//</Snippet36> //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //<Snippet49> private void AutoFill() { Excel.Range rng = this.Application.get_Range("B1"); rng.AutoFill(this.Application.get_Range("B1", "B5"), Excel.XlAutoFillType.xlFillWeekdays); rng = this.Application.get_Range("C1"); rng.AutoFill(this.Application.get_Range("C1", "C5"), Excel.XlAutoFillType.xlFillMonths); rng = this.Application.get_Range("D1", "D2"); rng.AutoFill(this.Application.get_Range("D1", "D5"), Excel.XlAutoFillType.xlFillSeries); }
/// <summary> /// Обновление значений урв 12 /// </summary> /// <param name="pb"></param> internal void UpdateUrv12() { pb.SetMainBarVolum(4); pb.MainBarTick("Обновление формул \"Урв 12\""); int colPaste = 1; ProjectWorkbook projectWorkbook = new ProjectWorkbook(); Excel.Range dataRange = projectWorkbook.GetAnalysisRange(); List <OfferColumns> addresses = new ProjectWorkbook().OfferColumns; pb.Writeline("Копирование заголовков"); PrintTitlesOffers12(addresses); string letterNumber = projectWorkbook.GetLetter(StaticColumns.Number); Excel.Range cellNumber = _AnalisysSheet.Range[$"${letterNumber}{_project.RowStart}"]; int columnCellNumber = cellNumber.Column; // int rowBottomTotal = ExcelHelper.FindCell(SheetUrv12, "ОБЩАЯ СУММА РАСХОДОВ (без НДС)").Row; int rowBottomTotal = ExcelHelper.FindCell(SheetUrv12, "НДС, 20%").Row - 1; int lastRow = rowBottomTotal - 2; pb.SetSubBarVolume(addresses.Count); //// Вывод и форматирование значений foreach (OfferColumns address in addresses) { if (pb.IsAborted) { throw new AddInException("Процесс остановлен"); } pb.SubBarTick(); colPaste += 5; pb.Writeline($"Формулы: {address.ParticipantName}"); string textCost = SheetUrv12.Cells[_rowStart, colPaste].Value?.ToString() ?? ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textCost)) { continue; // Пропустить заполненные КП } string formulaSumm = ""; for (int row = _rowStart; row <= lastRow; row++) { string number = SheetUrv12.Cells[row, 2].Value?.ToString() ?? ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(number)) { continue; } number = number.Trim(new char[] { ' ', '.' }); int levelNum = number.Split('.').Length; if (levelNum == 1) { formulaSumm += (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formulaSumm)) ? $"={SheetUrv12.Cells[row, colPaste].Address}" : $"+{SheetUrv12.Cells[row, colPaste].Address}"; } // Формат строки по уровню Dictionary <string, Excel.Range> pallets = ExcelReader.ReadPallet(_SheetPalette); string keyLvl = levelNum.ToString(); if (pallets.TryGetValue(keyLvl, out Excel.Range pallet)) { ExcelHelper.SetCellFormat(SheetUrv12.Range[SheetUrv12.Cells[row, colPaste], SheetUrv12.Cells[row, colPaste + 4]], pallet); } } int col = address.ColCostTotalOffer - columnCellNumber + 1; //РУБ. РФ SheetUrv12.Cells[_rowStart, colPaste].Formula = $"= VLOOKUP($B{_rowStart}, '{_project.AnalysisSheetName}'! {dataRange.Address}, {col}, FALSE)"; //% отклонения материалы col = address.ColDeviationMaterials - columnCellNumber + 1; SheetUrv12.Cells[_rowStart, colPaste + 1].Formula = $"= VLOOKUP($B{_rowStart}, '{_project.AnalysisSheetName}'! {dataRange.Address}, {col}, FALSE)"; //% отклонения работы col = address.ColDeviationWorks - columnCellNumber + 1; SheetUrv12.Cells[_rowStart, colPaste + 2].Formula = $"= VLOOKUP($B{_rowStart}, '{_project.AnalysisSheetName}'! {dataRange.Address}, {col}, FALSE)"; // % отклонения всего string letterOutTotalDiff = ExcelHelper.GetColumnLetter(SheetUrv12.Cells[_rowStart, colPaste]); SheetUrv12.Cells[_rowStart, colPaste + 3].Formula = $"=${letterOutTotalDiff}{_rowStart}/$D{_rowStart}-1"; //КОММЕНТАРИИ К СТОИМОСТИ col = address.ColComments - columnCellNumber + 1; SheetUrv12.Cells[_rowStart, colPaste + 4].Formula = $"= VLOOKUP($B{_rowStart}, '{_project.AnalysisSheetName}'! {dataRange.Address}, {col}, FALSE)"; Excel.Range rng = SheetUrv12.Range[SheetUrv12.Cells[_rowStart, colPaste], SheetUrv12.Cells[_rowStart, colPaste + 4]]; Excel.Range destination = SheetUrv12.Range[SheetUrv12.Cells[_rowStart, colPaste], SheetUrv12.Cells[lastRow, colPaste + 4]]; rng.AutoFill(destination, Excel.XlAutoFillType.xlFillValues); destination.Columns[2].NumberFormat = "0%"; destination.Columns[3].NumberFormat = "0%"; destination.Columns[4].NumberFormat = "0%"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formulaSumm)) { SheetUrv12.Cells[rowBottomTotal, colPaste].Formula = formulaSumm; SheetUrv12.Cells[rowBottomTotal + 1, colPaste].Formula = $"={SheetUrv12.Cells[rowBottomTotal, colPaste].Address}*0.2"; SheetUrv12.Cells[rowBottomTotal + 2, colPaste].Formula = $"={SheetUrv12.Cells[rowBottomTotal, colPaste].Address}+" + $"{SheetUrv12.Cells[rowBottomTotal + 1, colPaste].Address}"; } } pb.Writeline("Условное форматирование"); SetConditionFormat12(); pb.MainBarTick("Формулы итогов"); TotalFormuls12(); pb.MainBarTick("Формат ячеек"); SetNumberFormat12(addresses.Count); pb.MainBarTick("Общие комментарии"); new CommonComments(projectWorkbook).SetInfo(); //TODO загрузить наиболее дорогии позиции }
// заполнение массива Item.bmd d Excel unsafe private void CreateExcelItem() { // Создаем документ с 16 страницами excelapp = new Excel.Application(); //excelapp.Visible=true; excelapp.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 1; Excel.Workbook excelappworkbook = excelapp.Workbooks.Add(Type.Missing); String[] SheetsName = new String[] { "Sword", "Axe", "MaceScepter", "Spear", "BowCrossbow", "Staff", "Shield", "Helm", "Armor", "Pants", "Gloves", "Boots", "Accessories", "Misc1", "Misc2", "Scrolls" }; // получаем страницы книги excelsheets = excelappworkbook.Worksheets; // определяем имена страницам и переходим на страницу excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelsheets.get_Item(0 + 1); excelworksheet.Name = SheetsName[0]; excelworksheet.Activate(); excelworksheet.Application.ActiveWindow.SplitColumn = 3; excelworksheet.Application.ActiveWindow.SplitRow = 2; excelworksheet.Application.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = true; // заполнение Index ( excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("B3", Type.Missing); excelcells.Value2 = 0; excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("B4", Type.Missing); excelcells.Value2 = 1; excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("B3", "B4"); Excel.Range dest = excelworksheet.get_Range("B3", "B514"); excelcells.AutoFill(dest, Excel.XlAutoFillType.xlFillDefault); // сворачиваем для увеличения скорости excelworksheet.Application.WindowState = Excel.XlWindowState.xlMinimized; excelworksheet.Application.Visible = false; // оцентровываем первую строку excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Rows["1", Type.Missing]; excelcells.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter; // зажирняем и оцентровываем вторую строку excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Rows["2", Type.Missing]; excelcells.Font.Bold = true; excelcells.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter; // устанавливаем размер колонок excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Columns["A", Type.Missing]; excelcells.ColumnWidth = 5; excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Columns["B", Type.Missing]; excelcells.ColumnWidth = 5; excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Columns["C", Type.Missing]; excelcells.ColumnWidth = 30; for (int j = 0; j < MyItemColumns.Length; j++) { excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Columns[ColumnTempName[j + 3], Type.Missing]; excelcells.ColumnWidth = MyItemColumns[j].Width; } // заполняем первую строку границами как называется не помню excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("C1", Type.Missing); excelcells.Value2 = "Char[30]"; excelcells.Activate(); for (int j = 0; j < MyItemColumns.Length; j++) { excelcells = excelapp.ActiveCell.get_Offset(0, 1); excelcells.Value2 = MyItemColumns[j].ColSize; excelcells.Activate(); } // заполняем вторую строку названиями excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("A2", Type.Missing); excelcells.Value2 = "Type"; excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("B2", Type.Missing); excelcells.Value2 = "Index"; excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("C2", Type.Missing); excelcells.Value2 = "Item Name"; excelcells.Activate(); for (int j = 0; j < MyItemColumns.Length; j++) { excelcells = excelapp.ActiveCell.get_Offset(0, 1); excelcells.Value2 = MyItemColumns[j].Name; excelcells.Activate(); } // обнуляем все ячейки кроме названия excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("D3", "AR514"); excelcells.Value2 = 0; // number format 12 232 232 для zen excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("AB3", "AB514"); excelcells.NumberFormat = "# ##0"; // копируем листы for (int i = 0; i < ITEM_MAX_TYPES - 1; i++) { excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelsheets.get_Item(i + 1); excelworksheet.Copy(Type.Missing, excelworksheet); excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelsheets.get_Item(i + 2); excelworksheet.Name = SheetsName[i + 1]; } // заполняем ячейки for (int i = 0; i < ITEM_MAX_TYPES; i++) { // выделяем нужный лист excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelsheets.get_Item(i + 1); excelworksheet.Activate(); // заполняем тип вещей excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("A3", "A514"); excelcells.Value2 = i; progressBar3.Value = i; // поехали по строкам for (int j = 0; j < ITEM_MAX_IN_TYPE; j++) { progressBar2.Value = j; // заполняем имя if (Items[i, j].ItemName[0] != '\0') { excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Cells[j + 3, 3]; excelcells.Value2 = Items[i, j].ItemName; excelcells.Select(); } // заполняем остальные ячейки fixed(Int64 *buff = Items[i, j].Numbers) { for (int k = 0; k < MyItemColumns.Length; k++) { if (buff != null && *(buff + k) != 0.0f) { excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Cells[j + 3, k + 4]; excelcells.Value2 = *(buff + k); } } } } } // показываем готовый файл excelapp.Visible = true; // перепрыгиваем на 1 лист excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelsheets.get_Item(0 + 1); excelworksheet.Activate(); progressBar2.Value = 0; progressBar3.Value = 0; MessageBox.Show("All Done!"); }
private unsafe void CreateExcelItem() { // Создаем документ с 16 страницами excelapp = new Excel.Application(); //excelapp.Visible=true; excelapp.SheetsInNewWorkbook=1; Excel.Workbook excelappworkbook = excelapp.Workbooks.Add(Type.Missing); String[] SheetsName = new String[16] { "Sword", "Axe", "MaceScepter", "Spear", "BowCrossbow", "Staff", "Shield", "Helm", "Armor", "Pants", "Gloves", "Boots", "Accessories", "Misc1", "Misc2", "Scrolls" }; excelsheets = excelappworkbook.Worksheets; // определяем имена страницам и переходим на страницу excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelsheets.get_Item(0 + 1); excelworksheet.Name = SheetsName[0]; excelworksheet.Activate(); excelworksheet.Application.ActiveWindow.SplitColumn = 3; excelworksheet.Application.ActiveWindow.SplitRow = 2; excelworksheet.Application.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = true; // заполнение Index ( excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("B3", Type.Missing); excelcells.Value2 = 0; excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("B4", Type.Missing); excelcells.Value2 = 1; excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("B3", "B4"); Excel.Range dest = excelworksheet.get_Range("B3", "B514"); excelcells.AutoFill(dest, Excel.XlAutoFillType.xlFillDefault); // сворачиваем для увеличения скорости excelworksheet.Application.WindowState = Excel.XlWindowState.xlMinimized; excelworksheet.Application.Visible = false; // оцентровываем первую строку excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Rows["1", Type.Missing]; excelcells.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter; // зажирняем и оцентровываем вторую строку excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Rows["2", Type.Missing]; excelcells.Font.Bold = true; excelcells.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter; // устанавливаем размер колонок excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Columns["A", Type.Missing]; excelcells.ColumnWidth = 5; excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Columns["B", Type.Missing]; excelcells.ColumnWidth = 5; excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Columns["C", Type.Missing]; excelcells.ColumnWidth = 30; for (int j = 0; j < MyItemColumns.Length; j++) { excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Columns[ColumnTempName[j + 3], Type.Missing]; excelcells.ColumnWidth = MyItemColumns[j].Width; } // заполняем первую строку границами как называется не помню excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("C1", Type.Missing); excelcells.Value2 = "Char[30]"; excelcells.Activate(); for (int j = 0; j < MyItemColumns.Length; j++) { excelcells = excelapp.ActiveCell.get_Offset(0, 1); excelcells.Value2 = MyItemColumns[j].ColSize; excelcells.Activate(); } // заполняем вторую строку названиями excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("A2", Type.Missing); excelcells.Value2 = "Type"; excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("B2", Type.Missing); excelcells.Value2 = "Index"; excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("C2", Type.Missing); excelcells.Value2 = "Item Name"; excelcells.Activate(); for (int j = 0; j < MyItemColumns.Length; j++) { excelcells = excelapp.ActiveCell.get_Offset(0, 1); excelcells.Value2 = MyItemColumns[j].Name; excelcells.Activate(); } // обнуляем все ячейки кроме названия excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("D3", "AR514"); excelcells.Value2 = 0; // number format 12 232 232 для zen excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("AB3", "AB514"); excelcells.NumberFormat = "# ##0"; // копируем листы for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelsheets.get_Item(i + 1); excelworksheet.Copy(Type.Missing, excelworksheet); excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelsheets.get_Item(i + 2); excelworksheet.Name = SheetsName[i + 1]; } // заполняем ячейки for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { // выделяем нужный лист excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelsheets.get_Item(i + 1); excelworksheet.Activate(); excelcells = excelworksheet.get_Range("A3", "A514"); excelcells.Value2 = i; progressBar3.Value = i; // поехали по строкам for (int j = 0; j < 512; j++) { progressBar2.Value = j; if (Items[i,j].ItemName[0] != '\0') { excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Cells[j + 3, 3]; excelcells.Value2 = Items[i, j].ItemName; excelcells.Select(); } fixed (Int64* buff = Items[i, j].Numbers) { for (int k = 0; k < MyItemColumns.Length; k++) { if (buff != null && *(buff + k) != 0.0f) { excelcells = (Excel.Range)excelworksheet.Cells[j + 3, k + 4]; excelcells.Value2 = *(buff + k); } } } } } // показываем готовый файл excelapp.Visible = true; progressBar2.Value = 0; progressBar3.Value = 0; MessageBox.Show("All Done!"); }
private void PopulateStatColumn(int column, Excel.Range start, Excel.Range end) { try { // 确定需要用数据填充的范围。 Excel.Range twoLines = start.get_Resize(2, 1); twoLines.Merge(System.Type.Missing); Excel.Range fillRange = this.worksheet.get_Range(start, end); end.Select(); switch (column) { case (int)StatHeadings.DailySales: // 填充日销售额列。 // 获取包含标准偏差和 // 平均值的单元格的地址。 Excel.Range average = start.Previous; string averageAddress = average.get_Address(false, false, Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1, defaultParameter, defaultParameter); Excel.Range standardDev = average.get_Offset(1, 0); string standardDevAddress = standardDev.get_Address(false, false, Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1, defaultParameter, defaultParameter); // 设置该列的公式。 start.Formula = "=" + averageAddress + "+ (2*" + standardDevAddress + ")"; // 格式“0.00”- 两个小数位。 start.NumberFormat = "0.00"; twoLines.AutoFill(fillRange, Excel.XlAutoFillType.xlFillDefault); break; case (int)StatHeadings.Required: // 填充所需的列。 // 确定包含预期销售额的 // 单元格的地址。 Excel.Range expectedSales = start.Previous; string salesAddress = expectedSales.get_Address(false, false, Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1, defaultParameter, defaultParameter); // 确定交货前需要多少 // 库存。 // 确定交货前的天数。 int waitDays = this.GetDaysToDelivery(); start.Formula = "=" + waitDays + "*" + salesAddress; // 格式“0.00”- 两个小数位。 start.NumberFormat = "0.00"; twoLines.AutoFill(fillRange, Excel.XlAutoFillType.xlFillDefault); break; case (int)StatHeadings.CurrentInventory: // 填充当前库存列。 // 从日记中获取上一天的范围。 int count = (end.Row - start.Row + 1) / 2; Excel.Range currentCell = start; for (int row = 0; row < count; row += 1) { Excel.Range flavorCell = currentCell.get_Offset(0, 0 - 5); string flavor = ExcelHelpers.GetValueAsString(flavorCell); int inventory = Globals.DataSet.Sales.FindByDateFlavor(Globals.DataSet.MaxDate, flavor).Inventory; currentCell.Value2 = inventory; if (row != 0) { Excel.Range twoCells = currentCell.get_Resize(2, 1); twoCells.Merge(System.Type.Missing); currentCell = twoCells; } currentCell = currentCell.get_Offset(1, 0); } break; case (int)StatHeadings.ProjectInventory: // 获取预计销售额和 // 当前库存的地址。 Excel.Range currentInventory = start.Previous; Excel.Range required = currentInventory.Previous; string currentInventoryAddress = currentInventory.get_Address(false, false, Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1, defaultParameter, defaultParameter); string requiredAddress = required.get_Address(false, false, Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1, defaultParameter, defaultParameter); // 确定交货日期的 // 预计库存。 start.Formula = "=MAX(0," + currentInventoryAddress + "-" + requiredAddress + ")"; // 格式“0.00”- 两个小数位。 start.NumberFormat = "0.00"; twoLines.AutoFill(fillRange, Excel.XlAutoFillType.xlFillDefault); break; case (int)StatHeadings.OrderQuanity: // 确定预计库存和 // 所需库存量的地址。 Excel.Range projectedInventory = start.Previous; Excel.Range needed = projectedInventory.Previous.Previous; string projectedInventoryAddress = projectedInventory.get_Address(false, false, Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1, defaultParameter, defaultParameter); string neededAddress = needed.get_Address(false, false, Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1, defaultParameter, defaultParameter); // 确定每一项所需的订货量。 start.Formula = "=" + neededAddress + "-" + projectedInventoryAddress; // 格式“0.00”- 两个小数位。 start.NumberFormat = "0.00"; twoLines.AutoFill(fillRange, Excel.XlAutoFillType.xlFillDefault); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); throw; } }
private void PopulateStatColumn(int column, Excel.Range start, Excel.Range end) { try { // Determines the range that needs to get filled with data. Excel.Range twoLines = start.get_Resize(2, 1); twoLines.Merge(System.Type.Missing); Excel.Range fillRange = this.worksheet.get_Range(start, end); end.Select(); switch (column) { case (int)StatHeadings.DailySales: // Fills in the daily sales column. // Gets the addresses of the cells containing the // standard deviation and average. Excel.Range average = start.Previous; string averageAddress = average.get_Address(false, false, Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1, defaultParameter, defaultParameter); Excel.Range standardDev = average.get_Offset(1, 0); string standardDevAddress = standardDev.get_Address(false, false, Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1, defaultParameter, defaultParameter); // Sets the formulas for the column. start.Formula = "=" + averageAddress + "+ (2*" + standardDevAddress + ")"; // Format "0.00" - two decimal places. start.NumberFormat = "0.00"; twoLines.AutoFill(fillRange, Excel.XlAutoFillType.xlFillDefault); break; case (int)StatHeadings.Required: // Fills in the required column. // Determines the address for the cell containing // the expected sales. Excel.Range expectedSales = start.Previous; string salesAddress = expectedSales.get_Address(false, false, Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1, defaultParameter, defaultParameter); // Determines how much inventory is required // until delivery. // Determines the number of days until delivery. int waitDays = this.GetDaysToDelivery(); start.Formula = "=" + waitDays + "*" + salesAddress; // Format "0.00" - two decimal places. start.NumberFormat = "0.00"; twoLines.AutoFill(fillRange, Excel.XlAutoFillType.xlFillDefault); break; case (int)StatHeadings.CurrentInventory: // Fills in the current inventory column. // Gets the range for the last day from the journal. int count = (end.Row - start.Row + 1) / 2; Excel.Range currentCell = start; for (int row = 0; row < count; row += 1) { Excel.Range flavorCell = currentCell.get_Offset(0, 0 - 5); string flavor = ExcelHelpers.GetValueAsString(flavorCell); int inventory = Globals.DataSet.Sales.FindByDateFlavor(Globals.DataSet.MaxDate, flavor).Inventory; currentCell.Value2 = inventory; if (row != 0) { Excel.Range twoCells = currentCell.get_Resize(2, 1); twoCells.Merge(System.Type.Missing); currentCell = twoCells; } currentCell = currentCell.get_Offset(1, 0); } break; case (int)StatHeadings.ProjectInventory: // Gets the addresses for the projected sales and // current inventory. Excel.Range currentInventory = start.Previous; Excel.Range required = currentInventory.Previous; string currentInventoryAddress = currentInventory.get_Address(false, false, Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1, defaultParameter, defaultParameter); string requiredAddress = required.get_Address(false, false, Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1, defaultParameter, defaultParameter); // Determines the inventory expected on the // delivery date. start.Formula = "=MAX(0," + currentInventoryAddress + "-" + requiredAddress + ")"; // Format "0.00" - two decimal places. start.NumberFormat = "0.00"; twoLines.AutoFill(fillRange, Excel.XlAutoFillType.xlFillDefault); break; case (int)StatHeadings.OrderQuanity: // Determines the addresses for the projected inventory // and the required amounts. Excel.Range projectedInventory = start.Previous; Excel.Range needed = projectedInventory.Previous.Previous; string projectedInventoryAddress = projectedInventory.get_Address(false, false, Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1, defaultParameter, defaultParameter); string neededAddress = needed.get_Address(false, false, Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1, defaultParameter, defaultParameter); // Determines the order size needed for each item. start.Formula = "=" + neededAddress + "-" + projectedInventoryAddress; // Format "0.00" - two decimal places. start.NumberFormat = "0.00"; twoLines.AutoFill(fillRange, Excel.XlAutoFillType.xlFillDefault); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// If set fileName, the excel will save and quit /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="Data"></param> /// <param name="sheetName"></param> /// <param name="otherAction"></param> /// <param name="fileName"></param> public static void ExportToExcel <T>(this IEnumerable <T> Data, string sheetName, Action <object> otherAction, string fileName = null) where T : class { List <PropertyInfo> props = typeof(T).GetProperties().Where(p => (p.PropertyType == typeof(string) || p.PropertyType.IsPrimitive) && p.GetCustomAttribute <IgnoreAttribute>() == null).ToList(); if (exApp == null) { exApp = new Ex.Application(); } exApp.Visible = true; Ex.Workbooks wbs = exApp.Workbooks; if (exWb == null) { exWb = wbs.Add(); } var sheet = exWb.Worksheets.Add() as Ex.Worksheet; sheet.Name = sheetName; Ex.Range range = sheet.Range[sheet.Cells[1, 1], sheet.Cells[1 + Data.Count(), props.Count]]; object[,] datas = new object[Data.Count() + 1, props.Count]; List <Tuple <string, int> > formualList = new List <Tuple <string, int> >(); for (int i = 0; i < props.Count; i++) { var attr = props[i].GetCustomAttribute <DisplayAttribute>(); if (attr != null) { datas[0, i] = attr.Name; } else { datas[0, i] = props[i].Name; } var formulaAttr = props[i].GetCustomAttribute <ExcelFormulaAttribute>(); if (formulaAttr != null) { Tuple <string, int> item = new Tuple <string, int>(formulaAttr.Formula, i + 1); formualList.Add(item); } } for (int i = 0; i < Data.Count(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < props.Count; j++) { var val = props[j].GetValue(Data.ElementAt(i)); datas[i + 1, j] = val; } } range.Value = datas; for (int i = 0; i < props.Count; i++) { range = sheet.Cells[1, i + 1]; var attr = props[i].GetCustomAttribute <ExcelHeaderStyleAttribute>(); if (attr != null) { range.Interior.Color = attr.BackgroundColor; range.EntireColumn.NumberFormat = attr.NumberFormat; range.ColumnWidth = attr.Width; range.Font.Bold = attr.IsFontBold; range.Font.Size = attr.FontSize; range.WrapText = attr.IsTextWrap; range.HorizontalAlignment = attr.HAlign; range.VerticalAlignment = attr.VAlign; } } if (formualList.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in formualList) { range = sheet.Cells[2, item.Item2]; range.Formula = item.Item1; range.AutoFill(sheet.Range[sheet.Cells[2, item.Item2], sheet.Cells[Data.Count() + 1, item.Item2]], Ex.XlAutoFillType.xlFillDefault); } } if (otherAction != null) { otherAction(sheet); } range = sheet.UsedRange; range.Borders[Ex.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeLeft].LineStyle = Ex.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; range.Borders[Ex.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeTop].LineStyle = Ex.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; range.Borders[Ex.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeRight].LineStyle = Ex.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; range.Borders[Ex.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = Ex.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; range.Borders.Color = ConsoleColor.Black; range = sheet.Cells[1, 1] as Ex.Range; range.Select(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } exWb.SaveAs(fileName); exWb.Close(); exApp.Quit(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(range); range = null; Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sheet); sheet = null; Marshal.ReleaseComObject(exWb); exWb = null; Marshal.ReleaseComObject(wbs); wbs = null; Marshal.ReleaseComObject(exApp); exApp = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } }