/// <summary> /// Saves a serialized scene from Scene Understanding to disk as obj files. One obj file is saved per class, i.e. one file for walls, one file for ceilings, etc. /// </summary> /// <param name="serializedScene">Serialized scene.</param> /// <returns>Task.</returns> public static async Task SaveObjsToDiskAsync(byte[] serializedScene) { if (serializedScene == null) { Logger.LogWarning("SceneUnderstandingSaveDataUtils.SaveObjsToDisk: Nothing to save."); return; } // Deserialize the scene. SceneUnderstanding.Scene scene = SceneUnderstanding.Scene.Deserialize(serializedScene); // List of all SceneObjectKind enum values. List <SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind> sceneObjectKinds = Enum.GetValues(typeof(SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind)).Cast <SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind>().ToList(); List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>(); foreach (SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind soKind in sceneObjectKinds) { tasks.Add(SaveSceneObjectsAsObjAsync( scene.SceneObjects.Where <SceneUnderstanding.SceneObject>(so => so.Kind == soKind), SceneUnderstandingUtils.GetColorForLabel(soKind) == null ? Color.black : SceneUnderstandingUtils.GetColorForLabel(soKind).Value, string.Format("{0}_{1}", GetDefaultFileName(), soKind.ToString()))); } await Task.WhenAll(tasks); }
/// <summary> /// Initialization. /// </summary> private void Start() { SUDataProvider = SUDataProvider == null?gameObject.GetComponent <SceneUnderstandingDataProvider>() : SUDataProvider; SUUtils = SUUtils == null?gameObject.GetComponent <SceneUnderstandingUtils>() : SUUtils; SceneRoot = SceneRoot == null?SUUtils.CreateGameObject("SceneRoot", null) : SceneRoot; SceneObjectMeshMaterial = SceneObjectMeshMaterial == null?Resources.Load <Material>("Materials/SceneObjectMesh") : SceneObjectMeshMaterial; SceneObjectQuadMaterial = SceneObjectQuadMaterial == null?Resources.Load <Material>("Materials/SceneObjectQuad") : SceneObjectQuadMaterial; SceneObjectWireframeMaterial = SceneObjectWireframeMaterial == null?Resources.Load <Material>("Materials/WireframeTransparent") : SceneObjectWireframeMaterial; WorldMeshMaterial = WorldMeshMaterial == null?Resources.Load <Material>("Materials/WireframeTransparent") : WorldMeshMaterial; LabelFont = LabelFont == null ? (Font)Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf") : LabelFont; StatusText = StatusText == null?GameObject.Find("StatusText").GetComponent <UITextDisplay>() : StatusText; // To ensure that the first update, as part of auto refresh, happens immediately. _timeElapsedSinceLastAutoRefresh = AutoRefreshIntervalInSeconds; }
/// <summary> /// Displays one individual scene object. /// </summary> /// <param name="sceneObject">Scene Object to display.</param> private bool DisplaySceneObject(SceneUnderstanding.SceneObject sceneObject) { try { if (sceneObject == null) { Logger.LogWarning("SceneUnderstandingDisplayManager.DisplaySceneObject: Scene Object is null."); return(false); } // Skip the object, if the setting to display that object is set to false. if ((RenderSceneObjects == false && sceneObject.Kind != SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.World) || (RenderWorldMesh == false && sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.World) || (RenderPlatformSceneObjects == false && sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.Platform) || (RenderBackgroundSceneObjects == false && sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.Background) || (RenderUnknownSceneObjects == false && sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.Unknown) || (RenderCompletelyInferredSceneObjects == false && sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.CompletelyInferred)) { return(false); } // Create a game object for the scene object, parent it to the root and set it's transform. GameObject soGO = SUUtils.CreateGameObject(sceneObject.Kind.ToString(), SceneRoot.transform); TransformUtils.SetUnityTransformFromMatrix4x4(TransformUtils.ConvertRightHandedMatrix4x4ToLeftHanded(sceneObject.GetLocationAsMatrix()), soGO.transform, true); // This is the new child game object that will contain the meshes, quads, etc. GameObject soChildGO = null; // Render the world mesh. if (sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.World) { // Get the meshes from the SU API. IEnumerable <SceneUnderstanding.SceneMesh> meshes = sceneObject.Meshes; // Combine all the world meshes into one unity mesh. Mesh unityMesh = SUUtils.GenerateUnityMeshForSceneObjectMeshes(meshes); // Create a game object with the above unity mesh. soChildGO = SUUtils.CreateGameObjectWithMeshComponents(sceneObject.Kind.ToString(), soGO.transform, unityMesh, WorldMeshMaterial, null); } // Render all other scene objects. else { Color?color = SceneUnderstandingUtils.GetColorForLabel(sceneObject.Kind); switch (SceneObjectVisualizationMode) { case VisualizationMode.Quad: case VisualizationMode.QuadWithMask: { // Get the quads from the SU API. IEnumerable <SceneUnderstanding.SceneQuad> quads = sceneObject.Quads; // For each quad, generate the unity mesh, create the game object and apply the invalidation mask, if applicable. foreach (SceneUnderstanding.SceneQuad quad in quads) { // Generate the unity mesh for the quad. Mesh unityMesh = SUUtils.GenerateUnityMeshForSceneObjectQuad(quad); // Create a game object with the above unity mesh. soChildGO = SUUtils.CreateGameObjectWithMeshComponents( sceneObject.Kind.ToString(), soGO.transform, unityMesh, SceneObjectVisualizationMode == VisualizationMode.QuadWithMask ? SceneObjectQuadMaterial : SceneObjectMeshMaterial, color); // Apply the invalidation mask. if (SceneObjectVisualizationMode == VisualizationMode.QuadWithMask) { SUUtils.ApplyQuadRegionMask(quad, soChildGO, color); } } } break; case VisualizationMode.Mesh: case VisualizationMode.Wireframe: { // Get the meshes from the SU API. IEnumerable <SceneUnderstanding.SceneMesh> meshes = sceneObject.Meshes; foreach (SceneUnderstanding.SceneMesh mesh in meshes) { // Generate the unity mesh for the Scene Understanding mesh. Mesh unityMesh = SUUtils.GenerateUnityMeshForSceneObjectMesh(mesh); // Create a game object with the above unity mesh. soChildGO = SUUtils.CreateGameObjectWithMeshComponents( sceneObject.Kind.ToString(), soGO.transform, unityMesh, SceneObjectVisualizationMode == VisualizationMode.Mesh ? SceneObjectMeshMaterial : SceneObjectWireframeMaterial, SceneObjectVisualizationMode == VisualizationMode.Mesh ? color : null); } } break; default: break; } } if (DisplayTextLabels) { // Only add text for the labels below. if (sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.Ceiling || sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.Floor || sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.Platform || sceneObject.Kind == SceneUnderstanding.SceneObjectKind.Wall) { SUUtils.AddTextLabel(soChildGO, sceneObject.Kind.ToString(), LabelFont); } } // When running on device, add a worldanchor component to keep the scene object aligned to the real world. // When running on PC, add a boxcollider component, that is used for the 'Focus' functionality (in CameraMovement.cs). if (SUDataProvider.RunOnDevice) { soGO.AddComponent <UnityEngine.XR.WSA.WorldAnchor>(); } else { soGO.AddComponent <BoxCollider>(); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogException(e); } return(true); }