internal ScriptFunction Construct(object[] args, VsaEngine engine) { ScriptFunction function; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("function anonymous("); int index = 0; int num2 = args.Length - 2; while (index < num2) { builder.Append(Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(args[index])); builder.Append(", "); index++; } if (args.Length > 1) { builder.Append(Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(args[args.Length - 2])); } builder.Append(") {\n"); if (args.Length > 0) { builder.Append(Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(args[args.Length - 1])); } builder.Append("\n}"); Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("anonymous", engine), builder.ToString()); JSParser parser = new JSParser(context); engine.PushScriptObject(((IActivationObject) engine.ScriptObjectStackTop()).GetGlobalScope()); try { function = (ScriptFunction) parser.ParseFunctionExpression().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate(); } finally { engine.PopScriptObject(); } return function; }
internal override void Compile() { if (this.binaryCode == null) { JSParser parser = new JSParser(this.codeContext); if (base.ItemType == ((JSVsaItemType) 0x16)) { this.binaryCode = parser.ParseExpressionItem(); } else { this.binaryCode = parser.Parse(); } if (this.optimize && !parser.HasAborted) { this.binaryCode.ProcessAssemblyAttributeLists(); this.binaryCode.PartiallyEvaluate(); } if (base.engine.HasErrors && !base.engine.alwaysGenerateIL) { throw new EndOfFile(); } if (this.compileToIL) { this.compiledBlock = this.binaryCode.TranslateToILClass(base.engine.CompilerGlobals).CreateType(); } } }
// Compile this item. internal override bool Compile() { if (parsed == null && sourceText != null) { Context context = new Context(sourceText); context.codebase = new CodeBase(codebaseOption, this); = engine.Site; JSParser parser = new JSParser(context); parser.printSupported = engine.printSupported; try { parsed = parser.ParseSource(false); } catch (JScriptException e) { #if !CONFIG_SMALL_CONSOLE ScriptStream.Error.WriteLine(e.Message); #else ScriptStream.WriteLine(e.Message); #endif return(false); } if (parser.numErrors > 0) { // There were errors that were partially recovered. parsed = null; return(false); } } return(true); }
internal override void CheckForErrors() { if (this.compiledClass == null) { JSParser p = new JSParser(this.codeContext); AST prog = (ScriptBlock)p.Parse(); //prog.PartiallyEvaluate(); } }
internal ScriptFunction Construct(Object[] args, VsaEngine engine) { StringBuilder func_string = new StringBuilder("function anonymous("); for (int i = 0, n = args.Length - 2; i < n; i++) { func_string.Append(Convert.ToString(args[i])); func_string.Append(", "); } if (args.Length > 1) { func_string.Append(Convert.ToString(args[args.Length - 2])); } func_string.Append(") {\n"); if (args.Length > 0) { func_string.Append(Convert.ToString(args[args.Length - 1])); } func_string.Append("\n}"); Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("anonymous", engine), func_string.ToString()); JSParser p = new JSParser(context); engine.PushScriptObject(((IActivationObject)engine.ScriptObjectStackTop()).GetGlobalScope()); try{ return((ScriptFunction)p.ParseFunctionExpression().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate()); }finally{ engine.PopScriptObject(); } }
internal override void Compile() { if (this.binaryCode == null) { JSParser parser = new JSParser(this.codeContext); if (base.ItemType == ((JSVsaItemType)0x16)) { this.binaryCode = parser.ParseExpressionItem(); } else { this.binaryCode = parser.Parse(); } if (this.optimize && !parser.HasAborted) { this.binaryCode.ProcessAssemblyAttributeLists(); this.binaryCode.PartiallyEvaluate(); } if (base.engine.HasErrors && !base.engine.alwaysGenerateIL) { throw new EndOfFile(); } if (this.compileToIL) { this.compiledBlock = this.binaryCode.TranslateToILClass(base.engine.CompilerGlobals).CreateType(); } } }
public virtual bool ParseNamedBreakPoint(string input, out string functionName, out int nargs, out string arguments, out string returnType, out ulong offset) { functionName = ""; nargs = 0; arguments = ""; returnType = ""; offset = 0L; string[] strArray = new JSParser(this.codeContext).ParseNamedBreakpoint(out nargs); if ((strArray == null) || (strArray.Length != 4)) { return(false); } if (strArray[0] != null) { functionName = strArray[0]; } if (strArray[1] != null) { arguments = strArray[1]; } if (strArray[2] != null) { returnType = strArray[2]; } if (strArray[3] != null) { offset = ((IConvertible)Microsoft.JScript.Convert.LiteralToNumber(strArray[3])).ToUInt64(null); } return(true); }
public static Object JScriptEvaluate(Object source, VsaEngine engine){ if (Convert.GetTypeCode(source) != TypeCode.String) return source; if (engine.doFast) engine.PushScriptObject(new BlockScope(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop())); try{ Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("eval code", engine), ((IConvertible)source).ToString()); JSParser p = new JSParser(context); return ((Completion)p.ParseEvalBody().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate()).value; }finally{ if (engine.doFast) engine.PopScriptObject(); } }
// Perform a constructor call on this object. internal override Object Construct(VsaEngine engine, Object[] args) { String parameters; String body; String defn; int index; JSParser parser; JFunction func; // Collect up the parameters and body. if (args.Length == 0) { parameters = String.Empty; body = String.Empty; } else if (args.Length == 1) { parameters = String.Empty; body = Convert.ToString(args[0]); } else { parameters = Convert.ToString(args[0]); for (index = 1; index < (args.Length - 1); ++index) { parameters = String.Concat(parameters, ",", Convert.ToString(args[index])); } body = Convert.ToString(args[args.Length - 1]); } // Build a complete function definition and parse it. defn = "function (" + parameters + ") { " + body + " }"; parser = new JSParser(new Context(defn)); func = parser.ParseFunctionSource(); // Build the function object and return it. return(new FunctionObject (EngineInstance.GetEngineInstance(engine) .GetFunctionPrototype(), func, engine.GetMainScope())); }
internal void Parse() { if (this.block == null && this.compiledClass == null) { GlobalScope glob = (GlobalScope)this.engine.GetGlobalScope().GetObject(); //Provide for the possibility of forward references to declarations in code blocks yet to come. glob.evilScript = ! || this.engine.GetStaticCodeBlockCount() > 1; this.engine.Globals.ScopeStack.Push(glob); try{ JSParser p = new JSParser(this.codeContext); this.block = (ScriptBlock)p.Parse(); if (p.HasAborted) { this.block = null; } }finally{ this.engine.Globals.ScopeStack.Pop(); } } }
private static Object DoEvaluate(Object source, VsaEngine engine, bool isUnsafe) { if (engine.doFast) { engine.PushScriptObject(new BlockScope(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop())); } try{ Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("eval code", engine), ((IConvertible)source).ToString()); JSParser p = new JSParser(context); if (!isUnsafe) { new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution).PermitOnly(); } return(((Completion)p.ParseEvalBody().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate()).value); }finally{ if (engine.doFast) { engine.PopScriptObject(); } } }
internal ScriptFunction Construct(Object[] args, VsaEngine engine){ StringBuilder func_string = new StringBuilder("function anonymous("); for (int i = 0, n = args.Length-2; i < n; i++){ func_string.Append(Convert.ToString(args[i])); func_string.Append(", "); } if (args.Length > 1) func_string.Append(Convert.ToString(args[args.Length-2])); func_string.Append(") {\n"); if (args.Length > 0) func_string.Append(Convert.ToString(args[args.Length-1])); func_string.Append("\n}"); Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("anonymous", engine), func_string.ToString()); JSParser p = new JSParser(context); engine.PushScriptObject(((IActivationObject)Globals.contextEngine.ScriptObjectStackTop()).GetGlobalScope()); try{ return (ScriptFunction)p.ParseFunctionExpression().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate(); }finally{ engine.PopScriptObject(); } }
public static Object JScriptEvaluate(Object source, VsaEngine engine) { if (Convert.GetTypeCode(source) != TypeCode.String) { return(source); } if (engine.doFast) { engine.PushScriptObject(new BlockScope(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop())); } try{ Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("eval code", engine), ((IConvertible)source).ToString()); JSParser p = new JSParser(context); return(((Completion)p.ParseEvalBody().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate()).value); }finally{ if (engine.doFast) { engine.PopScriptObject(); } } }
internal void Parse() { if ((this.block == null) && (this.compiledClass == null)) { GlobalScope item = (GlobalScope) base.engine.GetGlobalScope().GetObject(); item.evilScript = ! || (base.engine.GetStaticCodeBlockCount() > 1); base.engine.Globals.ScopeStack.Push(item); try { JSParser parser = new JSParser(this.codeContext); this.block = parser.Parse(); if (parser.HasAborted) { this.block = null; } } finally { base.engine.Globals.ScopeStack.Pop(); } } }
private static object DoEvaluate(object source, VsaEngine engine, bool isUnsafe) { object obj2; if (engine.doFast) { engine.PushScriptObject(new BlockScope(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop())); } try { Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("eval code", engine), ((IConvertible) source).ToString()); JSParser parser = new JSParser(context); obj2 = ((Completion) parser.ParseEvalBody().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate()).value; } finally { if (engine.doFast) { engine.PopScriptObject(); } } return obj2; }
internal void Parse() { if ((this.block == null) && (this.compiledClass == null)) { GlobalScope item = (GlobalScope)base.engine.GetGlobalScope().GetObject(); item.evilScript = ! || (base.engine.GetStaticCodeBlockCount() > 1); base.engine.Globals.ScopeStack.Push(item); try { JSParser parser = new JSParser(this.codeContext); this.block = parser.Parse(); if (parser.HasAborted) { this.block = null; } } finally { base.engine.Globals.ScopeStack.Pop(); } } }
private static object DoEvaluate(object source, VsaEngine engine, bool isUnsafe) { object obj2; if (engine.doFast) { engine.PushScriptObject(new BlockScope(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop())); } try { Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("eval code", engine), ((IConvertible)source).ToString()); JSParser parser = new JSParser(context); obj2 = ((Completion)parser.ParseEvalBody().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate()).value; } finally { if (engine.doFast) { engine.PopScriptObject(); } } return(obj2); }
internal ScriptFunction Construct(object[] args, VsaEngine engine) { ScriptFunction function; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("function anonymous("); int index = 0; int num2 = args.Length - 2; while (index < num2) { builder.Append(Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(args[index])); builder.Append(", "); index++; } if (args.Length > 1) { builder.Append(Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(args[args.Length - 2])); } builder.Append(") {\n"); if (args.Length > 0) { builder.Append(Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(args[args.Length - 1])); } builder.Append("\n}"); Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("anonymous", engine), builder.ToString()); JSParser parser = new JSParser(context); engine.PushScriptObject(((IActivationObject)engine.ScriptObjectStackTop()).GetGlobalScope()); try { function = (ScriptFunction)parser.ParseFunctionExpression().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate(); } finally { engine.PopScriptObject(); } return(function); }
internal void Parse() { if (this.block == null && this.compiledClass == null) { GlobalScope glob = (GlobalScope)this.engine.GetGlobalScope().GetObject(); //Provide for the possibility of forward references to declarations in code blocks yet to come. glob.evilScript = ! || this.engine.GetStaticCodeBlockCount() > 1; this.engine.Globals.ScopeStack.Push(glob); try{ JSParser p = new JSParser(this.codeContext); this.block = (ScriptBlock)p.Parse(); if (p.HasAborted) this.block = null; }finally{ this.engine.Globals.ScopeStack.Pop(); } } }
// Compile this item. internal override bool Compile() { if(parsed == null && sourceText != null) { Context context = new Context(sourceText); context.codebase = new CodeBase(codebaseOption, this); = engine.Site; JSParser parser = new JSParser(context); parser.printSupported = engine.printSupported; try { parsed = parser.ParseSource(false); } catch(JScriptException e) { #if !CONFIG_SMALL_CONSOLE ScriptStream.Error.WriteLine(e.Message); #else ScriptStream.WriteLine(e.Message); #endif return false; } if(parser.numErrors > 0) { // There were errors that were partially recovered. parsed = null; return false; } } return true; }
// Evaluate a JScript expression in the context of a specific engine. public static Object JScriptEvaluate(Object source, VsaEngine engine) { Object value = null; // Bail out if we weren't supplied a string. if (!(source is String)) { return(source); } // Parse the "eval" statement. Context context = new Context((String)source); context.codebase = new CodeBase("eval code", null); JSParser parser = new JSParser(context); JNode node = parser.ParseSource(true); // Push a scope for use during evaluation. engine.PushScriptObject (new BlockScope(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop(), new JSObject(null, engine))); // Evaluate the statement. try { value = node.Eval(engine); if (value == Empty.Value) { value = null; } } catch (JScriptException e) { // Attach the context information to low-level exceptions. if (e.context == null) { e.context = context; } throw; } catch (BreakJumpOut brk) { // "break" used incorrectly. throw new JScriptException(JSError.BadBreak, brk.context); } catch (ContinueJumpOut cont) { // "continue" used incorrectly. throw new JScriptException(JSError.BadContinue, cont.context); } catch (ReturnJumpOut ret) { // "return" used incorrectly. throw new JScriptException(JSError.BadReturn, ret.context); } finally { // Pop the script scope. engine.PopScriptObject(); } // Return the result of the evaluation to the caller. return(value); }
// Evaluate a JScript expression in the context of a specific engine. public static Object JScriptEvaluate(Object source, VsaEngine engine) { Object value = null; // Bail out if we weren't supplied a string. if(!(source is String)) { return source; } // Parse the "eval" statement. Context context = new Context((String)source); context.codebase = new CodeBase("eval code", null); JSParser parser = new JSParser(context); JNode node = parser.ParseSource(true); // Push a scope for use during evaluation. engine.PushScriptObject (new BlockScope(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop(), new JSObject (null, engine))); // Evaluate the statement. try { value = node.Eval(engine); if(value == Empty.Value) { value = null; } } catch(JScriptException e) { // Attach the context information to low-level exceptions. if(e.context == null) { e.context = context; } throw; } catch(BreakJumpOut brk) { // "break" used incorrectly. throw new JScriptException(JSError.BadBreak, brk.context); } catch(ContinueJumpOut cont) { // "continue" used incorrectly. throw new JScriptException(JSError.BadContinue, cont.context); } catch(ReturnJumpOut ret) { // "return" used incorrectly. throw new JScriptException(JSError.BadReturn, ret.context); } finally { // Pop the script scope. engine.PopScriptObject(); } // Return the result of the evaluation to the caller. return value; }
public virtual bool ParseNamedBreakPoint(string input, out string functionName, out int nargs, out string arguments, out string returnType, out ulong offset) { functionName = ""; nargs = 0; arguments = ""; returnType = ""; offset = 0L; string[] strArray = new JSParser(this.codeContext).ParseNamedBreakpoint(out nargs); if ((strArray == null) || (strArray.Length != 4)) { return false; } if (strArray[0] != null) { functionName = strArray[0]; } if (strArray[1] != null) { arguments = strArray[1]; } if (strArray[2] != null) { returnType = strArray[2]; } if (strArray[3] != null) { offset = ((IConvertible) Microsoft.JScript.Convert.LiteralToNumber(strArray[3])).ToUInt64(null); } return true; }
private static Object DoEvaluate(Object source, VsaEngine engine, bool isUnsafe){ if (engine.doFast) engine.PushScriptObject(new BlockScope(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop())); try{ Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("eval code", engine), ((IConvertible)source).ToString()); JSParser p = new JSParser(context); if (!isUnsafe) new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution).PermitOnly(); return ((Completion)p.ParseEvalBody().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate()).value; }finally{ if (engine.doFast) engine.PopScriptObject(); } }
// Perform a constructor call on this object. internal override Object Construct(VsaEngine engine, Object[] args) { String parameters; String body; String defn; int index; JSParser parser; JFunction func; // Collect up the parameters and body. if(args.Length == 0) { parameters = String.Empty; body = String.Empty; } else if(args.Length == 1) { parameters = String.Empty; body = Convert.ToString(args[0]); } else { parameters = Convert.ToString(args[0]); for(index = 1; index < (args.Length - 1); ++index) { parameters = String.Concat(parameters, ",", Convert.ToString(args[index])); } body = Convert.ToString(args[args.Length - 1]); } // Build a complete function definition and parse it. defn = "function (" + parameters + ") { " + body + " }"; parser = new JSParser(new Context(defn)); func = parser.ParseFunctionSource(); // Build the function object and return it. return new FunctionObject (EngineInstance.GetEngineInstance(engine) .GetFunctionPrototype(), func, engine.GetMainScope()); }