public static WalkLogModel Fetch(int id) { DataClassesDataContext db = new DataClassesDataContext(); walk_log t; var query = (from g in db.walk_logs where g.log_user == id select g); if (query.ToList().Count == 0) { t = new walk_log(); t.log_user = id; db.GetTable<walk_log>().InsertOnSubmit(t); } else { t = query.First(); } WalkLogModel p = new WalkLogModel(t); return p; }
public static void Insert(walk_log t) { DataClassesDataContext db = new DataClassesDataContext(); t.updated_at = DateTime.Now; db.GetTable<walk_log>().InsertOnSubmit(t); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public static void Save(int userId, DateTime date, long steps, long aerobicSteps) { DataClassesDataContext db = new DataClassesDataContext(); walk_log t = new walk_log(); t.log_user = userId; t.log_date = date; t.log_steps = steps; t.log_aerobicsteps = aerobicSteps; db.GetTable<walk_log>().InsertOnSubmit(t); db.SubmitChanges(); }
private static void ProcessStepsHealthItem(HealthRecordItem item, ProfileModel profile) { if (item.TypeId.Equals(AerobicSession.TypeId)) { AerobicSession aerobic = (AerobicSession)item; // Only add items with Steps if (aerobic.Session.NumberOfSteps > 0) { // Is Step in Cache ? DataClassesDataContext db = new DataClassesDataContext(); var query = (from g in db.walk_logs where ((g.log_user == profile.UserCtx.user_id) && (g.hv_item_id == item.Key.Id)) select g).SingleOrDefault(); // Update or Insert? if (query != null) { query = PopulateWalkLogFromHV( query, aerobic, profile); db.SubmitChanges(); } else { walk_log entity = new walk_log(); entity = PopulateWalkLogFromHV( entity, aerobic, profile); WalkLogModel.Insert(entity); } } } else if (item.TypeId.Equals(Exercise.TypeId)) { Exercise exercise = (Exercise)item; // Only add items with Steps double numberOfSteps = 0; try { numberOfSteps = exercise.Details[ExerciseDetail.Steps_count].Value.Value; } catch { WlkMiTracer.Instance.Log("HVSync.cs:ProcessStepsHealthItem", WlkMiEvent.AppDomain, WlkMiCat.Warning, string.Format("UserId {0} has no pedometer data in HV item", profile.UserCtx.user_id)); return; } if (numberOfSteps > 0) { // Is Step in Cache ? DataClassesDataContext db = new DataClassesDataContext(); var query = (from g in db.walk_logs where ((g.log_user == profile.UserCtx.user_id) && (g.hv_item_id == item.Key.Id)) select g).SingleOrDefault(); // Update or Insert? if (query != null) { query = PopulateWalkLogFromHV( query, exercise, profile); db.SubmitChanges(); } else { walk_log entity = new walk_log(); entity = PopulateWalkLogFromHV( entity, exercise, profile); WalkLogModel.Insert(entity); } } } }
private WalkLogModel(walk_log g) { = g; }
public static walk_log PopulateWalkLogFromHV(walk_log entity, AerobicSession aerobics, ProfileModel profile) { entity.log_user = profile.UserCtx.user_id; //TODO: obtain weight from HV when the steps were recorded entity.log_weight = profile.UserCtx.user_weight; entity.log_date = aerobics.When.ToDateTime(); entity.log_steps = aerobics.Session.NumberOfSteps; entity.log_aerobicsteps = aerobics.Session.NumberOfAerobicSteps; if (aerobics.Session.Distance != null) { entity.log_distance = aerobics.Session.Distance.Meters / 1609.344; } else { // Get distance from steps entity.log_distance = DataConversion.GetDistanceFromSteps( profile.UserCtx.user_stride, aerobics.Session.NumberOfSteps.Value); } if (aerobics.Session.Energy.HasValue) { entity.log_calories = aerobics.Session.Energy; } else { // Get energy from steps entity.log_calories = DataConversion.GetEnergyFromSteps( profile.UserCtx.user_stride, profile.UserCtx.user_weight, aerobics.Session.NumberOfSteps.Value); } entity.hv_item_id = aerobics.Key.Id; entity.updated_at = DateTime.Now; return entity; }
public static walk_log PopulateWalkLogFromHV(walk_log entity, Exercise exercise, ProfileModel profile) { entity.log_user = profile.UserCtx.user_id; //TODO: obtain weight from HV when the steps were recorded entity.log_weight = profile.UserCtx.user_weight; entity.log_date = new DateTime( exercise.When.ApproximateDate.Year, exercise.When.ApproximateDate.Month.HasValue ? exercise.When.ApproximateDate.Month.Value : 1, exercise.When.ApproximateDate.Day.HasValue ? exercise.When.ApproximateDate.Day.Value : 1, exercise.When.ApproximateTime.Hour, exercise.When.ApproximateTime.Minute, exercise.When.ApproximateTime.Second.HasValue ? exercise.When.ApproximateTime.Second.Value : 1); long steps = (long)exercise.Details[ExerciseDetail.Steps_count].Value.Value; entity.log_steps = steps; int aerobicSteps = 0; try { aerobicSteps = (int)exercise.Details[ExerciseDetail.AerobicSteps_count].Value.Value; } catch { // eat } entity.log_aerobicsteps = aerobicSteps; if (exercise.Distance != null) { entity.log_distance = DataConversion.ConvertMetersToMiles( exercise.Distance.Meters); } else { // Get distance from steps entity.log_distance = DataConversion.GetDistanceFromSteps( profile.UserCtx.user_stride, steps); } double? calories = null; try { calories = exercise.Details[ExerciseDetail.CaloriesBurned_calories].Value.Value; } catch { // eat calorie errors } if (calories.HasValue) { entity.log_calories = calories.Value; } else { // Get energy from steps entity.log_calories = DataConversion.GetEnergyFromSteps( profile.UserCtx.user_stride, profile.UserCtx.user_weight, steps); } entity.hv_item_id = exercise.Key.Id; entity.updated_at = DateTime.Now; return entity; }
partial void Deletewalk_log(walk_log instance);
partial void Updatewalk_log(walk_log instance);
partial void Insertwalk_log(walk_log instance);
private void detach_walk_logs(walk_log entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.user = null; }
private void attach_walk_logs(walk_log entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.user = this; }