public Export(string embedded) { string tmp = String.Empty; try { //получаем шаблон из прикладных ресурсов Stream template = GetResourceFileStream(embedded); //создаем временный файл tmp = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName().Replace(".tmp", ".xlsx"); //сохраняем шаблон во временный файл using (var fileStream = File.Create(tmp)) { template.CopyTo(fileStream); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } // Создаем приложение и открываем в нём временный файл objApp = new Excel.Application(); objBook = objApp.Workbooks.Open(tmp); objBook.Activate(); objSheets = objBook.Worksheets; objSheet = (Excel._Worksheet)objSheets.get_Item(1); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a spreadsheet in the give xls filename. /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">The complete filename with the absolute path.</param> /// <param name="sheetname">The name of the sheet e.g. Hidden</param> /// <returns>True if succeeded, false if failed.</returns> public static bool createWorksheet(String filename, String sheetname, bool needsToBeHidden = false) { successStatus = false; try { successStatus = openXlApp(); CurrentSpreadSheet css = CurrentSpreadSheet.Instance; //checking if the call is being made for the currently open worbook. this is less expensive. if ((css.CurrentWorkBook != null) && (css.CurrentWorkBook.FullName == filename)) { xlSheets = css.CurrentWorkBook.Sheets as Excel.Sheets; } else { xlWorkbook = openXlWorkBook(filename); xlSheets = xlWorkbook.Sheets as Excel.Sheets; } xlSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlSheets.Add(xlSheets[xlSheets.Count + 1]); xlSheet.Name = sheetname; if (needsToBeHidden) xlSheet.Visible = Excel.XlSheetVisibility.xlSheetHidden; xlWorkbook.Save(); successStatus = quitXlApp(); } finally { garbageCollect(); } return successStatus; }
public void readExcel() { string valueString = string.Empty; objExcelApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); objBooks = (Excel.Workbooks)objExcelApp.Workbooks; //Open the workbook containing the address data. objBook = objBooks.Open(@"C:\Temp\data\Test.xlsx", Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); //Get a reference to the first sheet of the workbook. objSheets = objBook.Worksheets; objSheet = (Excel._Worksheet)objSheets.get_Item(1); //Select the range of data containing the addresses and get the outer boundaries. rngLast = objSheet.get_Range("A1").SpecialCells(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlCellType.xlCellTypeLastCell); long lLastRow = rngLast.Row; long lLastCol = rngLast.Column; // Iterate through the data and concatenate the values into a comma-delimited string. for (long rowCounter = 1; rowCounter <= lLastRow; rowCounter++) { for (long colCounter = 1; colCounter <= lLastCol; colCounter++) { //Write the next value into the string. Excel.Range cell = (Excel.Range)objSheet.Cells[rowCounter, colCounter]; string cellvalue = cell.Value.ToString(); //TODO: add your business logic for retrieve cell value } } }
public Export() { // Instantiate Excel and start a new workbook. objApp = new Excel.Application(); objBooks = objApp.Workbooks; objBook = objBooks.Add(Missing.Value); objSheets = objBook.Worksheets; objSheet = (Excel._Worksheet)objSheets.get_Item(1); }
public ReportBuilder() { app = new Excel.Application(); appBooks = app.Workbooks; currentBook = appBooks.Add(Missing.Value); sheets = currentBook.Worksheets; currentSheet = (Excel._Worksheet)sheets.get_Item(1); range = currentSheet.get_Range("A1", Missing.Value); charts = currentSheet.ChartObjects(Type.Missing); chartObject = charts.Add(400, LastIndex, chartWidth, chartHeight); }
//for writing public ExcelOperator() { ExcelApp = new Excel.Application(); workbooks = ExcelApp.Workbooks; workbook = workbooks.Add(); sheets = workbook.Sheets; worksheet = sheets[1]; worksheet.Select(Type.Missing); directoryPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory); fileName = "shift.xlsx"; }
public Workbook( Excel._Workbook oWB) { this.oWB = oWB; this.workbookSheets = oWB.Sheets; foreach (Excel._Worksheet openedWorkSheet in workbookSheets) { sheetCounter += 1; Sheet openedSheet = new Sheet(openedWorkSheet); setIndex(openedSheet); Sheets.Add(openedSheet); sheetDict[openedSheet] = openedWorkSheet; } this.ActiveSheet = Sheets[0]; }
public void OpenDocument(string name) { try { xlApp = new Excel.Application(); xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(name); this.filename = name; xlWorksheets = xlWorkbook.Sheets; xlWorksheet = xlWorksheets[1] as Excel.Worksheet; // set first worksheet by default } catch (Exception e) { LogError(e.Message, "OpenDocument"); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
internal Workbook( ExcelApplication excelApplication, Excel.Workbook _workbook, string filePath, ObjectDisposedCallback disposeCallback) { ExcelApplication = excelApplication; this._workbook = _workbook; this.FilePath = filePath; worksheets = new List<Worksheet>(); _sheets = _workbook.Worksheets; worksheetDisposeCallback = sender => worksheets.Remove((Worksheet)sender); this.disposeCallback = disposeCallback; for (var i = 1; i <= _sheets.Count; i++) { worksheets.Add(new Worksheet(ExcelApplication, this, _sheets[i], worksheetDisposeCallback, false)); } worksheets[0].Activate(); }
internal void UpdateLbSheets(ref ListBox lbWSheets) { lbWSheets.Items.Clear(); xlWSheets = xlWBook.Sheets; foreach (Excel.Worksheet wsht in xlWSheets) { lbWSheets.Items.Add(wsht.Name); } int qry = 0; try { qry = lbWSheets.Items.Cast<string>().Select((item, i) => new { Ite = item, index = i }).FirstOrDefault(it => Regex.IsMatch(it.Ite, ".*inventory.*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).index; } catch (Exception) { } lbWSheets.SetSelected(qry, true); xlWsheet = xlWSheets[qry + 1]; }
public void WriteToExcel_hisDetail(DataTable thisTable, string FileName, string sheetName) { string strFilePath = FileName; string XLSName = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\templet\历史明细模板.xls"; Excel.Application app = new Excel.Application(); app.DisplayAlerts = false; Excel.Workbooks wbks = app.Workbooks; Excel._Workbook _wbk = wbks.Add(XLSName); Excel.Sheets shs = _wbk.Sheets; Excel._Worksheet _wsh = (Excel._Worksheet)shs.get_Item(1); try { int sheetRowsCount = _wsh.UsedRange.Rows.Count; int count = thisTable.Columns.Count; //设置列名 //foreach (DataColumn myNewColumn in thisTable.Columns) //{ // _wsh.Cells[0, count] = myNewColumn.ColumnName; // count = count + 1; //}er //for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) //{ // _wsh.Cells[1, i + 1] = thisTable.Columns[i].ColumnName; //} //加入內容 for (int i = 1; i <= thisTable.Rows.Count; i++) { int intBlockRowsNum = 0; for (int j = 1; j <= thisTable.Columns.Count; j++) { int[] intBlockList = { 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 }; if (Array.IndexOf(intBlockList, j) < 0 && j != 7) { _wsh.Cells[i + sheetRowsCount, j - intBlockRowsNum] = thisTable.Rows[i - 1][j - 1]; } else if (j == 7) { switch ((int)thisTable.Rows[i - 1][j - 1]) { case 1: _wsh.Cells[i + sheetRowsCount, j - intBlockRowsNum] = "人民币"; break; case 2: _wsh.Cells[i + sheetRowsCount, j - intBlockRowsNum] = "美元"; break; case 3: _wsh.Cells[i + sheetRowsCount, j - intBlockRowsNum] = "港币"; break; case 4: _wsh.Cells[i + sheetRowsCount, j - intBlockRowsNum] = "澳元"; break; case 5: _wsh.Cells[i + sheetRowsCount, j - intBlockRowsNum] = "新元"; break; case 6: _wsh.Cells[i + sheetRowsCount, j - intBlockRowsNum] = "马币"; break; case 7: _wsh.Cells[i + sheetRowsCount, j - intBlockRowsNum] = "英镑"; break; case 8: _wsh.Cells[i + sheetRowsCount, j - intBlockRowsNum] = "欧元"; break; case 9: _wsh.Cells[i + sheetRowsCount, j - intBlockRowsNum] = "日元"; break; case 10: _wsh.Cells[i + sheetRowsCount, j - intBlockRowsNum] = "台币"; break; } } else { intBlockRowsNum++; } } } _wsh.PageSetup.Orientation = Excel.XlPageOrientation.xlLandscape; _wsh.Cells.Columns.AutoFit(); _wsh.Cells.Rows.AutoFit(); //若為EXCEL2000, 將最後一個參數拿掉即可 _wbk.SaveAs(strFilePath, Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal, null, null, false, false, Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlShared, false, false, null, null, null); } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { //關閉文件 _wbk.Close(false, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); app.Workbooks.Close(); app.Quit(); //釋放資源 System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(app); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(_wsh); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(_wbk); _wsh = null; _wbk = null; app = null; } }
public void WriteToExcel(DataTable thisTable, string FileName, string sheetName) { string strFilePath = FileName; string XLSName = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\templet\报告模板.xls"; Excel.Application app = new Excel.Application(); app.DisplayAlerts = false; Excel.Workbooks wbks = app.Workbooks; Excel._Workbook _wbk = wbks.Add(XLSName); Excel.Sheets shs = _wbk.Sheets; Excel._Worksheet _wsh = (Excel._Worksheet)shs.get_Item(1); try { int sheetRowsCount = _wsh.UsedRange.Rows.Count; int count = thisTable.Columns.Count; //设置列名 //foreach (DataColumn myNewColumn in thisTable.Columns) //{ // _wsh.Cells[0, count] = myNewColumn.ColumnName; // count = count + 1; //}er for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { _wsh.Cells[1, i + 1] = thisTable.Columns[i].ColumnName; } //加入內容 for (int i = 1; i <= thisTable.Rows.Count; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= thisTable.Columns.Count; j++) { _wsh.Cells[i + sheetRowsCount, j] = thisTable.Rows[i - 1][j - 1]; } } _wsh.PageSetup.Orientation = Excel.XlPageOrientation.xlLandscape; _wsh.Cells.Columns.AutoFit(); _wsh.Cells.Rows.AutoFit(); //若為EXCEL2000, 將最後一個參數拿掉即可 _wbk.SaveAs(strFilePath, Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal, null, null, false, false, Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlShared, false, false, null, null, null); } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { //關閉文件 _wbk.Close(false, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); app.Workbooks.Close(); app.Quit(); //釋放資源 System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(app); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(_wsh); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(_wbk); _wsh = null; _wbk = null; app = null; } }
public MockWorkbook() { // worksheet indices; watch out! the second index here is the NUMBER of elements, NOT the max value! var e = Enumerable.Range(1, 10); // new Excel instance app = new Excel.Application(); // create new workbook wb = app.Workbooks.Add(); // get a reference to the worksheet array // By default, workbooks have three blank worksheets. ws = wb.Worksheets; // add some worksheets foreach (int i in e) { ws.Add(Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); } }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); double x, y, d, dx, dy, x0, y0; int y_step; excelapp = new Excel.Application(); excelapp.Visible = true; excelapp.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 3; excelapp.Workbooks.Add(Type.Missing); excelapp.DisplayAlerts = true; excelappworkbooks = excelapp.Workbooks; excelappworkbook = excelappworkbooks[1]; excelsheets = excelappworkbook.Worksheets; excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelsheets.get_Item(1); excelcells_a1 = excelworksheet.get_Range("A1", Type.Missing); excelcells = excelcells_a1.get_Offset(0, 0); /////////////////////////// ////// Источники /////// /////////////////////////// double sourceRadius = 0.2; sources[0].id = 0; sources[0].x = 0.27; sources[0].y = 2.00; sources[0].radius = sourceRadius; sources[1].id = 1; sources[1].x = 1.10; sources[1].y = 2.81; sources[1].radius = sourceRadius; sources[2].id = 2; sources[2].x = 2.22; sources[2].y = 2.64; sources[2].radius = sourceRadius; sources[3].id = 3; sources[3].x = 2.80; sources[3].y = 1.61; sources[3].radius = sourceRadius; sources[4].id = 4; sources[4].x = 2.39; sources[4].y = 0.51; sources[4].radius = sourceRadius; sources[5].id = 5; sources[5].x = 1.30; sources[5].y = 0.13; sources[5].radius = sourceRadius; sources[6].id = 6; sources[6].x = 0.36; sources[6].y = 0.81; sources[6].radius = sourceRadius; sources[7].id = 7; sources[7].x = 1.49; sources[7].y = 1.50; sources[7].radius = sourceRadius; /////////////////////////// ////// Приёмники /////// /////////////////////////// /* // Вариант один к одному для ВОСЬМИ приёмников double receiverRadius = 0.23; double receiverInnerRadius = 0.13; receiversCount = 8; receivers[0].id = 0; receivers[0].x = 0.23; receivers[0].y = 1.97; receivers[0].radius = receiverRadius; receivers[0].innerRadius = receiverInnerRadius; receivers[1].id = 1; receivers[1].x = 1.08; receivers[1].y = 2.76; receivers[1].radius = receiverRadius; receivers[1].innerRadius = receiverInnerRadius; receivers[2].id = 2; receivers[2].x = 2.23; receivers[2].y = 2.62; receivers[2].radius = receiverRadius; receivers[2].innerRadius = receiverInnerRadius; receivers[3].id = 3; receivers[3].x = 2.82; receivers[3].y = 1.63; receivers[3].radius = receiverRadius; receivers[3].innerRadius = receiverInnerRadius; receivers[4].id = 4; receivers[4].x = 2.44; receivers[4].y = 0.54; receivers[4].radius = receiverRadius; receivers[4].innerRadius = receiverInnerRadius; receivers[5].id = 5; receivers[5].x = 1.31; receivers[5].y = 0.2; receivers[5].radius = receiverRadius; receivers[5].innerRadius = receiverInnerRadius; receivers[6].id = 6; receivers[6].x = 0.35; receivers[6].y = 0.81; receivers[6].radius = receiverRadius; receivers[6].innerRadius = receiverInnerRadius; receivers[7].id = 7; receivers[7].x = 1.49; receivers[7].y = 1.50; receivers[7].radius = receiverRadius; receivers[7].innerRadius = receiverInnerRadius; */ // Полтное гексагональное покрытие приёмниками x0 = 1.5; // Центр шины - x y0 = 1.5; // Центр шины - y /* dx = 0.46; // Шаг по x для гексагональной разметки dy = 0.42; // Шаг по y для гексагональной разметки double receiverRadius = 0.23; double receiverInnerRadius = 0.0; */ dx = 0.46; // Шаг по x для гексагональной разметки dy = 0.42; // Шаг по y для гексагональной разметки double receiverRadius = 0.20; double receiverInnerRadius = 0.10; y_step = 0; y = 0; receiversCount = 0; while (y < busRadius * 2) { // Для гексагональной разметки координаты по x на каждом уровне смещаем по-разному if (y_step % 2 == 0) { x = 0; } else { x = dx / 2; } while (x < busRadius * 2) { d = Math.Sqrt((x0 - x) * (x0 - x) + (y0 - y) * (y0 - y)); if (d < busRadius) { // Канал в шине (точка в круге) receivers[receiversCount].x = x; receivers[receiversCount].y = y; receivers[receiversCount].radius = receiverRadius; receivers[receiversCount].innerRadius = receiverInnerRadius; receiversCount++; } x = x + dx; } y = y + dy; y_step++; } //////////////////////// ////// Каналы /////// //////////////////////// dx = 0.0429; // Шаг по x для гексагональной разметки dy = 0.0357; // Шаг по y для гексагональной разметки x0 = 1.5; // Центр шины - x y0 = 1.5; // Центр шины - y double channelRaduis = 0.021; // Радиус одного канала y_step = 0; y = 0; while (y < busRadius * 2) { // Для гексагональной разметки координаты по x на каждом уровне смещаем по-разному if (y_step % 2 == 0) { x = 0; } else { x = dx / 2; } while (x < busRadius * 2) { d = Math.Sqrt((x0 - x) * (x0 - x) + (y0 - y) * (y0 - y)); if (d < busRadius) { // Канал в шине (точка в круге) channels[channelsCount].x = x; channels[channelsCount].y = y; channels[channelsCount].radius = channelRaduis; channels[channelsCount].isOk = true; channelsCount++; } x = x + dx; } y = y + dy; y_step++; } }
// Event Handler for the middle browse button. private void mBook2Load_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Create a new OpenFileDialog object that will be used to select the second // workbook. System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog fWin = new OpenFileDialog(); // Set the extensions and default folder path to be used by the dialog. fWin.DefaultExt = "xlsx"; fWin.Filter = "Spreadsheet Files (*.xlsx;*.xls;*.csv)|*.xlsx;*.xls;*.csv"; fWin.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); // Open the dialog and do addional processing if a valid result is returned. if (fWin.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { // If a workbook is currently open close it. mBook2Sheets = null; if (mBook2 != null) { mBook2.Close(false); mBook2 = null; } if (fWin.FileName.Equals(mBook1File.Text) && fWin.FileName.EndsWith(".csv")) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot compare a csv file to itself."); return; } // Open the workbook selected in the dialog. mBook2File.Text = fWin.FileName; mBook2 = (Excel._Workbook)(mExcel.Workbooks.Add(fWin.FileName)); mBook2Sheets = (Excel.Sheets)(mBook2.Sheets); // Enable and clear the combobox for the second workbook's worksheets. mBook2SheetBox.Enabled = true; mBook2SheetBox.Items.Clear(); // Populate the combobox for the second workbook. int numSheets = mBook2Sheets.Count; for (int i = 1; i <= numSheets; i++) { mBook2SheetBox.Items.Add(((Excel._Worksheet)(mBook2Sheets.Item[i])).Name); } } }
private void CreateInvoice(List <RentReportDto> rentList, string templateFilePath) { try { string templatePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), templateFilePath); Excel.Application xlApp = null; xlApp = new Excel.Application(); Excel.Workbooks xlWorkbooks = xlApp.Workbooks; Excel.Workbook xlWorkbook = xlWorkbooks.Open(templatePath); Excel.Sheets xlSheets = xlWorkbook.Sheets; Excel.Worksheet xlWorksheet = xlSheets[1]; //Make a copy xlWorksheet.Copy(); int row = 4; foreach (RentReportDto rent in rentList) { ++row; int column = 0; xlWorksheet.Cells[row, ++column] = rent.BuildingName + " " + rent.ArabicName; xlWorksheet.Range[xlWorksheet.Cells[row, column], xlWorksheet.Cells[row, column + 20]].Merge(Type.Missing); xlWorksheet.Range[xlWorksheet.Cells[row, column], xlWorksheet.Cells[row, column + 20]].HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter; xlWorksheet.Range[xlWorksheet.Cells[row, column], xlWorksheet.Cells[row, column + 20]].Font.Bold = true; xlWorksheet.Range[xlWorksheet.Cells[row, column], xlWorksheet.Cells[row, column + 20]].Font.Size = 20; row++; foreach (ContractDto contract in rent.contractDto) { column = 0; xlWorksheet.Cells[row, ++column] = row + 1; xlWorksheet.Cells[row, ++column] = contract.SpaceunitCombinedName; xlWorksheet.Cells[row, ++column] = contract.ContractorName; xlWorksheet.Cells[row, ++column] = contract.ContractStartDate; xlWorksheet.Cells[row, ++column] = contract.ContractEndDate; xlWorksheet.Cells[row, ++column] = contract.ContractAmount; xlWorksheet.Cells[row, ++column] = contract.NoOfInstallments; foreach (ContractPayment payment in contract.Contractpayments) { xlWorksheet.Cells[row, ++column] = payment.Amount; xlWorksheet.Cells[row, ++column] = payment.DueDate.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); xlWorksheet.Cells[row, ++column] = payment.Status; } row++; } } //var activeWorkbook = ((Excel.Workbook) Application.ActiveWorkbook); string invoicePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(templatePath); string file = string.Format(@"{0}\Invoice_{1}.xlsx", "output", DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month + "-" + DateTime.Now.Day); invoicePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(invoicePath, file); if (File.Exists(invoicePath)) { File.Delete(invoicePath); } if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(invoicePath))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(invoicePath)); } xlWorksheet.SaveAs(invoicePath); xlWorkbook.Close(); // ...clean up... Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlWorksheet); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlSheets); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlWorkbook); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlWorkbooks); //Kill the provesds as Excel process is stubbon if (xlApp != null) { xlApp.Quit(); int xIProcessId = 0; GetWindowThreadProcessId(new IntPtr(xlApp.Hwnd), ref xIProcessId); Process xlProc = Process.GetProcessById(xIProcessId); if (xlProc != null) { xlProc.Kill(); } } Process.Start(invoicePath); } catch (Exception ex) { LogWriter.Write(ex); } }
public void ToExcel(List <Pesertaujian> PesertaUjian, Pesertaujian JadwalPeserta) { // ------------ to excel --------------------- // build excel apps Excel.Application app = null; Excel.Workbooks books = null; Excel.Workbook book = null; Excel.Sheets sheets = null; // create apps object var excelApp = new Excel.Application(); excelApp.DefaultSaveFormat = Excel.XlFileFormat.xlOpenXMLWorkbook; try { excelApp.Visible = false; excelApp.DisplayAlerts = false; excelApp.Workbooks.Add(); Excel._Worksheet workSheet = excelApp.ActiveSheet; // text keterangan workSheet.Cells[1, "A"] = "DAFTAR PESERTA UJIAN " + JadwalPeserta.JenisUjian.ToUpper(); workSheet.Cells[3, "A"] = "Mata Kuliah/Kelas"; workSheet.Cells[4, "A"] = "Tahun/Semester"; workSheet.Cells[5, "A"] = "Jadwal"; workSheet.Cells[6, "A"] = "Dosen Pengampu"; workSheet.Cells[3, "C"] = JadwalPeserta.Makul + "/" + JadwalPeserta.Kelas; workSheet.Cells[4, "C"] = JadwalPeserta.Tahun + "/" + JadwalPeserta.Semester;; workSheet.Cells[5, "C"] = JadwalPeserta.Jadwal; workSheet.Cells[6, "C"] = JadwalPeserta.Dosen; workSheet.Cells[8, "A"] = "NO"; workSheet.Cells[8, "B"] = "NPM"; workSheet.Cells[8, "C"] = "NAMA"; workSheet.Cells[8, "D"] = "NILAI ANGKA"; workSheet.Cells[8, "E"] = "NILAI HURUF"; workSheet.Cells[8, "F"] = "TANDA TANGAN"; // loop var row = 8; foreach (var mhs in PesertaUjian) { row++; workSheet.Cells[row, "A"] = ""; workSheet.Cells[row, "B"] = mhs.npm; workSheet.Cells[row, "C"] = mhs.nama; } //tanda tangan workSheet.Cells[row + 3, "B"] = "Ketua Jurusan"; workSheet.Cells[row + 7, "B"] = "..."; workSheet.Cells[row + 2, "E"] = "Magelang, ..."; workSheet.Cells[row + 3, "E"] = "Dosen Pengampu,"; workSheet.Cells[row + 7, "E"] = JadwalPeserta.Dosen.Trim(); // autofit workSheet.Columns[1].ColumnWidth = 3; workSheet.Columns[2].Autofit(); workSheet.Columns[3].Autofit(); workSheet.Columns[4].Autofit(); //workSheet.Columns[5].Autofit(); workSheet.Columns[6].Autofit(); // text align left workSheet.get_Range("A1", "D" + row.ToString()).Cells.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft; // border nilai var range = workSheet.get_Range("A8", "F" + row.ToString()); range.Borders.get_Item(Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; range.Borders.get_Item(Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; range.Borders.get_Item(Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; range.Borders.get_Item(Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; range.Borders.get_Item(Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; range.Borders.get_Item(Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; // save excel file //string excelFile = "C:\\PesertaUjian\\" + JadwalPeserta.Makul.Trim() + "-" + JadwalPeserta.Kelas.Trim() + "-" + JadwalPeserta.JenisKelas.Trim() + "-" + JadwalPeserta.Tahun.Trim() + JadwalPeserta.Semester.Trim(); string excelFile = Server.MapPath("~/PesertaUjian/") + JadwalPeserta.Makul.Trim() + "-" + JadwalPeserta.Kelas.Trim() + "-" + JadwalPeserta.JenisKelas.Trim() + "-" + JadwalPeserta.Tahun.Trim() + JadwalPeserta.Semester.Trim(); workSheet.SaveAs(excelFile, Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookDefault, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, false, false, Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, Excel.XlSaveConflictResolution.xlLocalSessionChanges, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); // quit excel apps excelApp.Workbooks.Close(); excelApp.Quit(); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message.ToString()); // quit excel apps excelApp.Workbooks.Close(); excelApp.Quit(); throw ex; } finally { // release excel object if (sheets != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sheets); } if (book != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(book); } if (books != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(books); } if (app != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(app); } } try { // FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath("~/Nilai/coba.xlsx")); // C:\inetpub\wwwroot\portal // FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo("C:\\PesertaUjian\\" + JadwalPeserta.Makul.Trim() + "-" + JadwalPeserta.Kelas.Trim() + "-" + JadwalPeserta.JenisKelas.Trim() + "-" + JadwalPeserta.Tahun.Trim() + JadwalPeserta.Semester.Trim() + ".xlsx"); FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath("~/PesertaUjian/") + JadwalPeserta.Makul.Trim() + "-" + JadwalPeserta.Kelas.Trim() + "-" + JadwalPeserta.JenisKelas.Trim() + "-" + JadwalPeserta.Tahun.Trim() + JadwalPeserta.Semester.Trim() + ".xlsx"); Response.Clear(); Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment; filename={0}", fileInfo.Name));//"attachment;filename=" + fileInfo.Name); Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", fileInfo.Length.ToString()); Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; Response.Flush(); Response.WriteFile(fileInfo.FullName); Response.End(); // kill excel proccess Process[] pProcess; pProcess = Process.GetProcessesByName("Excel"); pProcess[0].Kill(); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message.ToString()); throw ex; } }
public static void ExportToExcel(string fileName, string startDate, string EndDate) { B2CLInvoiceGenerate(startDate, EndDate); Excel.Application oXL = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); oXL.DisplayAlerts = false; string filePath = fileName; Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook = oXL.Workbooks.Open(filePath, 0, false, 5, "", "", false, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "", true, false, 0, true, false, false); Excel.Sheets worksheets = xlWorkBook.Worksheets; Excel.Range oRng; var oSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)worksheets.Add(worksheets[oXL.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count], Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); oSheet.Name = "B2CL"; #region Content int i = 0; int j = 0; for (i = 0; i <= mDt.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { for (j = 0; j <= mDt.Columns.Count - 1; j++) { oSheet.Cells[i + 1, j + 1] = mDt.Rows[i][j];// cell.Value; } } oXL.StandardFont = "Cambria"; oSheet.get_Range("A1", "A1").Interior.Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(66)))), ((int)(((byte)(113)))), ((int)(((byte)(244)))))); oSheet.get_Range("A2", "H2").Interior.Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(66)))), ((int)(((byte)(113)))), ((int)(((byte)(244)))))); oSheet.get_Range("A1", "H2").Font.Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.White); oSheet.get_Range("A4", "H4").Interior.Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Bisque); oSheet.get_Range("C1", "C" + (mDt.Rows.Count + 1)).NumberFormat = "#,###,###0.00"; oSheet.get_Range("E1", "G" + (mDt.Rows.Count + 1)).NumberFormat = "#,###,###0.00"; oSheet.get_Range("A1", "H" + (mDt.Rows.Count + 1)).Font.FontStyle = "Cambria"; oSheet.get_Range("A1", "H2").Font.Bold = true; oSheet.get_Range("A1", "H2").Font.Size = 12; oSheet.get_Range("A1", "B" + (mDt.Rows.Count + 1)).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter; oSheet.get_Range("A1", "B" + (mDt.Rows.Count + 1)).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter; //BorderLine oSheet.get_Range("A1", "H3").Borders.LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; oRng = oSheet.get_Range("A1", "H3"); oRng.EntireColumn.AutoFit(); #endregion oSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1); oSheet.Select(); xlWorkBook.Save(); xlWorkBook.Close(); releaseObject(oSheet); releaseObject(worksheets); releaseObject(xlWorkBook); releaseObject(oXL); }
public static void ExportDataGridViewTo_Excel12(DataGridView myDataGridView) { try { Excel_12.Application oExcel_12 = null; //Excel_12 Application Excel_12.Workbook oBook = null; // Excel_12 Workbook Excel_12.Sheets oSheetsColl = null; // Excel_12 Worksheets collection Excel_12.Worksheet oSheet = null; // Excel_12 Worksheet Excel_12.Range oRange = null; // Cell or Range in worksheet Object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; // Create an instance of Excel_12. oExcel_12 = new Excel_12.Application(); // Make Excel_12 visible to the user. oExcel_12.Visible = true; // Set the UserControl property so Excel_12 won't shut down. oExcel_12.UserControl = true; // System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"); // Add a workbook. oBook = oExcel_12.Workbooks.Add(oMissing); // Get worksheets collection oSheetsColl = oExcel_12.Worksheets; // Get Worksheet "Sheet1" oSheet = (Excel_12.Worksheet)oSheetsColl.get_Item("Sheet1"); // Export titles for (int j = 0; j < myDataGridView.Columns.Count; j++) { oRange = (Excel_12.Range)oSheet.Cells[1, j + 1]; oRange.Value2 = myDataGridView.Columns[j].HeaderText; } // Export data for (int i = 0; i < myDataGridView.Rows.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < myDataGridView.Columns.Count; j++) { oRange = (Excel_12.Range)oSheet.Cells[i + 2, j + 1]; oRange.Value2 = myDataGridView[j, i].Value.ToString(); } } // Release the variables. //oBook.Close(false, oMissing, oMissing); oBook = null; //oExcel_12.Quit(); oExcel_12 = null; // Collect garbage. GC.Collect(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("CAN NOT GENERATE EXCEL FILE", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Instantiate Excel and start a new workbook. ArrayList exInst = new ArrayList(); //List of existing Excel Process[] P_CESSES = Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL"); for (int p_count = 0; p_count < P_CESSES.Length; p_count++) { exInst.Add(P_CESSES[p_count].Id); } objApp = new Excel.Application(); objBooks = objApp.Workbooks; objBook = objBooks.Open("Y:\\Mechanical\\Inventor\\iLogic_Plug_Ins\\iLogic_Drawings_Plug_Ins\\TestXL.xlsx"); objSheets = objBook.Worksheets; objSheet = (Excel._Worksheet)objSheets.get_Item(1); objSheet.Cells[2, 1] = "Heyy"; Boolean bEndFound = false; int n = 0; String tempString; int tempCount = 0; if (cats == null) { cats = new Dictionary <string, int>(); } else { cats.Clear(); } ComboBox _cbCats = cbCats; while (!bEndFound) { objRange = ((Excel.Range)objSheet.Cells[3 + n, 4]); tempString = objRange.Text; if (tempString.Equals("")) { bEndFound = true; } else { objRange = ((Excel.Range)objSheet.Cells[3 + n, 5]); tempCount = Convert.ToInt32(objRange.Value2); cats.Add(tempString, tempCount); n++; _cbCats.Items.Add(tempString); } } objBook.Save(); objBook.Close(0); Boolean bFound = false; P_CESSES = Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL"); for (int p_count = 0; p_count < P_CESSES.Length; p_count++) { bFound = false; foreach (int s in exInst) { if (s.Equals(P_CESSES[p_count].Id)) { bFound = true; } } if (!bFound) { P_CESSES[p_count].Kill(); } } while (System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objApp) != 0) { } while (System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objBooks) != 0) { } while (System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objBook) != 0) { } while (System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objSheets) != 0) { } while (System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objSheet) != 0) { } objApp = null; objBooks = null; objBook = null; objSheets = null; objSheet = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } catch (Exception myError) { String errorMessage; errorMessage = "Error: "; errorMessage = String.Concat(errorMessage, myError.Message); errorMessage = String.Concat(errorMessage, " Line: "); errorMessage = String.Concat(errorMessage, myError.Source); MessageBox.Show(errorMessage, "Error"); } }
private void exportexcel(System.Data.DataTable dt, string filename) { Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Workbook oWB; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Series oSeries; // Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range oResizeRange; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Chart oChart; //String sMsg; //int iNumQtrs; GC.Collect();//系统的垃圾回收 //string filename = @"C:\Documents and Settings\tongxl\桌面\nnn.xls"; //Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application ep = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); //Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Workbook wb = ep.Workbooks.Add(filename); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application ep = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Workbook wb = ep.Workbooks.Add(true); ep.Visible = true; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Sheets sheets = wb.Worksheets; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Worksheet ws = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Worksheet)sheets.get_Item(1);// [System.Type.Missing];//.get.get_Item("xx"); ws.UsedRange.Select(); ws.UsedRange.Copy(System.Type.Missing); // wb.Charts.Add(System.Type.Missing, System.Type.Missing, 1, System.Type.Missing); int rowIndex = 1; int colIndex = 1; foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex] = col.ColumnName; colIndex++; } for (int drvIndex = 0; drvIndex < dt.Rows.Count; drvIndex++) { DataRow row = dt.Rows[drvIndex]; colIndex = 1; foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { ws.Cells[drvIndex + 2, colIndex] = row[col.ColumnName].ToString(); colIndex++; } } oWB = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Workbook)ws.Parent; oChart = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Chart)oWB.Charts.Add(Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); oChart.ChartWizard(ws.get_Range(ws.Cells[1, 1], ws.Cells[30, 30]), Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlChartType.xlLine, Missing.Value, XlRowCol.xlColumns, true, true, true, this.bandedGridView1.GroupPanelText, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); oSeries = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Series)oChart.SeriesCollection(1); oChart.PlotVisibleOnly = false; // oChart.HasDataTable = true; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Axis axis = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Axis)oChart.Axes( Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlAxisType.xlValue, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Axis ax = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Axis)oChart.Axes( Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlAxisType.xlCategory, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary); //ax.HasTitle = true; //ax.AxisTitle.Text = "Sales Figures"; ax.HasMajorGridlines = true; //string filename = @"C:\Documents and Settings\tongxl\桌面\ccsb.xls"; ws.SaveAs(filename, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); }
private bool read_file(out string msg) { msg = null; Excel._Application app = new Excel.Application(); try { // string FilePath = Path.Combine(inpath, FileName); Excel._Workbook book = app.Workbooks.Open(FilePath, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); Excel.Sheets sheets = book.Worksheets; Excel._Worksheet sheet; sheet = (Excel._Worksheet)sheets.get_Item(1); Excel.Range range; data = new List <STRowUpdateContract>(); int lastRow = sheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; for (int i = 1; i <= lastRow; i++) { range = sheet.get_Range(string.Format("A{0}", i), Missing.Value); if (range.Value2 == null) { continue; } string s = Convert.ToString(range.Value2).Trim(); if (!is_d(s)) { continue; } else { STRowUpdateContract item = new STRowUpdateContract(); range = sheet.get_Range(string.Format("A{0}", i), Missing.Value); if (range.Value2 != null) { item.contrcode = Convert.ToInt32(range.Value2); } else { item.contrcode = -1; } range = sheet.get_Range(string.Format("B{0}", i), Missing.Value); if (range.Value2 != null) { item.mdmcode = Convert.ToString(range.Value2).Trim(); } else { item.mdmcode = null; } if (item.contrcode > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.mdmcode)) { data.Add(item); } } } app.Quit(); } catch (Exception ex) { msg = ex.Message; log.LogLine("File wasn't read."); return(false); } finally { app.Quit(); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 持续打开Excel文件 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool OpenFileContinuously() { try { app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); workbook = app.Workbooks.Open(FileName, oMissiong, oMissiong, oMissiong, oMissiong, oMissiong, oMissiong, oMissiong, oMissiong, oMissiong, oMissiong, oMissiong, oMissiong, oMissiong, oMissiong); sheets = workbook.Worksheets; worksheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)sheets.get_Item(SheetNumber);//读取一张表 iRowCount = worksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; iColumnCount = worksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count; booFileOpenState = true; return true; } catch (Exception ex) { strErrorString = ex.Message; return false; } }
private void cmbJoblist_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Excel.Workbook excelWorkbook = null; rd = null; resDB = null; GOSTOP = false; btnCalc.Enabled = false; try { txtTpn.Text = ""; txtTpsn.Text = ""; txtPosn.Text = ""; string str = txtCurDir.Text + "\\" + cmbJoblist.SelectedItem.ToString(); if (!File.Exists(str)) { MessageBox.Show("File is not found, " + str, "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } // Read File and display the file header. Excel.Application excelApp = new Excel.Application(); // Creates a new Excel Application excelApp.Visible = false; // Makes Excel visible to the user. // The following code opens an existing workbook string workbookPath = str; // Add your own path here try { excelWorkbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(workbookPath, 0, false, 5, "", "", false, Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "", true, false, 0, true, false, false); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("File open Error: " + ex.Message, "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } // The following gets the Worksheets collection Excel.Sheets excelSheets = excelWorkbook.Worksheets; // The following gets Sheet1 for editing string currentSheet = "RawDB"; Excel.Worksheet excelWorksheet = null; try { excelWorksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelSheets.get_Item("RawDB"); } catch { try { excelWorksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelSheets.get_Item("Raw DB"); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error: There is not the Sheet that is named 'Raw DB'", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); if (excelWorkbook != null) { excelWorkbook.Close(); } return; } } // The following gets cell A1 for editing int tpn, tpsn, posn, RawStart, ColStart; try { tpn = (int)excelWorksheet.Cells[1, 2].Value2; Common.TPN = tpn; txtTpn.Text = tpn.ToString(); tpsn = (int)excelWorksheet.Cells[2, 2].Value2; Common.TSPN = tpsn; txtTpsn.Text = tpsn.ToString(); posn = (int)excelWorksheet.Cells[3, 2].Value2; Common.POSN = posn; txtPosn.Text = posn.ToString(); RawStart = (int)excelWorksheet.Cells[4, 2].Value2; ColStart = (int)excelWorksheet.Cells[4, 3].Value2; txtStart.Text = "Row:" + RawStart.ToString() + ",Col:" + ColStart.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Data Read Error, please check the input data(TPN,TPSN,POSN,Start Position) in 'RAW DB' sheet.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); if (excelWorkbook != null) { excelWorkbook.Close(); } return; } // Read All Data and make a RawData Class rd = new RawData(posn, tpn, tpsn); int d = 0; for (int i = 0; i < posn; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tpn; j++) { rd.Set(i, j, 0); } for (int j = 0; j < tpn; j++) { try { d = Convert.ToInt32(excelWorksheet.Cells[RawStart + i, ColStart + j].Value2); if (d > 0 && d <= tpn) { rd.Set(i, d - 1, 1); } } catch { d = 0; } if (d == 0) { break; } } if (i % 100 == 0) { Console.WriteLine("line: " + i.ToString()); } } excelWorkbook.Close(); excelWorkbook = null; //rd.printRawData(); btnCalc.Enabled = true; StatusProgress.Value = 0; statusLabel1.Text = ""; timer1.Enabled = false; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error: unhandled error was raised. system message:" + ex.Message, "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); if (excelWorkbook != null) { excelWorkbook.Close(); } } }
//This method wirtes the sim data to the excel file. public void WriteToExcel() { int iSimRunNumber = 0; int linenumber = 0; // Start Excel and get Application object. oXL = new Excel.Application(); // Set some properties oXL.Visible = false; oXL.DisplayAlerts = false; // Get a new workbook. oWB = oXL.Workbooks.Add(Missing.Value); //Add a new sheets object. oXLSheets = oXL.Sheets as Excel.Sheets; foreach (DOE22SimFile simfile in DOESimFiles) { iSimRunNumber++; oSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)oXLSheets.Add(Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); oSheet.Name = "RUN-" + iSimRunNumber.ToString(); //oSheet.Name = Path.GetFileName(simfile.filepath); linenumber = 0; // Output BEPS to excel Sheet. oSheet.Cells[linenumber = 1, 1] = Path.GetFileName(simfile.filepath); linenumber++; oSheet.Cells[linenumber, 1] = "BEPS"; linenumber++; //print bpes report. PrintTableToExcel(linenumber, simfile.bepsTable, oSheet); linenumber = linenumber + simfile.bepsTable.Rows.Count + 1; linenumber++; oSheet.Cells[linenumber, 1] = "ES-D"; linenumber++; //Print es-d report. PrintTableToExcel(linenumber, simfile.esdTable, oSheet); // Resize the columns oRange = oSheet.get_Range(oSheet.Cells[1, 1], oSheet.Cells[simfile.bepsTable.Rows.Count, simfile.bepsTable.Columns.Count]); oRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit(); } //reset linenumber for All sheet. linenumber = 0; oSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)oXLSheets.Add(Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); oSheet.Name = "ALL"; foreach (DOE22SimFile simfile in DOESimFiles) { linenumber++; // Output Filename to excel Sheet. oSheet.Cells[linenumber, 1] = Path.GetFileName(simfile.filepath); linenumber++; if (bWriteBEPS == true) { // Output Filename to excel Sheet. oSheet.Cells[linenumber, 1] = "BEPS"; linenumber++; //print beps report. PrintTableToExcel(linenumber, simfile.bepsTable, oSheet); linenumber = linenumber + simfile.bepsTable.Rows.Count + 1; } //Print ES-D if (bWriteESD == true) { linenumber++; oSheet.Cells[linenumber, 1] = "ES-D"; linenumber++; //Print es-d report. PrintTableToExcel(linenumber, simfile.esdTable, oSheet); linenumber = linenumber + simfile.esdTable.Rows.Count + 1; } //Print Zone Annual Data if (bWriteZoneAnnualData == true) { linenumber++; oSheet.Cells[linenumber, 1] = "Zone Annual Data"; linenumber++; //Print Zone Annual Data report. PrintTableToExcel(linenumber, simfile.ZoneAnnualTable, oSheet); linenumber = linenumber + simfile.ZoneAnnualTable.Rows.Count + 1; } //Print System Annual Data if (bWriteSystemAnnualData == true) { linenumber++; oSheet.Cells[linenumber, 1] = "System Annual Data"; linenumber++; //Print Zone Annual Data report. PrintTableToExcel(linenumber, simfile.SystemAnnualTable, oSheet); linenumber = linenumber + simfile.SystemAnnualTable.Rows.Count + 1; } // Resize the columns oRange = oSheet.get_Range(oSheet.Cells[1, 1], oSheet.Cells[simfile.bepsTable.Rows.Count, simfile.bepsTable.Columns.Count]); oRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit(); } // Save the sheet and close oSheet = null; oRange = null; oWB.SaveAs(sFoldername + @"\test.xls", Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlExclusive, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); oWB.Close(Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); oWB = null; // Clean up // NOTE: When in release mode, this does the trick GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string FileName = textBox1.Text; object rOnly = true; object SaveChanges = false; object MissingObj = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; Excel.Application app = new Excel.Application(); Excel.Workbooks workbooks = null; Excel.Workbook workbook = null; Excel.Sheets sheets = null; workbooks = app.Workbooks; workbook = workbooks.Open(FileName, MissingObj, rOnly, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj); sheets = workbook.Sheets; Context db = new Context(); toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Очистка таблицы 1 БД"; var rows = from o in db.Table1 select o; foreach (var row in rows) { db.Table1.Remove(row); } db.SaveChanges(); toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Очистка таблицы 1 БД завершена"; toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Очистка таблицы 2 БД"; var rows2 = from o in db.Table2 select o; foreach (var row2 in rows2) { db.Table2.Remove(row2); } db.SaveChanges(); toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Очистка таблицы 2 БД завершена"; toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Загрузка данных в таблицу 1 БД"; foreach (Excel.Worksheet worksheet in sheets) { Excel.Range UsedRange = worksheet.UsedRange; Excel.Range urRows = UsedRange.Rows; int RowsCount = urRows.Count; int step = RowsCount / 50; int count = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= RowsCount; i++) { Excel.Range CellRange = UsedRange.Cells[i, 1]; string CellText = (CellRange == null || CellRange.Value2 == null) ? null : (CellRange as Excel.Range).Value2.ToString(); if (CellText != null) { var table1 = new Table1 { Number1 = CellText }; db.Table1.Add(table1); } toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = $"В таблицу 1 БД из {RowsCount} записей загружено: {i}"; count++; if (count == step) { progressBar1.PerformStep(); count = 0; } } } db.SaveChanges(); toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Загрузка данных в таблицу 1 БД завершена"; FileName = textBox2.Text; app = new Excel.Application(); workbooks = null; workbook = null; sheets = null; workbooks = app.Workbooks; workbook = workbooks.Open(FileName, MissingObj, rOnly, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj); sheets = workbook.Sheets; toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Загрузка данных в таблицу 2 БД"; foreach (Excel.Worksheet worksheet in sheets) { Excel.Range UsedRange = worksheet.UsedRange; Excel.Range urRows = UsedRange.Rows; int RowsCount = urRows.Count; int step = RowsCount / 50; int count = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= RowsCount; i++) { Excel.Range CellRange = UsedRange.Cells[i, 1]; string CellText = (CellRange == null || CellRange.Value2 == null) ? null : (CellRange as Excel.Range).Value2.ToString(); if (CellText != null) { var table2 = new Table2 { Number2 = CellText }; db.Table2.Add(table2); } toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = $"В таблицу 2 БД из {RowsCount} записей загружено: {i}"; count++; if (count == step) { progressBar1.PerformStep(); count = 0; } } } db.SaveChanges(); toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Загрузка данных в таблицу 2 БД завершена"; toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Выполняется запрос к БД"; var result = from c in db.Table1 join p in db.Table2 on c.Number1 equals p.Number2 into ps from p in ps.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { Number1 = c, Number2 = p == null ? c.Number1 : null }; toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Запрос к БД выполнен"; toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Вывод в файл"; StreamWriter f = new StreamWriter(textBox3.Text + @"\result.txt"); foreach (var p in result) { if (p.Number2 != null) { f.WriteLine(p.Number2); Console.WriteLine(p.Number2); } } f.Close(); toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Вывод в файл завершен"; toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Готово"; }
public List <string> GetWorkSheet(string fileName, int worksheetNumber, string rangeStart, string rangeEnd) { // ->>>>> int userRow, int userCol // Reference to Excel Application. Excel.Application app = null; Excel.Workbooks books = null; Excel.Workbook book = null; Excel.Sheets sheets = null; Excel.Worksheet sheet = null; Excel.Range range = null; string startupPath = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); try { app = new Excel.Application(); app.DisplayAlerts = false; books = app.Workbooks; //book = books.Open(Path.GetFullPath(Path.GetFullPath(@"TestData\" + fileName + ".xlsx"))); book = books.Open(fileName); sheets = book.Sheets; sheet = sheets.get_Item(1); range = sheet.get_Range(rangeStart, rangeEnd); //range.NumberFormat = "General"; //range.Value2 = data; object[,] cellValues = (object[, ])range.Value2; //List<double> lst = cellValues.Cast<object>().ToList().ConvertAll(x=> Convert.ToDouble(x)); List <string> lst = cellValues.Cast <object>().ToList().ConvertAll(x => Convert.ToString(x)); book.Close(); app.Quit(); //Console.WriteLine(lst[0]); //Console.WriteLine(lst[1]); //Console.WriteLine(lst[2]); return(lst); } finally { if (range != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(range); } if (sheet != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sheet); } if (sheets != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sheets); } if (book != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(book); } if (books != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(books); } if (app != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(app); } } GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); //Excel.Application xlApp = new Excel.Application(); //Excel.Workbook xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(Path.GetFullPath(@"TestData\" + fileName + ".xlsx")); //Excel.Worksheet xlWorksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkbook.Sheets.get_Item(worksheetNumber); //Excel.Range xlRange = xlWorksheet.UsedRange; // //double[] valueArray = (double[])xlRange.get_Value(Excel.XlRangeValueDataType.xlRangeValueDefault); /* * * // Cleanup * xlWorkbook.Close(false); * xlApp.Quit(); * * // Manual disposal because of COM * while (Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlApp) != 0) { } * while (Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlWorkbook) != 0) { } * while (Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlRange) != 0) { } * * xlApp = null; * xlWorkbook = null; * xlRange = null; * * GC.Collect(); * GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); * * */ }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath"></param> /// <param name="sched"></param> /// <param name="doc"></param> /// <param name="pt"></param> /// <param name="contentOnly"></param> public void AddScheduleData(string filePath, ViewSchedule sched, Document doc, PathType pt, bool contentOnly) { string docPath; if (doc.IsWorkshared) { docPath = ModelPathUtils.ConvertModelPathToUserVisiblePath(doc.GetWorksharingCentralModelPath()); } else { docPath = doc.PathName; } string fullPath; if (pt == PathType.Absolute) { fullPath = filePath; } else { fullPath = PathExchange.GetFullPath(filePath, docPath); } // Get the file path excelFilePath = fullPath; if (!File.Exists(excelFilePath)) { return; } // read the Excel file and create the schedule Excel.Application excelApp = new Excel.Application(); Excel.Workbook workbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(excelFilePath); Excel.Sheets worksheets = workbook.Worksheets; worksheet = null; foreach (Excel.Worksheet ws in worksheets) { if (ws.Name.Trim() == sched.Name.Trim()) { worksheet = ws; } } if (worksheet == null) { return; } //TaskDialog.Show("Test", "Worksheet found"); // Find the ThinLine linestyle CategoryNameMap lineSubCats = doc.Settings.Categories.get_Item(BuiltInCategory.OST_Lines).SubCategories; ElementId thinLineStyle = new ElementId(-1); ElementId hairlineStyle = new ElementId(-1); ElementId thinStyle = new ElementId(-1); ElementId mediumStyle = new ElementId(-1); ElementId thickStyle = new ElementId(-1); foreach (Category style in lineSubCats) { if (style.Name == "Thin Lines") { thinLineStyle = style.Id; } if (style.GetGraphicsStyle(GraphicsStyleType.Projection).Id.IntegerValue == Properties.Settings.Default.hairlineInt) { hairlineStyle = style.Id; } else if (style.GetGraphicsStyle(GraphicsStyleType.Projection).Id.IntegerValue == Properties.Settings.Default.thinInt) { thinStyle = style.Id; } else if (style.GetGraphicsStyle(GraphicsStyleType.Projection).Id.IntegerValue == Properties.Settings.Default.mediumInt) { mediumStyle = style.Id; } else if (style.GetGraphicsStyle(GraphicsStyleType.Projection).Id.IntegerValue == Properties.Settings.Default.thickInt) { thickStyle = style.Id; } } if (hairlineStyle.IntegerValue == -1) { hairlineStyle = thinLineStyle; } if (thinStyle.IntegerValue == -1) { thinStyle = thinLineStyle; } if (mediumStyle.IntegerValue == -1) { mediumStyle = thinLineStyle; } if (thickStyle.IntegerValue == -1) { thickStyle = thinLineStyle; } // Find out how many rows and columns we need in the schedule Excel.Range rng = ActualUsedRange(worksheet); Excel.Range range = rng; int rowCount = range.Rows.Count; int columnCount = range.Columns.Count; // Get the schedule body to set the overall width TableSectionData bodyData = sched.GetTableData().GetSectionData(SectionType.Body); if (!contentOnly) { double schedWidth = range.Columns.Width; try { bodyData.SetColumnWidth(0, (schedWidth * pointWidthInches) / 12); } catch { } } // Get the header body to create the necessary rows and columns TableSectionData headerData = sched.GetTableData().GetSectionData(SectionType.Header); if (!contentOnly) { //TaskDialog.Show("Test: ", "Row Count: " + rowCount.ToString() + "\nColumn Count: " + columnCount.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < columnCount - 1; i++) { headerData.InsertColumn(1); } for (int i = 0; i < rowCount - 1; i++) { headerData.InsertRow(1); } for (int i = 1; i <= headerData.NumberOfColumns; i++) { try { Excel.Range cell = worksheet.Cells[1, i]; headerData.SetColumnWidth(i - 1, (cell.Width * pointWidthInches) / 12); } catch { } } for (int i = 1; i <= headerData.NumberOfRows; i++) { try { Excel.Range cell = worksheet.Cells[i, 1]; headerData.SetRowHeight(i - 1, (cell.Height * pointWidthInches) / 12); } catch { } } } List <TableMergedCell> mergedCells = new List <TableMergedCell>(); int errorCount = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= headerData.NumberOfRows; i++) // Iterate through rows of worksheet data { for (int j = 1; j <= headerData.NumberOfColumns; j++) // Iterate through columns of worksheet data { // Get the current cell in the worksheet grid Excel.Range cell = worksheet.Cells[i, j]; // If adjusting the formatting or adding content is not necessary, // just update the text content. This is via a UI switch. if (contentOnly) { try { headerData.SetCellText(i - 1, j - 1, cell.Text); continue; } catch { errorCount++; continue; } } Excel.Font font = cell.Font; Excel.DisplayFormat dispFormat = cell.DisplayFormat; TableCellStyle cellStyle = new TableCellStyle(); TableCellStyleOverrideOptions styleOverride = cellStyle.GetCellStyleOverrideOptions(); Excel.Border topEdge = cell.Borders.Item[Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeTop]; Excel.Border bottomEdge = cell.Borders.Item[Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom]; Excel.Border leftEdge = cell.Borders.Item[Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeLeft]; Excel.Border rightEdge = cell.Borders.Item[Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeRight]; // Determine Bottom Edge Line Style if (bottomEdge.LineStyle == (int)Excel.XlLineStyle.xlLineStyleNone) { cellStyle.BorderBottomLineStyle = new ElementId(-1); } else { switch (bottomEdge.Weight) { case (int)Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlHairline: cellStyle.BorderBottomLineStyle = hairlineStyle; break; case (int)Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlThin: cellStyle.BorderBottomLineStyle = thinStyle; break; case (int)Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlMedium: cellStyle.BorderBottomLineStyle = mediumStyle; break; case (int)Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlThick: cellStyle.BorderBottomLineStyle = thickStyle; break; } } // Determine Top Edge Line Style if (topEdge.LineStyle == (int)Excel.XlLineStyle.xlLineStyleNone) { cellStyle.BorderTopLineStyle = new ElementId(-1); } else { switch (topEdge.Weight) { case (int)Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlHairline: cellStyle.BorderTopLineStyle = hairlineStyle; break; case (int)Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlThin: cellStyle.BorderTopLineStyle = thinStyle; break; case (int)Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlMedium: cellStyle.BorderTopLineStyle = mediumStyle; break; case (int)Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlThick: cellStyle.BorderTopLineStyle = thickStyle; break; } } // Determine Left Edge Line Style if (leftEdge.LineStyle == (int)Excel.XlLineStyle.xlLineStyleNone) { cellStyle.BorderLeftLineStyle = new ElementId(-1); } else { switch (leftEdge.Weight) { case (int)Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlHairline: cellStyle.BorderLeftLineStyle = hairlineStyle; break; case (int)Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlThin: cellStyle.BorderLeftLineStyle = thinStyle; break; case (int)Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlMedium: cellStyle.BorderLeftLineStyle = mediumStyle; break; case (int)Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlThick: cellStyle.BorderLeftLineStyle = thickStyle; break; } } // Determine Right Edge Line Style if (rightEdge.LineStyle == (int)Excel.XlLineStyle.xlLineStyleNone) { cellStyle.BorderRightLineStyle = new ElementId(-1); } else { switch (rightEdge.Weight) { case (int)Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlHairline: cellStyle.BorderRightLineStyle = hairlineStyle; break; case (int)Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlThin: cellStyle.BorderRightLineStyle = thinStyle; break; case (int)Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlMedium: cellStyle.BorderRightLineStyle = mediumStyle; break; case (int)Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlThick: cellStyle.BorderRightLineStyle = thickStyle; break; } } // Border Styles are always overridden styleOverride.BorderBottomLineStyle = true; styleOverride.BorderTopLineStyle = true; styleOverride.BorderLeftLineStyle = true; styleOverride.BorderRightLineStyle = true; if (styleOverride.BorderBottomLineStyle || styleOverride.BorderTopLineStyle || styleOverride.BorderLeftLineStyle || styleOverride.BorderRightLineStyle) { styleOverride.BorderLineStyle = true; } // Get Background color and font name System.Drawing.Color backGroundColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle((int)cell.Interior.Color); cellStyle.BackgroundColor = new Color(backGroundColor.R, backGroundColor.G, backGroundColor.B); styleOverride.BackgroundColor = true; cellStyle.FontName = cell.Font.Name; styleOverride.Font = true; // Determine Horizontal Alignment // If its not set to left, right or center, do not modify switch (dispFormat.HorizontalAlignment) { case (int)Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft: cellStyle.FontHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Left; styleOverride.HorizontalAlignment = true; break; case (int)Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight: cellStyle.FontHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Right; styleOverride.HorizontalAlignment = true; break; case (int)Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignGeneral: // No specific style assigned // Check if it's a number which is typically right aligned if (double.TryParse(cell.Text, out double alignTest)) { cellStyle.FontHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Right; styleOverride.HorizontalAlignment = true; } else // Assume text and left align it { cellStyle.FontHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Left; styleOverride.HorizontalAlignment = true; } break; case (int)Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter: cellStyle.FontHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center; styleOverride.HorizontalAlignment = true; break; } // Get the vertical alignment of the cell switch (dispFormat.VerticalAlignment) { case (int)Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignBottom: cellStyle.FontVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Bottom; styleOverride.VerticalAlignment = true; break; case (int)Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignTop: cellStyle.FontVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Top; styleOverride.VerticalAlignment = true; break; default: cellStyle.FontVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Middle; styleOverride.VerticalAlignment = true; break; } switch (dispFormat.Orientation) { case (int)Excel.XlOrientation.xlUpward: cellStyle.TextOrientation = 9; styleOverride.TextOrientation = true; break; case (int)Excel.XlOrientation.xlDownward: cellStyle.TextOrientation = -9; styleOverride.TextOrientation = true; break; case (int)Excel.XlOrientation.xlVertical: cellStyle.TextOrientation = 9; styleOverride.TextOrientation = true; break; default: int rotation = (int)cell.Orientation; if (rotation != (int)Excel.XlOrientation.xlHorizontal) { cellStyle.TextOrientation = rotation; styleOverride.TextOrientation = true; } break; } // Determine Text Size double textSize = Convert.ToDouble(font.Size); //double newTextSize = (textSize / 72) / 12; cellStyle.TextSize = textSize; styleOverride.FontSize = true; // Determine Font Color System.Drawing.Color fontColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle((int)font.Color); cellStyle.TextColor = new Color(fontColor.R, fontColor.G, fontColor.B); styleOverride.FontColor = true; // NOTES: Bold is a bool // Italic is a bool // Underline is an int cellStyle.IsFontBold = (bool)font.Bold; cellStyle.IsFontItalic = (bool)font.Italic; cellStyle.IsFontUnderline = (int)font.Underline == 2; styleOverride.Bold = true; styleOverride.Italics = true; styleOverride.Underline = true; cellStyle.SetCellStyleOverrideOptions(styleOverride); if (cell.MergeCells == true) { TableMergedCell tmc = new TableMergedCell() { Left = j - 1, Right = cell.MergeArea.Columns.Count - 1, Top = i - 1, Bottom = (i - 1) + cell.MergeArea.Rows.Count - 1 }; // Check to see if the cell is already merged... bool alreadyMerged = false; foreach (TableMergedCell mergedCell in mergedCells) { bool left = false; bool right = false; bool top = false; bool bottom = false; if (i - 1 >= mergedCell.Top) { top = true; } if (i - 1 <= mergedCell.Bottom) { bottom = true; } if (j - 1 >= mergedCell.Left) { left = true; } if (j - 1 <= mergedCell.Right) { right = true; } //TaskDialog.Show("MergedCell", string.Format("Top: {0}\nBottom: {1}\nLeft: {2}\nRight: {3}\ni-1: {4}\nj-1: {5}", mergedCell.Top, mergedCell.Bottom, mergedCell.Left, mergedCell.Right, i - 1, j - 1)); if (top && bottom && left && right) { alreadyMerged = true; break; } } if (!alreadyMerged) { try { headerData.MergeCells(tmc); headerData.SetCellText(i - 1, j - 1, cell.Text); headerData.SetCellStyle(i - 1, j - 1, cellStyle); j += cell.MergeArea.Columns.Count - 1; mergedCells.Add(tmc); // TaskDialog.Show("Test", string.Format("This cell [{0},{1}] is merged.\nMerged Area: [{2},{3}]", cell.Row - 1, cell.Column - 1, cell.MergeArea.Rows.Count.ToString(), cell.MergeArea.Columns.Count.ToString())); } catch { } } } else { //TaskDialog.Show("Non Merged", string.Format("This cell is not merged with any others [{0}, {1}]", i - 1, j - 1)); try { headerData.SetCellText(i - 1, j - 1, cell.Text); headerData.SetCellStyle(i - 1, j - 1, cellStyle); } catch { } } } } if (errorCount > 0) { TaskDialog.Show("Warning", "Error reloading content for " + errorCount.ToString() + " cells.\n\nConsider unchecking the \"Content Only\" checkbox and reloading the schedule to force it to rebuild."); } // Write the Schema to the project Schema schema = null; try { schema = Schema.Lookup(schemaGUID); } catch { } ModifySchemaData(schema, sched.Id); workbook.Close(false); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(worksheets); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(worksheet); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(workbook); excelApp.Quit(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(excelApp); }
//Возвращает Коллекцию записей из БД public ArrayList GetData(bool rez) { ArrayList listZapisey = new ArrayList(); int count = 1; string FileName = LocalBase; object rOnly = true; object SaveChanges = false; object MissingObj = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; Excel.Application app = new Excel.Application(); Excel.Workbooks workbooks = null; Excel.Workbook workbook = null; Excel.Sheets sheets = null; workbooks = app.Workbooks; workbook = workbooks.Open(FileName, MissingObj, rOnly, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj, MissingObj); // Получение всех страниц докуента sheets = workbook.Sheets; foreach (Excel.Worksheet worksheet in sheets) { Excel.Range UsedRange = worksheet.UsedRange; Excel.Range urRows = UsedRange.Rows; Excel.Range urColums = UsedRange.Columns; int RowsCount = urRows.Count; int ColumnsCount = urColums.Count; int id = 0; string name = null; string description = null; string sourse = null; string target = null; bool privacy = true; bool integrity = true; bool availability = true; if (rez) { Zapis zapis; for (int i = 3; i <= RowsCount; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= ColumnsCount; j++) { Excel.Range CellRange = UsedRange.Cells[i, j]; // Получение текста ячейки string CellText = (CellRange == null || CellRange.Value2 == null) ? null : (CellRange as Excel.Range).Value2.ToString(); if (count == 1) { id = Convert.ToInt32(CellText); count++; } else if (count == 2) { name = CellText; count++; } else if (count == 3) { description = CellText; count++; } else if (count == 4) { sourse = CellText; count++; } else if (count == 5) { target = CellText; count++; } else if (count == 6) { if (CellText == "0") { privacy = false; } else { privacy = true; } count++; } else if (count == 7) { if (CellText == "0") { integrity = false; } else { integrity = true; } count++; } else if (count == 8) { if (CellText == "0") { availability = false; } else { availability = true; } count++; } else if (count == 9) { count++; } else if (count == 10) { zapis = new Zapis { Id = id, Name = name, Description = description, Sourse = sourse, Target = target, Privacy = privacy, Integrity = integrity, Availability = availability }; listZapisey.Add(zapis); count = 1;; id = 0; name = null; description = null; sourse = null; target = null; privacy = true; integrity = true; availability = true; } } } } else { ZapisMin zapis; for (int i = 3; i <= RowsCount; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= ColumnsCount; j++) { Excel.Range CellRange = UsedRange.Cells[i, j]; // Получение текста ячейки string CellText = (CellRange == null || CellRange.Value2 == null) ? null : (CellRange as Excel.Range).Value2.ToString(); if (count == 1) { description = "УБИ." + Convert.ToInt32(CellText); count++; } else if (count == 2) { name = CellText; count++; } else if (count == 3) { count++; } else if (count == 4) { count++; } else if (count == 5) { count++; } else if (count == 6) { count++; } else if (count == 7) { count++; } else if (count == 8) { count++; } else if (count == 9) { count++; } else if (count == 10) { zapis = new ZapisMin { Id = description, Name = name }; listZapisey.Add(zapis); count = 1;; id = 0; name = null; description = null; sourse = null; target = null; privacy = true; integrity = true; availability = true; } } } } } return(listZapisey); }
// Create a new schedule public ViewSchedule CreateSchedule(string filePath, UIDocument uidoc) { ViewSchedule sched = null; _doc = uidoc.Document; if (uidoc.Document.IsWorkshared) { docPath = ModelPathUtils.ConvertModelPathToUserVisiblePath(uidoc.Document.GetWorksharingCentralModelPath()); } else { docPath = uidoc.Document.PathName; } excelFilePath = filePath; if (File.Exists(excelFilePath)) { // read the Excel file and create the schedule Excel.Application excelApp = new Excel.Application(); Excel.Workbook workbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(excelFilePath, ReadOnly: true); Excel.Sheets worksheets = workbook.Worksheets; List <WorksheetObject> worksheetObjs = new List <WorksheetObject>(); foreach (Excel.Worksheet ws in worksheets) { WorksheetObject wo = new WorksheetObject(); string name = ws.Name; wo.Name = name; Excel.Range range = ws.UsedRange; try { range.CopyPicture(Excel.XlPictureAppearance.xlPrinter, Excel.XlCopyPictureFormat.xlBitmap); if (Clipboard.GetDataObject() != null) { IDataObject data = Clipboard.GetDataObject(); if (data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Bitmap)) { System.Drawing.Image img = (System.Drawing.Image)data.GetData(DataFormats.Bitmap, true); wo.Image = img; } } } catch { } worksheetObjs.Add(wo); } // Pop up the worksheet form WorksheetSelectForm wsForm = new WorksheetSelectForm(worksheetObjs, this, _doc); // Revit version int version = Convert.ToInt32(uidoc.Application.Application.VersionNumber); // Get the Revit window handle IntPtr handle = IntPtr.Zero; if (version < 2019) { handle = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle; } else { handle = uidoc.Application.GetType().GetProperty("MainWindowHandle") != null ? (IntPtr)uidoc.Application.GetType().GetProperty("MainWindowHandle").GetValue(uidoc.Application) : IntPtr.Zero; } System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper wih = new System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper(wsForm) { Owner = handle }; //Show the Worksheet Select form wsForm.ShowDialog(); if (wsForm.DialogResult.HasValue && wsForm.DialogResult.Value) { foreach (Excel.Worksheet ws in worksheets) { if (ws.Name == selectedWorksheet.Name) { worksheet = ws; break; } } } else { worksheet = null; } if (worksheet != null) { workSheetName = worksheet.Name; Transaction trans = new Transaction(_doc, "Create Schedule"); trans.Start(); // Create the schedule sched = ViewSchedule.CreateSchedule(_doc, new ElementId(-1)); sched.Name = worksheet.Name; // Add a single parameter for data, Assembly Code ElementId assemblyCodeId = new ElementId(BuiltInParameter.UNIFORMAT_DESCRIPTION); ScheduleFieldId fieldId = null; foreach (SchedulableField sField in sched.Definition.GetSchedulableFields()) { ElementId paramId = sField.ParameterId; if (paramId == assemblyCodeId) { ScheduleField field = sched.Definition.AddField(sField); fieldId = field.FieldId; break; } } if (fieldId != null && sched.Definition.GetFieldCount() > 0) { ScheduleDefinition schedDef = sched.Definition; // Add filters to hide all elements in the schedule, ie make sure nothing shows up in the body. ScheduleFilter filter0 = new ScheduleFilter(fieldId, ScheduleFilterType.Equal, "NO VALUES FOUND"); ScheduleFilter filter1 = new ScheduleFilter(fieldId, ScheduleFilterType.Equal, "ALL VALUES FOUND"); schedDef.AddFilter(filter0); schedDef.AddFilter(filter1); // Turn off the headers schedDef.ShowHeaders = false; // Fill out the schedule from Excel data AddScheduleData(filePath, sched, _doc, PathType.Absolute, false); } if (linkFile) { AssignSchemaData(sched.Id, workSheetName, _doc); } trans.Commit(); } //workbook.Close(); workbook.Close(false); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(worksheets); if (worksheet != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(worksheet); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(workbook); excelApp.Quit(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(excelApp); } return(sched); }
/// <summary> /// 英文版 /// </summary> /// <param name="AppDT"></param> /// <param name="DetailDT"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool CreateEnXLS(DataTable AppDT, DataTable DetailDT) { string XLSName; decimal MoneyDiscont = 1; decimal MaxMoney = 0; string strMoneyUnit = ""; double douTotalPrice = 0.00; switch (AppDT.Rows[0]["MoneyUnit"].ToString()) { case "1": default: MoneyDiscont = 1; break; case "2": MoneyDiscont = EmailControl.config.USrate; MaxMoney = EmailControl.config.USD; strMoneyUnit = "US"; break; case "3": MoneyDiscont = EmailControl.config.HKrate; MaxMoney = EmailControl.config.HKD; strMoneyUnit = "HKD"; break; case "4": MoneyDiscont = EmailControl.config.MOPrate; MaxMoney = EmailControl.config.MOP; strMoneyUnit = "MOP"; break; case "5": MoneyDiscont = EmailControl.config.SGDrate; MaxMoney = EmailControl.config.SGD; strMoneyUnit = "SGD"; break; case "6": MoneyDiscont = EmailControl.config.MYRrate; MaxMoney = EmailControl.config.MYR; strMoneyUnit = "MYR"; break; case "7": MoneyDiscont = EmailControl.config.GBPrate; MaxMoney = EmailControl.config.GBP; strMoneyUnit = "GBP"; break; case "8": MoneyDiscont = EmailControl.config.EURrate; MaxMoney = EmailControl.config.EUR; strMoneyUnit = "EUR"; break; case "9": MoneyDiscont = EmailControl.config.JPYrate; MaxMoney = EmailControl.config.JPY; strMoneyUnit = "JPY"; break; case "10": MoneyDiscont = EmailControl.config.TWDrate; MaxMoney = EmailControl.config.TWD; strMoneyUnit = "TWD"; break; } string strSalesDate; if (AppDT.Rows[0]["ApplicantsDate"].ToString() != null && AppDT.Rows[0]["ApplicantsDate"].ToString() != "") { strSalesDate = DateTime.Parse(AppDT.Rows[0]["SalesDate"].ToString()).ToShortDateString(); } else { strSalesDate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); } XLSName = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\templet\2015 Staff Purchase Form-in HK -templet .xls"; Excel.Application app = new Excel.Application(); app.DisplayAlerts = false; Excel.Workbooks wbks = app.Workbooks; Excel._Workbook _wbk = wbks.Add(XLSName); Excel.Sheets shs = _wbk.Sheets; Excel._Worksheet _wsh = (Excel._Worksheet)shs.get_Item(1); //写入 _wsh.Cells[4, 3] = AppDT.Rows[0]["ApplicantsName"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[4, 11] = AppDT.Rows[0]["ApplicantsNo"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[5, 3] = AppDT.Rows[0]["Location"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[5, 11] = AppDT.Rows[0]["PurchaseLocation"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[22, 2] = "For gift purchases of items with unit RSP exceeding " + strMoneyUnit + MaxMoney + ", please complete the following :"; _wsh.Cells[22, 11] = " Total " + strMoneyUnit + ":"; //_wsh.Cells[22, 12] = AppDT.Rows[0]["TotalPrice"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[24, 12] = AppDT.Rows[0]["TransNo"].ToString(); //_wsh.Cells[23, 12] = strSalesDate; _wsh.Cells[31, 5] = AppDT.Rows[0]["ApplicantsName"].ToString(); if (AppDT.Rows[0]["ApplicantsDate"].ToString() != null && AppDT.Rows[0]["ApplicantsDate"].ToString() != "" && AppDT.Rows[0]["ApplicantsName"].ToString() != "") { _wsh.Cells[31, 7] = DateTime.Parse(AppDT.Rows[0]["ApplicantsDate"].ToString()).ToShortDateString(); } _wsh.Cells[32, 5] = AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalName2"].ToString(); if (AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalDate2"].ToString() != null && AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalDate2"].ToString() != "" && AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalName2"].ToString() != "") { _wsh.Cells[32, 7] = DateTime.Parse(AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalDate2"].ToString()).ToShortDateString(); } _wsh.Cells[33, 5] = AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalName"].ToString(); if (AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalDate"].ToString() != null && AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalDate"].ToString() != "" && AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalName"].ToString() != "") { _wsh.Cells[33, 7] = DateTime.Parse(AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalDate"].ToString()).ToShortDateString(); } _wsh.Cells[34, 5] = AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalName3"].ToString(); if (AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalDate3"].ToString() != null && AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalDate3"].ToString() != "" && AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalName3"].ToString() != "") { _wsh.Cells[34, 7] = DateTime.Parse(AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalDate3"].ToString()).ToShortDateString(); } _wsh.Cells[35, 5] = AppDT.Rows[0]["StaffName"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[36, 2] = "Approved by HK Finance Manager:\r\n (If unit RSP exceeding " + strMoneyUnit + MaxMoney + ")"; if (AppDT.Rows[0]["StaffName"].ToString() != "") { _wsh.Cells[35, 7] = strSalesDate; _wsh.Cells[23, 12] = strSalesDate; } else { _wsh.Cells[35, 7] = ""; _wsh.Cells[23, 12] = ""; } int j = 0; int i = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in DetailDT.Rows) { if (i < 6) { _wsh.Cells[8 + 2 * i, 2] = dr["CodeID"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[8 + 2 * i, 4] = dr["ItemID"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[8 + 2 * i, 5] = dr["Detail"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[8 + 2 * i, 7] = dr["Count"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[8 + 2 * i, 8] = dr["Price"].ToString(); if (dr["SelforGift"].ToString() == "2") { _wsh.Cells[8 + 2 * i, 9] = "Gift"; } else { _wsh.Cells[8 + 2 * i, 9] = "Self"; } _wsh.Cells[8 + 2 * i, 10] = dr["ApprovalCount"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[8 + 2 * i, 11] = dr["ApprovalDiscount"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[8 + 2 * i, 12] = dr["FinalPrice"].ToString(); douTotalPrice = douTotalPrice + Convert.ToDouble(dr["FinalPrice"].ToString()); i++; } if (j < 3) { if (dr["SelforGift"].ToString() == "2") { _wsh.Cells[24 + j, 2] = dr["CodeID"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[24 + j, 3] = dr["Recipient"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[24 + j, 5] = dr["Relationship"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[24 + j, 6] = dr["Reason"].ToString(); j++; } } } _wsh.Cells[22, 12] = douTotalPrice; //保存 string filePath = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\tempPDF\tempExcel.xls"; app.AlertBeforeOverwriting = false; _wbk.SaveAs(filePath, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); //退出和释放 _wbk.Close(null, null, null); wbks.Close(); app.Quit(); //释放掉多余的excel进程 System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(app); app = null; return(true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Excel.Application app = null; Excel.Workbooks books = null; Excel.Workbook book = null; Excel.Sheets sheets = null; Excel.Worksheet sheet = null; string arquivo = @"\\D5668m001e035\operacoes\Andre\201610_RELATORIO_ANALÍTICO_VENDAS__CREDSYSTEM_251020160123.xlsx"; string arquivoCarga = Path.Combine(@"\\D5668m001e035\OPERACOES\Andre\Carga\", Path.GetFileName(arquivo)); string excelConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + arquivoCarga + "; Extended Properties='Excel 12.0; HDR=NO'"; string sqlConnectionString = @"Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=dbTeste_Carga;Data Source=D5668M001E035;Connect Timeout=0"; // Copia o arquivo para o diretório de carga para preservar o original: File.Copy(arquivo, arquivoCarga, true); try { app = new Excel.Application(); books = app.Workbooks; book = app.Workbooks.Open(arquivoCarga, 0, false, 5, "", "", false, Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "", true, false, 0, true, false, false); List <string> lista = new List <string>(); // Pega os nomes das planilhas: foreach (Excel.Worksheet plan in book.Worksheets) { lista.Add((string)plan.Name); } // Para cada planilha que não seja de TOTAIS: foreach (string nome in lista) { if (!nome.Contains("TOTAIS")) { sheet = book.Worksheets.get_Item(nome); // Deleta as 7 primeiras linhas que não fazem parte do processo: Excel.Range range = sheet.get_Range("A1", "A7".ToString()); range.EntireRow.Delete(Excel.XlDirection.xlUp); book.Save(); using (OleDbConnection oleDbConnection = new OleDbConnection(excelConnectionString)) { oleDbConnection.Open(); using (DataTable dataTable = new DataTable()) { using (OleDbCommand oleDbCommand = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [" + nome + "$]", oleDbConnection)) { using (OleDbDataAdapter oleDbDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(oleDbCommand)) { oleDbDataAdapter.Fill(dataTable); } } using (SqlBulkCopy sqlBulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(sqlConnectionString)) { sqlBulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "tbBS_tmp_CredSystem"; sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(0, "Semana"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(1, "Data Inc Documento"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(2, "Nome da Loja"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(3, "Número Produto"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(4, "Nome Campanha"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(5, "Número de Parcelas"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(6, "Data Emissão"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(7, "Dia do Processamento"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(8, "Número Apólice"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(9, "Número Certificado"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(10, "Prêmio Documento"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(11, "Número Cliente"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(12, "Chave Segurado").ToString(); // Se o campo for numérico e estiver perdendo formatação, utilizar o ToString() sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(13, "Nome Segurado"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(14, "Número Campanha"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(15, "Início de Vigência"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(16, "Data Liberação"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(17, "Fim Vigência"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(18, "Número Forma Parcelamento"); sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(19, "Número Ciclo Adm Cobrança"); sqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer(dataTable); } } } } } book.Close(true, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); app.Quit(); // Deleta o arquivo modificado ao final da carga: File.Delete(arquivoCarga); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { KillProcessoExcelEspecifico(arquivoCarga); //Console.ReadKey(); } }
private bool CreateXLS(DataTable AppDT, DataTable DetailDT, string title) { double douTotalPrice = 0.00; string XLSName; XLSName = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\templet\2016国内员购申请表-模板.xls"; Excel.Application app = new Excel.Application(); app.DisplayAlerts = false; Excel.Workbooks wbks = app.Workbooks; Excel._Workbook _wbk = wbks.Add(XLSName); Excel.Sheets shs = _wbk.Sheets; Excel._Worksheet _wsh = (Excel._Worksheet)shs.get_Item(1); //写入 _wsh.Cells[2, 2] = title; _wsh.Cells[4, 3] = AppDT.Rows[0]["ApplicantsName"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[4, 10] = AppDT.Rows[0]["ApplicantsNo"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[5, 3] = AppDT.Rows[0]["Location"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[5, 10] = AppDT.Rows[0]["PurchaseLocation"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[22, 11] = AppDT.Rows[0]["TotalPrice"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[24, 11] = AppDT.Rows[0]["TransNo"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[23, 11] = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); _wsh.Cells[31, 4] = AppDT.Rows[0]["ApplicantsName"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[31, 6] = DateTime.Parse(AppDT.Rows[0]["ApplicantsDate"].ToString()).ToShortDateString(); _wsh.Cells[32, 4] = AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalName2"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[32, 6] = DateTime.Parse(AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalDate2"].ToString()).ToShortDateString(); _wsh.Cells[33, 4] = AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalName"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[33, 6] = DateTime.Parse(AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalDate"].ToString()).ToShortDateString(); _wsh.Cells[34, 4] = AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalName3"].ToString(); if (AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalName3"].ToString() != "") { _wsh.Cells[34, 6] = DateTime.Parse(AppDT.Rows[0]["ApprovalDate3"].ToString()).ToShortDateString(); } else { _wsh.Cells[34, 6] = ""; } int j = 0; int i = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in DetailDT.Rows) { if (i < 6) { _wsh.Cells[9 + 2 * i, 2] = dr["CodeID"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[9 + 2 * i, 3] = dr["ItemID"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[9 + 2 * i, 4] = dr["Detail"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[9 + 2 * i, 6] = dr["Count"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[9 + 2 * i, 7] = dr["Price"].ToString(); if (dr["SelforGift"].ToString() == "2") { _wsh.Cells[9 + 2 * i, 8] = "送礼"; } else { _wsh.Cells[9 + 2 * i, 8] = "自用"; } _wsh.Cells[9 + 2 * i, 9] = dr["ApprovalCount"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[9 + 2 * i, 10] = dr["ApprovalDiscount"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[9 + 2 * i, 11] = dr["FinalPrice"].ToString(); i++; douTotalPrice += double.Parse(dr["FinalPrice"].ToString()); } if (j < 3) { if (dr["SelforGift"].ToString() == "2") { _wsh.Cells[24 + j, 2] = dr["CodeID"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[24 + j, 3] = dr["Recipient"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[24 + j, 4] = dr["Relationship"].ToString(); _wsh.Cells[24 + j, 5] = dr["Reason"].ToString(); j++; } } } _wsh.Cells[22, 11] = douTotalPrice.ToString(); //保存 string filePath = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\tempPDF\tempExcel.xls"; app.AlertBeforeOverwriting = false; _wbk.SaveAs(filePath, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); //退出和释放 _wbk.Close(null, null, null); wbks.Close(); app.Quit(); //释放掉多余的excel进程 System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(app); app = null; return(true); }
public static void GravaRetorno() { #region Salva a lista de retorno no Excel Excel.Application xlsApp = new Excel.Application(); Excel.Workbook xlsWorkbook = xlsApp.Workbooks.Open(Form1.path, 0, true, 5, "", "", true, Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "", false, false, 0, false, false, false); Excel.Worksheet newWorksheetErro; Excel.Worksheet newWorksheetOk; try { //Add a worksheet to the workbook. newWorksheetErro = xlsApp.Worksheets.Add(); newWorksheetOk = xlsApp.Worksheets.Add(); newWorksheetErro.Name = "WebServiceVipp - Erros"; //Name the sheet. newWorksheetOk.Name = "WebServiceVipp - ok"; //Get the Cells collection. Excel.Sheets xlsSheets = xlsWorkbook.Worksheets; //For que acessa todas as planilhas foreach (Excel.Worksheet xlsWorksheet in xlsSheets) { //Acessa a aba da Planilha com o nome "WebServiceVipp" if (xlsWorksheet.Name.Trim().Equals("WebServiceVipp - ok")) { Excel.Range xlsWorksRows = xlsWorksheet.Cells; int cont = 0; foreach (RetornoValida list in Retorno.lRetornoValida) { cont++; xlsWorksRows.Item[cont, 1] = list.Observacao; xlsWorksRows.Item[cont, 2] = list.Nome; xlsWorksRows.Item[cont, 3] = list.Status; xlsWorksRows.Item[cont, 4] = list.Etiqueta; } } if (xlsWorksheet.Name.Trim().Equals("WebServiceVipp - Erros")) { Excel.Range xlsWorksRowss = xlsWorksheet.Cells; int cont = 0; foreach (RetornoInvalida list in Retorno.lRetornoInvalida) { cont++; if (!list.Observacao.Equals(string.Empty) || !list.Observacao.Equals(null)) { xlsWorksRowss.Item[cont, 1] = list.Observacao; xlsWorksRowss.Item[cont, 2] = list.Nome; xlsWorksRowss.Item[cont, 3] = list.Status; xlsWorksRowss.Item[cont, 4] = list.Erro; } } } } } catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException) { MessageBox.Show("Não foi possivel gravar o retorno no arquivo processado, verifique se a planilha está bloqueada", "Erro", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); } DateTime saveNow = DateTime.Now; string sdf = saveNow.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy_hh-mm"); string nomeArquivo = Form1.caminhoArquivo + "\\" + Form1.nomeArquivo + " " + sdf + ".xlsx"; xlsApp.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(nomeArquivo); xlsApp.Quit(); #endregion }
public List<AccountExcel> readExcel(string sExcelPath) { var lReturn = new List<AccountExcel>(); string valueString = string.Empty; objExcelApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); objBooks = (Excel.Workbooks)objExcelApp.Workbooks; //Open the workbook containing the address data. objBook = objBooks.Open(sExcelPath, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); //Get a reference to the first sheet of the workbook. objSheets = objBook.Worksheets; objSheet = (Excel._Worksheet)objSheets.get_Item(1); rngLast = objSheet.get_Range("A1").SpecialCells(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlCellType.xlCellTypeLastCell); long lLastRow = rngLast.Row; long lLastCol = rngLast.Column; for (long rowCounter = 2; rowCounter <= lLastRow; rowCounter++) //FirstRow Has Headers - start at row 2 { if (ToStringHandlesNulls(((Excel.Range)objSheet.Cells[rowCounter, 1]).Value) != "") { var adAccount = new AccountExcel(); adAccount.sCustomerNumber = ToStringHandlesNulls(((Excel.Range)objSheet.Cells[rowCounter, 1]).Value); adAccount.sAccountName = ToStringHandlesNulls(((Excel.Range)objSheet.Cells[rowCounter, 40]).Value); adAccount.sAddressLine1 = ToStringHandlesNulls(((Excel.Range)objSheet.Cells[rowCounter, 2]).Value); adAccount.sAddressLine2 = ToStringHandlesNulls(((Excel.Range)objSheet.Cells[rowCounter, 5]).Value); adAccount.sAddressLine3 = ToStringHandlesNulls(((Excel.Range)objSheet.Cells[rowCounter, 9]).Value); adAccount.sPostCode = ToStringHandlesNulls(((Excel.Range)objSheet.Cells[rowCounter, 15]).Value); adAccount.sTelephone = ToStringHandlesNulls(((Excel.Range)objSheet.Cells[rowCounter, 17]).Value); adAccount.sVatNumber = ToStringHandlesNulls(((Excel.Range)objSheet.Cells[rowCounter, 18]).Value); adAccount.sCountryCode = ToStringHandlesNulls(((Excel.Range)objSheet.Cells[rowCounter, 21]).Value); adAccount.sEmail = ToStringHandlesNulls(((Excel.Range)objSheet.Cells[rowCounter, 37]).Value); adAccount.sWeb = "";// ToStringHandlesNulls(((Excel.Range)objSheet.Cells[rowCounter, 38]).Value); adAccount.sKAM = ToStringHandlesNulls(((Excel.Range)objSheet.Cells[rowCounter, 31]).Value); adAccount.sRegion = ToStringHandlesNulls(((Excel.Range)objSheet.Cells[rowCounter, 24]).Value); lReturn.Add(adAccount); } } //Close the Excel Object objBook.Close(false, System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value); objBooks.Close(); objExcelApp.Quit(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(objSheet); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(objSheets); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(objBooks); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(objBook); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(objExcelApp); objSheet = null; objSheets = null; objBooks = null; objBook = null; objExcelApp = null; GC.GetTotalMemory(false); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); GC.GetTotalMemory(true); return (lReturn); }
public static HashSet <CellUpdate> GetAllCells() { Excel.Worksheet currSheet = null; Excel.Sheets sheets = null; Excel.Workbook activeWb = null; HashSet <CellUpdate> myCells = new HashSet <CellUpdate>(); //System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); //stopwatch.Start(); try { activeWb = GlobalFunctions.FindActiveWorkbook(); sheets = activeWb.Worksheets; foreach (Excel.Worksheet ws in sheets) { currSheet = ws; String wsName = currSheet.Name.ToUpper(); Int32 LastCol; Int32 LastRow; WorksheetExt wsBoundary; if (GlobalFunctions.worksheetBounds.Keys.Contains(wsName)) { wsBoundary = GlobalFunctions.worksheetBounds[wsName]; } else { wsBoundary = new WorksheetExt(wsName); GlobalFunctions.worksheetBounds.Add(wsName, wsBoundary); } LastCol = wsBoundary.LastCol; LastRow = wsBoundary.LastRow; Excel.Range range = ws.Range["A1", GlobalFunctions.GetExcelColumnName(LastCol) + LastRow]; // FOR LOOP ON VALUES dynamic formulaArrayD = range.Formula; GlobalFunctions.WaitForApplicationReady(); Object[,] formulaArray = formulaArrayD as Object[, ]; String[,] commentArray = GetComments(wsName, range, LastRow, LastCol); if (formulaArray != null) { for (int i = 1; i <= LastRow; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= LastCol; j++) { if (formulaArray[i, j] != null) { if (formulaArray[i, j].ToString() != "") { CellUpdate uc = new CellUpdate(i, j, wsName, formulaArray[i, j].ToString(), Enums.CellChangeType.Value, "", DateTime.MinValue); myCells.Add(uc); } } } } } if (commentArray != null) { for (int i = 1; i <= LastRow; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= LastCol; j++) { if (commentArray[i, j] != null) { if (commentArray[i, j] != "") { CellUpdate uc = new CellUpdate(i, j, wsName, commentArray[i, j].ToString(), Enums.CellChangeType.Comment, "", DateTime.MinValue); myCells.Add(uc); } } } } } if (range != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(range); } if (ws != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(ws); } } return(myCells); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message == "Incorrect ActiveWB Name") { Globals.ThisAddIn.DisableSync(); } throw; } finally { if (currSheet != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(currSheet); } if (sheets != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sheets); } if (activeWb != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(activeWb); } //GlobalFunctions.InfoLog(String.Format("GetAllCells: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed)); } }
private void createReportButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Directory.Exists(Settings.Default.FilesDir)) { createReportButton.Enabled = false; // Получаем список файлов в каталоге string[] filesArray = Directory.GetFiles(Settings.Default.FilesDir); foreach (string fileName in filesArray) { // Проверяем расширение файла FileInfo infoFile = new FileInfo(fileName); // Совпадает с датами формата: 1900-01-01 2007/08/13 1900.01.01 1900 01 01 1900-01.01 //string fileNamePattern = @"(19|20)\d\d([- /.])(0[1-9]|1[012])([- /.])(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])"; string month; if (dateTimePicker1.Value.Month <= 9) { month = "0" + dateTimePicker1.Value.Month; } else { month = dateTimePicker1.Value.Month.ToString(); }; string fileNamePattern; if (checkBox1.Checked) { fileNamePattern = "(" + dateTimePicker1.Value.Year + @")([- /.])(" + month + @")([- /.])(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])"; } else { fileNamePattern = "."; } // Обнуляем счётчик обработаных файлов filesCount = 0; if ((File.Exists(fileName)) && Regex.IsMatch(fileName, fileNamePattern) && (infoFile.Extension == ".dpm")) { filesCount++; // Создаём потоки чтения файлов. FileStream fileStream = new FileStream( fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read ); StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader( fileStream, Encoding.GetEncoding(1251) ); toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "Обработка файла: " + infoFile.Name; // Считываем построчно файл до самого конца while (!streamReader.EndOfStream) { // Разделяем полученную строку // Структтура массива: // info[0] - знак выхождения или выхода трека (">" или "<") // info[1] - дата и время выхода пести // info[2] - идентификатор трека при составлении плейлиста // info[3] - псевдоним, который определяет положение треков на диске // info[4] - имя файла трека относительно псевдонима // info[5] - длительность трека string[] info = streamReader.ReadLine().Split('\t'); // Считаем только вхождение файла // Т.е. проверяем на символ ">" и проверяем только определённый псевдоним string[] aliases = Properties.Settings.Default.Aliases.Split(';'); foreach (string alias in aliases) { if ((info[0].Trim() == ">") && (info[3].Trim() == alias.Trim())) { if (!tableCount.Contains(info[4])) { // Если записи нет, создаём новую tableCount.Add(info[4], 1); tableDuration.Add(info[4], info[5]); } else { // Если запись есть, увеличиваем счётчик tableCount[info[4]] = (int)tableCount[info[4]] + 1; } } } } // Закрываем потоки чтения файлов. streamReader.Close(); fileStream.Close(); } // End If File Exist } // End Foreach FileNames // Меняем статус toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "Обработано файлов: " + filesCount; // Создаём нумератор для управление Хэш массивом IDictionaryEnumerator tableCountEnum = tableCount.GetEnumerator(); toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "Создание файла отчёта."; #region СОЗДАЁМ НОВЫЙ ДОКУМЕНТ EXCEL // Открываем приложение excelapp = new Excel.Application(); // Прячем окно программы excelapp.Visible = false; // Создаём документ с одной книгой excelapp.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 1; // Добавляем книгу excelapp.Workbooks.Add(Type.Missing); //Запрашивать сохранение //excelapp.DisplayAlerts = true; excelapp.DisplayAlerts = false; //Получаем набор ссылок на объекты Workbook (на созданные книги) excelappworkbooks = excelapp.Workbooks; //Получаем ссылку на книгу 1 - нумерация от 1 excelappworkbook = excelappworkbooks[1]; #endregion toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "Генерация отчёта."; #region РАБОТА С ЯЧЕЙКАМИ excelsheets = excelappworkbook.Worksheets; // Получаем ссылку на лист 1 excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelsheets.get_Item(1); #region Примеры: Выделение группы ячеек //excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("A1", "С10"); // Тоже //excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("A1", "С10").Cells; //excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("A1", "С10").Rows; //excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("A1", "С10").Cells; // Одну ячейку //excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("A1", "A1"); //excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("A1", Type.Missing); // Десять строк с 1 по 10ю //excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Rows["1:10", Type.Missing]; // Три столбца //excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Columns["A:C", Type.Missing]; // Одну строку //excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Rows["1", Type.Missing]; // Один столбец //excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Columns["C", Type.Missing]; #endregion // Выбираем первую ячейку excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("A1", Type.Missing).Cells; excelcells.Value2 = "Испольнитель"; excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("B1", Type.Missing).Cells; excelcells.Value2 = "Трек"; excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("C1", Type.Missing).Cells; excelcells.Value2 = "Длительность"; excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("D1", Type.Missing).Cells; excelcells.Value2 = "Количество"; excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("A1", "D1").Cells; excelcells.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter; #endregion #region ЗАПИСЫВАЕМ ДАННЫЕ В ФАЙЛ // Сбрасываем счётчик Хэша в начало tableCountEnum.Reset(); // В цикле перебираем все записи Хэша for (int i = 0; i < tableCount.Count; i++) { // Переход к следующей записи tableCountEnum.MoveNext(); // Выделяем имя файла из пути к файлу string trackName = Regex.Match(tableCountEnum.Key.ToString(), @"[^\\]*$").Value; // Отрезаем расширение файла trackName = trackName.Substring(0, trackName.Length - 4); // Заменяем тире с пробелами на знак % trackName = trackName.Replace("-", "%"); // Разделяем название группы и название трека string[] fullName = trackName.Split('%'); // Работаем с документом // Начинаем запись исполнителей со второй строки int m = i + 2; excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Cells[m, 1]; excelcells.Value2 = fullName[0].Trim(); excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Cells[m, 2]; if (fullName.Length > 1) {excelcells.Value2 = fullName[1].Trim(); } excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Cells[m, 3]; excelcells.Value2 = tableDuration[tableCountEnum.Key]; excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Cells[m, 4]; excelcells.Value2 = tableCountEnum.Value.ToString(); } #endregion toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "Сохранение документа."; #region ЗАВЕРШАЕМ РАБОТУ С EXCEL //Ссылку можно получить и так, но тогда надо знать имена книг, //причем, после сохранения - знать расширение файла //excelappworkbook=excelappworkbooks["Книга 1"]; //Запроса на сохранение для книги не должно быть excelappworkbook.Saved = true; // ФОрмат сохранения документа excelapp.DefaultSaveFormat = Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal; // Сохраняем книгу try { // Определяем имя путь сохранения файла // Если каталог указан, проверяем его корректность и сохраняем файл // Если каталог не указан или не существует, сохраняем отчёт в папке с программой string saveFileName; if (Directory.Exists(Settings.Default.ReportDir) && Settings.Default.ReportDir != "") { saveFileName = Settings.Default.ReportDir + "\\Report " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + ".xls"; } else { saveFileName = Application.StartupPath + "\\Report " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + ".xls"; } //excelappworkbook.Save(); excelappworkbook.SaveAs(saveFileName, Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal); MessageBox.Show("Отчёт успешно сгенерирован и сохранён в файл: " + saveFileName, "Готово", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Ошибка сохранения файла отчёта.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { // Закрываем приложение excelapp.Quit(); createReportButton.Enabled = true; } #endregion toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = ""; } // End if DirectoryExists else { // Выводим сообщение, если каталог отчётов не указан MessageBox.Show("Каталог с файлами отчётов не найден!", "Ошибка открытия каталога.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
/// <summary> /// Определить есть ли такой файл Excel и попытаться открыть его /// Если все успешно, то разблокировать элементы настройки выбора данных из Excel /// Заполнить варианты выбора для excelLayoutComboBox /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void FileNameChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { CloseUsingExcel(); excelWorkSheets = new List <Excel._Worksheet>(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ExcelPath) && File.Exists(ExcelPath)) { //Start Excel and get Application object. OXL = new Excel.Application(); Excel.Workbooks workbooks = null; Excel.Sheets sheets = null; try { workbooks = OXL.Workbooks; string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(ExcelPath); //if (ext != "csv") //{ OWB = workbooks.Open(ExcelPath, 0, true); //} //else //{ // OWB = workbooks.Open(ExcelPath, 0, true, Excel.XlFileFormat.xlCSVMSDOS, // Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, ";"); //} if (OWB != null) { sheets = OWB.Worksheets; foreach (Excel._Worksheet sheet in sheets) { excelWorkSheets.Add(sheet); } } } catch { } finally { if (workbooks != null) { //System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(workbooks); } if (sheets != null) { //System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sheets); } } } excelSheetComboBox.ItemsSource = excelWorkSheets; if (excelWorkSheets.Count > 0) { excelSheetComboBox.IsEnabled = true; excelRowNumericUpDown.IsEnabled = true; excelColComboBox.IsEnabled = true; } else { excelSheetComboBox.IsEnabled = false; excelRowNumericUpDown.IsEnabled = false; excelColComboBox.IsEnabled = false; } //Заполнить значения по умолчанию try { //Для выбранного листа if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultSheetName) && excelWorkSheets != null && excelWorkSheets.Count > 0) { Excel._Worksheet sheet = excelWorkSheets.Find(s => s.Name.Equals(defaultSheetName)); excelSheetComboBox.SelectedItem = sheet; } } catch { } }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { workbook.Close(false); ExcelApp.Quit(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(worksheet); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sheets); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(workbook); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(workbooks); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(ExcelApp); range = null; worksheet = null; sheets = null; workbook = null; workbooks = null; ExcelApp = null; }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (checkPing()) { FileLocation fileLocation = null; try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Input\Config.json")) { fileLocation = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FileLocation>(sr.ReadToEnd()); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.WriteLine("Connection Successful"); string str = ""; var Files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(fileLocation.SourceLocation, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Where(s => s.EndsWith(".xlsx")); Excel.Application xlApp = new Excel.Application(); bool refreshStatus = true; foreach (string filePath in Files) { DirectoryInfo file = new DirectoryInfo(filePath); Excel.Workbook wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(file.FullName); xlApp.DisplayAlerts = false; xlApp.Visible = false; Console.WriteLine("Refreshing : " + file.FullName); Excel.Sheets excelSheets = wb.Worksheets; foreach (Excel.Worksheet workSheet in excelSheets) { Console.WriteLine("SheetName: " + workSheet.Name); Excel.PivotTables pivotTables = workSheet.PivotTables(); if (pivotTables.Count > 0) { foreach (Excel.PivotTable pivotTable in pivotTables) { Console.WriteLine(pivotTable.RefreshDate); int attempts = 0; Console.WriteLine("Refreshing " + pivotTable.Name); for (; attempts < 3; attempts++) { refreshStatus = pivotTable.RefreshTable(); Console.WriteLine(refreshStatus); if (refreshStatus == true) { break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed!! Reattempting..."); } } if (attempts == 3) { Console.WriteLine("All attempts exhausted! Failed."); } else { Console.WriteLine(pivotTable.RefreshDate); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("No Pivot Found in the Sheet!!"); } } if (refreshStatus) { Console.WriteLine("Refreshed :" + file.Name); Console.WriteLine("Saving " + file.Name); wb.SaveAs(fileLocation.DestinationLocation + file.Name); } wb.Close(); xlApp.Quit(); str = str + ", " + file.Name; } Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to Continue"); Console.ReadLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Connection Unsuccessful"); } }
public void Setup() { resourcePath = @"../../../../test.xlsx"; app = new Excel.Application(); var excelSheetPath = Path.GetFullPath(resourcePath); wbs = app.Workbooks; wb = wbs.Open(excelSheetPath); wss = wb.Worksheets; ws = (Excel.Worksheet)wss["Tasks"]; excelController = new ExcelController(resourcePath); }
static OutputUnits makePerfMonGraphs(string file) { Excel.Application excelApp = null; Excel.Workbook workbook = null; Excel.Sheets sheets = null; Excel.Worksheet dataSheet = null; Excel.Worksheet newSheet = null; Excel.ChartObjects xlChart = null; Excel.Range dataY = null; Excel.Chart memChart = null; Excel.Chart diskChart = null; Excel.Chart cpuChart = null; Excel.Chart netChart = null; Excel.Axis xAxis = null; OutputUnits csData = null; bool leaking = false; bool highcpu = false; string exitFile = ""; try { excelApp = new Excel.Application(); string dir = file.Substring(0, file.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); string fm = file.Substring(0, file.Length - 4).Substring(file.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); workbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(file, 0, false, 6, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, XlPlatform.xlWindows, ",", true, false, 0, false, false, false); sheets = workbook.Sheets; dataSheet = sheets[1]; dataSheet.Name = "data"; dataSheet.get_Range("A2:A2", Type.Missing).EntireRow.Delete(XlDeleteShiftDirection.xlShiftUp);//garbage row newSheet = (Worksheet)sheets.Add(Type.Missing, dataSheet, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); newSheet.Name = "results"; xlChart = (Excel.ChartObjects)newSheet.ChartObjects(Type.Missing); memChart = xlChart.Add(20, 100, 450, 175).Chart; diskChart = xlChart.Add(20, 280, 450, 175).Chart; cpuChart = xlChart.Add(500, 100, 450, 175).Chart; netChart = xlChart.Add(500, 280, 450, 175).Chart; int rowTotal = dataSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; int colTotal = dataSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count; dataSheet.get_Range("A2", "A" + rowTotal).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy h:mm"; string ttime = dataSheet.Cells[2, 1].Value.ToString(); Array availMem = (System.Array)dataSheet.get_Range("C2", "C" + rowTotal).Value; Array cpuTotal = (System.Array)dataSheet.get_Range("D2", "D" + rowTotal).Value; Array diskTotal = (System.Array)dataSheet.get_Range("B2", "B" + rowTotal).Value; dataSheet.Cells[1, colTotal + 1] = "Total LAN (Bytes Total/Sec)"; double[] netties = new double[rowTotal - 1]; for (int i = 2; i <= rowTotal; i++) { if (colTotal > 5) { Array netLine = (System.Array)dataSheet.get_Range(xlStr(5) + i, xlStr(colTotal) + i).Value; double netLineTotal = 0; for (int j = 1; j <= netLine.Length; j++) { netLineTotal += Convert.ToDouble(netLine.GetValue(1, j)); } netties[i - 2] = netLineTotal; dataSheet.Cells[i, colTotal + 1] = netLineTotal; } else { dataSheet.Cells[i, colTotal + 1] = "0"; } } #region BuildCounters double[] mems = ColToDouble(availMem); double[] cpus = ColToDouble(cpuTotal); double[] disks = ColToDouble(diskTotal); //netties[] double avgCPUs = cpus.Average(); PCounter CPU = new PCounter(avgCPUs, cpus.Max(), cpus.Min()); PCounter MEM = new PCounter(mems.Average(), mems.Max(), mems.Min()); PCounter DISK = new PCounter(disks.Average(), disks.Max(), disks.Min()); PCounter NETS = new PCounter(netties.Average(), netties.Max(), netties.Min()); if (avgCPUs > 40) { highcpu = true; } #endregion #region leakCheck double[] eqMB = new double[2]; List <double> memList = new List <double>(); int cX = availMem.Length; for (int i = 1; i < rowTotal - 1; i++) { memList.Add(Convert.ToDouble(availMem.GetValue(i, 1))); } eqMB = LeastSquares(memList); double stdD1 = StandardDev(memList); List <double> memList2 = sigma(memList, stdD1, eqMB); cX = memList2.Count(); eqMB = LeastSquares(memList2); double stdD2 = StandardDev(memList2) * 1.2; List <double> memList3 = sigma(memList2, stdD2, eqMB); eqMB = LeastSquares(memList3); if (eqMB[0] < 0) { leaking = true; newSheet.get_Range("E4", Type.Missing).Interior.Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Tomato); } #endregion #region formatting string lan = xlStr(colTotal + 1); newSheet.get_Range("A1", Type.Missing).EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 12; newSheet.get_Range("A1", Type.Missing).EntireColumn.HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight; newSheet.get_Range("A2", Type.Missing).EntireRow.HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter; newSheet.Cells[4, 5] = eqMB[0]; newSheet.Cells[2, 2] = "Avg"; newSheet.Cells[2, 3] = "Min"; newSheet.Cells[2, 4] = "Max"; newSheet.Cells[2, 5] = "Slope(3Sigma)"; newSheet.Cells[3, 1] = "CPU"; newSheet.Cells[3, 2] = "=AVERAGE(data!D:D)"; newSheet.Cells[3, 3] = "=MIN(data!D:D)"; newSheet.Cells[3, 4] = "=MAX(data!D:D)"; newSheet.Cells[4, 1] = "Avail.RAM"; newSheet.Cells[4, 2] = "=AVERAGE(data!C:C)"; newSheet.Cells[4, 3] = "=MIN(data!C:C)"; newSheet.Cells[4, 4] = "=MAX(data!C:C)"; newSheet.Cells[5, 1] = "LAN Usage"; newSheet.Cells[5, 2] = "=AVERAGE(data!" + lan + ":" + lan + ")"; newSheet.Cells[5, 3] = "=MIN(data!" + lan + ":" + lan + ")"; newSheet.Cells[5, 4] = "=MAX(data!" + lan + ":" + lan + ")"; newSheet.Cells[6, 1] = "Disk Usage"; newSheet.Cells[6, 2] = "=AVERAGE(data!B:B)"; newSheet.Cells[6, 3] = "=MIN(data!B:B)"; newSheet.Cells[6, 4] = "=MAX(data!B:B)"; #endregion #region memChart dataY = dataSheet.Range["C1", "C" + rowTotal]; memChart.SetSourceData(dataY, Type.Missing); memChart.ChartType = XlChartType.xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers; memChart.HasLegend = false; xAxis = (Axis)memChart.Axes(XlAxisType.xlCategory, XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary); xAxis.MaximumScaleIsAuto = false; xAxis.MaximumScale = rowTotal + 1; xAxis.MinimumScaleIsAuto = false; xAxis.MinimumScale = 0; #endregion #region diskChart dataY = dataSheet.Range["B1", "B" + rowTotal]; diskChart.SetSourceData(dataY, Type.Missing); diskChart.ChartType = XlChartType.xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers; diskChart.HasLegend = false; xAxis = (Axis)diskChart.Axes(XlAxisType.xlCategory, XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary); xAxis.MaximumScaleIsAuto = false; xAxis.MaximumScale = rowTotal + 1; xAxis.MinimumScaleIsAuto = false; xAxis.MinimumScale = 0; #endregion #region cpuChart dataY = dataSheet.Range["D1", "D" + rowTotal]; cpuChart.SetSourceData(dataY, Type.Missing); cpuChart.ChartType = XlChartType.xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers; cpuChart.HasLegend = false; xAxis = (Axis)cpuChart.Axes(XlAxisType.xlCategory, XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary); xAxis.MaximumScaleIsAuto = false; xAxis.MaximumScale = rowTotal + 1; xAxis.MinimumScaleIsAuto = false; xAxis.MinimumScale = 0; #endregion #region netChart dataY = dataSheet.Range[xlStr(colTotal + 1) + "1", xlStr(colTotal + 1) + rowTotal]; netChart.SetSourceData(dataY, Type.Missing); netChart.ChartType = XlChartType.xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers; netChart.HasLegend = false; xAxis = (Axis)netChart.Axes(XlAxisType.xlCategory, XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary); xAxis.MaximumScaleIsAuto = false; xAxis.MaximumScale = rowTotal + 1; xAxis.MinimumScaleIsAuto = false; xAxis.MinimumScale = 0; #endregion string host = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dir + fm); csData = new OutputUnits(host, ttime + " time chunks: " + (rowTotal - 1), CPU, MEM, NETS, DISK, leaking, highcpu); exitFile = dir + fm; excelApp.DisplayAlerts = false; workbook.SaveAs(@exitFile, XlFileFormat.xlOpenXMLWorkbook, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, false, false, XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, XlSaveConflictResolution.xlLocalSessionChanges, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); workbook.Close(true, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); excelApp.Quit(); //releaseObject(sC); //releaseObject(myChart); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Had issues interacting with your Excel installation...maybe try a restart?"); //using (StreamWriter outfile = File.AppendText("output.txt")) { // outfile.WriteLine("Did have issues interacting with Excel on " + file); //} } finally { releaseObject(xAxis); releaseObject(dataY); releaseObject(diskChart); releaseObject(memChart); releaseObject(cpuChart); releaseObject(netChart); releaseObject(xlChart); releaseObject(newSheet); releaseObject(dataSheet); releaseObject(sheets); releaseObject(workbook); releaseObject(excelApp); } return(csData); }
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { // Refrences to the first workbook to be diffed. mBook1Sheets = null; if (mBook1 != null) { mBook1.Close(); mBook1 = null; } // Refrences to the second workbook to be diffed. mBook2Sheets = null; if (mBook2 != null) { mBook2.Close(); mBook2 = null; } // Refrence to the instance of Microsoft Excel being used. mExcel.Quit(); mExcel = null; }
private void PrepareRecord() { objRecordExcel = new Excel.Application(); objRecordBooks = objRecordExcel.Workbooks; if (File.Exists(txtStorage.Text)) objRecordBook = objRecordBooks.Open(txtStorage.Text); else objRecordBook = objRecordBooks.Add(true); objRecordSheets = objRecordBook.Sheets; objRecordSheet1 = objRecordSheets[1]; // 收件箱 objRecordSheet2 = objRecordSheets[1]; // 已发短信 bool bSheet1Exists = false, bSheet2Exists = false; foreach (Excel.Worksheet objSheet in objRecordSheets) { if (objSheet.Name == "收件箱") { objRecordSheet1 = objSheet; bSheet1Exists = true; } else if (objSheet.Name == "已发短信") { objRecordSheet2 = objSheet; bSheet2Exists = true; } } if (!bSheet1Exists) { objRecordSheet1 = objRecordSheets.Add(); objRecordSheet1.Name = "收件箱"; objRecordSheet1.Cells[1, 1] = "发件人"; objRecordSheet1.Cells[1, 2] = "短信内容"; objRecordSheet1.Cells[1, 3] = "发送时间"; } if (!bSheet2Exists) { objRecordSheet2 = objRecordSheets.Add(); objRecordSheet2.Name = "已发短信"; objRecordSheet2.Cells[1, 1] = "收件人"; objRecordSheet2.Cells[1, 2] = "短信内容"; objRecordSheet2.Cells[1, 3] = "发送时间"; objRecordSheet2.Cells[1, 4] = "结果"; objRecordSheet2.Cells[1, 5] = "余额"; } }
//1 - prvo učitamo stupce public void DobijStupce() { ExcelObj = new Excel.Application(); excelApp = new Excel.Application(); theWorkbook = ExcelObj.Workbooks.Open(dat, 0, true, 5, "", "", true, Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "\t", false, false, 0, true); sheets = theWorkbook.Worksheets; worksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)sheets.get_Item(1); excelApp.Workbooks.Open(dat); for (int stupac = 1; stupac <= 25; stupac++) { var xlStupac = (worksheet.Cells[1, stupac] as Excel.Range).Value; string xlStupac_str = Convert.ToString(xlStupac); //za dobivanje stupca za kubike if (xlStupac_str == "Total Gross Volume") { stupacCBM = stupac; BrojStupca_CHR(stupacCBM); textBoxCBM.Text = stupac_chr.ToString(); } //else if (xlStupac_str.Contains("Volume")) //{ // stupacCBM = stupac; //} //za dobivanje stupca za ZIP else if (xlStupac_str == "Destination Postal Code") { stupacZIP = stupac; BrojStupca_CHR(stupacZIP); textBoxZIP.Text = stupac_chr.ToString(); } //else if (xlStupac_str.Contains("Postal")) // { // stupacZIP = stupac; // } else if (xlStupac_str == null) { stupacCijena = stupac; BrojStupca_CHR(stupacCijena); textBoxCijene.Text = stupac_chr.ToString(); break; } } }
private void forotborisfailov(string[] vsS, int a1, ref int z1, ref int z2, ref int z3, ref string s, string cilka) { excelapp = new Excel.Application(); excelappworkbooks = excelapp.Workbooks; excelappworkbook = excelapp.Workbooks.Open(System.IO.Path.Combine(we, cilka), Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); excelsheets = excelappworkbook.Worksheets; excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelsheets.get_Item(1); for (int i = 0; i < 350; i++) { if ((z1 < 26) && (z3 == 0)) s = vsS[z1] + a1.ToString(); else { z3++; if (z3 == 1) z1 = 0; s = vsS[z2] + vsS[z1] + a1.ToString(); if (z1 == 25) { z2++; z1 = 0; } } if (s == "IW" + a1.ToString()) break; excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range(s, Type.Missing); string excelnumber = excelcells.Value2; if ((excelnumber != null) && (excelnumber != "")) this.ponedelnic1flor.Add(excelnumber); z1++; } z1 = 0; z2 = 0; z3 = 0; excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelsheets.get_Item(2); for (int i = 0; i < 350; i++) { if ((z1 < 26) && (z3 == 0)) s = vsS[z1] + a1.ToString(); else { z3++; if (z3 == 1) z1 = 0; s = vsS[z2] + vsS[z1] + a1.ToString(); if (z1 == 25) { z2++; z1 = 0; } } if (s == "IW" + a1.ToString()) break; excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range(s, Type.Missing); string excelnumber = excelcells.Value2; if ((excelnumber != null) && (excelnumber != "")) this.ponedelnic1flor.Add(excelnumber); z1++; } z1 = 0; z2 = 0; z3 = 0; excelappworkbook.Close(); excelappworkbooks.Close(); excelapp.Workbooks.Close(); }
static void makeGraphs(string file) { Excel.Application excelApp = null; Excel.Workbook workbook = null; Excel.Sheets sheets = null; Excel.Worksheet dataSheet = null; Excel.Worksheet newSheet = null; Excel.Worksheet chartSheet = null; Excel.Range range = null; Excel.Range dataR = null; int rowC = 0; try { excelApp = new Excel.Application(); string dir = file.Substring(0, file.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); string fm = file.Substring(0, file.Length - 4).Substring(file.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); workbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(file, 0, false, 6, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, XlPlatform.xlWindows, ",", true, false, 0, false, false, false); sheets = workbook.Sheets; dataSheet = sheets[1]; dataSheet.Name = "data"; newSheet = (Worksheet)sheets.Add(Type.Missing, dataSheet, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); newSheet.Name = "table"; chartSheet = (Worksheet)sheets.Add(Type.Missing, dataSheet, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); chartSheet.Name = "graph"; Excel.ChartObjects xlChart = (Excel.ChartObjects)chartSheet.ChartObjects(Type.Missing); dataR = dataSheet.UsedRange; rowC = dataR.Rows.Count; range = newSheet.get_Range("A1"); PivotCaches pCs = workbook.PivotCaches(); PivotCache pC = pCs.Create(XlPivotTableSourceType.xlDatabase, dataR, Type.Missing); PivotTable pT = pC.CreatePivotTable(TableDestination: range, TableName: "PivotTable1"); PivotField fA = pT.PivotFields("Time"); PivotField fB = pT.PivotFields("Command"); fA.Orientation = XlPivotFieldOrientation.xlRowField; fA.Position = 1; fB.Orientation = XlPivotFieldOrientation.xlColumnField; fB.Position = 1; pT.AddDataField(pT.PivotFields("%CPU"), "Sum of %CPU", XlConsolidationFunction.xlSum); ChartObject pChart = (Excel.ChartObject)xlChart.Add(0, 0, 650, 450); Chart chartP = pChart.Chart; chartP.SetSourceData(pT.TableRange1, Type.Missing); chartP.ChartType = XlChartType.xlLine; excelApp.DisplayAlerts = false; workbook.SaveAs(@dir + fm, XlFileFormat.xlOpenXMLWorkbook, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, false, false, XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, XlSaveConflictResolution.xlLocalSessionChanges, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); workbook.Close(true, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); excelApp.Quit(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Had issues interacting with your Excel installation...maybe try a restart?"); using (StreamWriter outfile = File.AppendText("output.txt")) { outfile.WriteLine("Did have issues interacting with Excel on " + file); } } finally { /*Excel.Application excelApp = null; * Excel.Workbook workbook = null; * Excel.Sheets sheets = null; * Excel.Worksheet dataSheet = null; * Excel.Worksheet newSheet = null; * Excel.Worksheet chartSheet = null; * Excel.Range range = null; * Excel.Range dataR = null;*/ releaseObject(dataR); releaseObject(range); releaseObject(chartSheet); releaseObject(newSheet); releaseObject(dataSheet); releaseObject(sheets); releaseObject(workbook); releaseObject(excelApp); } }
/// <summary> Displays a 2DArray in excel. </summary> /// <remarks> Tplateus, 3/01/2018. </remarks> /// <param name="ListMatrix"> The 2DArray of entries. </param> private void DisplayInExcel(string[,] ListMatrix, string[,] TableMatrix) { Excel.Application app = null; Excel.Application openApp = null; Excel.Workbooks books = null; Excel.Workbooks openBooks = null; Excel.Workbook book = null; Excel.Sheets sheets = null; Excel.Worksheet sheetList = null; Excel.Worksheet sheetTable = null; Excel.Range range = null; Excel.Range rows = null; Excel.Range cols = null; List <string> errors = new List <string>(); try { try { openApp = (Excel.Application)Marshal.GetActiveObject("Excel.Application"); openBooks = openApp.Workbooks; for (int i = 1; i <= openBooks.Count; i++) { Excel.Workbook openBook = openBooks.Item[i]; Console.WriteLine(openBook.FullName); if (openBook.FullName == outputfile) { errors.Add("The output file is already opened. Please close this file or choose a different output file."); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(openBook); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("No active Excel instance found. Starting an Excel instance..."); } finally { if (openBooks != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(openBooks); } if (openApp != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(openApp); } } app = new Excel.Application(); if (app == null) { errors.Add("No working instance of Excel could be found on this computer."); } if (errors.Count == 0) { app.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 2; app.DisplayAlerts = false; books = app.Workbooks; book = books.Add(); sheets = book.Sheets; sheetList = sheets.Item[1]; sheetTable = sheets.Item[2]; range = sheetList.Cells[1, 1]; sheetList.Name = "List parameters"; sheetTable.Name = "Table parameters"; #region format Sheet //int rowCount = Matrix.GetLength(0); //int columnCount = Matrix.GetLength(1); //range = range.Resize[rowCount, columnCount]; //range.Value = Matrix; //rows = range.Rows; //cols = range.Columns; ////Set column widths to 300 pixels for each column in range. //for (int iCol = 1; iCol <= columnCount; iCol++) //COMObject has a 1-based index. //{ // Excel.Range column = cols[iCol]; // column.ColumnWidth = 32.56; //Translates to 300 pixels. Verify in Excel. // if (column != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(column); //} //for (int iRow = 2; iRow <= rowCount; iRow++) // COMObject index starts at 1, not 0. First row is ignored (headers) => iRow = 2 //{ // Excel.Range row = rows.Item[iRow]; // object[,] objRow = row.Value2; // List<string> listRow = objRow.Cast<string>().ToList(); //To utilize methods like findAll, the array is transformed to a list. // for (int i = nParams; i < listRow.Count; i++) //First 3 columns are ignored since they dont have values (only ids). // { // string cellValue = listRow[i]; // List<string> allSameValues = listRow.FindAll(x => x == cellValue); //Search all cells with value == current cell value. If all values in the row are the same, its count should be the listRowCount -3 (ids). // List<string> allValuesWithNotFound = listRow.FindAll(x => x == "!NOT_FOUND"); //!NOT_FOUND value is manually added in the 'TransformInto2DArray' method. // if (allValuesWithNotFound.Count == 0) // { // if (allSameValues.Count < listRow.Count - nParams) // { // //Console.WriteLine(row.Cells[iRow, listRow.Count].Value2); // Excel.Range value = row.Cells[1, i + 1]; // //Console.WriteLine(value.Value2); // value.Interior.Color = Color.Red; // value.Font.Color = Color.White; // if (value != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(value); // } // } // if (cellValue == "!NOT_FOUND") // { // Excel.Range cell = row.Cells[1, i + 1]; // cell.Interior.Color = Color.Orange; // cell.Value2 = ""; // if (cell != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cell); // } // } // if (row != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(row); //} #endregion FormatSheet(4, ListMatrix, sheetList); FormatSheet(5, TableMatrix, sheetTable); object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; book.SaveAs(outputfile, Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookDefault, missing, missing, missing, missing, Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlExclusive, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing); book.Close(true, missing, missing); app.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 3; app.DisplayAlerts = true; app.Quit(); string message = "The file '" + OutputFilenameBox.Text + ".xlsx' was succesfully placed in " + OutputDirBox.Text + "."; MessageBox.Show(message, "Succes!"); } else { DisplayErrors(errors); } } finally { if (cols != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cols); } if (rows != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(rows); Console.WriteLine("COMObject 'rows' released."); } if (range != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(range); Console.WriteLine("COMObject 'range' released."); } if (sheetTable != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sheetTable); Console.WriteLine("COMObject 'sheetTable' released."); } if (sheetList != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sheetList); Console.WriteLine("COMObject 'sheetList' released."); } if (sheets != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sheets); Console.WriteLine("COMObject 'sheets' released."); } if (book != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(book); Console.WriteLine("COMObject 'book' released."); } if (books != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(books); Console.WriteLine("COMObject 'books' released."); } if (app != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(app); Console.WriteLine("COMObject 'app' released."); } } }
private unsafe void CreateExcelItem() { // Создаем документ с 16 страницами excelapp = new Excel.Application(); //excelapp.Visible=true; excelapp.SheetsInNewWorkbook=1; Excel.Workbook excelappworkbook = excelapp.Workbooks.Add(Type.Missing); String[] SheetsName = new String[16] { "Sword", "Axe", "MaceScepter", "Spear", "BowCrossbow", "Staff", "Shield", "Helm", "Armor", "Pants", "Gloves", "Boots", "Accessories", "Misc1", "Misc2", "Scrolls" }; excelsheets = excelappworkbook.Worksheets; // определяем имена страницам и переходим на страницу excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelsheets.get_Item(0 + 1); excelworksheet.Name = SheetsName[0]; excelworksheet.Activate(); excelworksheet.Application.ActiveWindow.SplitColumn = 3; excelworksheet.Application.ActiveWindow.SplitRow = 2; excelworksheet.Application.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = true; // заполнение Index ( excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("B3", Type.Missing); excelcells.Value2 = 0; excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("B4", Type.Missing); excelcells.Value2 = 1; excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("B3", "B4"); Excel.Range dest = excelworksheet.get_Range("B3", "B514"); excelcells.AutoFill(dest, Excel.XlAutoFillType.xlFillDefault); // сворачиваем для увеличения скорости excelworksheet.Application.WindowState = Excel.XlWindowState.xlMinimized; excelworksheet.Application.Visible = false; // оцентровываем первую строку excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Rows["1", Type.Missing]; excelcells.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter; // зажирняем и оцентровываем вторую строку excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Rows["2", Type.Missing]; excelcells.Font.Bold = true; excelcells.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter; // устанавливаем размер колонок excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Columns["A", Type.Missing]; excelcells.ColumnWidth = 5; excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Columns["B", Type.Missing]; excelcells.ColumnWidth = 5; excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Columns["C", Type.Missing]; excelcells.ColumnWidth = 30; for (int j = 0; j < MyItemColumns.Length; j++) { excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Columns[ColumnTempName[j + 3], Type.Missing]; excelcells.ColumnWidth = MyItemColumns[j].Width; } // заполняем первую строку границами как называется не помню excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("C1", Type.Missing); excelcells.Value2 = "Char[30]"; excelcells.Activate(); for (int j = 0; j < MyItemColumns.Length; j++) { excelcells = excelapp.ActiveCell.get_Offset(0, 1); excelcells.Value2 = MyItemColumns[j].ColSize; excelcells.Activate(); } // заполняем вторую строку названиями excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("A2", Type.Missing); excelcells.Value2 = "Type"; excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("B2", Type.Missing); excelcells.Value2 = "Index"; excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("C2", Type.Missing); excelcells.Value2 = "Item Name"; excelcells.Activate(); for (int j = 0; j < MyItemColumns.Length; j++) { excelcells = excelapp.ActiveCell.get_Offset(0, 1); excelcells.Value2 = MyItemColumns[j].Name; excelcells.Activate(); } // обнуляем все ячейки кроме названия excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("D3", "AR514"); excelcells.Value2 = 0; // number format 12 232 232 для zen excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("AB3", "AB514"); excelcells.NumberFormat = "# ##0"; // копируем листы for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelsheets.get_Item(i + 1); excelworksheet.Copy(Type.Missing, excelworksheet); excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelsheets.get_Item(i + 2); excelworksheet.Name = SheetsName[i + 1]; } // заполняем ячейки for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { // выделяем нужный лист excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelsheets.get_Item(i + 1); excelworksheet.Activate(); excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("A3", "A514"); excelcells.Value2 = i; progressBar3.Value = i; // поехали по строкам for (int j = 0; j < 512; j++) { progressBar2.Value = j; if (Items[i,j].ItemName[0] != '\0') { excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Cells[j + 3, 3]; excelcells.Value2 = Items[i, j].ItemName; excelcells.Select(); } fixed (Int64* buff = Items[i, j].Numbers) { for (int k = 0; k < MyItemColumns.Length; k++) { if (buff != null && *(buff + k) != 0.0f) { excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Cells[j + 3, k + 4]; excelcells.Value2 = *(buff + k); } } } } } // показываем готовый файл excelapp.Visible = true; progressBar2.Value = 0; progressBar3.Value = 0; MessageBox.Show("All Done!"); }
private void save_excel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { excelWorkbook.Close(null, null, null); excelApp.Quit(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(excelApp); excelApp = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); sv_name = save_name.Text; if (checkBox_multiple_run.Checked) { excelApp1 = new xc.Application(); excelApp1.Visible = true; excelWorkbook1 = excelApp1.Workbooks.Open(Open_for_save.FileName); excelSheets1 = excelWorkbook1.Worksheets; excelWorkSheet1 = excelSheets1.get_Item("Sheet1"); excelCell1 = excelWorkSheet1.UsedRange; for (int cc = 1; cc <= 16383; cc++) { ref_save_column = Convert.ToString(excelCell1.Cells[2, cc].Value2); if (ref_save_column == null) { start_column_save = cc; excelWorkSheet1.Cells[1, cc] = sv_name; excelWorkSheet1.Cells[2, cc] = "Frame No."; excelWorkSheet1.Cells[2, cc + 1] = "Flash period + Dark period"; excelWorkSheet1.Cells[2, cc + 2] = "Flash period"; break; } } for (int bb = 1; bb <= box.GetUpperBound(0); bb++) { excelWorkSheet1.Cells[bb + 2, start_column_save] = (bb - 1) + 1; excelWorkSheet1.Cells[bb + 2, start_column_save + 1] = box[bb - 1, 0]; excelWorkSheet1.Cells[bb + 2, start_column_save + 2] = box[bb - 1, 1]; } excelWorkbook1.Save(); excelWorkbook1.Close(null, null, null); excelApp1.Quit(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(excelApp1); excelApp1 = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); Array.Clear(box, 1, 51); Array.Clear(box, 2, 2); foreach (var series in show_freq_chart.Series) { series.Points.Clear(); } Application.Idle += multiple_file_run; Application.Idle -= save_excel_Click; } else { if (Open_for_save.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { excelApp1 = new xc.Application(); excelApp1.Visible = true; excelWorkbook1 = excelApp1.Workbooks.Open(Open_for_save.FileName); excelSheets1 = excelWorkbook1.Worksheets; excelWorkSheet1 = excelSheets1.get_Item("Sheet1"); excelCell1 = excelWorkSheet1.UsedRange; for (int cc = 1; cc <= 16383; cc++) { ref_save_column = Convert.ToString(excelCell1.Cells[2, cc].Value2); if (ref_save_column == null) { start_column_save = cc; excelWorkSheet1.Cells[1, cc] = sv_name; excelWorkSheet1.Cells[2, cc] = "Frame No."; excelWorkSheet1.Cells[2, cc + 1] = "Flash period + Dark period"; excelWorkSheet1.Cells[2, cc + 2] = "Flash period"; break; } } for (int bb = 1; bb <= box.GetUpperBound(0); bb++) { excelWorkSheet1.Cells[bb + 2, start_column_save] = (bb - 1) + 1; excelWorkSheet1.Cells[bb + 2, start_column_save + 1] = box[bb - 1, 0]; excelWorkSheet1.Cells[bb + 2, start_column_save + 2] = box[bb - 1, 1]; } excelWorkbook1.Save(); excelWorkbook1.Close(null, null, null); excelApp1.Quit(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(excelApp1); excelApp1 = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); Array.Clear(box, 1, 51); Array.Clear(box, 2, 2); foreach (var series in show_freq_chart.Series) { series.Points.Clear(); } } Application.Idle -= save_excel_Click; } }
private static void openExcel(String input, String output) { excelapp1 = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); myworkbook1 = excelapp1.Workbooks.Open(input, 0, false, 5, "", "", true, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "\t", false, false, 0, true); myworksheets1 = myworkbook1.Worksheets; myworksheet1 = myworksheets1.get_Item(1); range1 = myworksheet1.UsedRange; excelapp2 = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); myworkbook2 = excelapp2.Workbooks.Open(output, 0, false, 5, "", "", true, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "\t", false, false, 0, true); myworksheets2 = myworkbook2.Worksheets; myworksheet2 = myworksheets2.get_Item(1); range2 = myworksheet2.UsedRange; }
/// <summary> /// 创建一个Excel程序实例 /// </summary> private void CreateExcelRef() { _excelApp = new Excel.Application(); _books = (Excel.Workbooks)_excelApp.Workbooks; _book = (Excel._Workbook)(_books.Add(_optionalValue)); _sheets = (Excel.Sheets)_book.Worksheets; _sheet = (Excel._Worksheet)(_sheets.get_Item(1)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { String[] Color = new String[57]; int file_counter = 0; Color[1] = "#000000"; Color[2] = "#FFFFFF"; Color[3] = "#FF0000"; Color[4] = "#00FF00"; Color[5] = "#0000FF"; Color[6] = "#FFFF00"; Color[7] = "#FF00FF"; Color[8] = "#00FFFF"; Color[9] = "#800000"; Color[10] = "#008000"; Color[11] = "#000080"; Color[12] = "#808000"; Color[13] = "#800080"; Color[14] = "#008080"; Color[15] = "#C0C0C0"; Color[16] = "#808080"; Color[17] = "#9999FF"; Color[18] = "#993366"; Color[19] = "#FFFFCC"; Color[20] = "#CCFFFF"; Color[21] = "#660066"; Color[22] = "#FF8080"; Color[23] = "#0066CC"; Color[24] = "#CCCCFF"; Color[25] = "#000080"; Color[26] = "#FF00FF"; Color[27] = "#FFFF00"; Color[28] = "#00FFFF"; Color[29] = "#800080"; Color[30] = "#800000"; Color[31] = "#008080"; Color[32] = "#0000FF"; Color[33] = "#00CCFF"; Color[34] = "#CCFFFF"; Color[35] = "#CCFFCC"; Color[36] = "#FFFF99"; Color[37] = "#99CCFF"; Color[38] = "#FF99CC"; Color[39] = "#CC99FF"; Color[40] = "#FFCC99"; Color[41] = "#3366FF"; Color[42] = "#33CCCC"; Color[43] = "#99CC00"; Color[44] = "#FFCC00"; Color[45] = "#FF9900"; Color[46] = "#FF6600"; Color[47] = "#666699"; Color[48] = "#969696"; Color[49] = "#003366"; Color[50] = "#339966"; Color[51] = "#003300"; Color[52] = "#333300"; Color[53] = "#993300"; Color[54] = "#993366"; Color[55] = "#333399"; Color[56] = "#333333"; char Context = ' '; char SubContext = ' '; string fileName = ""; string Path = ""; string Entity = ""; string Header = ""; string Footer = ""; StreamReader SR; string S; SR = File.OpenText("excel2xslt.config"); S = SR.ReadLine(); for (int i = 1; i <= 11; i++) { Console.WriteLine(S); S = SR.ReadLine(); if (S.Length != 0 && S.Substring(0, 1) != "[" && S.Substring(0, 5) == "Files") { Path = XsltFunctions.SubstringBefore(XsltFunctions.SubstringAfter(S, "\""), "\""); } if (S.Length != 0 && S.Substring(0, 1) != "[" && S.Substring(0, 5) == "Excel") { fileName = XsltFunctions.SubstringBefore(XsltFunctions.SubstringAfter(S, "\""), "\""); } if (S.Length != 0 && S.Substring(0, 1) != "[" && S.Substring(0, 6) == "Header") { Header = XsltFunctions.SubstringBefore(XsltFunctions.SubstringAfter(S, "\""), "\""); } if (S.Length != 0 && S.Substring(0, 1) != "[" && S.Substring(0, 6) == "Footer") { Footer = XsltFunctions.SubstringBefore(XsltFunctions.SubstringAfter(S, "\""), "\""); } if (S.Length != 0 && S.Substring(0, 1) != "[" && S.Substring(0, 7) == "Context") { Context = Convert.ToChar(XsltFunctions.SubstringBefore(XsltFunctions.SubstringAfter(S, "\""), "\"")); } if (S.Length != 0 && S.Substring(0, 1) != "[" && S.Substring(0, 3) == "Sub") { SubContext = Convert.ToChar(XsltFunctions.SubstringBefore(XsltFunctions.SubstringAfter(S, "\""), "\"")); } if (S.Length != 0 && S.Substring(0, 1) != "[" && S.Substring(0, 6) == "Entity") { Entity = XsltFunctions.SubstringBefore(XsltFunctions.SubstringAfter(S, "\""), "\""); } } SR.Close(); if (Context == ' ') { Console.WriteLine("Context not defined. Please update the value in excel2xslt.config"); } ; if (SubContext == ' ') { Console.WriteLine("SubContext not defined. Please update the value in excel2xslt.config"); } ; if (fileName == "") { Console.WriteLine("FileName not defined. Please update the value in excel2xslt.config"); } ; if (Path == "") { Console.WriteLine("Path not defined. Please update the value in excel2xslt.config"); } ; if (Entity == "") { Console.WriteLine("Entity not defined. Please update the value in excel2xslt.config"); } ; if (Header == "") { Console.WriteLine("Header not defined. Please update the value in excel2xslt.config"); } ; if (Footer == "") { Console.WriteLine("Footer not defined. Please update the value in excel2xslt.config"); } ; Excel.Application excelApp = new Excel.ApplicationClass(); // Creates a new Excel Application excelApp.Visible = false; // visible string workbookPath = Path + fileName; Excel.Workbook excelWorkbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(workbookPath, 0, false, 5, "", "", false, Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "", true, false, 0, true, false, false); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Output files written to: " + Path); StreamWriter swXMLCustomCfg = new StreamWriter(Path + "MailCustomCfg_" + XsltFunctions.SubstringBefore(fileName, ".") + ".xml", false, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1")); StreamWriter swXMLHeaderCfg = new StreamWriter(Path + "MailHeaderCfg_" + XsltFunctions.SubstringBefore(fileName, ".") + ".xml", false, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1")); StreamWriter swXMLConstants = new StreamWriter(Path + "Constants_" + XsltFunctions.SubstringBefore(fileName, ".") + ".xml", false, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1")); swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' standalone='yes'?>"); swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine("<ResultSet xmlns:xsi=''>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine("<ResultSet>"); swXMLConstants.WriteLine("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>"); swXMLConstants.WriteLine("<root>"); // The following gets the Worksheets collection Excel.Sheets excelSheets = excelWorkbook.Worksheets; //Console.WriteLine("No of sheets"+excelSheets.Count); for (int s = 1; s <= excelSheets.Count; s++) { Excel.Worksheet excelWorksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelSheets.get_Item(s); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Path + excelWorksheet.Name + ".xsl", false, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1")); swXMLConstants.WriteLine(" <Constant>"); swXMLConstants.WriteLine(" <DictDetail_Name Type='String'>" + excelWorksheet.Name + "</DictDetail_Name>"); swXMLConstants.WriteLine(" <DictDetail_ShortName Type='String'>" + excelWorksheet.Name + "</DictDetail_ShortName>"); swXMLConstants.WriteLine(" <ElementOwner Type='Character'>C</ElementOwner>"); swXMLConstants.WriteLine(" <DictCoherency_Name Type='String'>XSLTFileName</DictCoherency_Name>"); swXMLConstants.WriteLine(" <ReturnType Type='Character'>S</ReturnType>"); swXMLConstants.WriteLine(" <Description Type='String'/>"); swXMLConstants.WriteLine(" <Sorter Type='String'>XSLT</Sorter>"); swXMLConstants.WriteLine(" <StringValue Type='EmptyString'>" + excelWorksheet.Name + "</StringValue>"); swXMLConstants.WriteLine(" <Context Type='Character'>" + Context + "</Context>"); swXMLConstants.WriteLine(" </Constant>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <MailHeaderCfg>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <MailHeaderCfg_Name type='KDB_FIELD_NAME_0032'>" + excelWorksheet.Name + "</MailHeaderCfg_Name>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <Description type='string'/>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <CFG_Receiver type='string'>EDD_ThirdParty_Id_Cpty</CFG_Receiver>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <MailType_Name type='string'>Pdf Confirmation</MailType_Name>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <CFG_Master type='string'>EmptyEvent</CFG_Master>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <CFG_FaxAddress type='string'>DummyElement</CFG_FaxAddress>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <CFG_EmailFrom type='string'>DummyElement</CFG_EmailFrom>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <CFG_EmailTo type='string'>DummyElement</CFG_EmailTo>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <CFG_EmailCC type='string'>DummyElement</CFG_EmailCC>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <CFG_Bic type='string'>EVB_Bic_Id</CFG_Bic>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <ToBePrinted type='YesNo_t'>Y</ToBePrinted>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <NumberOfCopies type='KDB_FIELD_INTEGER'>1</NumberOfCopies>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <CFG_ExternalRef type='string'>NONE</CFG_ExternalRef>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <CFG_AddAddress type='string'>DummyElement</CFG_AddAddress>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <CFG_TypeOfOper type='string'>TAG22A</CFG_TypeOfOper>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <CFG_ReleaseDate type='string'>DummyElement</CFG_ReleaseDate>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <CFG_DeadLine type='string'>DummyElement</CFG_DeadLine>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <ValidityDateBegin type='KDB_FIELD_DATE'>2007/03/09</ValidityDateBegin>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <ValidityDateEnd type='KDB_FIELD_DATE'>2100/03/09</ValidityDateEnd>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <Priority type='BOPriority_t'>N</Priority>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <CFG_Entity type='string'>EBO_Entity_Id</CFG_Entity>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <AutoSending type='YesNo_t'>N</AutoSending>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <CFG_XSLT type='string'>" + excelWorksheet.Name + "</CFG_XSLT>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <Context type='BOContext_t'>" + Context + "</Context>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <SubContext type='BOContext_t'>" + SubContext + "</SubContext>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <CFG_Description type='string'>ModelDescripMails</CFG_Description>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <Entity_Name type='string'>" + Entity + "</Entity_Name>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" <Validity type='BOValidity_t'>A</Validity>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine(" </MailHeaderCfg>"); Excel.Range cells = (Excel.Range)excelWorksheet.get_Range("A1", excelWorksheet.Cells.SpecialCells(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlCellType.xlCellTypeLastCell, Type.Missing)); int[] actual_columns = new int[cells.Rows.Count + 1]; for (int i = 1; i <= cells.Rows.Count; i++) { actual_columns[i] = 0; for (int j = 1; j <= cells.Columns.Count; j++) { Excel.Range current = (Excel.Range)cells[i, j]; if (current.Value2 != null) { actual_columns[i] = j; } ; } ; //Console.WriteLine(actual_columns[i]); } ; sw.WriteLine("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>"); sw.WriteLine("<xsl:stylesheet version='1.0' xmlns:xsl='' xmlns:fo='' xmlns:xs='' xmlns:java='' exclude-result-prefixes='java' xmlns:date=''"); sw.WriteLine(">"); sw.WriteLine(" <xsl:include href='" + Header + "'/>"); sw.WriteLine(" <xsl:include href='" + Footer + "'/> "); sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine(" <xsl:template match='/'>"); sw.WriteLine("<fo:root xmlns:fo=''>"); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:layout-master-set>"); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:simple-page-master master-name='single_page' page-height='297mm' page-width='210mm' >"); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:region-body region-name='xsl-region-body' "); sw.WriteLine(" margin='20mm' />"); sw.WriteLine(" </fo:simple-page-master>"); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:page-sequence-master master-name='repeatable_master'>"); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:repeatable-page-master-reference master-reference='single_page' maximum-repeats='10'/>"); sw.WriteLine(" </fo:page-sequence-master>"); sw.WriteLine(" </fo:layout-master-set>"); sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:page-sequence master-reference='repeatable_master'>"); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:flow flow-name='xsl-region-body'>"); sw.WriteLine(" "); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:table font-family='Times New Roman' font-size='10.00pt' width='180.00mm'>"); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:table-column column-width='180mm'/>"); sw.WriteLine(" "); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:table-body>"); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:table-row height='55mm'>"); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:table-cell padding-before='3pt' padding-after='3pt' padding-start='3pt' padding-end='3pt'>"); sw.WriteLine(" <xsl:call-template name='HEADER'/> "); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:block height='20mm' text-align='left'></fo:block>"); sw.WriteLine(" </fo:table-cell>"); sw.WriteLine(" </fo:table-row>"); sw.WriteLine(" </fo:table-body>"); sw.WriteLine(" </fo:table>"); /* second table - body */ sw.WriteLine(" <fo:table font-family='Times New Roman' font-size='10.00pt' width='180.00mm'>"); for (int i = 1; i <= cells.Columns.Count; i++) { sw.WriteLine("<fo:table-column column-width='" + 180 / cells.Columns.Count + "mm'/>"); } sw.WriteLine(" <fo:table-body>"); int[] total_columns = new int[cells.Rows.Count + 1]; string[] choose = new string[cells.Rows.Count + 1]; for (int i = 1; i <= cells.Rows.Count; i++) { total_columns[i] = 0; Excel.Range current = (Excel.Range)cells[i, 1]; if (current.Value2 != null) { if ((string)XsltFunctions.Substring(current.Value2.ToString(), 1, 6) == "choose") { choose[i] = "<xsl:choose>"; } else { if ((string)XsltFunctions.Substring(current.Value2.ToString(), 1, 4) == "when") { choose[i] = "<xsl:when test=\"" + (string)XsltFunctions.SubstringAfter(current.Value2.ToString(), "when ") + "\">"; /* if (XsltFunctions.Substring((string)XsltFunctions.SubstringAfter(current.Value2.ToString(),"when "),1,8) == "MailBody") * { * swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine(" <MailCustomCfg>"); * swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine("<MailHeaderCfg_Name type='string'>"+excelWorksheet.Name+"</MailHeaderCfg_Name>"); * swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine(" <MailCustomTag type='string'>"+XsltFunctions.SubstringAfter(XsltFunctions.SubstringBefore((string)XsltFunctions.SubstringAfter(current.Value2.ToString(),"when ")," and "),"MailBody/")+"</MailCustomTag>"); * swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine(" <Comment type='string'>/</Comment>"); * swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine(" <CFG_Element type='string'>Empty</CFG_Element>"); * swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine(" <SortingNum type='KDB_FIELD_INTEGER'></SortingNum>"); * swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine(" </MailCustomCfg>"); * }; * if (XsltFunctions.Substring((string)XsltFunctions.SubstringAfter(current.Value2.ToString()," and "),1,8) == "MailBody") * { * swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine(" <MailCustomCfg>"); * swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine("<MailHeaderCfg_Name type='string'>"+excelWorksheet.Name+"</MailHeaderCfg_Name>"); * swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine(" <MailCustomTag type='string'>"+XsltFunctions.SubstringAfter((string)XsltFunctions.SubstringAfter(current.Value2.ToString()," and "),"MailBody/")+"</MailCustomTag>"); * swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine(" <Comment type='string'>/</Comment>"); * swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine(" <CFG_Element type='string'>Empty</CFG_Element>"); * swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine(" <SortingNum type='KDB_FIELD_INTEGER'></SortingNum>"); * swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine(" </MailCustomCfg>"); * } */ } else { if ((string)XsltFunctions.Substring(current.Value2.ToString(), 1, 7) == "endwhen") { choose[i] = "</xsl:when>"; } else { if ((string)XsltFunctions.Substring(current.Value2.ToString(), 1, 9) == "endchoose") { choose[i] = "</xsl:choose>"; } else { if ((string)XsltFunctions.Substring(current.Value2.ToString(), 1, 9) == "otherwise") { choose[i] = "<xsl:otherwise>"; } else { if ((string)XsltFunctions.Substring(current.Value2.ToString(), 1, 12) == "endotherwise") { choose[i] = "</xsl:otherwise>"; } else { choose[i] = ""; }; }; }; } }; }; } ; } ; for (int i = 1; i <= cells.Rows.Count; i++) { int span = 1; int mergedcellno = 0; int t = 0; if (choose[i] != "") { sw.WriteLine(choose[i]); } else { sw.WriteLine("<fo:table-row height='5mm'>"); for (int j = 1; j <= cells.Columns.Count && total_columns[i] < cells.Columns.Count; j++) { if (mergedcellno != 0 && t < mergedcellno && t != 0) { t = t + 1; } else { if (t >= mergedcellno) { t = 0; mergedcellno = 0; } ; }; if (t == 0) { String color; Excel.Range current = (Excel.Range)cells[i, j]; //Console.WriteLine("Color "+current.Interior.ColorIndex); if ((int)current.Interior.ColorIndex >= 1 && (int)current.Interior.ColorIndex <= 56) { color = Color[(int)current.Interior.ColorIndex]; } else { color = "white"; }; if (current.Value2 != null) { if ((bool)current.MergeCells) { //Console.WriteLine(current.get_Address("", "", Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlR1C1,"", "")+"Row "+i+" Column "+j+" merged"+":"+current.MergeArea.get_Address("", "", Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlR1C1,"", "")); span = Convert.ToInt32(XsltFunctions.SubstringAfter(XsltFunctions.SubstringAfter(current.MergeArea.get_Address("", "", Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlR1C1, "", ""), ":"), "C")) - Convert.ToInt32(XsltFunctions.SubstringBefore(XsltFunctions.SubstringAfter(current.MergeArea.get_Address("", "", Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlR1C1, "", ""), "C"), ":")) + 1; mergedcellno = span; } else { span = 1; }; sw.WriteLine(" <fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned='"+ span + "' background-color='" + color + "' border-color='black' border-width='0.2pt' padding-before='3pt' padding-after='3pt' padding-start='3pt' padding-end='3pt'>"); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:block height='5mm' text-align='left'>"); if ((bool)XsltFunctions.Contains(current.Value2.ToString(), "MailBody") == true) { if ((bool)(XsltFunctions.Contains(current.Value2.ToString(), "Amount")) == true || (bool)(XsltFunctions.Contains(current.Value2.ToString(), "Rate")) == true) { sw.WriteLine(" <xsl:call-template name='Amount'>"); sw.WriteLine(" <xsl:with-param name='Amount' select='"+ current.Value2.ToString() + "'/>"); sw.WriteLine(" </xsl:call-template>"); } else { if ((bool)(XsltFunctions.Contains(current.Value2.ToString(), "Date")) == true) { sw.WriteLine(" <xsl:call-template name='Date'>"); sw.WriteLine(" <xsl:with-param name='Date' select='"+ current.Value2.ToString() + "'/>"); sw.WriteLine(" </xsl:call-template>"); } else { sw.WriteLine(" "+ "<xsl:value-of select = '" + current.Value2.ToString() + "'/>"); } }; swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine(" <MailCustomCfg>"); swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine("<MailHeaderCfg_Name type='string'>" + excelWorksheet.Name + "</MailHeaderCfg_Name>"); swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine(" <MailCustomTag type='string'>"+ XsltFunctions.SubstringAfter(current.Value2.ToString(), "MailBody/") + "</MailCustomTag>"); swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine(" <Comment type='string'>/</Comment>"); swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine(" <CFG_Element type='string'>Empty</CFG_Element>"); swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine(" <SortingNum type='KDB_FIELD_INTEGER'></SortingNum>"); swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine(" </MailCustomCfg>"); } else { sw.WriteLine(" "+ current.Value2.ToString()); }; //Console.WriteLine(current.Value2); sw.WriteLine(" </fo:block>"); sw.WriteLine(" </fo:table-cell>"); } else { sw.WriteLine(" <fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned='"+ span + "' background-color='" + color + "' border-color='black' border-width='0.2pt' padding-before='3pt' padding-after='3pt' padding-start='3pt' padding-end='3pt'>"); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:block height='5mm' text-align='left'>"); sw.WriteLine(" </fo:block>"); sw.WriteLine(" </fo:table-cell>"); }; total_columns[i] = total_columns[i] + span; span = 1; } if (mergedcellno != 0 && t < mergedcellno) { t = t + 1; } ; } sw.WriteLine(" </fo:table-row>"); sw.WriteLine(); }; } sw.WriteLine(" </fo:table-body>"); sw.WriteLine(" </fo:table>"); sw.WriteLine(" /* Placeholder for footer */"); sw.WriteLine(" "); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:table font-family='Times New Roman' font-size='10.00pt' width='120.00mm'>"); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:table-column column-width='120mm'/>"); sw.WriteLine(" "); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:table-body start-indent='0pt'>"); sw.WriteLine(" "); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:table-row height='100mm'>"); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:table-cell padding-before='3pt' padding-after='3pt' padding-start='3pt' padding-end='3pt'>"); sw.WriteLine(" <xsl:call-template name='FOOTER'/>"); sw.WriteLine(" <fo:block height='20mm' text-align='left'> </fo:block>"); sw.WriteLine(" </fo:table-cell>"); sw.WriteLine(" </fo:table-row>"); sw.WriteLine(" </fo:table-body>"); sw.WriteLine(" </fo:table> "); sw.WriteLine(" </fo:flow>"); sw.WriteLine(" </fo:page-sequence>"); sw.WriteLine("</fo:root>"); sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine("</xsl:template>"); sw.WriteLine("</xsl:stylesheet>"); sw.Close(); file_counter++; Console.WriteLine(file_counter + ". XSL file successfully written to: " + excelWorksheet.Name + ".xsl"); } swXMLCustomCfg.WriteLine("</ResultSet>"); swXMLCustomCfg.Close(); file_counter++; Console.WriteLine(file_counter + ". MailCustomCfg file successfully written to: " + "MailCustomCfg_" + XsltFunctions.SubstringBefore(fileName, ".") + ".xml"); swXMLHeaderCfg.WriteLine("</ResultSet>"); swXMLHeaderCfg.Close(); file_counter++; Console.WriteLine(file_counter + ". MailHeaderCfg file successfully written to: " + "MailHeaderCfg_" + XsltFunctions.SubstringBefore(fileName, ".") + ".xml"); swXMLConstants.WriteLine("</root>"); swXMLConstants.Close(); file_counter++; Console.WriteLine(file_counter + ". Constants file successfully written to: " + "Constants_" + XsltFunctions.SubstringBefore(fileName, ".") + ".xml"); excelWorkbook.Close(false, 0, 0); }
public string convertFiles(IList <string> filePaths) { m_filePaths = filePaths; m_fileCount = m_filePaths.Count; int fileIndex = 0; ArrayList sheet1ValueList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList sheet2ValueList = new ArrayList(); Cross_TopTag topTag; Cross_Data[] data; Cross_Paragraphs[][] paragraphs; Cross_Qas[][][] qas; Cross_Answers[][][][] answers; ETRI_TopTag EtopTag; object[,] sheet1ValueArray; int totalCountQas = 0; int totalCountParagraphs = 0; int sheet1TotalRowCount = 0; ArrayList splitedFileName = new ArrayList(); foreach (var item in m_filePaths) { string[] temp; m_path = item; var missing = Type.Missing; temp = m_path.Split('_'); splitedFileName.Add(temp); objApp = new Excel.Application(); objWorkbooks = objApp.Workbooks; int countParagraphs = 0; int countQas = 0; int currentRow = 0; bool excelOpen = false; try { if (m_currentConvertingMode == convertingMode.CJSONToCExcel) { #region JSON -> Excel 변환 // ** name1 영역 파싱 topTag = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Cross_TopTag>(File.ReadAllText(m_path)); // name2 영역 파싱 data = new Cross_Data[]; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { data[i] = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Cross_Data>([i].ToString()); } // ** name3 영역 파싱 paragraphs = new Cross_Paragraphs[data.Length][]; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { paragraphs[i] = new Cross_Paragraphs[data[i].paragraphs.Count]; for (int j = 0; j < data[i].paragraphs.Count; j++) { paragraphs[i][j] = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Cross_Paragraphs>(data[i].paragraphs[j].ToString()); countParagraphs++; totalCountParagraphs++; } } // ** name4 영역 파싱 qas = new Cross_Qas[data.Length][][]; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { qas[i] = new Cross_Qas[paragraphs[i].Length][]; for (int j = 0; j < paragraphs[i].Length; j++) { qas[i][j] = new Cross_Qas[paragraphs[i][j].qas.Count]; for (int k = 0; k < paragraphs[i][j].qas.Count; k++) { qas[i][j][k] = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Cross_Qas>(paragraphs[i][j].qas[k].ToString()); countQas++; totalCountQas++; } } } // ** name5 영역 파싱 answers = new Cross_Answers[data.Length][][][]; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { answers[i] = new Cross_Answers[paragraphs[i].Length][][]; for (int j = 0; j < paragraphs[i].Length; j++) { answers[i][j] = new Cross_Answers[qas[i][j].Length][]; for (int k = 0; k < qas[i][j].Length; k++) { answers[i][j][k] = new Cross_Answers[qas[i][j][k].answers.Count]; for (int m = 0; m < qas[i][j][k].answers.Count; m++) { answers[i][j][k][m] = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Cross_Answers>(qas[i][j][k].answers[m].ToString()); } } } } // ** sheet1ValueArray & sheet2ValueArray 영역 크기 지정 sheet1RowCount = countQas; //sheet2RowCount = countParagraphs; sheet1ValueArray = new object[sheet1RowCount, sheet1ColCount]; //sheet2ValueArray = new object[sheet2RowCount, sheet2ColCount]; // ** sheet1ValueArray & sheet2ValueArray에 데이터 입력 // * paragraph 순번 & name1 영역 for (int row = 0; row < sheet1RowCount; row++) { sheet1ValueArray[row, 0] = row + 1; sheet1ValueArray[row, 1] = topTag.version; sheet1ValueArray[row, 2] = topTag.creator; sheet1ValueArray[row, 3] = topTag.progress; sheet1ValueArray[row, 4] = topTag.formatt; sheet1ValueArray[row, 5] = topTag.time; sheet1ValueArray[row, 6] = topTag.check; sheet1ValueArray[row, 7] = topTag.firstfile; sheet1ValueArray[row, 8] = topTag.secondfile; } // * name2 & name3 영역 currentRow = 0; for (int d = 0; d < data.Length; d++) { for (int p = 0; p < paragraphs[d].Length; p++) { sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 9] = data[d].title; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 10] = paragraphs[d][p].context; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 11] = paragraphs[d][p].context_en; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 12] = paragraphs[d][p].context_tagged; currentRow++; } } // * name4 영역 currentRow = 0; int currentParaNum = 1; for (int d = 0; d < data.Length; d++) { for (int p = 0; p < paragraphs[d].Length; p++) { for (int q = 0; q < qas[d][p].Length; q++) { sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 13] = qas[d][p][q].id; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 14] = qas[d][p][q].confuseQt1; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 15] = qas[d][p][q].confuseQf1; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 16] = qas[d][p][q].confuseSat1; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 17] = qas[d][p][q].confuseLat1; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 18] = qas[d][p][q].question; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 19] = qas[d][p][q].question_en; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 20] = qas[d][p][q].question_tagged1; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 21] = qas[d][p][q].questionType1; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 22] = qas[d][p][q].questionFocus1; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 23] = qas[d][p][q].questionSAT1; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 24] = qas[d][p][q].questionLAT1; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 25] = qas[d][p][q].confuseQt2; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 26] = qas[d][p][q].confuseQf2; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 27] = qas[d][p][q].confuseSat2; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 28] = qas[d][p][q].confuseLat2; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 29] = qas[d][p][q].question_tagged2; // sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 30] = qas[d][p][q].questionType2; // sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 31] = qas[d][p][q].questionFocus2; // sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 32] = qas[d][p][q].questionSAT2; // sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 33] = qas[d][p][q].questionLAT2; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 34] = qas[d][p][q].confuseQt3; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 35] = qas[d][p][q].confuseQf3; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 36] = qas[d][p][q].confuseSat3; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 37] = qas[d][p][q].confuseLat3; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 38] = qas[d][p][q].question_tagged3; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 39] = qas[d][p][q].questionType3; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 40] = qas[d][p][q].questionFocus3; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 41] = qas[d][p][q].questionSAT3; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 42] = qas[d][p][q].questionLAT3; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, 55] = currentParaNum; currentRow++; } currentParaNum++; } } // * name5 영역 currentRow = 0; for (int d = 0; d < data.Length; d++) { for (int p = 0; p < paragraphs[d].Length; p++) { for (int q = 0; q < qas[d][p].Length; q++) { if (qas[d][p][q].answers.Count > 3) { return("정답의 개수가 3개 초과인 문제가 있습니다.\r\n파일: " + m_path); } int answerStartColNum = 43; for (int a = 0; a < answers[d][p][q].Length; a++) { sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, answerStartColNum] = answers[d][p][q][a].text; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, answerStartColNum + 1] = answers[d][p][q][a].text_en; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, answerStartColNum + 2] = answers[d][p][q][a].text_tagged; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, answerStartColNum + 3] = answers[d][p][q][a].text_syn; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, answerStartColNum + 4] = answers[d][p][q][a].answer_start; sheet1ValueArray[currentRow, answerStartColNum + 5] = answers[d][p][q][a].answer_end; answerStartColNum += 6; } currentRow++; } } } if ((++fileIndex) < m_fileCount) { sheet1ValueList.Add(sheet1ValueArray); continue; } //마지막 파일 ADD sheet1ValueList.Add(sheet1ValueArray); // 여러 sheetValueArray들을 각 작업량의 따라 나눠 하나로 통합 string[] separator = { "(", ")", "-", " " }; //제외할 요소들 int totalRowCount_sheet1 = 0; int totalRowCount_sheet2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fileIndex; i++) { string[] _temp = (string[])splitedFileName[i]; string[] splited = _temp[2].Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //sheet1 작업 int startIndex = Convert.ToInt32(splited[0]); int endIndex = Convert.ToInt32(splited[1]); int length = endIndex - startIndex + 1; totalRowCount_sheet1 += length; int rowIndex_sheet1 = 0; int rowIndex_sheet2 = 0; object[,] temp_arrList = (object[, ])sheet1ValueList[i]; object[,] tempSheet1Value = new object[length, sheet1ColCount]; for (int j = startIndex - 1; j < endIndex; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < sheet1ColCount; k++) { tempSheet1Value[rowIndex_sheet1, k] = temp_arrList[j, k]; } rowIndex_sheet1++; } /* * //sheet2 작업 * startIndex = (int)tempSheet1Value[0, 37]; * endIndex = (int)tempSheet1Value[rowIndex_sheet1 - 1, 37]; * length = endIndex - startIndex + 1; * * totalRowCount_sheet2 += length; * * temp_arrList = (object[,])sheet2ValueList[i]; * object[,] tempSheet2Value = new object[length, sheet2ColCount]; * * for (int j = startIndex - 1; j < endIndex; j++) * { * for (int k = 0; k < sheet2ColCount; k++) * tempSheet2Value[rowIndex_sheet2, k] = temp_arrList[j, k]; * rowIndex_sheet2++; * } * sheet1ValueList.RemoveAt(i); * sheet2ValueList.RemoveAt(i); * sheet1ValueList.Insert(i, tempSheet1Value); * sheet2ValueList.Insert(i, tempSheet2Value); */ } sheet1RowCount = totalRowCount_sheet1; sheet1ValueArray = new object[sheet1RowCount, sheet1ColCount]; int sheet1RowIndex = 0; int sheet2RowIndex = 0; int _sheet1RowCount; int _sheet2RowCount; for (int i = 0; i < sheet1ValueList.Count; i++) { object[,] tempSheet1Value = (object[, ])sheet1ValueList[i]; object[,] tempSheet2Value = (object[, ])sheet2ValueList[i]; _sheet1RowCount = (int)(tempSheet1Value.Length / sheet1ColCount); for (int j = 0; j < _sheet1RowCount; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < sheet1ColCount; k++) { sheet1ValueArray[sheet1RowIndex, k] = tempSheet1Value[j, k]; } sheet1RowIndex++; } } //엑셀파일에 writting excelOpen = true; objWorkbook = objWorkbooks.Add(missing); objWorksheets = objWorkbook.Worksheets; // * sheet2 부분 적용 objWorksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)objWorksheets.get_Item(1); objWorksheet.Name = "Paragraphs"; range = objWorksheet.get_Range("A1", "M1"); range.HorizontalAlignment = HCENTER; range.Interior.Color = Color.FromArgb(142, 169, 219); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(range); Excel.Range c1 = objWorksheet.Cells[2, 1]; range = objWorksheet.get_Range(c1); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(c1); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(range); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(objWorksheet); // * sheet1 부분 적용 objWorksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)objWorksheets.Add(missing, missing, missing, missing); objWorksheet.Name = "CrossToEtri"; range = objWorksheet.get_Range("A1", "AL1"); range.HorizontalAlignment = HCENTER; range.Interior.Color = Color.FromArgb(142, 169, 219); range.Value2 = sheet1ColHeader; Marshal.ReleaseComObject(range); c1 = objWorksheet.Cells[2, 1]; range = objWorksheet.get_Range(c1); range.Value = sheet1ValueArray; Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(c1); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(range); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objWorksheet); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objWorksheets); m_savePath = Path.ChangeExtension(m_path, "xlsx"); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(m_savePath); if (fi.Exists) { fi.Delete(); } objWorkbook.SaveAs(m_savePath, Excel.XlFileFormat.xlOpenXMLWorkbook, missing, missing, false, false, Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, Excel.XlSaveConflictResolution.xlUserResolution, true, missing, missing, missing); objWorkbook.Close(false, missing, missing); objWorkbooks.Close(); objApp.Quit(); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objWorkbook); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objWorkbooks); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objApp); objApp = null; excelOpen = false; #endregion } else { #region Excel -> JSON 변환 // ** Excel 파일 불러와서 object 이중배열에 데이터 입력 excelOpen = true; objWorkbook = objWorkbooks.Open(m_path); objWorksheets = objWorkbook.Worksheets; objWorksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)objWorksheets[1]; range = objWorksheet.UsedRange; sheet1ValueArray = (object[, ])range.get_Value(missing); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(range); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(objWorksheet); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objWorksheets); objWorkbook.Close(false, missing, missing); objWorkbooks.Close(); objApp.Quit(); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objWorkbook); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objWorkbooks); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objApp); objApp = null; excelOpen = false; // ** sheet1, sheet2 object 이중배열의 데이터를 JSON 태그 클래스의 객체에 입력 // * topTag 객체 데이터 입력 EtopTag = new ETRI_TopTag(); EtopTag.version = sheet1ValueArray[2, 2] == null ? "" : sheet1ValueArray[2, 2].ToString(); EtopTag.creator = sheet1ValueArray[2, 3] == null ? "" : sheet1ValueArray[2, 3].ToString(); = new List <object>(); // * topTag 객체 내의 Data 객체 리스트 입력 IList <object> titleList = new List <object>(); for (int r = 2; r <= sheet1ValueArray.GetLength(0); r++) { object tempTitle = sheet1ValueArray[r, 10]; if (!titleList.Any()) // 리스트에 아무것도 없을때 (=맨처음) { titleList.Add(tempTitle); } else if (tempTitle == null) // null 이거나 "" 일 때 tempTitle == "" { titleList.Add(tempTitle); } else if (titleList.Contains(tempTitle)) // 타이틀 이미 입력됨(통과) { continue; } if (!titleList.Contains(tempTitle)) { titleList.Clear(); titleList.Add(tempTitle); } ETRI_Data tempData = new ETRI_Data(); tempData.title = tempTitle == null ? "" : tempTitle.ToString(); tempData.paragraphs = new List <object>();; } // * topTag->Data 객체 리스트 내의 Paragraphs 객체 리스트 입력 int dataCount = 0; object currentTitle = sheet1ValueArray[2, 10]; List <ETRI_Data> tempDataList = <ETRI_Data>().ToList(); for (int r = 2; r <= sheet1ValueArray.GetLength(0); r++) { ETRI_Paragraphs tempParagraphs = new ETRI_Paragraphs(); tempParagraphs.context = sheet1ValueArray[r, 11] == null ? "" : sheet1ValueArray[r, 11].ToString(); tempParagraphs.context_en = sheet1ValueArray[r, 12] == null ? "" : sheet1ValueArray[r, 12].ToString(); tempParagraphs.context_tagged = sheet1ValueArray[r, 13] == null ? "" : sheet1ValueArray[r, 13].ToString(); tempParagraphs.qas = new List <object>(); if (sheet1ValueArray[r, 10] == null || sheet1ValueArray[r, 7].ToString() == "") { if (r != 2) { dataCount++; } tempDataList[dataCount].paragraphs.Add(tempParagraphs); currentTitle = sheet1ValueArray[r, 10] == null ? "" : sheet1ValueArray[r, 7].ToString(); } else if (sheet1ValueArray[r, 10].Equals(currentTitle)) { tempDataList[dataCount].paragraphs.Add(tempParagraphs); } else { dataCount++; tempDataList[dataCount].paragraphs.Add(tempParagraphs); currentTitle = sheet1ValueArray[r, 10].ToString(); } } = tempDataList.Cast <object>().ToList(); // * topTag->Data->Paragraphs 객체 리스트 내의 Qas 객체 리스트 입력 dataCount = 0; int paragraphCount = 0; int currentParagraph = 1; tempDataList = <ETRI_Data>().ToList(); List <ETRI_Qas> tempQasList = new List <ETRI_Qas>(); for (int r = 2; r <= sheet1ValueArray.GetLength(0); r++) { ETRI_Qas tempQas = new ETRI_Qas(); = sheet1ValueArray[r, 2] == null ? "" : sheet1ValueArray[r, 2].ToString(); tempQas.question = sheet1ValueArray[r, 7] == null ? "" : sheet1ValueArray[r, 7].ToString(); tempQas.question_en = sheet1ValueArray[r, 8] == null ? "" : sheet1ValueArray[r, 8].ToString(); tempQas.question_tagged = sheet1ValueArray[r, 27] == null ? "" : sheet1ValueArray[r, 27].ToString(); tempQas.questionType = sheet1ValueArray[r, 28] == null ? "" : sheet1ValueArray[r, 28].ToString(); tempQas.questionFocus = sheet1ValueArray[r, 29] == null ? "" : sheet1ValueArray[r, 29].ToString(); tempQas.questionSAT = sheet1ValueArray[r, 30] == null ? "" : sheet1ValueArray[r, 30].ToString(); tempQas.questionLAT = sheet1ValueArray[r, 31] == null ? "" : sheet1ValueArray[r, 31].ToString(); int ansStartColNum = 32; ETRI_Answers tempAnswers = new ETRI_Answers(); tempAnswers.text = sheet1ValueArray[r, ansStartColNum] == null ? "" : sheet1ValueArray[r, ansStartColNum].ToString(); tempAnswers.text_en = sheet1ValueArray[r, ansStartColNum + 1] == null ? "" : sheet1ValueArray[r, ansStartColNum + 1].ToString(); tempAnswers.text_tagged = sheet1ValueArray[r, ansStartColNum + 2] == null ? "" : sheet1ValueArray[r, ansStartColNum + 2].ToString(); tempAnswers.text_syn = sheet1ValueArray[r, ansStartColNum + 3] == null ? "" : sheet1ValueArray[r, ansStartColNum + 3].ToString(); tempAnswers.answer_start = Convert.ToInt32(sheet1ValueArray[r, ansStartColNum + 4]); tempAnswers.answer_end = Convert.ToInt32(sheet1ValueArray[r, ansStartColNum + 5]); List <ETRI_Answers> tempAnswersList = new List <ETRI_Answers>(); tempAnswersList.Add(tempAnswers); tempQas.answers = tempAnswersList.Cast <object>().ToList(); tempQasList.Add(tempQas); currentParagraph = Convert.ToInt32(sheet1ValueArray[r, 38]); //36 if (r + 1 <= sheet1ValueArray.GetLength(0)) // 다음 목표 row가 sheet1ValueArray의 1차 배열 길이를 넘지 않을때 { if (currentParagraph != Convert.ToInt32(sheet1ValueArray[r + 1, 38])) // 현재 row의 소속 paragraph 값과 다음 row의 소속 paragraph값을 비교하여 같지 않다면 { <ETRI_Data>().ToList()[dataCount].paragraphs.Cast <ETRI_Paragraphs>().ToList()[paragraphCount].qas = tempQasList.Cast <object>().ToList(); // Qas 리스트 삽입 tempQasList = new List <ETRI_Qas>(); if (paragraphCount < <ETRI_Data>().ToList()[dataCount].paragraphs.Count - 1) // paragraphCount 값이 현재 Data에서의 끝에 도달하기 전에는 이렇게 처리 { paragraphCount++; } else // 도달하고 난 후에는 이렇게 처리 { dataCount++; paragraphCount = 0; } } } if (r == sheet1ValueArray.GetLength(0)) // 현재 row가 마지막일때 { <ETRI_Data>().ToList()[dataCount].paragraphs.Cast <ETRI_Paragraphs>().ToList()[paragraphCount].qas = tempQasList.Cast <object>().ToList(); } } // ** JSON 파일로 저장 m_savePath = Path.ChangeExtension(m_path, "json"); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(m_savePath); if (fi.Exists) // 파일이 이미 존재하면 삭제 { fi.Delete(); } string saveJSONText; bool m_EtoJNullRemoveCheck = false; if (m_EtoJNullRemoveCheck) { saveJSONText = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(EtopTag, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore // Null값 객체 제거 } ); } else { saveJSONText = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(EtopTag, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Include // Null값 객체 포함 } ); } using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(m_savePath)) { sw.Write(saveJSONText); } #endregion } } catch (Exception e) { if (excelOpen) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(range); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objWorksheet); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objWorksheets); objWorkbook.Close(false, missing, missing); objWorkbooks.Close(); objApp.Quit(); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objWorkbook); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objWorkbooks); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(objApp); objApp = null; } return("예외처리 된 오류 발생.\r\n파일: " + m_path + "오류 이유:" + e.ToString()); } } return("모든 파일 변환 성공"); }
private static void WriteResultsToExcel() { Console.WriteLine("Writing Results to Excel file..."); oXL = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application { Visible = true, DisplayAlerts = false }; string path = Path + "results.xls"; if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } mWorkBook = oXL.Workbooks.Add(); mWorkSheets = mWorkBook.Worksheets; mWSheet1 = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)mWorkSheets.Item["Sheet1"]; ((Range)mWSheet1.Cells[1, 1]).EntireColumn.AutoFit(); mWSheet1.Cells[1, 1] = "File Size (Bytes)"; mWSheet1.Cells[1, 2] = "Encryption Time (microseconds)"; mWSheet1.Cells[1, 3] = "Decryption Time (microseconds)"; int index = 0; for (int i = 2; i < NoOfFiles + 2; i++) { mWSheet1.Cells[i, 1] = _testDetails.ElementAt(index).FileSize; mWSheet1.Cells[i, 2] = _testDetails.ElementAt(index).EncryptTime; mWSheet1.Cells[i, 3] = _testDetails.ElementAt(index).DecryptTime; index++; } }
private static void excelFile(System.Data.DataTable dtTable, List <Dictionary <string, object> > list) { // File save dialog SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog.Filter = "Execl files (*.xls)|*.xls"; saveFileDialog.FilterIndex = 0; saveFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true; saveFileDialog.CreatePrompt = true; saveFileDialog.FileName = null; saveFileDialog.Title = "Save path of the file to be exported"; //string filepath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; Excel.Application xlApp = null; Excel.Workbooks wkbooks = null; Excel.Workbook wkbook = null; Excel.Sheets wksheets = null; Excel.Worksheet wksheet = null; try { xlApp = new Excel.Application(); wkbooks = xlApp.Workbooks; wkbook = wkbooks.Add(); wksheets = wkbook.Sheets; wksheet = wksheets.Add(); Console.WriteLine(list[0].Values); wksheet.Name = "APPLE"; try { Console.WriteLine("It is working."); for (var i = 0; i < dtTable.Columns.Count; i++) { wksheet.Cells[1, i + 1] = dtTable.Columns[i].ColumnName; } //rows for (var i = 0; i < dtTable.Rows.Count; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < dtTable.Columns.Count; j++) { wksheet.Cells[i + 2, j + 1] = dtTable.Rows[i][j]; } } //wkbook.SaveAs(saveFileDialog, XlFileFormat.xlExcel8,false, //false, false,false, XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, Type.Missing, //Type.Missing, Type.Missing,Type.Missing, Type.Missing); Console.WriteLine("Processing!"); Console.WriteLine("File saved."); wkbooks.Close(); wkbook.Close(false, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); xlApp.Quit(); } catch (Exception exp) { } } catch (Exception e) { //Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } finally { if (wksheets != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(wksheets); } if (wkbook != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(wkbook); } if (wkbooks != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(wkbooks); } if (xlApp != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlApp); } } }
private void otkritie() { try { string s = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile); string we = System.IO.Path.Combine(s, @"ProgramData\FreeRooms"); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(we); excelapp = new Excel.Application(); excelappworkbooks = excelapp.Workbooks; excelappworkbook = excelapp.Workbooks.Open(System.IO.Path.Combine(we, numbernedeli), Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); excelsheets = excelappworkbook.Worksheets; excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelsheets.get_Item(1); excelapp.Visible = true; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Файл не был найден, обновите базы данных"); } }
private void openWorkbook() { OpenFileDialog fileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); string filepath; fileDialog.Filter = "Excel|*.xls;*.xlsx|All Files|*.*"; fileDialog.Multiselect = false; if (fileDialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { filepath = fileDialog.FileName; m_xlWorkbooks = m_xlApp.Workbooks; m_xlWorkbook = m_xlWorkbooks.Open(filepath, 0, true, 5, "", "", true, Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "\t", false, false, 0, true, 1, 0); m_xlSheets = m_xlWorkbook.Worksheets; m_xlWorksheets = new Dictionary<string, Excel.Worksheet>(); foreach (Excel.Worksheet sheet in m_xlSheets) { m_xlWorksheets.Add(sheet.Name, sheet); } comboBoxWorksheetSelector.DataSource = m_xlWorksheets.Keys.ToList<string>(); labelExcelWorkbookName.Text = "\"" + Path.GetFileName(filepath) + "\""; } }
private string GetExcelSheetName(string pPath) { //打开一个Excel应用 _excelApp = new Excel.Application(); if (_excelApp == null) { throw new Exception("打开Excel应用时发生错误!"); } _books = _excelApp.Workbooks; //打开一个现有的工作薄 _book = _books.Add(pPath); _sheets = _book.Sheets; //选择第一个Sheet页 _sheet = (Excel._Worksheet)_sheets.get_Item(1); string sheetName = _sheet.Name; ReleaseCOM(_sheet); ReleaseCOM(_sheets); ReleaseCOM(_book); ReleaseCOM(_books); _excelApp.Quit(); ReleaseCOM(_excelApp); return sheetName; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Interop Assemblies Performance Test - 15000 Cells."); Console.WriteLine("Write simple text, change Font, NumberFormat, WrapText and add a comment."); // start excel, and get a new sheet reference Excel.Application excelApplication = CreateExcelApplication(); Excel.Workbooks books = excelApplication.Workbooks; Excel.Workbook book = books.Add(Missing.Value); Excel.Sheets sheets = book.Worksheets; Excel.Worksheet sheet = sheets.Add() as Excel.Worksheet; // do test 10 times List <MarshalByRefObject> comReferencesList = new List <MarshalByRefObject>(); List <TimeSpan> timeElapsedList = new List <TimeSpan>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { sheet.UsedRange.ClearComments(); DateTime timeStart = DateTime.Now; for (int y = 1; y <= 15000; y++) { string rangeAdress = "$A" + y.ToString(); Excel.Range cellRange = sheet.get_Range(rangeAdress); cellRange.Value = "value"; Excel.Font font = cellRange.Font; font.Name = "Verdana"; cellRange.NumberFormat = "@"; cellRange.WrapText = true; Excel.Comment sampleComment = cellRange.AddComment("Sample Comment"); comReferencesList.Add(font as MarshalByRefObject); comReferencesList.Add(sampleComment as MarshalByRefObject); comReferencesList.Add(cellRange as MarshalByRefObject); } TimeSpan timeElapsed = DateTime.Now - timeStart; // display info and dispose references Console.WriteLine("Time Elapsed: {0}", timeElapsed); timeElapsedList.Add(timeElapsed); foreach (var item in comReferencesList) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(item); } comReferencesList.Clear(); } // display info & log to file TimeSpan timeAverage = AppendResultToLogFile(timeElapsedList, "Test3-Interop.log"); Console.WriteLine("Time Average: {0}{1}Press any key...", timeAverage, Environment.NewLine); Console.Read(); // release & quit Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sheet); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sheets); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(book); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(books); excelApplication.Quit(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(excelApplication); }