MakeFastPath() private method

Encrypting a path containing package source location, id, version and source
private MakeFastPath ( PackageSource source, string id, string version ) : string
source PackageSource package source
id string package id
version string package version
return string
コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Download a package from a file repository that matches the given version and name and install it on the local system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packageName">Package name</param>
        /// <param name="version">Package version</param>
        /// <param name="request">An object passed in from the PackageManagement platform that contains APIs that can be used to interact with it </param>  
        /// <param name="source">Package source</param>
        /// <param name="sourceFilePath">File source path pointing to the package to be installed</param>
        /// <returns>PackageItem object</returns>
        internal static PackageItem InstallPackageLocal(
            string packageName, 
            string version,
            NuGetRequest request, 
            PackageSource source,             
            string sourceFilePath 
            request.Debug(Messages.DebugInfoCallMethod, "NuGetClient", "InstallPackageLocal");

            string tempSourceFilePath = null;
            string tempSourceDirectory = null;

            string directoryToDeleteWhenFailed = String.Empty;
            bool needToDelete = false;

                string destinationFilePath = request.Destination;
                request.Verbose(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "InstallPackageLocal' - name='{0}', version='{1}',destination='{2}'", packageName, version, destinationFilePath));

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sourceFilePath))
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(sourceFilePath);

                if (!File.Exists(sourceFilePath)) {
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(sourceFilePath);

                //Create the destination directory if it does not exist
                if (!Directory.Exists(destinationFilePath)) {
                    directoryToDeleteWhenFailed = destinationFilePath;

                //Make a temp folder in the user appdata temp directory 
                tempSourceFilePath = FileUtility.GetTempFileFullPath(fileExtension: NuGetConstant.PackageExtension);

                //Copy over the source file from  the folder repository to the temp folder
                File.Copy(sourceFilePath, tempSourceFilePath, true);

                //Unzip it
                tempSourceDirectory = PackageUtility.DecompressFile(tempSourceFilePath);

                //Get a packge directory under the destination path to store the package
                string installedFolder = FileUtility.MakePackageDirectoryName(request.ExcludeVersion.Value, destinationFilePath, packageName, version);

                // if we did not set the directory before, then the destinationFilePath already exists, so we should not delete it
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(directoryToDeleteWhenFailed))
                    directoryToDeleteWhenFailed = installedFolder;

                //File folder format of the Nuget packages looks like the following after installed:
                //  - JQuery.2.0.1.nupkg
                //  - contents and other stuff

                //Copy the unzipped files to under the package installed folder
                FileUtility.CopyDirectory(tempSourceDirectory, installedFolder, true);

                 //Read the package manifest and return the package object
                string nuspec = Path.Combine(installedFolder, packageName) + NuGetConstant.ManifestExtension;

                PackageBase package = PackageUtility.ProcessNuspec(nuspec);

                var pkgItem = new PackageItem {
                    Package = package,
                    PackageSource = source,
                    FastPath = request.MakeFastPath(source, package.Id, package.Version),
                    FullPath = installedFolder

                // Delete the nuspec file
                //Get a package file path
                var nuspecFilePath = Path.Combine(installedFolder, packageName + NuGetConstant.ManifestExtension);

                if (File.Exists(nuspecFilePath))
                    FileUtility.DeleteFile(nuspecFilePath, false);

                request.Debug(Messages.DebugInfoReturnCall, "NuGetClient", "InstallPackageLocal");

                return pkgItem;

            } catch (Exception ex) {
                needToDelete = true;
                // the warning will be package "packageName" failed to install
                request.WriteError(ErrorCategory.InvalidResult, packageName, Constants.Messages.PackageFailedInstallOrDownload, packageName, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToLower(Constants.Install));
            } finally {
                if (needToDelete && Directory.Exists(directoryToDeleteWhenFailed))
                    FileUtility.DeleteDirectory(directoryToDeleteWhenFailed, true, isThrow: false);

                FileUtility.DeleteFile(tempSourceFilePath, isThrow:false);
                FileUtility.DeleteDirectory(tempSourceDirectory, recursive: true, isThrow: false);