コード例 #1
        private static VisibilityVertex TraverseToFirstVertexAtOrAbove(VisibilityVertex startVertex, Point start, Direction dir)
            var returnVertex = startVertex;
            var oppositeDir  = CompassVector.OppositeDir(dir);

            for ( ; ;)
                var nextVertex = StaticGraphUtility.FindNextVertex(returnVertex, dir);

                // This returns Directions. None on a match.
                if ((null == nextVertex) || (PointComparer.GetDirections(nextVertex.Point, start) == oppositeDir))
                returnVertex = nextVertex;
コード例 #2
        internal void ExtendEdgeChain(VisibilityVertex startVertex, Rectangle limitRect, LineSegment maxVisibilitySegment,
                                      PointAndCrossingsList pacList, bool isOverlapped)
            var dir = PointComparer.GetDirections(maxVisibilitySegment.Start, maxVisibilitySegment.End);

            if (dir == Directions.None)

            Debug.Assert(CompassVector.IsPureDirection(dir), "impure max visibility segment");

            // Shoot the edge chain out to the shorter of max visibility or intersection with the limitrect.
            StaticGraphUtility.Assert(PointComparer.Equal(maxVisibilitySegment.Start, startVertex.Point) ||
                                      (PointComparer.GetPureDirection(maxVisibilitySegment.Start, startVertex.Point) == dir)
                                      , "Inconsistent direction found", ObstacleTree, VisGraph);
            double oppositeFarBound      = StaticGraphUtility.GetRectangleBound(limitRect, dir);
            Point  maxDesiredSplicePoint = StaticGraphUtility.IsVertical(dir)
                                    ? ApproximateComparer.Round(new Point(startVertex.Point.X, oppositeFarBound))
                                    : ApproximateComparer.Round(new Point(oppositeFarBound, startVertex.Point.Y));

            if (PointComparer.Equal(maxDesiredSplicePoint, startVertex.Point))
                // Nothing to do.
            if (PointComparer.GetPureDirection(startVertex.Point, maxDesiredSplicePoint) != dir)
                // It's in the opposite direction, so no need to do anything.

            // If maxDesiredSplicePoint is shorter, create a new shorter segment.  We have to pass both segments
            // through to the worker function so it knows whether it can go past maxDesiredSegment (which may be limited
            // by limitRect).
            var maxDesiredSegment = maxVisibilitySegment;

            if (PointComparer.GetDirections(maxDesiredSplicePoint, maxDesiredSegment.End) == dir)
                maxDesiredSegment = new LineSegment(maxDesiredSegment.Start, maxDesiredSplicePoint);

            ExtendEdgeChain(startVertex, dir, maxDesiredSegment, maxVisibilitySegment, pacList, isOverlapped);
コード例 #3
        internal VisibilityEdge FindNearestPerpendicularOrContainingEdge(VisibilityVertex startVertex
                                                                         , Directions dir, Point pointLocation)
            // Similar to FindPerpendicularEdge, but first try to move closer to pointLocation,
            // as long as there are edges going in 'dir' that extend to pointLocation.
            Directions dirTowardLocation = ~dir& PointComparer.GetDirections(startVertex.Point, pointLocation);

            // If Directions. None then pointLocation is collinear.
            VisibilityVertex currentVertex            = startVertex;
            Directions       currentDirTowardLocation = dirTowardLocation;

            // First move toward pointLocation far as we can.
            while (Directions.None != currentDirTowardLocation)
                VisibilityVertex nextVertex = StaticGraphUtility.FindNextVertex(currentVertex, dirTowardLocation);
                if (null == nextVertex)
                if (0 != (CompassVector.OppositeDir(dirTowardLocation)
                          & PointComparer.GetDirections(nextVertex.Point, pointLocation)))
                currentVertex            = nextVertex;
                currentDirTowardLocation = ~dir& PointComparer.GetDirections(currentVertex.Point, pointLocation);

            // Now find the first vertex that has a chain that intersects pointLocation, if any, moving away
            // from pointLocation until we find it or arrive back at startVertex.
            VisibilityEdge perpEdge;

            while (true)
                perpEdge = FindPerpendicularOrContainingEdge(currentVertex, dir, pointLocation);
                if ((null != perpEdge) || (currentVertex == startVertex))
                currentVertex = StaticGraphUtility.FindNextVertex(currentVertex, CompassVector.OppositeDir(dirTowardLocation));
コード例 #4
ファイル: FreePoint.cs プロジェクト: suprcodr/EFDesigner
        private SegmentAndCrossings GetSegmentAndCrossings(VisibilityVertex startVertex, Directions dirToExtend, TransientGraphUtility transUtil)
            var dirIndex            = CompassVector.ToIndex(dirToExtend);
            var segmentAndCrossings = this.maxVisibilitySegmentsAndCrossings[dirIndex];

            if (null == segmentAndCrossings)
                PointAndCrossingsList pacList;
                var maxVisibilitySegment = transUtil.ObstacleTree.CreateMaxVisibilitySegment(startVertex.Point, dirToExtend, out pacList);
                segmentAndCrossings = new SegmentAndCrossings(maxVisibilitySegment, pacList);
                this.maxVisibilitySegmentsAndCrossings[dirIndex] = segmentAndCrossings;
                // For a waypoint this will be a target and then a source, so there may be a different lateral edge to
                // connect to. In that case make sure we are consistent in directions - back up the start point if needed.
                if (PointComparer.GetDirections(startVertex.Point, segmentAndCrossings.Item1.Start) == dirToExtend)
                    segmentAndCrossings.Item1.Start = startVertex.Point;
コード例 #5
 static bool IsPointPastSegmentEnd(LineSegment maxSegment, Point point)
     return(PointComparer.GetDirections(maxSegment.Start, maxSegment.End) == PointComparer.GetDirections(maxSegment.End, point));
コード例 #6
        // The return value is whether we should try a second pass if this is called on the first pass,
        // using spliceTarget to wrap up dead-ends on the target side.
        bool ExtendSpliceWorker(VisibilityVertex spliceSource, Directions extendDir, Directions spliceTargetDir
                                , LineSegment maxDesiredSegment, LineSegment maxVisibilitySegment
                                , bool isOverlapped, out VisibilityVertex spliceTarget)
            // This is called after having created at least one extension vertex (initially, the
            // first one added outside the obstacle), so we know extendVertex will be there. spliceSource
            // is the vertex to the OppositeDir(spliceTargetDir) of that extendVertex.
            VisibilityVertex extendVertex = StaticGraphUtility.FindNextVertex(spliceSource, spliceTargetDir);

            spliceTarget = StaticGraphUtility.FindNextVertex(extendVertex, spliceTargetDir);
            for (; ;)
                if (!GetNextSpliceSource(ref spliceSource, spliceTargetDir, extendDir))

                // spliceSource is now on the correct edge relative to the desired nextExtendPoint.
                // spliceTarget is in the opposite direction of the extension-line-to-spliceSource.
                Point nextExtendPoint = StaticGraphUtility.FindBendPointBetween(extendVertex.Point
                                                                                , spliceSource.Point, CompassVector.OppositeDir(spliceTargetDir));

                // We test below for being on or past maxDesiredSegment; here we may be skipping
                // over maxDesiredSegmentEnd which is valid since we want to be sure to go to or
                // past limitRect, but be sure to stay within maxVisibilitySegment.
                if (IsPointPastSegmentEnd(maxVisibilitySegment, nextExtendPoint))

                spliceTarget = GetSpliceTarget(ref spliceSource, spliceTargetDir, nextExtendPoint);

                //StaticGraphUtility.Test_DumpVisibilityGraph(ObstacleTree, VisGraph);

                if (null == spliceTarget)
                    // This may be because spliceSource was created just for Group boundaries.  If so,
                    // skip to the next nextExtendVertex location.
                    if (this.IsSkippableSpliceSourceWithNullSpliceTarget(spliceSource, extendDir))

                    // We're at a dead-end extending from the source side, or there is an intervening obstacle, or both.
                    // Don't splice across lateral group boundaries.
                    if (ObstacleTree.SegmentCrossesAnObstacle(spliceSource.Point, nextExtendPoint))

                // We might be walking through a point where a previous chain dead-ended.
                VisibilityVertex nextExtendVertex = VisGraph.FindVertex(nextExtendPoint);
                if (null != nextExtendVertex)
                    if ((null == spliceTarget) || (null != this.VisGraph.FindEdge(extendVertex.Point, nextExtendPoint)))
                        // We are probably along a ScanSegment so visibility in this direction has already been determined.
                        // Stop and don't try to continue extension from the opposite side.  If we continue splicing here
                        // it might go across an obstacle.
                        if (null == spliceTarget)
                            Debug_VerifyNonOverlappedExtension(isOverlapped, extendVertex, nextExtendVertex, spliceSource: null, spliceTarget: null);
                            FindOrAddEdge(extendVertex, nextExtendVertex, isOverlapped ? ScanSegment.OverlappedWeight : ScanSegment.NormalWeight);

                    // This should always have been found in the find-the-next-target loop above if there is
                    // a vertex (which would be nextExtendVertex, which we just found) between spliceSource
                    // and spliceTarget.  Even for a sparse graph, an edge should not skip over a vertex.
                    StaticGraphUtility.Assert(spliceTarget == StaticGraphUtility.FindNextVertex(nextExtendVertex, spliceTargetDir)
                                              , "no edge exists between an existing nextExtendVertex and spliceTarget"
                                              , ObstacleTree, VisGraph);
                    StaticGraphUtility.Assert((null == spliceTarget) ||
                                              spliceTargetDir == PointComparer.GetPureDirection(nextExtendPoint, spliceTarget.Point)
                                              , "spliceTarget is not to spliceTargetDir of nextExtendVertex"
                                              , ObstacleTree, VisGraph);
                    nextExtendVertex = this.AddVertex(nextExtendPoint);
                FindOrAddEdge(extendVertex, nextExtendVertex, isOverlapped ? ScanSegment.OverlappedWeight : ScanSegment.NormalWeight);

                Debug_VerifyNonOverlappedExtension(isOverlapped, extendVertex, nextExtendVertex, spliceSource, spliceTarget);

                // This will split the edge if targetVertex is non-null; otherwise we are at a dead-end
                // on the target side so must not create a vertex as it would be inside an obstacle.
                FindOrAddEdge(spliceSource, nextExtendVertex, isOverlapped ? ScanSegment.OverlappedWeight : ScanSegment.NormalWeight);
                if (isOverlapped)
                    isOverlapped = this.SeeIfSpliceIsStillOverlapped(extendDir, nextExtendVertex);
                extendVertex = nextExtendVertex;

                // Test GetDirections because it may return Directions. None.
                if (0 == (extendDir & PointComparer.GetDirections(nextExtendPoint, maxDesiredSegment.End)))
                    // At or past the desired max extension point, so we're done.
                    spliceTarget = null;
            return(null != spliceTarget);
コード例 #7
        internal bool HasGroupCrossingBeforePoint(Point point)
            if (!this.HasGroupCrossings)
            var pac = StaticGraphUtility.IsAscending(this.OutwardDirection) ? this.pointAndCrossingsList.First : this.pointAndCrossingsList.Last;

            return(PointComparer.GetDirections(this.MaxVisibilitySegment.Start, pac.Location) == PointComparer.GetDirections(pac.Location, point));