コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jsonLightInputContext">The input to read the payload from.</param>
        /// <param name="navigationSource">The navigation source we are going to read entities for.</param>
        /// <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected entity type for the entry to be read (in case of entry reader) or entries in the feed to be read (in case of feed reader).</param>
        /// <param name="readingFeed">true if the reader is created for reading a feed; false when it is created for reading an entry.</param>
        /// <param name="readingParameter">true if the reader is created for reading a parameter; false otherwise.</param>
        /// <param name="listener">If not null, the Json reader will notify the implementer of the interface of relevant state changes in the Json reader.</param>
        internal ODataJsonLightReader(
            ODataJsonLightInputContext jsonLightInputContext,
            IEdmNavigationSource navigationSource,
            IEdmEntityType expectedEntityType,
            bool readingFeed,
            bool readingParameter = false,
            IODataReaderWriterListener listener = null)
            : base(jsonLightInputContext, readingFeed, listener)
            Debug.Assert(jsonLightInputContext != null, "jsonLightInputContext != null");
                expectedEntityType == null || jsonLightInputContext.Model.IsUserModel(),
                "If the expected type is specified we need model as well. We should have verified that by now.");

            this.jsonLightInputContext = jsonLightInputContext;
            this.jsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer = new ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer(jsonLightInputContext);
            this.readingParameter = readingParameter;
            this.topLevelScope = new JsonLightTopLevelScope(navigationSource, expectedEntityType);
コード例 #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructor.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="entry">The entry to add operations to.</param>
            /// <param name="jsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer">The deserializer to use.</param>
            public OperationsDeserializerContext(ODataEntry entry, ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer jsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer)
                Debug.Assert(entry != null, "entry != null");
                Debug.Assert(jsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer != null, "jsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer != null");

                this.entry = entry;
                this.jsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer = jsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer;
コード例 #3
        private void VerifyInvalidMetadataReferenceProperty(string propertyName)
            string jsonInput = string.Format("{{\"" + JsonLightConstants.ODataPropertyAnnotationSeparatorChar + ODataAnnotationNames.ODataContext + "\":\"http://odata.org/$metadata\"," + "\"{0}\":42}}", propertyName);
            DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker duplicatePropertyNamesChecker = new DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker(false, true);

            using (ODataJsonLightInputContext inputContext = this.CreateJsonLightInputContext(jsonInput))
                ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer deserializer = new ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer(inputContext);
                deserializer.ReadPayloadStart(ODataPayloadKind.Unsupported, duplicatePropertyNamesChecker, false, false);

                Action readEntryContentAction = () => deserializer.ReadEntryContent(new TestJsonLightReaderEntryState());

                    .ShouldThrow<ODataException>("the property name \"{0}\" contains a hash but is not a valid URI or URI fragment", propertyName)