public void Radial_DrawPieSlices() { var doc = this.GetNewDoc(); var app = doc.Application; var page = app.ActivePage; var center = new VA.Drawing.Point(4, 5); double radius = 1.0; var values = new[] {1.0, 2.0}; var slices = VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.PieSlice.GetSlicesFromValues(center, radius, values); var shapes = new IVisio.Shape[values.Length]; for (int i=0 ;i<values.Length;i++) { var slice = slices[i]; var shape = slice.Render(page); shapes[i] = shape; shape.Text = values[i].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } var shapeids = shapes.Select(s => s.ID).ToList(); var xfrms = VisioAutomation.Shapes.XFormCells.GetCells(page, shapeids); Assert.AreEqual("4.25 in", xfrms[0].PinX.Formula); Assert.AreEqual("5.5 in", xfrms[0].PinY.Formula); Assert.AreEqual("4 in", xfrms[1].PinX.Formula); Assert.AreEqual("4.9330127018922 in", xfrms[1].PinY.Formula); doc.Close(true); }
public SurfaceTarget(IVisio.Master master) { if (master== null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(master)); } this.Page = null; this.Master = master; this.Shape = null; }
public SurfaceTarget(IVisio.Shape shape) { if (shape== null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(shape)); } this.Page = null; this.Master = null; this.Shape = shape; }
public ConnectorEdge(IVisio.Shape connectingshape, IVisio.Shape fromshape, IVisio.Shape toshape) : this() { if (fromshape == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(fromshape)); } if (toshape == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(toshape)); } this.Connector = connectingshape; this.From = fromshape; this.To = toshape; }
public static List <HyperlinkCells> GetCells(IVisio.Shape shape) { var query = HyperlinkCells.lazy_query.Value; return(query.GetCellGroups(shape)); }
public static PageRulerAndGridCells GetCells(IVisio.Shape shape, VASS.CellValueType type) { var reader = PageRulerAndGridCells_lazy_builder.Value; return(reader.GetCellsSingleRow(shape, type)); }
public static IList <ConnectionPointCells> GetCells(IVisio.Shape shape) { var query = ConnectionPointCells.lazy_query.Value; return(ShapeSheet.CellGroups.CellGroupMultiRow._GetCells <ConnectionPointCells, double>(shape, query, query.GetCells)); }
public ShapeSheetSurface(IVisio.Shape shape) { this.Target = new SurfaceTarget(shape); }
public static double GetPropertyDouble(Shape shape, string section, string property, string attribute) { return GetPropertyDouble(shape, section, property, attribute, measure); }
public SectionQueryShapeResults <TResult> GetResults <TResult>(IVisio.Shape shape) { var surface = new SurfaceTarget(shape); return(GetResults <TResult>(surface)); }
private void MapItButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // open log if not yet open var tr2 = new TextWriterTraceListener(File.CreateText(selectedLogFileName.Text)); Trace.Listeners.Add(tr2); // Excel related aspects var xlApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application { Visible = true }; System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"); // open the excel file String excelFileName = mapFileName.Text; Workbook xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(excelFileName, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing, _missing); // read the columns of the sheets containing the map and the elements // reference column number --> tag for the elements var elementColumnMap = new Dictionary <int, string>(); int elementMaxColumnNr; int elementNameColumnNr; MmExcelUtil.BuildColumnMap(xlWorkBook, elementSheetName.Text, elementNameColumnName.Text, elementColumnMap, out elementMaxColumnNr, out elementNameColumnNr); // reference column number --> tag for the map var taxXColumnMap = new Dictionary <int, string>(); int taxXMaxColumnNr; int taxXNameColumnNr; MmExcelUtil.BuildColumnMap(xlWorkBook, xTaxonomySheetName.Text, xTaxonomyNameColumnName.Text, taxXColumnMap, out taxXMaxColumnNr, out taxXNameColumnNr); // reference column number --> tag for the map var taxYColumnMap = new Dictionary <int, string>(); int taxYMaxColumnNr; int taxYNameColumnNr; MmExcelUtil.BuildColumnMap(xlWorkBook, yTaxonomySheetName.Text, yTaxonomyNameColumnName.Text, taxYColumnMap, out taxYMaxColumnNr, out taxYNameColumnNr); // list of all the elements to be maped var elementList = new List <GenericElement>(); MmExcelUtil.BuildList(xlWorkBook, elementSheetName.Text, elementNameColumnNr, elementMaxColumnNr, elementColumnMap, elementList, elementNameColumnName.Text); // list of all the constituents of the map var xTaxonomyList = new List <GenericElement>(); MmExcelUtil.BuildList(xlWorkBook, xTaxonomySheetName.Text, taxXNameColumnNr, taxXMaxColumnNr, taxXColumnMap, xTaxonomyList, xTaxonomyNameColumnName.Text); // list of all the constituents of the map var yTaxonomyList = new List <GenericElement>(); MmExcelUtil.BuildList(xlWorkBook, yTaxonomySheetName.Text, taxYNameColumnNr, taxYMaxColumnNr, taxYColumnMap, yTaxonomyList, yTaxonomyNameColumnName.Text); // xTaxonomyMapping var xTaxonomyMappingList = new List <Mapping>(); MmExcelUtil.BuildMapping(xlWorkBook, xTaxonomyMappingList, xMapSheetName.Text, xMapElementNameColumnName.Text, xMapXTaxNameColumnName.Text); var yTaxonomyMappingList = new List <Mapping>(); MmExcelUtil.BuildMapping(xlWorkBook, yTaxonomyMappingList, yMapSheetName.Text, yMapElementNameColumnName.Text, yMapYTaxNameColumnName.Text); // create the map int x = 0; int y = 0; var matrix = new List <String> [xTaxonomyList.Count, yTaxonomyList.Count]; for (int xi = 0; xi < xTaxonomyList.Count(); xi++) { for (int yi = 0; yi < yTaxonomyList.Count(); yi++) { matrix[xi, yi] = new List <String>(); } } foreach (GenericElement yElement in yTaxonomyList) { x = 0; foreach (GenericElement xElement in xTaxonomyList) { Trace.WriteLine(" checking for x " + xElement.Name + " and y " + yElement.Name); foreach (GenericElement element in elementList) { // if there is a mapping element to x and y taxonomy then add the element to the matrix Mapping yMap = yTaxonomyMappingList.Find( delegate(Mapping me) { return (me.ElementName == element.Name && me.MapName == yElement.Name); } ); Mapping xMap = xTaxonomyMappingList.Find( delegate(Mapping me) { return (me.ElementName == element.Name && me.MapName == xElement.Name); } ); if (xMap != null && yMap != null) { matrix[x, y].Add(element.Name); } } x += 1; } y += 1; } // determine per row the number of different applications and the max number in a cell int[] maxNumApplications = new int [yTaxonomyList.Count]; int totalMaxNumApplications = 0; int[] diffNumApplications = new int[yTaxonomyList.Count]; int totalDiffNumApplications = 0; int emptyRows = 0; for (int yi = 0; yi < yTaxonomyList.Count(); yi++) { maxNumApplications[yi] = 0; List <String> appNames = new List <string>(); for (int xi = 0; xi < xTaxonomyList.Count(); xi++) { maxNumApplications[yi] = Math.Max(maxNumApplications[yi], matrix[xi, yi].Count); foreach (String s in matrix[xi, yi]) { if (!appNames.Contains(s)) { appNames.Add(s); } } } diffNumApplications[yi] = appNames.Count; totalDiffNumApplications += diffNumApplications[yi]; totalMaxNumApplications += maxNumApplications[yi]; if (maxNumApplications[yi] == 0) { emptyRows++; } Trace.WriteLine(" Row " + yi + " max num application " + maxNumApplications[yi] + " diff num applications " + diffNumApplications[yi]); } Trace.WriteLine("Max total number applications " + totalMaxNumApplications); Trace.WriteLine("Total number of different applications " + totalDiffNumApplications); Trace.WriteLine("Number of empty rows " + emptyRows); // Visio related aspects var visapp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Application(); // Prepare Visio Document landscape = visapp.Documents.Open(visioFileName.Text); Document stencil = visapp.Documents.OpenEx(stencilFileName.Text, (short)VisOpenSaveArgs.visOpenDocked); Page page = visapp.ActivePage; Master elementStencil = stencil.Masters[elementStencilName.Text]; Master taxonomyXStencil = stencil.Masters[xTaxonomyStencilName.Text]; Master taxomomyYStencil = stencil.Masters[yTaxonomyStencilName.Text]; if (elementStencil == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("elementStencil"); } if (taxonomyXStencil == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("taxonomyXStencil"); } if (taxomomyYStencil == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("taxomomyYStencil"); } Shape elementShape = page.Drop(elementStencil, 0.0, 0.0); Shape taxonomyXShape = page.Drop(taxonomyXStencil, 0.0, 0.0); Shape taxonomyYShape = page.Drop(taxomomyYStencil, 0.0, 0.0); double pageWidth = page.PageSheet.CellsU["PageWidth"].ResultIU; double pageHight = page.PageSheet.CellsU["PageHeight"].ResultIU; double elementWidth = elementShape.CellsU["Width"].ResultIU; double elementHeight = elementShape.CellsU["Height"].ResultIU; double taxonomyXHeight = taxonomyXShape.CellsU["Height"].ResultIU; double taxonomyXWidth = taxonomyXShape.CellsU["Width"].ResultIU; double taxonomyYHeight = taxonomyYShape.CellsU["Height"].ResultIU; double taxonomyYWidth = taxonomyYShape.CellsU["Width"].ResultIU; double space = double.Parse(spaceText.Text); elementShape.Delete(); taxonomyXShape.Delete(); taxonomyYShape.Delete(); Trace.WriteLine("Size of an page " + pageWidth + " " + pageHight); Trace.WriteLine("Size of an element " + elementWidth + " " + elementHeight); double yTaxonomyYRoot = pageHight - 2 * space - taxonomyXHeight; double xTaxonomyXRoot = 2 * space + taxonomyYWidth; double taxYHeight = 0.0; if (emptyRowSuppressionCheckBox.Checked) { taxYHeight = (yTaxonomyYRoot - 2 * space) / totalDiffNumApplications; } else { taxYHeight = (yTaxonomyYRoot - 2 * space) / (totalDiffNumApplications + emptyRows); } double taxXWidth = (pageWidth - xTaxonomyXRoot - 2 * space) / xTaxonomyList.Count; double yPos = yTaxonomyYRoot; for (int xi = 0; xi < xTaxonomyList.Count; xi++) { MmVisioUtil.PlaceGenericElement(page, taxonomyXStencil, xTaxonomyList[xi], xTaxonomyXRoot + (xi + 0.5) * taxXWidth, yTaxonomyYRoot + taxonomyXHeight * 0.5, taxXWidth, taxonomyXHeight, taxXColumnMap, false); } for (int yi = 0; yi < yTaxonomyList.Count(); yi++) { double xPos = space * 2.0 + taxonomyXWidth / 2.0; if (emptyRowSuppressionCheckBox.Checked && diffNumApplications[yi] == 0) { // do noting } else { double height = Math.Max(1, diffNumApplications[yi]) * taxYHeight; MmVisioUtil.PlaceGenericElement(page, taxomomyYStencil, yTaxonomyList[yi], xPos, yPos - height / 2, taxonomyYWidth, height, taxYColumnMap, false); // draw applications List <String> appNames = new List <string>(); for (int xi = 0; xi < xTaxonomyList.Count; xi++) { foreach (String s in matrix[xi, yi]) { if (!appNames.Contains(s)) { appNames.Add(s); } } } int nApp = 0; foreach (String Name in appNames) { GenericElement app = elementList.Find( delegate(GenericElement ele) { return(ele.Name == Name); } ); if (app != null) { elementShape = null; for (int xi = 0; xi < xTaxonomyList.Count; xi++) { if (matrix[xi, yi].Contains(Name)) { if (mergeApplicationsCheckBox.Checked && elementShape != null) { elementShape.CellsU["Width"].ResultIU += taxXWidth; elementShape.CellsU["PinX"].ResultIU += taxXWidth / 2; } else { if (applySpaceCheckBox.Checked) { elementShape = MmVisioUtil.PlaceGenericElement(page, elementStencil, app, xTaxonomyXRoot + (xi + 0.5) * (taxXWidth), yPos - (nApp + 0.5) * taxYHeight, taxXWidth - space, taxYHeight, elementColumnMap, false); } else { elementShape = MmVisioUtil.PlaceGenericElement(page, elementStencil, app, xTaxonomyXRoot + (xi + 0.5) * taxXWidth, yPos - (nApp + 0.5) * taxYHeight, taxXWidth, taxYHeight, elementColumnMap, false); } } } else { elementShape = null; } } nApp++; } else { String error = "### unknown element " + elementShape.Name; Trace.WriteLine(error); errorListBox.Items.Add(error); } } yPos -= height; } } Trace.Flush(); Trace.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Paints the Shape, and it's composing sub-shapes, with the /// given color. /// </summary> /// <param name="shape">Root shape</param> /// <param name="colorIndex">Color, as per index in the Visio Color Palette</param> public static void PaintShape( Shape shape, string colorIndex ) { Cell cell = shape.get_CellsSRC( (short) VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject, (short) VisRowIndices.visRowLine, (short) VisCellIndices.visLineColor ); cell.FormulaU = colorIndex; cell = shape.get_CellsSRC((short)VisSectionIndices.visSectionCharacter, (short)VisRowIndices.visRowCharacter, (short)VisCellIndices.visCharacterColor); cell.FormulaU = colorIndex; foreach (Shape subShape in shape.Shapes) PaintShape(subShape, colorIndex); }
public static bool PaintColoredTransition(Shape shape, XmlNodeList paint) { string colorIndex="2";// por omissão é erro if (shape.Connects.Count > 1) { string fromShape = GetProperty(shape.Connects[1].ToCell.Shape, "User", "Midgard"); string toShape = GetProperty(shape.Connects[2].ToCell.Shape, "User", "Midgard"); if (fromShape != null && toShape != null) { colorIndex = ValidColor; } } PaintShape(shape, colorIndex); return (colorIndex != "2"); }
public static bool PaintColoredShape(Shape shape, XmlNodeList paint) { string colorIndex="2";// por omissão é erro if (shape.Connects.Count > 1) { string fromShape = GetProperty(shape.Connects[1].ToCell.Shape, "User", "Midgard"); string toShape = GetProperty(shape.Connects[2].ToCell.Shape, "User", "Midgard"); if (fromShape != null && toShape != null) { XmlDocument fromShapeDoc = GetPropertiesFromShape(shape.Connects[1].ToCell.Shape); XmlDocument toShapeDoc = GetPropertiesFromShape(shape.Connects[2].ToCell.Shape); string fromShapeScreen = GetElementValueFromProperties(fromShapeDoc, (fromShape == "Business" ? "screen" : "id")); string toShapeScreen = GetElementValueFromProperties(toShapeDoc, (toShape == "Business" ? "screen" : "id")); foreach (XmlNode p in paint) { if (p.Attributes["connectedTo"] != null && p.Attributes["connectedFrom"] != null) { string connectedTo = p.Attributes["connectedTo"].Value; string connectedFrom = p.Attributes["connectedFrom"].Value; bool execute = true; if (p.Attributes["rule"] != null) { string rule = p.Attributes["rule"].Value; if (rule.ToLower() == "differentscreencode") { execute = (fromShapeScreen != toShapeScreen); } } if (execute) { if (connectedTo.IndexOf(toShape) >= 0 && connectedFrom.IndexOf(fromShape) >= 0) colorIndex = p.InnerText; } } } } } PaintShape(shape, colorIndex); return (colorIndex != "2"); }
public static string GetShapeType(Shape shape) { string shapeType = null; string layerName = null; Application app = shape.Document.Application; if (!IsProcess(app)) { shapeType = "QuartzShape"; layerName = "Process"; } else { shapeType = "ScreenShape"; layerName = "Screen"; } string name = GetProperty(shape, "User", shapeType); if (name != null) { Shape tmpShape = shape; tmpShape.Application.ActivePage.Layers.Add(layerName); } return name; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the string value of an attribute fom a Shape property. /// </summary> /// <param name="shape">Visio shape.</param> /// <param name="section">Name of the Visio shape-sheep section.</param> /// <param name="property">>Name of the shape-sheep property (also known as section rows).</param> /// <param name="attribute">Name of the shape-sheep property attribute (also known as section column).</param> /// <returns>The string value of the attribute from the designated property, or /// null if the property/attribute does not exist.</returns> public static string GetPropertyStr( Shape shape, string section, string property, string attribute ) { string cellLocation=string.Empty; if((section==string.Empty)&&(property==string.Empty)) cellLocation=string.Format( "{0}", attribute ); else cellLocation = string.Format( "{0}.{1}.{2}", section, property, attribute ); Cell cell; try { cell = shape.get_Cells( cellLocation ); } catch ( COMException ) { return null; } return FormulaToString( cell.get_ResultStr(measure) ); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the string value of the Value attribute fom a Shape property. /// </summary> /// <param name="shape">Visio shape.</param> /// <param name="section">Name of the Visio shape-sheep section.</param> /// <param name="property">Name of the shape-sheep property (also known as section rows).</param> /// <returns>The string value of the Value attribute from the designated property, or /// null if the property/attribute does not exist.</returns> public static string GetPropertyStr( Shape shape, string section, string property ) { return GetPropertyStr( shape, section, property, "Value" ); }
/// <summary> /// Draw an "Entity" Rectangle /// </summary> /// <param name="page">The Page on which to draw</param> /// <param name="entity">The entity to draw</param> /// <returns>The newly drawn rectangle</returns> private VisioApi.Shape DrawEntityRectangle(VisioApi.Page page, EntityMetadata entity) { VisioApi.Shape rect = page.DrawRectangle(X_POS1, Y_POS1, X_POS2, Y_POS2); rect.Name = entity.LogicalName; if (dbp.entityLabelDisplay == 1) { rect.Text = entity.DisplayName.UserLocalizedLabel.Label + " "; } else if (dbp.entityLabelDisplay == 2) { rect.Text = entity.DisplayName.UserLocalizedLabel.Label + " [" + entity.LogicalName + "] "; } else { rect.Text = entity.LogicalName + " "; } // Determine the shape fill color based on entity ownership. string fillColor; switch (entity.OwnershipType.Value) { case OwnershipTypes.BusinessOwned: fillColor = "RGB(255,202,176)"; // Light orange break; case OwnershipTypes.OrganizationOwned: fillColor = "RGB(255,255,176)"; // Light yellow break; case OwnershipTypes.UserOwned: fillColor = "RGB(204,255,204)"; // Light green break; default: fillColor = "RGB(255,255,255)"; // White break; } // Set the fill color, placement properties, and line weight of the shape. rect.get_CellsSRC(VISIO_SECTION_OJBECT_INDEX, (short)VisioApi.VisRowIndices.visRowMisc, (short)VisioApi.VisCellIndices.visLOFlags).Formula = ((int)VisioApi.VisCellVals.visLOFlagsPlacable).ToString(); if (dbp.showOwnership) { rect.get_CellsSRC(VISIO_SECTION_OJBECT_INDEX, (short)VisioApi.VisRowIndices.visRowFill, (short)VisioApi.VisCellIndices.visFillForegnd).FormulaU = fillColor; } // Update the style of the entity name VisioApi.Characters characters = rect.Characters; characters.Begin = 0; characters.End = entity.LogicalName.Length; characters.set_CharProps((short)VisioApi.VisCellIndices.visCharacterStyle, (short)VisioApi.VisCellVals.visBold); characters.set_CharProps((short)VisioApi.VisCellIndices.visCharacterColor, (short)VisioApi.VisDefaultColors.visDarkBlue); characters.set_CharProps((short)VisioApi.VisCellIndices.visCharacterSize, NAME_CHARACTER_SIZE); //set the font family of the text to segoe for the visio 2013. if (VersionName == "15.0") { characters.set_CharProps((short)VisioApi.VisCellIndices.visCharacterFont, (short)FONT_STYLE); } _processedEntities.Add(new ProcessedEntity { entityName = entity.LogicalName, attributes = new List <string> { entity.PrimaryIdAttribute } }); //Add Primary Key attribute if (dbp.showPrimaryKeys) { rect.get_CellsSRC(VISIO_SECTION_OJBECT_INDEX, (short)VisioApi.VisRowIndices.visRowXFormOut, (short)VisioApi.VisCellIndices.visXFormHeight).ResultIU += HEIGHT; AttributeMetadata attribute = GetAttributeMetadata(entity, entity.PrimaryIdAttribute); rect.Text += getAttributeValue(attribute) + " [PK]"; } return(rect); }
public static LockCells GetCells(IVisio.Shape shape) { var query = LockCells.lazy_query.Value; return(ShapeSheet.CellGroups.CellGroup._GetCells <LockCells, double>(shape, query, query.GetCells)); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the string value of an attribute fom a Shape property. /// </summary> /// <param name="shape">Visio shape.</param> /// <param name="section">Name of the Visio shape-sheep section.</param> /// <param name="property">>Name of the shape-sheep property (also known as section rows).</param> /// <param name="value">The value to set.</param> public static void SetProperty( Shape shape, string section, string property, string value ) { SetProperty( shape, section, property, "Value", value ); }
public static List <ParagraphFormatCells> GetCells(IVisio.Shape shape, CellValueType type) { var query = lazy_query.Value; return(query.GetCells(shape, type)); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the string value of an attribute fom a Shape property. /// </summary> /// <param name="shape">Visio shape.</param> /// <param name="section">Name of the Visio shape-sheep section.</param> /// <param name="property">>Name of the shape-sheep property (also known as section rows).</param> /// <param name="attribute">Name of the shape-sheep property attribute (also known as section column).</param> /// <param name="value">The value to set.</param> public static void SetProperty( Shape shape, string section, string property, string attribute, string value ) { string cellLocation = string.Empty; if((section==string.Empty)&&(property==string.Empty)) cellLocation=string.Format( "{0}", attribute ); else cellLocation=string.Format( "{0}.{1}.{2}", section, property, attribute ); Cell cell; try { cell = shape.get_Cells( cellLocation ); cell.Formula = StringToFormula( value ); } catch ( COMException ) { } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the string value of an attribute fom a Shape property. /// </summary> /// <param name="shape">Visio shape.</param> /// <param name="section">Name of the Visio shape-sheep section.</param> /// <param name="property">>Name of the shape-sheep property (also known as section rows).</param> /// <param name="attribute">Name of the shape-sheep property attribute (also known as section column).</param> /// <returns>The string value of the attribute from the designated property, or /// null if the property/attribute does not exist.</returns> public static int GetPropertyInt( Shape shape, string section, string property, string attribute, string customMesure) { string cellLocation=string.Empty; if((section==string.Empty)&&(property==string.Empty)) cellLocation=string.Format( "{0}", attribute ); else cellLocation = string.Format( "{0}.{1}.{2}", section, property, attribute ); Cell cell; try { cell = shape.get_Cells( cellLocation ); } catch ( COMException ) { return -1; } return cell.get_ResultInt(customMesure, 1); }
public void Render(IVisio.Page page) { double sum = this._slices.Select(s => s.Value).Sum(); var shapes = new List<IVisio.Shape>(); double start_angle = 0.0; // Draw each slice for (int i = 0; i < this.Slices.Count; i++) { var slice = this.Slices[i]; double cur_val = slice.Value; double cur_val_norm = cur_val / sum; double cur_angle = cur_val_norm * System.Math.PI * 2.0; double end_angle = start_angle + cur_angle; slice.StartAngle = start_angle; slice.EndAngle = end_angle; var ps = new VA.Layout.Models.Radial.PieSlice(this.Center, start_angle, end_angle, this.Radius); var shape = ps.Render(page); start_angle += cur_angle; shapes.Add(shape); } for (int i = 0; i < shapes.Count; i++) { var shape = shapes[i]; var slice = this._slices[i]; slice.VisioShape = shape; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(slice.Text)) { shape.Text = slice.Text; } } if (this.DrawBackground) { var ll = this.Center.Subtract(this.Radius, this.Radius); var ur = this.Center.Add(this.Radius, this.Radius); var rect = new VA.Drawing.Rectangle(ll, ur); this._backgroundVisioShape = page.DrawOval(rect); } }
public void AddTo(IVisio.Shape shape, ShapeSheet.Writers.SrcWriter writer, short row, short section) { short row_index = shape.AddRow(section, row, (short)this.GetRowTagType()); this.Update(section, row_index, writer); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the string value of the Value attribute fom a Shape property. /// </summary> /// <param name="shape">Visio shape.</param> /// <param name="section">Name of the Visio shape-sheep section.</param> /// <param name="property">Name of the shape-sheep property (also known as section rows).</param> /// <returns>The string value of the Value attribute from the designated property, or /// null if the property/attribute does not exist.</returns> public static int GetPropertyInt( Shape shape, string section, string property ) { return GetPropertyInt( shape, section, property, "Value", measure ); }
public static ShapeLayoutCells GetCells(IVisio.Shape shape) { var query = ShapeLayoutCells.lazy_query.Value; return(query.GetCellGroup(shape)); }
public static List <CustomPropertyCells> GetCells(IVisio.Shape shape) { var query = CustomPropertyCells.lazy_query.Value; return(query.GetCellGroups(shape)); }
public static List <ConnectionPointCells> GetCells(IVisio.Shape shape, CellValueType type) { var query = lazy_query.Value; return(query.GetCells(shape, type)); }
public static List <ParagraphCells> GetCells(IVisio.Shape shape) { var query = ParagraphCells.lazy_query.Value; return(query.GetCellGroups(shape)); }
public static IList <UserDefinedCell> GetCells(IVisio.Shape shape) { var query = get_query(); return(_GetCells <UserDefinedCell, string>(shape, query, query.GetCells)); }
public static List <UserDefinedCellCells> GetCells(IVisio.Shape shape, CellValueType type) { var query = lazy_query.Value; return(query.GetCells(shape, type)); }
/// <summary> /// Draw on a Visio page the entity relationships defined in the passed-in relationship collection. /// </summary> /// <param name="entity">Core entity</param> /// <param name="rect">Shape representing the core entity</param> /// <param name="relationshipCollection">Collection of entity relationships to draw</param> /// <param name="areReferencingRelationships">Whether or not the core entity is the referencing entity in the relationship</param> /// <param name="worker">The worker.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="DoWorkEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void DrawRelationships(EntityMetadata entity, VisioApi.Shape rect, RelationshipMetadataBase[] relationshipCollection, bool areReferencingRelationships, BackgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs e) { ManyToManyRelationshipMetadata currentManyToManyRelationship = null; OneToManyRelationshipMetadata currentOneToManyRelationship = null; EntityMetadata entity2 = null; AttributeMetadata attribute2 = null; AttributeMetadata attribute = null; Guid metadataID = Guid.NewGuid(); bool isManyToMany = false; // Draw each relationship in the relationship collection. foreach (RelationshipMetadataBase entityRelationship in relationshipCollection) { if (worker.CancellationPending) { e.Cancel = true; return; } entity2 = null; if (entityRelationship is ManyToManyRelationshipMetadata) { isManyToMany = true; currentManyToManyRelationship = entityRelationship as ManyToManyRelationshipMetadata; // The entity passed in is not necessarily the originator of this relationship. if (String.Compare(entity.LogicalName, currentManyToManyRelationship.Entity1LogicalName, true) != 0) { entity2 = GetEntityMetadata(currentManyToManyRelationship.Entity1LogicalName); } else { entity2 = GetEntityMetadata(currentManyToManyRelationship.Entity2LogicalName); } attribute2 = GetAttributeMetadata(entity2, entity2.PrimaryIdAttribute); attribute = GetAttributeMetadata(entity, entity.PrimaryIdAttribute); metadataID = currentManyToManyRelationship.MetadataId.Value; } else if (entityRelationship is OneToManyRelationshipMetadata) { isManyToMany = false; currentOneToManyRelationship = entityRelationship as OneToManyRelationshipMetadata; entity2 = GetEntityMetadata(areReferencingRelationships ? currentOneToManyRelationship.ReferencingEntity : currentOneToManyRelationship.ReferencedEntity); attribute2 = GetAttributeMetadata(entity2, areReferencingRelationships ? currentOneToManyRelationship.ReferencingAttribute : currentOneToManyRelationship.ReferencedAttribute); attribute = GetAttributeMetadata(entity, areReferencingRelationships ? currentOneToManyRelationship.ReferencedAttribute : currentOneToManyRelationship.ReferencingAttribute); metadataID = currentOneToManyRelationship.MetadataId.Value; } // Verify relationship is either ManyToManyMetadata or OneToManyMetadata if (entity2 != null) { if (_processedRelationships.Contains(metadataID)) { // Skip relationships we have already drawn continue; } else { // Record we are drawing this relationship _processedRelationships.Add(metadataID); // Define convenience variables based upon the direction of referencing with respect to the core entity. VisioApi.Shape rect2; // Do not draw relationships involving the entity itself, SystemUser, BusinessUnit, // or those that are intentionally excluded. string selectedEntityFound = selectedEntitiesNames.Find(en => en == entity2.LogicalName); if (String.Compare(entity2.LogicalName, "systemuser", true) != 0 && String.Compare(entity2.LogicalName, "businessunit", true) != 0 && String.Compare(entity2.LogicalName, rect.Name, true) != 0 && (selectedEntityFound != null) && String.Compare(entity.LogicalName, "systemuser", true) != 0 && String.Compare(entity.LogicalName, "businessunit", true) != 0) { // Either find or create a shape that represents this secondary entity, and add the name of // the involved attribute to the shape's text. try { rect2 = rect.ContainingPage.Shapes.get_ItemU(entity2.LogicalName); int processedEntity2Index = _processedEntities.FindIndex(pe => pe.entityName == entity2.LogicalName); if (!_processedEntities[processedEntity2Index].attributes.Exists(a => a == attribute2.LogicalName) && dbp.showForeignKeys) { rect2.get_CellsSRC(VISIO_SECTION_OJBECT_INDEX, (short)VisioApi.VisRowIndices.visRowXFormOut, (short)VisioApi.VisCellIndices.visXFormHeight).ResultIU += 0.25; rect2.Text += getAttributeValue(attribute2); _processedEntities[processedEntity2Index].attributes.Add(attribute2.LogicalName); } } catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException) { rect2 = DrawEntityRectangle(rect.ContainingPage, entity2); int processedEntity2Index = _processedEntities.FindIndex(pe => pe.entityName == entity2.LogicalName); if (!_processedEntities[processedEntity2Index].attributes.Exists(a => a == attribute2.LogicalName) && dbp.showForeignKeys) { rect2.Text += getAttributeValue(attribute2); _processedEntities[processedEntity2Index].attributes.Add(attribute2.LogicalName); } } // Add the name of the involved attribute to the core entity's text, if not already present. int processedEntityIndex = _processedEntities.FindIndex(pe => pe.entityName == entity.LogicalName); if (!_processedEntities[processedEntityIndex].attributes.Exists(a => a == attribute.LogicalName) && dbp.showForeignKeys) { rect.get_CellsSRC(VISIO_SECTION_OJBECT_INDEX, (short)VisioApi.VisRowIndices.visRowXFormOut, (short)VisioApi.VisCellIndices.visXFormHeight).ResultIU += HEIGHT; rect.Text += getAttributeValue(attribute); _processedEntities[processedEntityIndex].attributes.Add(attribute.LogicalName); } // Draw the directional, dynamic connector between the two entity shapes. if (areReferencingRelationships) { DrawDirectionalDynamicConnector(rect, rect2, isManyToMany, entityRelationship.SchemaName); } else { DrawDirectionalDynamicConnector(rect2, rect, isManyToMany, entityRelationship.SchemaName); } } } } } }
public void Execute(IVisio.Shape shape) { var surface = new ShapeSheetSurface(shape); this._Execute(surface); }
public static IList <UserDefinedCell> GetCells(IVisio.Shape shape) { var query = UserDefinedCell.lazy_query.Value; return(ShapeSheet.CellGroups.CellGroupMultiRow._GetCells <UserDefinedCell, string>(shape, query, query.GetCells)); }
/// <summary> /// Decorates the shape with tags if column names (with '_') and shape parameter names match /// </summary> /// <param name="element"></param> /// <param name="columnMap"></param> /// <param name="showNotes"></param> /// <param name="elementShape"></param> public static void DecorateShape(GenericElement element, Dictionary <int, string> columnMap, bool showNotes, Shape elementShape) { for (int ndx = 1; ndx <= columnMap.Keys.Count; ndx++) { String tag = columnMap[ndx]; String value = element.GetValue(tag); String cellName = "Prop." + tag.Replace(" ", "_"); String cellValue = cellName + ".Value"; // Trace.WriteLine("Cell " + cellName + " --> " + cellValue); if (elementShape.CellExists[cellName, 0] != 0) { elementShape.Cells[cellValue].FormulaU = "\"" + value + "\""; } else if (tag == "Description" && showNotes) { elementShape.Text = value; } } }
public void CreateVisio3DObjectFromBoundingBox(Visio.Shape visCurShape, out Visio3DObject visio3DObject) { PointF ptCurOrigin; double dblCurOrigX, dblCurOrigY, dblCurAngle, dblCurWidth, dblCurHeight, dblCurThickness, dblCurElevation; double dblCurLocPinX, dblCurLocPinY; float fCurAngle, fCurLength, fCurHeight, fCurThickness, fCurElevation; string strCurMaterial = "", strBoxTextureFileName = null, strFrontTextureFileName = null; Color elementColor = Color.White; VisualShow3DLightUtil.GetDoubleCellVal(visCurShape, "PinX", (int)Visio.VisUnitCodes.visNumber, out dblCurOrigX); VisualShow3DLightUtil.GetDoubleCellVal(visCurShape, "PinY", (int)Visio.VisUnitCodes.visNumber, out dblCurOrigY); VisualShow3DLightUtil.GetDoubleCellVal(visCurShape, "LocPinX", (int)Visio.VisUnitCodes.visNumber, out dblCurLocPinX); VisualShow3DLightUtil.GetDoubleCellVal(visCurShape, "LocPinY", (int)Visio.VisUnitCodes.visNumber, out dblCurLocPinY); VisualShow3DLightUtil.GetDoubleCellVal(visCurShape, "Angle", (int)Visio.VisUnitCodes.visDegrees, out dblCurAngle); VisualShow3DLightUtil.GetDoubleCellVal(visCurShape, "Width", (int)Visio.VisUnitCodes.visNumber, out dblCurWidth); VisualShow3DLightUtil.GetDoubleCellVal(visCurShape, "Height", (int)Visio.VisUnitCodes.visNumber, out dblCurThickness); try { VisualShow3DLightUtil.GetDoubleCellVal(visCurShape, "Prop.VS3DHeight", (int)Visio.VisUnitCodes.visNumber, out dblCurHeight); } catch { dblCurHeight = 0.0; } try { VisualShow3DLightUtil.GetDoubleCellVal(visCurShape, "Prop.VS3DElevation", (int)Visio.VisUnitCodes.visNumber, out dblCurElevation); } catch { dblCurElevation = 0.0; } try { VisualShow3DLightUtil.GetStringCellProp(visCurShape, "Prop.VS3DMaterial", out strBoxTextureFileName); } catch { strCurMaterial = ""; } if (strCurMaterial == "") { VisualShow3DLightUtil.GetRGBCellVal(visCurShape, "FillForegnd", out strCurMaterial); VisualShow3DLightUtil.GetColor(strCurMaterial, out elementColor); } ptCurOrigin = new PointF((float)dblCurOrigX, (float)dblCurOrigY); fCurAngle = (float)dblCurAngle; fCurLength = (float)dblCurWidth; fCurHeight = (float)dblCurHeight; if (VisualShow3DLightUtil.IsOneD(visCurShape)) { fCurThickness = 0.0f; } else { fCurThickness = (float)dblCurThickness; } fCurElevation = (float)dblCurElevation; visio3DObject = new Visio3DObject(ptCurOrigin, fCurAngle, fCurLength, fCurHeight, fCurThickness, fCurElevation, elementColor, Color.White, strBoxTextureFileName, strFrontTextureFileName); }
public ShapeRef(Shape pShape) { Shape = pShape; }
public void SetText(IVisio.Shape shape) { if (shape == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(shape)); } // First just set all the text string full_doc_inner_text = this.GetInnerText(); shape.Text = full_doc_inner_text; // Find all the regions needing formatting var markupinfo = this.GetMarkupInfo(); var regions_to_format = markupinfo.FormatRegions.Where(region => region.Length >= 1).ToList(); var default_chars_bias = IVisio.VisCharsBias.visBiasLeft; var writer = new VisioAutomation.ShapeSheet.Writers.SrcWriter(); foreach (var region in regions_to_format) { // Apply character formatting var charcells = region.Element.CharacterFormatting; if (charcells != null) { var chars = shape.Characters; chars.Begin = region.Start; chars.End = region.End; chars.CharProps[ShapeSheet.SrcConstants.CharColor.Cell] = 0; short rownum = chars.CharPropsRow[(short)default_chars_bias]; if (rownum < 0) { throw new VisioAutomation.Exceptions.VisioOperationException("Could not create Character row"); } writer.Clear(); charcells.ApplyFormulas(writer, rownum); writer.CommitFormulas(shape); } // Apply paragraph formatting var paracells = region.Element.ParagraphFormatting; if (paracells != null) { var chars = shape.Characters; chars.Begin = region.Start; chars.End = region.End; chars.ParaProps[ShapeSheet.SrcConstants.ParaBullet.Cell] = 0; short rownum = chars.ParaPropsRow[(short)default_chars_bias]; if (rownum < 0) { throw new VisioAutomation.Exceptions.VisioOperationException("Could not create Paragraph row"); } writer.Clear(); paracells.ApplyFormulas(writer, rownum); writer.CommitFormulas(shape); } } // Insert the fields // note: Fields are added in reverse because it is simpler to keep track of the insertion positions foreach (var field_region in markupinfo.FieldRegions.Where(region => region.Length >= 1).Reverse()) { var chars = shape.Characters; chars.Begin = field_region.Start; chars.End = field_region.End; chars.AddField((short)field_region.Field.Category, (short)field_region.Field.Code, (short)field_region.Field.Format); var fr = field_region; } }
public static void AutomateVisio() { Visio.Application oVisio = null; Visio.Documents oDocs = null; Visio.Document oDoc = null; Visio.Pages oPages = null; Visio.Page oPage = null; Visio.Shape oRectShape = null; Visio.Shape oOvalShape = null; try { // Create an instance of Microsoft Visio and make it invisible. oVisio = new Visio.Application(); oVisio.Visible = false; Console.WriteLine("Visio.Application is started"); // Create a new Document based on no template. oDocs = oVisio.Documents; oDoc = oDocs.Add(""); Console.WriteLine("A new document is created"); // Draw a rectangle and a oval on the first page. Console.WriteLine("Draw a rectangle and a oval"); oPages = oDoc.Pages; oPage = oPages[1]; oRectShape = oPage.DrawRectangle(0.5, 10.25, 6.25, 7.375); oOvalShape = oPage.DrawOval(1.125, 6, 6.875, 2.125); // Save the document as a vsd file and close it. Console.WriteLine("Save and close the document"); string fileName = Path.GetDirectoryName( Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\Sample1.vsd"; oDoc.SaveAs(fileName); oDoc.Close(); // Quit the Visio application. Console.WriteLine("Quit the Visio application"); oVisio.Quit(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Solution1.AutomateVisio throws the error: {0}", ex.Message); } finally { // Clean up the unmanaged Visio COM resources by explicitly // calling Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject on all accessor objects. // See if (oOvalShape != null) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(oOvalShape); oOvalShape = null; } if (oRectShape != null) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(oRectShape); oRectShape = null; } if (oPage != null) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(oPage); oPage = null; } if (oPages != null) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(oPages); oPages = null; } if (oDoc != null) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(oDoc); oDoc = null; } if (oDocs != null) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(oDocs); oDocs = null; } if (oVisio != null) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(oVisio); oVisio = null; } } }
internal static void GetProjectFileInfo(Visio.Application app, string doc, string page, string shape, string shapeu, string[] v) { VisioHelper.DisplayInWatchWindow(string.Format("{0}()", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name)); Visio.Page activePage = app.ActivePage; Visio.Shape activeShape = app.ActivePage.Shapes[shape]; List <String> filesToProcess; // = new List<string>(); try { FileInfoShape fileInfoShape = new FileInfoShape(activeShape); VisioHelper.DisplayInWatchWindow(string.Format("{0}", fileInfoShape.ToString())); //VisioHelper.DisplayInWatchWindow(string.Format("{0}", // fileInfoShape.DisplayInfo())); string configFileFullPath = @"C:\temp\CodeCommandConsole_Config.xml"; string projectFileName = fileInfoShape.ProjectFileName; string solutionFileName = fileInfoShape.SolutionFileName; string branchName = fileInfoShape.BranchName; string solutionName = fileInfoShape.SolutionName; string projectName = fileInfoShape.ProjectName; if (projectFileName.Length > 0) { string sourcePath = fileInfoShape.BranchSourcePath; string projectFolderPath = fileInfoShape.ProjectFolderPath; filesToProcess = VNC.CodeAnalysis.Workspace.Helper.GetSourceFilesToProcessFromVSProject( sourcePath + "\\" + projectFolderPath + "\\" + projectFileName); } else { filesToProcess = VNC.CodeAnalysis.Workspace.Helper.GetSourceFilesToProcessFromConfigFile(configFileFullPath, branchName, solutionName, projectName); } foreach (string filePath in filesToProcess) { VisioHelper.DisplayInWatchWindow(string.Format("{0}", filePath)); //if ((Boolean)ceListImpactedFilesOnly.IsChecked) //{ // sb.AppendLine(string.Format(" {0}", filePath)); //} //else //{ // StringBuilder sbFileResults = new StringBuilder(); // var sourceCode = ""; // using (var sr = new StreamReader(filePath)) // { // sourceCode = sr.ReadToEnd(); // } // SyntaxTree tree = VisualBasicSyntaxTree.ParseText(sourceCode); // sbFileResults = command(sbFileResults, matches, tree); // if ((bool)ceAlwaysDisplayFileName.IsChecked || (sbFileResults.Length > 0)) // { // sb.AppendLine("Searching " + filePath); // } // sb.Append(sbFileResults.ToString()); //} } //var sourceCode = ""; //using (var sr = new StreamReader(fileNameAndPath)) //{ // sourceCode = sr.ReadToEnd(); //} //List<String> methodNames = VNC.CodeAnalysis.Helpers.VB.GetMethodNames(sourceCode); //// OK. Now we have a list of Method Names. Let's add shapes for each of them. //Visio.Master methodMaster = app.Documents[@"API.vssx"].Masters[@"Roslyn SuperFile"]; //foreach (string methodName in methodNames) //{ // Visio.Shape newMethod = activePage.Drop(methodMaster, 5.0, 5.0); // newMethod.CellsU["Prop.MethodName"].FormulaU = methodName.WrapInDblQuotes(); //} } catch (Exception ex) { VisioHelper.DisplayInWatchWindow(string.Format("{0}", ex.ToString())); } }
public static PageFormatCells GetCells(IVisio.Shape shape) { var query = PageFormatCells.lazy_query.Value; return(query.GetCellGroup(shape)); }
private static void ConnectWithDynamicGlueAndConnector(string connectorName, Visio.Shape shapeFrom, Visio.Shape shapeTo, bool isFeeder) { if (!cubeList.Contains(shapeFrom) || !cubeList.Contains(shapeTo)) { return; } Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Cell beginXCell; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Cell endXCell; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Shape connector; connectionNames(shapeFrom); // Add a Dynamic connector to the page. connector = DropMasterOnPage(connectorName, 0.0, 0.0); if (isFeeder) { connector.get_CellsSRC((short)Visio.VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject, (short)Visio.VisRowIndices.visRowLine, (short)Visio.VisCellIndices.visLineColor).FormulaU = "THEMEGUARD(RGB(255,0,0))"; } // Connect the begin point. beginXCell = connector.get_CellsSRC( (short)Visio.VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject, (short)Visio.VisRowIndices.visRowXForm1D, (short)Visio.VisCellIndices.vis1DBeginX); beginXCell.GlueTo(shapeFrom.get_CellsSRC( (short)Visio.VisSectionIndices.visSectionConnectionPts, isFeeder ? (short)8 : (short)10, (short)Visio.VisCellIndices.visCnnctX)); // Connect the end point. endXCell = connector.get_CellsSRC( (short)Visio.VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject, (short)Visio.VisRowIndices.visRowXForm1D, (short)Visio.VisCellIndices.vis1DEndX); endXCell.GlueTo(shapeTo.get_CellsSRC( (short)Visio.VisSectionIndices.visSectionConnectionPts, isFeeder ? (short)9 : (short)11, (short)Visio.VisCellIndices.visCnnctX)); }
public static int GetPropertyInt( Shape shape, string section, string property, string attribute) { return GetPropertyInt(shape, section, property, attribute, measure); }
public static LockCells GetCells(IVisio.Shape shape, VASS.CellValueType type) { var reader = LockCells_lazy_builder.Value; return(reader.GetCellsSingleRow(shape, type)); }
public static PageCells GetCells(IVisio.Shape shape) { var query = get_query(); return(VA.ShapeSheet.CellGroups.CellGroup._GetCells <PageCells, double>(shape, query, query.GetCells)); }
private static List <IVisio.Shape> _create_duplicates(IVisio.Page page, IVisio.Shape shape, int n) { // NOTE: n is the total number you want INCLUDING the original shape // example n=0 then result={s0} // example n=1, result={s0} // example n=2, result={s0,s1} // example n=3, result={s0,s1,s2} // where s0 is the original shape if (n < 2) { return(new List <IVisio.Shape> { shape }); } int num_doubles = (int)System.Math.Log(n, 2.0); int leftover = n - ((int)System.Math.Pow(2.0, num_doubles)); if (leftover < 0) { throw new System.InvalidOperationException("internal error: leftover value must greater than or equal to zero"); } var duplicated_shapes = new List <IVisio.Shape> { shape }; var application = page.Application; var win = application.ActiveWindow; foreach (int i in Enumerable.Range(0, num_doubles)) { win.DeselectAll(); win.Select(duplicated_shapes, IVisio.VisSelectArgs.visSelect); var selection = win.Selection; selection.Duplicate(); var selection1 = win.Selection; duplicated_shapes.AddRange(selection1.ToEnumerable()); } if (leftover > 0) { var leftover_shapes = duplicated_shapes.Take(leftover); win.DeselectAll(); win.Select(leftover_shapes, IVisio.VisSelectArgs.visSelect); var selection = win.Selection; selection.Duplicate(); var selection1 = win.Selection; duplicated_shapes.AddRange(selection1.ToEnumerable()); } win.DeselectAll(); win.Select(duplicated_shapes, IVisio.VisSelectArgs.visSelect); if (duplicated_shapes.Count != n) { string msg = string.Format("internal error: failed to create {0} shapes, instead created {1}", n, duplicated_shapes.Count); throw new VisioAutomation.Exceptions.VisioOperationException(msg); } var selection2 = win.Selection; if (selection2.Count != n) { throw new VisioAutomation.Exceptions.VisioOperationException("internal error: failed to select the duplicated shapes"); } return(duplicated_shapes); }
public static XmlDocument GetPropertiesFromShape(Shape shape) { string xml =GetProperty(shape, "Prop", "ShapeXml"); if (xml == null) return null; XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(xml); return xmlDoc; }