public int addNewUser(string firstname, string lastname, string companyname, string email, string password, string countryid, string stateid, string mobile, int type, string verify) { int status = 0; try { Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid(); Database objDB = new SqlDatabase(connectionStr); DbCommand objAdd = new SqlCommand(); objAdd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; objAdd.CommandText = "InsertUser"; objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@FName", DbType.String, firstname); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@LName", DbType.String, lastname); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@Companyname", DbType.String, companyname); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@Email", DbType.String, email); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@Password", DbType.String, password); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@Countryid", DbType.Int32, countryid); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@Stateid", DbType.Int32, stateid); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@Mobile", DbType.String, mobile); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@Type", DbType.Int32, type); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@Verify", DbType.String, verify); objDB.AddOutParameter(objAdd, "@Stat", DbType.Int16, 16); objDB.ExecuteNonQuery(objAdd); status = Convert.ToInt16(objDB.GetParameterValue(objAdd, "@Stat")); return status; } catch (Exception ex) { objErr.GeneralExceptionHandling(ex, "Website - User Registration", "addNewUser", "GENERAL EXCEPTION"); return status; } }
//fetch record public static DataTable GetImportedRecords(int? top = 1000, bool direction = true, string name = "", bool? gender = null, int? year = null, long? rank = null) { Database objDB = new SqlDatabase(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBaseConnectionString"].ConnectionString); DataSet _ds = new DataSet(); using (DbCommand objCMD = objDB.GetStoredProcCommand("PSP_Babies_Get")) { objDB.AddInParameter(objCMD, "@Top", DbType.Int32, top??1000000); objDB.AddInParameter(objCMD, "@SortingDirection", DbType.String, direction.ToIndicator()); objDB.AddInParameter(objCMD, "@Name", DbType.String, name); objDB.AddInParameter(objCMD, "@Gender", DbType.String, gender.ToIndicator()); objDB.AddInParameter(objCMD, "@Year", DbType.Int32, year); objDB.AddInParameter(objCMD, "@Rank", DbType.Int64, rank); try { _ds = objDB.ExecuteDataSet(objCMD); return _ds != null ? _ds.Tables[0] : new DataTable(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } }
public static void SaveBaby(string babyName, long position, bool gender, int year, long rank) { Database objDB = new SqlDatabase(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBaseConnectionString"].ConnectionString); using (DbCommand objCMD = objDB.GetStoredProcCommand("PSP_Babies_Save")) { objDB.AddInParameter(objCMD, "@Name", DbType.String, babyName); objDB.AddInParameter(objCMD, "@Gender", DbType.String, gender.ToIndicator()); objDB.AddInParameter(objCMD, "@Position", DbType.Int64, position); objDB.AddInParameter(objCMD, "@Rank", DbType.Int64, rank); objDB.AddInParameter(objCMD, "@Year", DbType.Int32, year); //objDB.AddOutParameter(objCMD, "@strMessage", DbType.String, 255); try { objDB.ExecuteNonQuery(objCMD); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } }
public int addNewProductPost(string userid, int l1id, int l2id, int l3id, string productname, string keywords, string description, decimal quantity, decimal price, string image1, string image2, string image3, string image4) { int status = 0; try { Guid guid = new Guid(userid); Database objDB = new SqlDatabase(connectionStr); DbCommand objAdd = new SqlCommand(); objAdd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; objAdd.CommandText = "InsertProductPost"; objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@USERID", DbType.Guid, guid); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@L1ID", DbType.Int32, l1id); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@L2ID", DbType.Int32, l2id); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@L3ID", DbType.Int32, l3id); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@PRODUCTNAME", DbType.String, productname); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@DESCRIPTION", DbType.String, description); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@QUANTITY", DbType.Decimal, quantity); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@PRICE", DbType.Decimal, price); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@KEYWORDS", DbType.String, keywords); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@IMAGE1", DbType.String, image1); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@IMAGE2", DbType.String, image2); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@IMAGE3", DbType.String, image3); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@IMAGE4", DbType.String, image4); objDB.AddOutParameter(objAdd, "@Stat", DbType.Int16, 16); objDB.ExecuteNonQuery(objAdd); status = Convert.ToInt16(objDB.GetParameterValue(objAdd, "@Stat")); } catch (Exception ex) { objErr.GeneralExceptionHandling(ex, "Website - Post Product", "addNewProductPost", "GENERAL EXCEPTION"); } return status; }
public int addInquiry(string name, string email, string subject, string message) { int status = 0; try { Database objDB = new SqlDatabase(connectionStr); DbCommand objAdd = new SqlCommand(); objAdd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; objAdd.CommandText = "InsertInquiry"; objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@Name", DbType.String, name); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@Email", DbType.String, email); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@Subject", DbType.String, subject); objDB.AddInParameter(objAdd, "@Message", DbType.String, message); objDB.AddOutParameter(objAdd, "@Stat", DbType.Int16, 16); objDB.ExecuteNonQuery(objAdd); status = Convert.ToInt16(objDB.GetParameterValue(objAdd, "@Stat")); return status; } catch (Exception ex) { objCommom.LogFile("Contact.aspx", "addInquiry", ex); return status; } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="jobId"></param> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <param name="existing"></param> /// <returns>0 if user being unassigned has never billed time to the job, /// 1 if user has billed time to the job</returns> public static int Unassign(int jobId, int userId, string existing) { SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase(connString); DbCommand cmd = null; if (existing == "delete") { cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(@" DELETE FROM Allocations WHERE UserId=@user_id AND JobId=@job_id"); db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@user_id", DbType.Int32, userId); db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@job_id", DbType.Int32, jobId); db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd); } else if (existing == "move") { MoveAllocations(userId, jobId); } int retval = 0; cmd = db.GetStoredProcCommand("ALOC_Unassign"); db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@job_id", DbType.Int32, jobId); db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@user_id", DbType.Int32, userId); object result = db.ExecuteScalar(cmd); if (result != null && result != DBNull.Value) retval = Convert.ToInt32(result); cmd.Dispose(); return retval; }
public IDataReader ToDataReader(string storedProcedureName, Dictionary<string, string> parameters) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(storedProcedureName)) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; foreach (string key in parameters.Keys) { SqlParameter parameter = new SqlParameter(key, parameters[key]); if (parameter.Value == null) parameter.Value = DBNull.Value; if (parameter.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.DateTime && parameter.Value is DateTime && (DateTime)parameter.Value == default(DateTime)) parameter.Value = SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value; cmd.Parameters.Add(parameter); } SqlDatabase database = new SqlDatabase(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyAppsLocal"].ConnectionString); try { IDataReader reader = database.ExecuteReader(cmd); return reader; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); return null; } } }
public override CustomerList GetCustomer(string vipCode) { SqlDatabase database = new SqlDatabase(ConnectionString); DbCommand command = database.GetStoredProcCommand("rmSP_WSPOS_GetCustomer"); command.CommandTimeout = 300; database.AddInParameter(command, "@VipCode", DbType.String, vipCode); List<Customer> customers = new List<Customer>(); using (IDataReader reader = database.ExecuteReader(command)) { while (reader.Read()) { Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.CustomerId = Convert.ToInt32(reader["VIPCode_id"]); customer.CustomerCode = reader["VipCode"] as string; customer.FirstName = reader["VIPGName"] as string; customer.LastName = reader["VIPName"] as string; customer.Telephone = reader["VIPTel"] as string; if (reader["VIPBDay"] != DBNull.Value) customer.BirthDate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["VIPBDay"]); customers.Add(customer); } } CustomerList customerList = new CustomerList(); customerList.Customers = customers; customerList.TotalCount = customers.Count; return customerList; }
public void NoEventBroadcastIfNoEventRegistered() { string connectionString = @"server=(local)\sqlexpress;database=northwind;integrated security=true;"; SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase(connectionString); db.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, "Select count(*) from Region"); }
protected void btnProcessManualBox_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { StatGrabber.StatGrabber sg = new StatGrabber.StatGrabber(); SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase( System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"] ); ArrayList problems = new ArrayList(); try { ArrayList perfs = sg.GetGamePerformances( tbManualBoxURL.Text, problems ); tbOutput.Text += "Got " + perfs.Count + " perfs from " + tbManualBoxURL.Text + "\r\n"; problems.AddRange( sg.SavePerformances( db, perfs, calStatDate.SelectedDate ) ); } catch( StatGrabber.StatGrabberException ex ) { tbOutput.Text += ex.Message; } if( problems.Count > 0 ) { tbOutput.Text += "Problems:\r\n"; foreach( StatGrabber.PlayerPerformance p in problems ) { tbOutput.Text += p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName + " " + p.TeamName + "\r\n"; } } else { tbOutput.Text += "No problems identifying players\r\n"; } tbOutput.Text += sg.UpdateAveragesAndScores( db, calStatDate.SelectedDate ); Log.AddLogEntry( LogEntryTypes.StatsProcessed, Page.User.Identity.Name, tbOutput.Text ); }
public static IDataReader GetIDataReader(string connectionString, string sqlQuery) { SqlDatabase sqlServerDB = new SqlDatabase(connectionString); DbCommand cmd = sqlServerDB.GetSqlStringCommand(sqlQuery); //return an IDataReader. return sqlServerDB.ExecuteReader(cmd); }
protected string Autosub( string weekId, SqlDatabase db, DateTime selectedDate ) { string result = AutoSub.ProcessAutosubs( weekId ); StatGrabber.StatGrabber sg = new StatGrabber.StatGrabber(); result += sg.UpdateAveragesAndScores( db, selectedDate ); return result; }
public void DoLotsOfConnectionFailures() { int numberOfEvents = 50; using (WmiEventWatcher eventListener = new WmiEventWatcher(numberOfEvents)) { SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase("BadConnectionString"); DataInstrumentationListener listener = new DataInstrumentationListener("foo", true, true, true); DataInstrumentationListenerBinder binder = new DataInstrumentationListenerBinder(); binder.Bind(db.GetInstrumentationEventProvider(), listener); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEvents; i++) { try { db.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, "Select count(*) from Region"); } catch { } } eventListener.WaitForEvents(); Assert.AreEqual(numberOfEvents, eventListener.EventsReceived.Count); Assert.AreEqual("ConnectionFailedEvent", eventListener.EventsReceived[0].ClassPath.ClassName); Assert.AreEqual("foo", eventListener.EventsReceived[0].GetPropertyValue("InstanceName")); Assert.AreEqual(db.ConnectionStringWithoutCredentials, eventListener.EventsReceived[0].GetPropertyValue("ConnectionString")); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Database objDB = new SqlDatabase(M_CONSTR); if (objDB != null) { //所属部门 DataSet ds = objDB.ExecuteDataSet(CommandType.Text, "SELECT * FROM Table_Group"); ddlTGroup.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; ddlTGroup.DataTextField = "GroupName"; ddlTGroup.DataValueField = "GroupID"; ddlTGroup.DataBind(); ddlTGroup.Items.Insert(0, (new ListItem("--全部--", "0"))); ddlTGroup.SelectedIndex = 0; //讲师 ds = objDB.ExecuteDataSet(CommandType.Text, "SELECT * FROM Table_TEACHER"); ddlTeacher.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; ddlTeacher.DataTextField = "TeacherName"; ddlTeacher.DataValueField = "TeacherID"; ddlTeacher.DataBind(); //ddlTeacher.Items.Insert(0, (new ListItem("--全部--", "0"))); //ddlTeacher.SelectedIndex = 0; } } }
public static bool BookTicketDAL(Models.TicketBooking data) { SqlDatabase travelMSysDB = new SqlDatabase(ConnString.DBConnectionString); SqlCommand insertCmmnd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO TICKET_BOOKINGS ([Travel_Request_ID],[Ticket_Details],[Booking_Status]) VALUES (@Travel_Request_ID,@Ticket_Details,@Booking_Status)"); insertCmmnd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; insertCmmnd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Travel_Request_ID", data.Travel_Request_ID); insertCmmnd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Ticket_Details", data.Ticket_Details); insertCmmnd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Booking_Status", data.Booking_Status); int rowsAffected = travelMSysDB.ExecuteNonQuery(insertCmmnd); Console.Write("rowsAffected " + rowsAffected); SqlCommand updateCmmnd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE TRAVEL_REQUESTS SET [Request_Status]='P' WHERE Travel_Request_ID=@Travel_Request_ID"); updateCmmnd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; updateCmmnd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Travel_Request_ID", data.Travel_Request_ID); int rowsAffectedTReq = travelMSysDB.ExecuteNonQuery(updateCmmnd); //two booking records for same travel req issue to be resolved wherever applicable - or just delete the rows when booking cancelled if (rowsAffected == 1&&rowsAffectedTReq==1) return true; return false; }
public static DataTable GetResources(int jobId, int deptId) { SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase(connString); string sql = @" SELECT U.UserId, U.FirstName + ' ' + U.LastName AS FullName, t.TitleName as Title FROM AllocableUsers U LEFT JOIN JobTitles AS t ON U.currentTitleID=t.TitleID WHERE U.Active=1 AND U.UserId NOT IN ( SELECT UserId FROM Assignments WHERE JobId=@job_id AND (EndDate IS NULL OR EndDate>DATEADD(s, 1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))) AND U.DeptId=@dept_id AND realPerson='Y' AND UserId NOT IN ( SELECT UserId FROM timeEntry WHERE JobId=@job_id AND UserId=U.UserId AND (TimeSpan IS NULL OR TimeSpan > 0) ) ORDER BY FullName"; DbCommand command = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sql); db.AddInParameter(command, "@job_id", DbType.Int32, jobId); db.AddInParameter(command, "@dept_id", DbType.Int32, deptId); DataTable t = new DataTable(); t = db.ExecuteDataSet(command).Tables[0].Copy(); t.TableName = "Resources"; command.Dispose(); return t; }
public static IDataReader Departments() { SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase(connString); DbCommand command = db.GetSqlStringCommand("SELECT DeptId, Name FROM AllDepartments D WHERE D.Active=1 AND D.NormBillsTime=1 ORDER BY Name"); command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; return db.ExecuteReader(command); }
public void PublicarMensajeSql(string aplicacion, string error, Exception excepcion) { try { SqlDatabase baseDedatos = new SqlDatabase(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AccesoDual"].ConnectionString); DbCommand comando = baseDedatos.GetStoredProcCommand("adm.NlayerSP_RegistrarErrorAplicativo"); comando.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; string interna = null; if (excepcion.InnerException != null) { interna = excepcion.InnerException.Message; } baseDedatos.AddInParameter(comando, "Aplicacion", SqlDbType.NVarChar, aplicacion); baseDedatos.AddInParameter(comando, "Error", SqlDbType.NVarChar, error); baseDedatos.AddInParameter(comando, "Excepcion", SqlDbType.NText, excepcion.Message); baseDedatos.AddInParameter(comando, "Interna", SqlDbType.NText, interna); baseDedatos.ExecuteNonQuery(comando); } catch {} }
public static UserAuthResult Authenticate(string userName, string password, string providerKey) { string Auth_GetUserByCredentials = @"SELECT u.ID,u.Name,u.Surname,u.Email,u.Password,u.About,u.BirthDate,u.DateCreated,u.LastLogin,u.DateUpdated,ul.LoginProvider FROM User AS u INNER JOIN UserLogin AS ul ON u.ID = ul.UserID WHERE u.Email = '{1}' WHERE ul.Providerkey = '{1}'"; string connStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MasterSQLConnection"]; SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase(connStr); UserAuthResult result = new UserAuthResult(); result.AuthSuccess = false; User user = new User(); string dbPassword = string.Empty; try { string query = String.Format(Auth_GetUserByCredentials, userName); using (DbCommand command = db.GetSqlStringCommand(query)) { using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(command)) { if (reader.Read()) { //Users.ID,Users.Name,Surname,IsAdmin,IsSuperAdmin,LoginType,Users.ActiveDirectoryDomain,Password user.ID = int.Parse(reader["ID"].ToString()); user.Password = reader["Password"].ToString(); user.Name = reader["Name"].ToString(); user.Surname = reader["Surname"].ToString(); } else { result.AuthSuccess = false; result.ErrorMsg = "Username or password is wrong"; } } } } finally { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) && user.ID > 0 && password.Equals(user.Password)) { result.User = user; result.AuthSuccess = true; } else { result.ErrorMsg = "Username or password is wrong"; } return result; }
public static IDataReader Employees(int deptId) { SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase(connString); DbCommand command = db.GetSqlStringCommand("SELECT FirstName + ' ' + LastName AS FullName, UserId FROM AllocableUsers WHERE DeptId=" + deptId + " AND Active=1 ORDER BY FullName"); command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; return db.ExecuteReader(command); }
public static int CurrectWeek() { SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase( connString ); DbCommand command = db.GetStoredProcCommand( "getWeekNr" ); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; //the +1 below is to correct for an apparent off-by-one error in the stored procedure return Convert.ToInt32( db.ExecuteScalar( command ) ) + 1; }
public static void Assign(int jobId, int userId) { SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase(connString); DbCommand cmd = db.GetStoredProcCommand("ALOC_Assign"); db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@job_id", DbType.Int32, jobId); db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@user_id", DbType.Int32, userId); db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd); cmd.Dispose(); }
public static void UpdateRole(Role role) { string sqlQuery = "UPDATE ROLE SET Name=@Name WHERE RoleID=" + role.RoleID; Database db = new SqlDatabase(DBHelper.GetConnectionString()); DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sqlQuery); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Name", DbType.String, role.Name); db.ExecuteNonQuery(dbCommand); }
/// <summary> Constructor </summary> public DataTransaction() { // Capture a database connection database = (SqlDatabase)DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); // Initialize the transaction object connection = null; transaction = null; }
protected void ButtonFinalize_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase( System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"] ); tbOutput.Text += Autosub( ddlWeeks.SelectedValue, db, calStatDate.SelectedDate ); SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"], "spFinalizeGames", Convert.ToInt32( ddlWeeks.SelectedValue ) ); tbOutput.Text += "\r\nGames finalized for week " + ddlWeeks.SelectedItem.Text; Log.AddLogEntry( LogEntryTypes.WeekFinalized, Page.User.Identity.Name, "Finalized stats for weekid " + ddlWeeks.SelectedValue + ", week " + ddlWeeks.SelectedItem.Text ); }
//To write to DB public static int WriteToDb(string connectionString, string sqlQuery) { SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase(connectionString); DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sqlQuery); //return the number of rows affected return db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd); }
protected void btnAutosub_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { //string result = AutoSub.ProcessAutosubs( ddlWeeks.SelectedValue ); //tbOutput.Text += result; //StatGrabber.StatGrabber sg = new StatGrabber.StatGrabber(); SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase( System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"] ); //tbOutput.Text += sg.UpdateAveragesAndScores( db, calStatDate.SelectedDate ); tbOutput.Text += Autosub( ddlWeeks.SelectedValue, db, calStatDate.SelectedDate ); }
public static IDataReader JobsAssignedTo(int clientId, int userId) { SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase(connString); DbCommand command = db.GetStoredProcCommand("ALOC_JobsAssignedTo"); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; db.AddInParameter(command, "@ClientId", DbType.Int32, clientId); db.AddInParameter(command, "@UserId", DbType.Int32, userId); return db.ExecuteReader(command); }
private static void HandleConnectionError(SqlDatabase db, Exception ex, int? tryCount) { if(log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error("Database Connection 생성 및 Open 시에 예외가 발생했습니다. ConnectionString=[{0}]", db.ConnectionString); log.Error(ex); } var timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Math.Abs(tryCount ?? 1 * 5)); Thread.Sleep((timeout < MaxTimeout) ? timeout : MaxTimeout); }
public static IDataReader Deparments(int clientId) { SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase( connString ); DbCommand command = db.GetStoredProcCommand( "ALOC__DepartmentSelectList" ); db.AddInParameter( command, "@ClientId", DbType.Int32, clientId ); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; return db.ExecuteReader( command ); }
/// <summary> /// Método que Ejecuta un Procedimiento Almacenado de Inserción, Eliminación o Modificación /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="LstEntidad">Entidad de Tipo Lista que se interpretará como parametro de Entrada del SP</param> /// <param name="NombreTabla">Nombre de la Tabla a Insertar</param> /// <param name="Procedimiento">Nombre del Procedimiento</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Resultado <T> EjecutarProcedimientoOperacional <T>(List <T> LstEntidad, string NombreTabla, string Procedimiento) { var ObjResultado = new Resultado <T>(); try { SqlDatabase db = new Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Sql.SqlDatabase(ConfigBase.ConexionSQL); DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(Procedimiento); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@" + NombreTabla, SqlDbType.Structured, ListToDataTable <T>(LstEntidad)); //db.SetParametros(dbCommand, Entidad); db.ExecuteNonQuery(dbCommand); return(ObjResultado); } catch (Exception Ex) { DacLog.Registrar(Ex, Procedimiento); ObjResultado.ResultadoGeneral = false; ObjResultado.Mensaje = Ex.Message; return(ObjResultado); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a Database Rules Manager instance /// </summary> /// <param name="databaseService">The Database Instance to use to query the data(要查询数据的数据库实例)</param> /// <param name="config">The configuration context</param> public DbRulesManager(string databaseService) { //DatabaseProviderFactory factory = new DatabaseProviderFactory(config); dbRules = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(databaseService) as SqlDatabase; }