public void Visit(ElementNode node, INode parentNode) { object value = null; var type = XamlParser.GetElementType(node.XmlType, node, Context.RootElement?.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly, out XamlParseException xpe); if (xpe != null) { if (Context.ExceptionHandler != null) { Context.ExceptionHandler(xpe); return; } throw xpe; } Context.Types[node] = type; if (IsXaml2009LanguagePrimitive(node)) { value = CreateLanguagePrimitive(type, node); } else if (node.Properties.ContainsKey(XmlName.xArguments) || node.Properties.ContainsKey(XmlName.xFactoryMethod)) { value = CreateFromFactory(type, node); } else if ( type.GetTypeInfo() .DeclaredConstructors.Any( ci => ci.IsPublic && ci.GetParameters().Length != 0 && ci.GetParameters().All(pi => pi.CustomAttributes.Any(attr => attr.AttributeType == typeof(ParameterAttribute)))) && ValidateCtorArguments(type, node, out string ctorargname)) { value = CreateFromParameterizedConstructor(type, node); } else if (!type.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredConstructors.Any(ci => ci.IsPublic && ci.GetParameters().Length == 0) && !ValidateCtorArguments(type, node, out ctorargname)) { throw new XamlParseException($"The Property {ctorargname} is required to create a {type.FullName} object.", node); } else { //this is a trick as the DataTemplate parameterless ctor is internal, and we can't CreateInstance(..., false) on WP7 try { if (type == typeof(DataTemplate)) { value = new DataTemplate(); } if (type == typeof(ControlTemplate)) { value = new ControlTemplate(); } if (value == null && node.CollectionItems.Any() && node.CollectionItems.First() is ValueNode) { var serviceProvider = new XamlServiceProvider(node, Context); var converted = ((ValueNode)node.CollectionItems.First()).Value.ConvertTo(type, () => type.GetTypeInfo(), serviceProvider, out Exception exception); if (exception != null) { if (Context.ExceptionHandler != null) { Context.ExceptionHandler(exception); return; } throw exception; } if (converted != null && converted.GetType() == type) { value = converted; } } if (value == null) { value = Activator.CreateInstance(type); } } catch (TargetInvocationException e) when(e.InnerException is XamlParseException || e.InnerException is XmlException) { throw e.InnerException; } catch (MissingMemberException mme) { throw new XamlParseException(mme.Message, node, mme); } } Values[node] = value; if (value is IMarkupExtension markup && (value is TypeExtension || value is StaticExtension || value is ArrayExtension)) { var serviceProvider = new XamlServiceProvider(node, Context); var visitor = new ApplyPropertiesVisitor(Context); foreach (var cnode in node.Properties.Values.ToList()) { cnode.Accept(visitor, node); } foreach (var cnode in node.CollectionItems) { cnode.Accept(visitor, node); } try { value = markup.ProvideValue(serviceProvider); } catch (Exception e) { var xamlpe = e as XamlParseException ?? new XamlParseException("Markup extension failed", serviceProvider, e); if (Context.ExceptionHandler != null) { Context.ExceptionHandler(xamlpe); } else { throw xamlpe; } } if (!node.Properties.TryGetValue(XmlName.xKey, out INode xKey)) { xKey = null; } node.Properties.Clear(); node.CollectionItems.Clear(); if (xKey != null) { node.Properties.Add(XmlName.xKey, xKey); } Values[node] = value; } if (value is BindableObject bindableValue && node.NameScopeRef != (parentNode as IElementNode)?.NameScopeRef) { NameScope.SetNameScope(bindableValue, node.NameScopeRef.NameScope); } var assemblyName = (Context.RootAssembly ?? Context.RootElement?.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly)?.GetName().Name; if (assemblyName != null && value != null && !value.GetType().GetTypeInfo().IsValueType&& XamlFilePathAttribute.GetFilePathForObject(Context.RootElement) is string path) { VisualDiagnostics.RegisterSourceInfo(value, new Uri($"{path};assembly={assemblyName}", UriKind.Relative), ((IXmlLineInfo)node).LineNumber, ((IXmlLineInfo)node).LinePosition); } }