コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Coroutine that spreads the work of displaying scene objects across multiple frames.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>IEnumerator.</returns>
        private IEnumerator DisplayData()
            StatusText.Append("About to display the latest set of scene objects.");
            StatusText.Append(string.Format("Current Settings:-\n\tRenderSceneObjects: {0}; SceneObjectVisualizationMode: {1}; RenderInferredRegions: {2};\n\tRenderPlatform: {3}; RenderBackground: {4}; RenderUnknown: {5}; RenderCompletelyInferred: {6};\n\tRenderWorldMesh: {7}; WorldMeshLOD: {8};\n\tBoundingSphereRadiusInMeters: {9};",
                                            RenderSceneObjects, SceneObjectVisualizationMode.ToString(), SUDataProvider.RequestInferredRegions, RenderPlatformSceneObjects, RenderBackgroundSceneObjects, RenderUnknownSceneObjects, RenderCompletelyInferredSceneObjects, RenderWorldMesh, SUDataProvider.WorldMeshLOD.ToString(), SUDataProvider.BoundingSphereRadiusInMeters));

            // First, get the latest scene from the data provider.
            Tuple <Guid, byte[]> latestSceneData = SUDataProvider.GetLatestSerializedScene();

            byte[] serializedScene = latestSceneData.Item2;

            if (serializedScene != null)
                // Then, deserialize the scene.
                SceneUnderstanding.Scene scene = SceneUnderstanding.Scene.Deserialize(serializedScene);
                if (scene != null)
                    // This will destroy all game objects under root.

                    // Return to account for the destruction of the game objects at the end of the frame.
                    yield return(null);

                    // Retrieve the Scene to Unity world transform.
                    System.Numerics.Matrix4x4?sceneToUnityTransform = TransformUtils.GetSceneToUnityTransform(scene.OriginSpatialGraphNodeId, SUDataProvider.RunOnDevice);
                    if (sceneToUnityTransform != null)
                        // This will place the root object that represents the scene in the right place.
                        TransformUtils.SetUnityTransformFromMatrix4x4(sceneToUnityTransform.Value, SceneRoot.transform);

                        // Retrieve all the scene objects, associated with this scene.
                        IEnumerable <SceneUnderstanding.SceneObject> sceneObjects = scene.SceneObjects;

                        int i = 0;
                        foreach (SceneUnderstanding.SceneObject sceneObject in sceneObjects)
                            if (DisplaySceneObject(sceneObject))
                                if (i % 5 == 0)
                                    yield return(null);

                    // When running on PC, orient the main camera such that the floor is on the Unity world's X-Z plane.
                    if (SUDataProvider.RunOnDevice == false)
                        SUUtils.OrientSceneRootForPC(SceneRoot, scene);

            StatusText.Append("SceneUnderstandingDisplayManager.DisplayData: Display completed.");
            _displayInProgress      = false;
            _lastDisplayedSceneGuid = latestSceneData.Item1;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays one individual scene object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sceneObject">Scene Object to display.</param>
        private bool DisplaySceneObject(SceneUnderstanding.SceneObject sceneObject)
                if (sceneObject == null)
                    Logger.LogWarning("SceneUnderstandingDisplayManager.DisplaySceneObject: Scene Object is null.");

                // Skip the object, if the setting to display that object is set to false.
                if ((RenderSceneObjects == false && sceneObject.Kind != SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.World) ||
                    (RenderWorldMesh == false && sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.World) ||
                    (RenderPlatformSceneObjects == false && sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.Platform) ||
                    (RenderBackgroundSceneObjects == false && sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.Background) ||
                    (RenderUnknownSceneObjects == false && sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.Unknown) ||
                    (RenderCompletelyInferredSceneObjects == false && sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.CompletelyInferred))

                // Create a game object for the scene object, parent it to the root and set it's transform.
                GameObject soGO = SUUtils.CreateGameObject(sceneObject.Kind.ToString(), SceneRoot.transform);
                TransformUtils.SetUnityTransformFromMatrix4x4(TransformUtils.ConvertRightHandedMatrix4x4ToLeftHanded(sceneObject.GetLocationAsMatrix()), soGO.transform, true);

                // This is the new child game object that will contain the meshes, quads, etc.
                GameObject soChildGO = null;

                // Render the world mesh.
                if (sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.World)
                    // Get the meshes from the SU API.
                    IEnumerable <SceneUnderstanding.SceneMesh> meshes = sceneObject.Meshes;

                    // Combine all the world meshes into one unity mesh.
                    Mesh unityMesh = SUUtils.GenerateUnityMeshForSceneObjectMeshes(meshes);

                    // Create a game object with the above unity mesh.
                    soChildGO = SUUtils.CreateGameObjectWithMeshComponents(sceneObject.Kind.ToString(), soGO.transform, unityMesh, WorldMeshMaterial, null);
                // Render all other scene objects.
                    Color?color = SceneUnderstandingUtils.GetColorForLabel(sceneObject.Kind);

                    switch (SceneObjectVisualizationMode)
                    case VisualizationMode.Quad:
                    case VisualizationMode.QuadWithMask:
                        // Get the quads from the SU API.
                        IEnumerable <SceneUnderstanding.SceneQuad> quads = sceneObject.Quads;

                        // For each quad, generate the unity mesh, create the game object and apply the invalidation mask, if applicable.
                        foreach (SceneUnderstanding.SceneQuad quad in quads)
                            // Generate the unity mesh for the quad.
                            Mesh unityMesh = SUUtils.GenerateUnityMeshForSceneObjectQuad(quad);

                            // Create a game object with the above unity mesh.
                            soChildGO = SUUtils.CreateGameObjectWithMeshComponents(
                                SceneObjectVisualizationMode == VisualizationMode.QuadWithMask ? SceneObjectQuadMaterial : SceneObjectMeshMaterial,

                            // Apply the invalidation mask.
                            if (SceneObjectVisualizationMode == VisualizationMode.QuadWithMask)
                                SUUtils.ApplyQuadRegionMask(quad, soChildGO, color);

                    case VisualizationMode.Mesh:
                    case VisualizationMode.Wireframe:
                        // Get the meshes from the SU API.
                        IEnumerable <SceneUnderstanding.SceneMesh> meshes = sceneObject.Meshes;

                        foreach (SceneUnderstanding.SceneMesh mesh in meshes)
                            // Generate the unity mesh for the Scene Understanding mesh.
                            Mesh unityMesh = SUUtils.GenerateUnityMeshForSceneObjectMesh(mesh);

                            // Create a game object with the above unity mesh.
                            soChildGO = SUUtils.CreateGameObjectWithMeshComponents(
                                SceneObjectVisualizationMode == VisualizationMode.Mesh ? SceneObjectMeshMaterial : SceneObjectWireframeMaterial,
                                SceneObjectVisualizationMode == VisualizationMode.Mesh ? color : null);


                if (DisplayTextLabels)
                    // Only add text for the labels below.
                    if (sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.Ceiling ||
                        sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.Floor ||
                        sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.Platform ||
                        sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.Wall)
                        SUUtils.AddTextLabel(soChildGO, sceneObject.Kind.ToString(), LabelFont);

                // When running on device, add a worldanchor component to keep the scene object aligned to the real world.
                // When running on PC, add a boxcollider component, that is used for the 'Focus' functionality (in CameraMovement.cs).
                if (SUDataProvider.RunOnDevice)
                    soGO.AddComponent <UnityEngine.XR.WSA.WorldAnchor>();
                    soGO.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
            catch (Exception e)