コード例 #1
        public void Initialize()
            var model = new EdmModel();
            var type = new EdmEntityType("TestModel", "TestEntity", /* baseType */ null, /* isAbstract */ false, /* isOpen */ true);
            var keyProperty = type.AddStructuralProperty("DeclaredInt16", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int16);
            type.AddKeys(new[] { keyProperty });

            // Note: DerivedPrimitive is declared as a Geography, but its value below will be set to GeographyPoint, which is derived from Geography.
            type.AddStructuralProperty("DerivedPrimitive", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Geography);
            var container = new EdmEntityContainer("TestModel", "Container");
            var set = container.AddEntitySet("Set", type);

            var writerStream = new MemoryStream();
            this.settings = new ODataMessageWriterSettings();

            // Make the message writer and entry writer lazy so that individual tests can tweak the settings before the message writer is created.
            this.messageWriter = new Lazy<ODataMessageWriter>(() =>
                new ODataMessageWriter(
                    (IODataResponseMessage)new InMemoryMessage { Stream = writerStream },

            var entryWriter = new Lazy<ODataWriter>(() => this.messageWriter.Value.CreateODataEntryWriter(set, type));

            var valueWithAnnotation = new ODataPrimitiveValue(45);
            valueWithAnnotation.SetAnnotation(new SerializationTypeNameAnnotation { TypeName = "TypeNameFromSTNA" });

            var propertiesToWrite = new List<ODataProperty>
                new ODataProperty
                    Name = "DeclaredInt16", Value = (Int16)42
                new ODataProperty
                    Name = "UndeclaredDecimal", Value = (Decimal)4.5
                new ODataProperty
                    // Note: value is more derived than the declared type.
                    Name = "DerivedPrimitive", Value = Microsoft.Spatial.GeographyPoint.Create(42, 45)
                new ODataProperty()
                    Name = "PropertyWithSTNA", Value = valueWithAnnotation

            this.writerOutput = new Lazy<string>(() =>
                entryWriter.Value.WriteStart(new ODataEntry { Properties = propertiesToWrite });
                writerStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                return new StreamReader(writerStream).ReadToEnd();
コード例 #2
        internal static void AddTypeNameAnnotationAsNeeded(ODataPrimitiveValue primitive, IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference primitiveType,
            ODataMetadataLevel metadataLevel)
            // ODataLib normally has the caller decide whether or not to serialize properties by leaving properties
            // null when values should not be serialized. The TypeName property is different and should always be
            // provided to ODataLib to enable model validation. A separate annotation is used to decide whether or not
            // to serialize the type name (a null value prevents serialization).

            // Note that this annotation should not be used for Atom or JSON verbose formats, as it will interfere with
            // the correct default behavior for those formats.

            Contract.Assert(primitive != null);

            object value = primitive.Value;

            // Only add an annotation if we want to override ODataLib's default type name serialization behavior.
            if (ShouldAddTypeNameAnnotation(metadataLevel))
                string typeName;

                // Provide the type name to serialize (or null to force it not to serialize).
                if (ShouldSuppressTypeNameSerialization(value, metadataLevel))
                    typeName = null;
                    typeName = primitiveType.FullName();

                primitive.SetAnnotation<SerializationTypeNameAnnotation>(new SerializationTypeNameAnnotation
                    TypeName = typeName
コード例 #3
        internal static void AddTypeNameAnnotationAsNeeded(ODataPrimitiveValue primitive, IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference primitiveType,
            ODataMetadataLevel metadataLevel)
            // ODataLib normally has the caller decide whether or not to serialize properties by leaving properties
            // null when values should not be serialized. The TypeName property is different and should always be
            // provided to ODataLib to enable model validation. A separate annotation is used to decide whether or not
            // to serialize the type name (a null value prevents serialization).

            Contract.Assert(primitive != null);

            object value = primitive.Value;
            string typeName = null; // Set null to force the type name not to serialize.

            // Provide the type name to serialize.
            if (!ShouldSuppressTypeNameSerialization(value, metadataLevel))
                typeName = primitiveType.FullName();

            primitive.SetAnnotation<SerializationTypeNameAnnotation>(new SerializationTypeNameAnnotation
                TypeName = typeName
コード例 #4
 public void TypeNameShouldComeFromSerializationTypeNameAnnotationForPrimitiveValue()
     var stna = new SerializationTypeNameAnnotation() {TypeName = "FromSTNA"};
     var value = new ODataPrimitiveValue(42);
         /* isOpenProperty*/ false).Should().Be("FromSTNA");
コード例 #5
        public void PrimitiveValueSerializationTypeNameAnnotationTest()
            #region test case
            var testCases = new[]
                    DebugDescription = "A null SerializationTypeNameAnnotation should invoke default primitive type name writing behavior.",
                    SerializationTypeNameAnnotation = (SerializationTypeNameAnnotation)null,
                    XmlTypeName = "<typeName>Edm.Int64</typeName>",
                    JsonLightTypeName = MissingTypeNameSentinelTextJson,   // Since this is a declared property, its type name isn't written by default in JSON light.
                    DebugDescription = "A SerializationTypeNameAnnotation with a null TypeName should force primitive type names to not be written, regardless of format.",
                    SerializationTypeNameAnnotation = new SerializationTypeNameAnnotation() { TypeName = null },
                    XmlTypeName = MissingTypeNameSentinelTextAtom,
                    JsonLightTypeName = MissingTypeNameSentinelTextJson,
                    DebugDescription = "A SerializationTypeNameAnnotation with a TypeName of \"DifferentType\" should cause that type name to be written for primitive values, except in JSON verbose, where the format doesn't allow explicit type names for primitives.",
                    SerializationTypeNameAnnotation = new SerializationTypeNameAnnotation() { TypeName = "DifferentType" },
                    XmlTypeName = "<typeName>DifferentType</typeName>",
                    JsonLightTypeName = "\"" + JsonLightConstants.ODataPropertyAnnotationSeparator + JsonLightConstants.ODataTypeAnnotationName + "\":\"DifferentType\"",
                    DebugDescription = "A SerializationTypeNameAnnotation with an empty string TypeName should cause an empty type name to be written for primitive values, except in JSON verbose, where the format doesn't allow explicit type names for primitives.",
                    SerializationTypeNameAnnotation = new SerializationTypeNameAnnotation() { TypeName = string.Empty },
                    XmlTypeName = "<typeName></typeName>",
                    JsonLightTypeName = "\"" + JsonLightConstants.ODataPropertyAnnotationSeparator + JsonLightConstants.ODataTypeAnnotationName + "\":\"\"",
            #endregion test cases

            var testDescriptors = testCases.Select(tc =>
                EdmModel model = new EdmModel();

                var owningEntityType = new EdmEntityType("TestNS", "OwningEntityType");
                owningEntityType.AddStructuralProperty("PropertyName", EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetInt64(isNullable: false));

                var container = new EdmEntityContainer("TestNS", "TestContainer");

                ODataPrimitiveValue primitiveValue = new ODataPrimitiveValue((Int64) 42);
                if (tc.SerializationTypeNameAnnotation != null)

                return new PayloadWriterTestDescriptor<ODataProperty>(
                    new ODataProperty { Name = "PropertyName", Value = primitiveValue },
                    (testConfiguration) =>
                        if (testConfiguration.Format == ODataFormat.Atom)
                            return new AtomWriterTestExpectedResults(this.Settings.ExpectedResultSettings)
                                FragmentExtractor = (result) =>
                                    string typeName = (string)result.Attribute(TestAtomConstants.ODataMetadataXNamespace + TestAtomConstants.AtomTypeAttributeName);
                                    return typeName == null ? MissingTypeNameSentinelXElement : new XElement("typeName", typeName);
                                Xml = tc.XmlTypeName

                        if (testConfiguration.Format == ODataFormat.Json)
                            return new JsonWriterTestExpectedResults(this.Settings.ExpectedResultSettings)
                                FragmentExtractor = (result) =>
                                    var jsonObject = JsonLightWriterUtils.TrimWhitespace(result).Object();
                                    JsonProperty typeProperty = null;
                                    if (jsonObject != null)
                                        typeProperty = jsonObject.Property(JsonLightConstants.ODataTypeAnnotationName);

                                    return typeProperty == null ? MissingTypeNameSentinelJsonProperty : typeProperty.RemoveAllAnnotations(true);
                                Json = tc.JsonLightTypeName

                        throw new NotSupportedException("Format " + testConfiguration.Format.GetType().Name + " is not supported.");
                    Model = model,
                    PayloadEdmElementContainer = owningEntityType

                // We exclude Verbose JSON from this test because it has no way of writing type names on primitive values.
                (testDescriptor, testConfiguration) =>
                    testConfiguration = testConfiguration.Clone();
                    testDescriptor.RunTopLevelPropertyPayload(testConfiguration, baselineLogger: this.Logger);
コード例 #6
 public void BuildPropertyContextUriForIntegerPropertyValueWithNonNullAnnotation()
     ODataValue value = new ODataPrimitiveValue(1);
     value.SetAnnotation(new SerializationTypeNameAnnotation { TypeName = "FQNS.FromAnnotation" });
     var contextUri = this.CreatePropertyContextUri(value);
コード例 #7
        public void WriteTopLevelErrorWithStringInstanceAnnotationWithTypeNameAttribute()
            var result = SetupSerializerAndRunTest(null, serializer =>
                ODataError error = new ODataError();
                var instanceAnnotations = new Collection<ODataInstanceAnnotation>();
                var primitiveValue = new ODataPrimitiveValue("stringValue");
                primitiveValue.SetAnnotation(new SerializationTypeNameAnnotation() { TypeName = "Custom.Type" });
                ODataInstanceAnnotation annotation = new ODataInstanceAnnotation("sample.primitive", primitiveValue);
                error.InstanceAnnotations = instanceAnnotations;

                serializer.WriteTopLevelError(error, false);

            result.Should().Contain("\"[email protected]\":\"#Custom.Type\",\"@sample.primitive\":\"stringValue\"");