private static String[,] GetComments(String sheetName, Excel.Range range, int lastRow, int lastCol) { String[,] commentArray = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(String), new int[2] { lastRow, lastCol }, new int[2] { 1, 1 }) as String[, ]; Excel.Range commentCells = null; Excel.Comment comment = null; //Excel.Shape cShape = null; try { commentCells = searchComments(range); if (commentCells == null) { return(commentArray); } //System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); //stopwatch.Start(); //int ccount = 0; foreach (Excel.Range singleCell in commentCells) { comment = singleCell.Comment; if (comment != null) { String author = comment.Author; String text = comment.Text(); commentArray[singleCell.Row, singleCell.Column] = text; } else { //GlobalFunctions.InfoLog("Empty Comment", new CellUpdate(singleCell, Enums.CellChangeType.Comment)); } //cShape = comment.Shape; //ccount++; } //stopwatch.Stop(); //GlobalFunctions.InfoLog(String.Format("Sheet: {0}, Comments: {1}, Time elapsed: {2}", sheetName, ccount, stopwatch.Elapsed)); return(commentArray); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { if (commentCells != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(commentCells); } if (comment != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(comment); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e) { MySqlConnection myconn = null; MySqlCommand mycom = null; MySqlDataReader sdr; Excel.Worksheet activeWorksheet = (Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveSheet); try { //MySqlDataAdapter myrec = null; myconn = new MySqlConnection("Host =;Database=MEPurchase;Username=root;Password=123456;Charset=utf8;"); myconn.Open(); mycom = myconn.CreateCommand(); Excel.Range selectedrange = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Selection; foreach (Excel.Range cel in selectedrange) { if (cel.Value2 != null) { string keyword = cel.Value2.ToString(); keyword = new Regex("[\\s]+").Replace(keyword, "%"); string sql = string.Format(@"select ordernumber, name, type, currency, price, provider from vprice where type like {0} limit 1" , "'%" + keyword + "%'"); mycom.CommandText = sql; sdr = mycom.ExecuteReader(); sdr.Read(); cel.ClearComments(); SqlReturn sqlrt = new SqlReturn(); try { sqlrt.ordernumber = sdr.GetString(0); } catch { }; try { = sdr.GetString(1); } catch { }; try { sqlrt.type = sdr.GetString(2); } catch { }; try { sqlrt.currency = sdr.GetString(3); } catch { }; try { sqlrt.price = sdr.GetFloat(4); } catch { }; try { sqlrt.provider = sdr.GetString(5); } catch { }; sdr.Close(); Excel.Comment c = cel.AddComment(string.Format("订货号:{0}\n名称 :{1}\n型号 :{2}\n币种 :{3}\n单价 :{4}\n供应商:{5}\n", sqlrt.ordernumber,, sqlrt.type, sqlrt.currency, sqlrt.price, sqlrt.provider)); c.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = true;; } } } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); } }
public static void LogMessagetoExcelFile(IEnumerable <BudgetReport> report) { var excelApp = new Excel.Application(); // Make the object visible. excelApp.Visible = true; object misValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; // Create a new, empty workbook and add it to the collection returned // by property Workbooks. The new workbook becomes the active workbook. // Add has an optional parameter for specifying a praticular template. // Because no argument is sent in this example, Add creates a new workbook. Excel.Workbook workBook = excelApp.Workbooks.Add(misValue); // This example uses a single workSheet. The explicit type casting is // removed in a later procedure. Excel._Worksheet workSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelApp.ActiveSheet; // Establish column headings in cells A1 and B1. workSheet.Cells[1, "A"] = "Category"; workSheet.Cells[1, "B"] = "Total Amount"; var row = 1; foreach (var budget in report) { row++; workSheet.Cells[row, "A"] = budget.Category; workSheet.Cells[row, "B"] = budget.TotalAmount; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(budget.Notes)) { Excel.Range notesCell = excelApp.Application.get_Range("B" + row); Excel.Comment comment = notesCell.AddComment(); comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = true; comment.Text(budget.Notes); } } workSheet.Columns[1].AutoFit(); workSheet.Columns[2].AutoFit(); //workBook.SaveAs(GetTempPath() + fileName, Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal, misValue, misValue, misValue, misValue, Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlExclusive, misValue, misValue, misValue, misValue, misValue); //workBook.Close(true, misValue, misValue); //excelApp.Quit(); //Marshal.ReleaseComObject(workSheet); //Marshal.ReleaseComObject(workBook); //Marshal.ReleaseComObject(excelApp); }
/// <summary> /// 获取指定工作表所有批注 /// </summary> /// <param name="ws"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IList <Excel.Comment> GetAllComments(Excel.Worksheet ws) { IList <Excel.Comment> cms = new List <Excel.Comment>(); System.Collections.IEnumerator cmenum = ws.Comments.GetEnumerator(); while (cmenum.MoveNext()) { Excel.Comment tcm = cmenum.Current as Excel.Comment; if (tcm != null) { cms.Add(tcm); } } return(cms); }
public bool Resolve(object sender, IBindingContextElement element) { ExcelInterop.Range concernedRange = sender as ExcelInterop.Range; if (concernedRange == null) { return(false); } try { ExcelInterop.Range concernedRangeFirstCell = concernedRange.Cells[1, 1]; // We delete the previous concernedRange comment ExcelInterop.Comment comment = concernedRangeFirstCell.Comment; comment?.Delete(); // Invoke decorator resolver object result = EventCallbacksManager.DecoratorInvoke(Callback, concernedRange, element.DataSource, null); if (result != null) { string commentStr = result as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commentStr)) { concernedRange.AddComment(commentStr); ExcelInterop.Comment addedComment = concernedRange.Comment; ExcelInterop.Shape shape = addedComment.Shape; ExcelInterop.TextFrame textFrame = shape.TextFrame; textFrame.AutoSize = true; } return(commentStr != null); } return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { log.LogExceptionFormat(LogType.Error, ex, $"Cannot resolve decorator2 '{Ident}':{ex.Message}"); return(false); } }
public CellUpdate(Excel.Range cell, Enums.CellChangeType type) { Excel.Comment comment = null; try { Row = cell.Row; Col = cell.Column; Worksheet = cell.Worksheet.Name.ToUpper(); this.TypeEnum = type; switch (TypeEnum) { case Enums.CellChangeType.Value: val = cell.Formula == null ? "" : cell.Formula.ToString(); break; case Enums.CellChangeType.Comment: comment = cell.Comment; val = comment == null ? "" : comment.Text(); break; } UpdateWSBounds(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalFunctions.ErrorLog(ex); throw; } finally { if (comment != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(comment); } } }
public object GDA(ExcelInterop.Range caller, string dataType, object[] parameters) { if (caller == null) { return(null); } if (ETKExcel.ExcelApplication.IsInEditMode()) { return("#Edit Mode"); } if (test == null) { IExcelTemplateView view = ETKExcel.TemplateManager.AddView("Templates Customer", "AllCustomers", caller.Worksheet.Name, caller.Address); test = new ExcelRequestDefinition("Test", "Ceci est un test", view as ExcelTemplateView); ExcelInterop.Comment comment = caller.Comment; if (comment != null) { comment.Delete(); } caller.Application.Application.Caller.AddComment(test.Description); } ExcelInterop.Range firstOutputCell = (caller as ExcelInterop.Range).Offset[++yOffset, ++xOffset]; (test.View as ExcelTemplateView).FirstOutputCell = firstOutputCell; try { //if (parameters.Length < 2) // return "#N/A"; ETKExcel.TemplateManager.ClearView(test.View); ExcelApplication application = (ETKExcel.TemplateManager as ExcelTemplateManager).ExcelApplication; application.PostAsynchronousAction(() => { try { application.PostAsynchronousAction(() => (test.View as ExcelTemplateView).FirstOutputCell.Value2 = "#Retrieving Data"); Task task = new Task(() => { //Thread.Sleep(5000); test.View.SetDataSource(parameters[0]); application.PostAsynchronousAction(() => test.View.FirstOutputCell.Value2 = string.Empty); application.PostAsynchronousAction(() => ETKExcel.TemplateManager.Render(test.View)); }); task.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { string errorMessage = $"#ERR:{ex.Message}.{(ex.InnerException == null ? string.Empty : ex.InnerException.Message)}"; application.PostAsynchronousAction(() => (test.View as ExcelTemplateView).FirstOutputCell.Value2 = errorMessage); } }); return(test.Name); } catch (Exception ex) { return($"#ERR: {ex.Message}"); } }
private Boolean RefreshSheet(CellUpdate uc) { Excel.Worksheet ws = null; Excel.Range thisRange = null; Excel.Comment comment = null; try { ws = GlobalFunctions.findWorksheetByName(uc.Worksheet); if (ws == null) { throw new Exception("Worksheet not found: " + uc.Worksheet); } GlobalFunctions.WaitForApplicationReady(); thisRange = GlobalFunctions.createRange(ws, uc.Row, uc.Col); if (thisRange != null) { CellUpdate oldCell = new CellUpdate(thisRange, uc.TypeEnum); if (!uc.Equals(oldCell)) { switch (uc.TypeEnum) { case Enums.CellChangeType.Value: thisRange.Formula = uc.val; break; case Enums.CellChangeType.Comment: comment = thisRange.Comment; if (comment == null) { thisRange.AddComment(uc.val); } else { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(uc.val)) { thisRange.ClearComments(); } else { comment.Text(uc.val); } } break; } } GlobalFunctions.InfoLog("Received", uc); //RefreshedCell rc = new RefreshedCell(thisRange, uc, oldCell.val); //RefreshedCell rc = new RefreshedCell(thisRange, uc, ""); Vars.LatestUpdateTime = GlobalFunctions.MaxDate(Vars.LatestUpdateTime, uc.changeTime.AddSeconds(-1)); } else { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(thisRange); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalFunctions.ErrorLog(ex, uc); throw ex; } finally { if (thisRange != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(thisRange); } if (ws != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(ws); } } }
/// <summary> /// 获取批注文本 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string GetCommentText(Excel.Comment comment) { return(comment.Text(Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取批注文本 /// </summary> /// <param name="ws"></param> /// <param name="rowIndex"></param> /// <param name="columnIndex"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetCommentText(Excel.Worksheet ws, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { Excel.Comment comment = GetComment(ws, rowIndex, columnIndex); return(GetCommentText(comment)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取批注文本 /// </summary> /// <param name="sheetname"></param> /// <param name="rowIndex1"></param> /// <param name="rowIndex2"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetCommentText(string sheetname, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { Excel.Comment comment = GetComment(sheetname, rowIndex, columnIndex); return(GetCommentText(comment)); }
private async Task <int> TranslateSheet2(Excel.Worksheet currentSheet, List <Excel.Range> arRange, int numPrevRequest) { ActionF1 ActionF1 = new ActionF1(); var ienum = arRange.AsEnumerable(); TaskScheduler tsc = TaskScheduler.Current; int i = 0; Excel.Range whatIR = null; int limit = arRange.Count; limit = Math.Min(limit, _iMaxRequest - numPrevRequest); for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) { whatIR = arRange[i]; //DataTable orgTa = whatIR.GetDataTable(SpreadsheetGear.Data.GetDataFlags.NoColumnHeaders); //error convert type double (set columntype = type of first cell DataTable orgTa = GetTableFromIrange(whatIR); string originalText = GetTextFromTable2(orgTa); if (originalText.Length > 5000) { continue; } JArray jarr = await ActionF1.GetSingle(originalText, _fromLang, _toLang); toolStripProgressBar1.Value = (int)((i + 1) * 100 / limit); Thread.Sleep(480); List <string> transateText = ActionF1.ReadJArrayRes2(jarr); ////fake start //JArray jarr = await FakeTrans(originalText); //List<string> transateText = null; ////fake end DataTable traTa = GetTableFromText(transateText, orgTa); //translate sucess if (traTa != null) { for (int im = 1; im <= traTa.Rows.Count; im++) { object vv = traTa.Rows[im - 1][0]; //string[] speStart = new string[] {"\n", "「" , "\"","“",}; if (vv != null && vv.ToString().Trim().Length > 1) //&& (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(vv.ToString().Trim().Substring(0, 1), @"[a-zA-Z0-9]") || speStart.Contains(vv.ToString().Substring(0, 1)))) { if (currentSheet.Range[whatIR.Address].Cells[im, 1].Comment != null) { currentSheet.Range[whatIR.Address].Cells[im, 1].ClearComments(); } currentSheet.Range[whatIR.Address].Cells[im, 1].AddComment(vv.ToString()); Excel.Comment ic = currentSheet.Range[whatIR.Address].Cells[im, 1].Comment; ic.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = true; //using (Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics()) //{ // string item = ic.ToString(); // SizeF sizeF = g.MeasureString(item, Font); // ic.Shape.Width = sizeF.Width; //} } } } else { //remain originalText } } return(limit + numPrevRequest); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Interop Assemblies Performance Test - 15000 Cells."); Console.WriteLine("Write simple text, change Font, NumberFormat, WrapText and add a comment."); // start excel, and get a new sheet reference Excel.Application excelApplication = CreateExcelApplication(); Excel.Workbooks books = excelApplication.Workbooks; Excel.Workbook book = books.Add(Missing.Value); Excel.Sheets sheets = book.Worksheets; Excel.Worksheet sheet = sheets.Add() as Excel.Worksheet; // do test 10 times List <MarshalByRefObject> comReferencesList = new List <MarshalByRefObject>(); List <TimeSpan> timeElapsedList = new List <TimeSpan>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { sheet.UsedRange.ClearComments(); DateTime timeStart = DateTime.Now; for (int y = 1; y <= 15000; y++) { string rangeAdress = "$A" + y.ToString(); Excel.Range cellRange = sheet.get_Range(rangeAdress); cellRange.Value = "value"; Excel.Font font = cellRange.Font; font.Name = "Verdana"; cellRange.NumberFormat = "@"; cellRange.WrapText = true; Excel.Comment sampleComment = cellRange.AddComment("Sample Comment"); comReferencesList.Add(font as MarshalByRefObject); comReferencesList.Add(sampleComment as MarshalByRefObject); comReferencesList.Add(cellRange as MarshalByRefObject); } TimeSpan timeElapsed = DateTime.Now - timeStart; // display info and dispose references Console.WriteLine("Time Elapsed: {0}", timeElapsed); timeElapsedList.Add(timeElapsed); foreach (var item in comReferencesList) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(item); } comReferencesList.Clear(); } // display info & log to file TimeSpan timeAverage = AppendResultToLogFile(timeElapsedList, "Test3-Interop.log"); Console.WriteLine("Time Average: {0}{1}Press any key...", timeAverage, Environment.NewLine); Console.Read(); // release & quit Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sheet); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sheets); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(book); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(books); excelApplication.Quit(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(excelApplication); }