コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Enterprise Library exception handler that utilizes
        /// a rolling flat file trace listener to write to log files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Name">The name of the <see cref="EnterpriseExceptionLogging.LoggingExceptionHandler"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="FilePath">Location of log file. If this is not provided, <see cref="DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH"/> is used to try and retrieve file path from Web.config file.</param>
        /// <param name="FileName">Name of log file. If this is not provided, "default_rolling.log" is used.</param>
        /// <param name="Interval">How often a new file should be created.</param>
        /// <param name="Save">States whether or not to store the handler in memory.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private EnterpriseExceptionLogging.LoggingExceptionHandler CreateTempLogger(string Name = "", string FilePath = "", string FileName = "", LoggingInterval Interval = LoggingInterval.Day, /*bool ForceCreate = false,*/ bool Save = true)
            string default_file_path = FilePath;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(default_file_path))
                try { default_file_path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH]; }
                catch (ConfigurationErrorsException) { }

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(default_file_path))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
                Name = default_file_path + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileName) ? FileName : "default_rolling.log");

            string FullName = default_file_path + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileName) ? FileName : "default_rolling.log");

            if (!FullName.EndsWith(".log"))
                FullName += ".log";

            if (_temp_enterprise_loggers.ContainsKey(Name))

            EnterpriseExceptionLogging.LoggingExceptionHandler handler = default(EnterpriseExceptionLogging.LoggingExceptionHandler);
                //EnterpriseLogging.LogWriter writer = default(EnterpriseLogging.LogWriter);
                //using (EnterpriseLogging.LogWriterFactory factory = new EnterpriseLogging.LogWriterFactory())
                //using (writer = factory.CreateDefault())
                //    if (writer == null)
                //        return handler;

                //    if (!ForceCreate && writer.TraceSources.Count > 0)
                //    {
                //        // there already exists listeners in web config that we do
                //        // not want to overwrite, so there is no need to create a
                //        // default listener
                //        return handler;
                //    }

                // create formatter for rolling log file
                EnterpriseLogging.Formatters.TextFormatter formatter = new EnterpriseLogging.Formatters.TextFormatter(
                    "GMT Timestamp: {timestamp(MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss)}\n" +
                    "Local Timestamp: {timestamp(local:hh:mm:ss:tt)}\n" +
                    "Message: {message}\n" +
                    "Category: {category}\n" +
                    "Priority: {priority}\n" +
                    "EventId: {eventid}\n" +
                    "Severity: {severity}\n" +
                    "Title:{title}\n" +
                    "Machine: {machine}\n" +
                    "Application Domain: {appDomain}\n" +
                    "Process Id: {processId}\n" +
                    "Process Name: {processName}\n" +
                    "Win32 Thread Id: {win32ThreadId}\n" +
                    "Thread Name: {threadName}\n" +
                    "Extended Properties: {dictionary({key} - {value})}\n");

                EnterpriseLogging.TraceListeners.RollInterval interval;
                if (!Enum.TryParse(Enum.GetName(typeof(LoggingInterval), Interval), true, out interval))
                    interval = EnterpriseLogging.TraceListeners.RollInterval.Day;

                // create trace listener for exception handler
                EnterpriseLogging.TraceListeners.RollingFlatFileTraceListener listener =
                    new EnterpriseLogging.TraceListeners.RollingFlatFileTraceListener(
                        fileName: FullName,
                        header: "----------------------------------------",
                        footer: "----------------------------------------",
                        formatter: formatter,
                        rollSizeKB: 0,
                        timeStampPattern: "yyyy-MM-dd",
                        rollFileExistsBehavior: EnterpriseLogging.TraceListeners.RollFileExistsBehavior.Overwrite,
                        rollInterval: interval);
                listener.TraceOutputOptions = TraceOptions.None;
                listener.Name = "Default Rolling Flat File Trace Listener";

                // add trace listener to the log writer's sources
                //if (OverwriteTraceListeners)
                //    writer.TraceSources.Clear();
                //if (writer.TraceSources.ContainsKey("General"))
                //    writer.TraceSources["General"].Listeners.Add(listener);
                //    writer.TraceSources.Add(
                //        key: "General",
                //        value: new EnterpriseLogging.LogSource(
                //            name: "Default Enterprise Logger",
                //            level: SourceLevels.All,
                //            traceListeners: new List<TraceListener>(1) { listener },
                //            autoFlush: true
                //            ));

                // create the exception handler that will handle the exceptions
                //handler = new EnterpriseExceptionLogging.LoggingExceptionHandler(
                //    logCategory: "General",
                //    eventId: 100,
                //    severity: TraceEventType.Error,
                //    title: "Default Enterprise Library Exception Handler",
                //    priority: 0,
                //    formatterType: typeof(TextExceptionFormatter),
                //    writer: writer);

                //List<EnterpriseLogging.Filters.LogFilter> filters = new List<EnterpriseLogging.Filters.LogFilter>();
                //EnterpriseLogging.LogSource main_source = new EnterpriseLogging.LogSource(
                //    name: "Default Enterprise Logger",
                //    level: SourceLevels.All,
                //    traceListeners: new List<TraceListener>(1) { listener },
                //    autoFlush: true
                //    );
                //IDictionary<string, EnterpriseLogging.LogSource> trace_sources = new Dictionary<string, EnterpriseLogging.LogSource>();
                //trace_sources.Add("General", main_source);
                //EnterpriseLogging.LogWriterStructureHolder holder = new EnterpriseLogging.LogWriterStructureHolder(filters, trace_sources, main_source, main_source, main_source, "General", true, true, false);
                //EnterpriseLogging.LogWriterImpl writer = new EnterpriseLogging.LogWriterImpl(holder, new EnterpriseLogging.Instrumentation.LoggingInstrumentationProvider(false, true, "EnhancedPartnerCenter"), new EnterpriseLogging.LoggingUpdateCoordinator(new Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.Configuration.ContainerModel.ConfigurationChangeEventSourceImpl()));

                //handler = new EnterpriseExceptionLogging.LoggingExceptionHandler(
                //    logCategory: "General",
                //    eventId: 100,
                //    severity: TraceEventType.Error,
                //    title: "Default Enterprise Library Exception Handler",
                //    priority: 0,
                //    formatterType: typeof(TextExceptionFormatter),
                //    writer: writer);

                //if (Save)
                //    _temp_enterprise_loggers.Add(Name, handler);

                // Try to fix this to work..
                List <EnterpriseLogging.Filters.LogFilter> filters = new List <EnterpriseLogging.Filters.LogFilter>();
                EnterpriseLogging.LogSource main_source            = new EnterpriseLogging.LogSource(
                    name: "Default Enterprise Logger",
                    level: SourceLevels.All,
                    traceListeners: new List <TraceListener>(1)
                    autoFlush: true

                IDictionary <string, EnterpriseLogging.LogSource> trace_sources = new Dictionary <string, EnterpriseLogging.LogSource>();
                trace_sources.Add("General", main_source);

                EnterpriseLogging.LogWriterFactory         factory_writer = new EnterpriseLogging.LogWriterFactory();
                EnterpriseLogging.LogWriterStructureHolder holder         = new EnterpriseLogging.LogWriterStructureHolder(filters, trace_sources, main_source, main_source, main_source, "General", true, true, false);
                EnterpriseLogging.LogWriter writer = factory_writer.Create();
                // this is where chiz hit the fan
                writer.Configure(new Action <EnterpriseLogging.LoggingConfiguration>((EnterpriseLogging.LoggingConfiguration lc) =>

                handler = new EnterpriseExceptionLogging.LoggingExceptionHandler(
                    logCategory: "General",
                    eventId: 100,
                    severity: TraceEventType.Error,
                    title: "Default Enterprise Library Exception Handler",
                    priority: 0,
                    formatterType: typeof(TextExceptionFormatter),
                    writer: writer);
            catch (Exception)
                handler = default(EnterpriseExceptionLogging.LoggingExceptionHandler);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Logs the provided <paramref name="Exception"/> based on the <paramref name="ErrorSeverity"/>.
        /// If <paramref name="UseLoggingConfig"/> is true, the  logging configuration will
        /// attempt to be used to log the <paramref name="Exception"/>. If the <paramref name="Exception"/>
        /// could not be logged because the policy name in the  logging configuration is incorrect,
        /// that error will be logged separately to a text file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Exception">The exception to log.</param>
        /// <param name="ErrorSeverity">The severity level of the exception.</param>
        /// <param name="UseLoggingConfig">States whether or not to use the custom  logging configuration.</param>
        private void WriteToEnterpriseLibraryFile(Exception Exception, ErrorSeverity ErrorSeverity, bool UseLoggingConfig = true)
            // get all elements with similar severity from web config if UseLoggingConfig is true,
            // otherwise make it an empty list to skip the foreach loop
            string LogFilePath = string.Empty;
            List <LoggingElement> LoggingElements = (UseLoggingConfig) ? GetLoggingElementsByPropertyValue("Severity", ErrorSeverity) : new List <LoggingElement>(0);

            // variables to track whether or not the exception was logged
            int  handled_count = 0;
            bool handled       = false;

            // loop through each configuration and log the exception to the corresponding files
            foreach (LoggingElement LoggingElement in LoggingElements)
                // but remember, only log to files if their logging type
                // is designated as EnterpriseLibrary
                if (!LoggingElement.LoggingType.HasFlag(LoggingType.EnterpriseLibrary))

                // initially, set handled to false to denote that the exception was not logged
                handled = false;
                    // if a policy is provided..
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LoggingElement.EnterprisePolicy))
                        ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(Exception, LoggingElement.EnterprisePolicy);
                    // if a file path for the log file was provided..
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LoggingElement.LogFilePath))
                        // for this situation, we will make a new handler for a different path
                        // instead of modifying the default

                        // create new handler if it does not exist, otherwise retrieve handler from _temp_enterprise_loggers
                        EnterpriseExceptionLogging.LoggingExceptionHandler temp_handler =
                                FilePath: LoggingElement.LogFilePath,
                                FileName: LoggingElement.LogFileName + (LoggingElement.LogFileName.EndsWith(".log") ? "" : ".log"),
                                Interval: LoggingElement.Interval /*,
                                                                   * ForceCreate: true*/);

                        // handle exception
                        if (temp_handler != null)
                            temp_handler.HandleException(Exception, Guid.NewGuid());
                    handled = true;
                catch (Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ActivationException aex)
                    // HandleException failed - this occurs when a policy is not present or the exception could not be handled properly
                    Log(aex, LoggingType.TextFile, ErrorSeverity.Warning);

                // if the exception failed to be logged because the policy was incorrect..
                if (!handled)
                    // if the default logger was successfully created..
                    if (_temp_enterprise_loggers.ContainsKey(DEFAULT_ENTERPRISE_LOGGER_NAME))
                        // try to write to default logger
                            _temp_enterprise_loggers[DEFAULT_ENTERPRISE_LOGGER_NAME].HandleException(Exception, Guid.NewGuid());
                        catch (Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ActivationException aex)
                            // HandleException failed - this occurs when a policy is not present or the exception could not be handled properly
                            Log(aex, LoggingType.TextFile, ErrorSeverity.Warning);
                        // try to log using default policy name
                            ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(Exception, DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_POLICY);
                        catch (Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ActivationException)
                            // HandleException failed - this occurs when a policy is not present or the exception could not be handled properly
                            // do not try to log this, this is the last resort

            // if no elements are found with the same severity that was provided or
            // the policies were not found, try to use default policy name
            if (handled_count == 0)
                // if the default logger was created (i.e. there are no policies in config)
                if (_temp_enterprise_loggers.ContainsKey(DEFAULT_ENTERPRISE_LOGGER_NAME))
                    // try to write to default logger
                    try { _temp_enterprise_loggers[DEFAULT_ENTERPRISE_LOGGER_NAME].HandleException(Exception, Guid.NewGuid()); }
                    catch (Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ActivationException aex)
                        // HandleException failed - this occurs when a policy is not present or the exception could not be handled properly
                        Log(aex, LoggingType.TextFile, ErrorSeverity.Warning);
                    // try to log using default policy name
                    // if that fails, there is no hope..
                    try { ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(Exception, DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_POLICY); }
                    catch (Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ActivationException)
                        // HandleException failed - this occurs when a policy is not present or the exception could not be handled properly
                        // do not try to log this, this is the last resort