance should not be null.");
            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXWSMSG_R178");

            // Verify MS-OXWSMSG requirement: MS-OXWSMSG_R178
                @"[In SendItem] A successful SendItem operation request returns a SendItemResponse element with the ResponseClass attribute of the SendItemResponseMessage element set to ""Success"".");

            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(sendItemResponse.ResponseMessages.Items[0].ResponseCode, @"The ResponseCode property of the first item of infoItems instance should not be null.");
            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXWSMSG_R179");

            // Verify MS-OXWSMSG requirement: MS-OXWSMSG_R179
                @"[In SendItem] [A successful SendItem operation request returns a SendItemResponse element] The ResponseCode element of the SendItemResponse element is set to ""NoError"".");

            #region Create the invalid message for SendItem operation without ToRecipients element
            CreateItemType createItemRequestFailed = new CreateItemType
                MessageDisposition = MessageDispositionType.SaveOnly,

                // MessageDispositionSpecified value needs to be set.
                MessageDispositionSpecified = true,

                SavedItemFolderId = new TargetFolderIdType
                    Item = new DistinguishedFolderIdType
                        Id = DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.drafts

                Items = new NonEmptyArrayOfAllItemsType
                    Items = new MessageType[]
                        new MessageType
                            Sender = new SingleRecipientType
                                Item = new EmailAddressType
                                    EmailAddress = this.Sender
                            Subject = this.Subject,                                          

            CreateItemResponseType createItemResponseFailed = this.MSGAdapter.CreateItem(createItemRequestFailed);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(this.VerifyResponse(createItemResponseFailed), @"Server should return success for creating the email messages.");
            this.infoItems = TestSuiteHelper.GetInfoItemsInResponse(createItemResponseFailed);
            this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem = TestSuiteHelper.GetItemTypeItemFromInfoItemsByIndex(this.infoItems, 0, 0);
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.infoItems, @"InfoItems in the returned response should not be null.");
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem, @"The first item of the array of ItemType type returned from server response should not be null.");

            // Save the ItemId of message responseMessageItem got from the createItem response.
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId, @"The ItemId property of the first item should not be null.");
            itemIdType.Id = this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId.Id;
            itemIdType.ChangeKey = this.firstItemOfFirstInfoItem.ItemId.ChangeKey;

            #region Send the message without ToRecipients element
            SendItemType sendItemRequestFailed = new SendItemType
                // Set to invalid message's ItemId.
                ItemIds = new ItemIdType[]

                SaveItemToFolder = true,
                SavedItemFolderId = new TargetFolderIdType
                    Item = new DistinguishedFolderIdType
                        Id = DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.sentitems

            SendItemResponseType sendItemResponseFailed = this.MSGAdapter.SendItem(sendItemRequestFailed);

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXWSMSG_R31");

            // Verify MS-OXWSMSG requirement: MS-OXWSMSG_R31   
                @"[In t:MessageType Complex Type] [ToRecipients element] This element is required for sending a message.");

            #region Delete the invalid message
            DeleteItemType deleteItemRequest = new DeleteItemType
                // Set to invalid message's ItemId.
                ItemIds = new ItemIdType[]

            DeleteItemResponseType deleteItemResponse = this.MSGAdapter.DeleteItem(deleteItemRequest);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(this.VerifyResponse(deleteItemResponse), @"Server should return success for deleting the email messages.");

            #region Clean up Sender's sentitems folder and Recipient1's inbox folder
            bool isClear = this.MSGSUTControlAdapter.CleanupFolders(
                Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Sender", this.Site), 
                Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("SenderPassword", this.Site), 
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(isClear, "Sender's sentitems folder should be cleaned up.");

            isClear = this.MSGSUTControlAdapter.CleanupFolders(
                Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Recipient1", this.Site), 
                Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Recipient1Password", this.Site), 
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(isClear, "Recipient1's inbox folder should be cleaned up.");