コード例 #1
        void New_MultithreadedPrediction()
            var dataPath     = GetDataPath(SentimentDataPath);
            var testDataPath = GetDataPath(SentimentTestPath);

            using (var env = new TlcEnvironment(seed: 1, conc: 1))
                var reader = new TextLoader(env, MakeSentimentTextLoaderArgs());
                var data   = reader.Read(new MultiFileSource(dataPath));

                // Pipeline.
                var pipeline = new MyTextTransform(env, MakeSentimentTextTransformArgs())
                               .Append(new LinearClassificationTrainer(env, new LinearClassificationTrainer.Arguments {
                    NumThreads = 1
                }, "Features", "Label"));

                // Train.
                var model = pipeline.Fit(data);

                // Create prediction engine and test predictions.
                var engine = new MyPredictionEngine <SentimentData, SentimentPrediction>(env, model);

                // Take a couple examples out of the test data and run predictions on top.
                var testData = reader.Read(new MultiFileSource(GetDataPath(SentimentTestPath)))
                               .AsEnumerable <SentimentData>(env, false);

                Parallel.ForEach(testData, (input) =>
                    lock (engine)
                        var prediction = engine.Predict(input);
コード例 #2
        public void New_SimpleTrainAndPredict()
            var dataPath     = GetDataPath(SentimentDataPath);
            var testDataPath = GetDataPath(SentimentTestPath);

            using (var env = new TlcEnvironment(seed: 1, conc: 1))
                var reader = new TextLoader(env, MakeSentimentTextLoaderArgs());
                var data   = reader.Read(new MultiFileSource(dataPath));
                // Pipeline.
                var pipeline = new MyTextTransform(env, MakeSentimentTextTransformArgs())
                               .Append(new LinearClassificationTrainer(env, new LinearClassificationTrainer.Arguments {
                    NumThreads = 1
                }, "Features", "Label"));

                // Train.
                var model = pipeline.Fit(data);

                // Create prediction engine and test predictions.
                var engine = new MyPredictionEngine <SentimentData, SentimentPrediction>(env, model);

                // Take a couple examples out of the test data and run predictions on top.
                var testData = reader.Read(new MultiFileSource(GetDataPath(SentimentTestPath)))
                               .AsEnumerable <SentimentData>(env, false);
                foreach (var input in testData.Take(5))
                    var prediction = engine.Predict(input);
                    // Verify that predictions match and scores are separated from zero.
                    Assert.Equal(input.Sentiment, prediction.Sentiment);
                    Assert.True(input.Sentiment && prediction.Score > 1 || !input.Sentiment && prediction.Score < -1);
コード例 #3
        public void New_TrainWithValidationSet()
            var dataPath           = GetDataPath(SentimentDataPath);
            var validationDataPath = GetDataPath(SentimentTestPath);

            using (var env = new TlcEnvironment(seed: 1, conc: 1))
                // Pipeline.
                var reader   = new TextLoader(env, MakeSentimentTextLoaderArgs());
                var pipeline = new MyTextTransform(env, MakeSentimentTextTransformArgs());

                // Train the pipeline, prepare train and validation set.
                var data       = reader.Read(new MultiFileSource(dataPath));
                var preprocess = pipeline.Fit(data);
                var trainData  = preprocess.Transform(data);
                var validData  = preprocess.Transform(reader.Read(new MultiFileSource(validationDataPath)));

                // Train model with validation set.
                var trainer = new LinearClassificationTrainer(env, new LinearClassificationTrainer.Arguments(), "Features", "Label");
                var model   = trainer.Train(trainData, validData);
コード例 #4
        public void New_IntrospectiveTraining()
            var dataPath     = GetDataPath(SentimentDataPath);
            var testDataPath = GetDataPath(SentimentTestPath);

            using (var env = new TlcEnvironment(seed: 1, conc: 1))
                var data = new MyTextLoader(env, MakeSentimentTextLoaderArgs())
                           .FitAndRead(new MultiFileSource(dataPath));

                var pipeline = new MyTextTransform(env, MakeSentimentTextTransformArgs())
                               .Append(new LinearClassificationTrainer(env, new LinearClassificationTrainer.Arguments {
                    NumThreads = 1
                }, "Features", "Label"));

                // Train.
                var model = pipeline.Fit(data);

                // Get feature weights.
                VBuffer <float> weights = default;
                model.LastTransformer.Model.GetFeatureWeights(ref weights);