private static void WriteProjectContexts(Message message, ProcessingQueue queue, IDictionary <int, ApplicationContext> contexts) { try { var projectContexts = contexts.Values.Select(p => new { Id = p.Id, ProjectPath = p.ApplicationPath }) .ToList(); var versionToken = message.Payload.HasValues ? message.Payload?["Version"] : null; var version = versionToken != null?versionToken.Value <int>() : 0; queue.Send(writer => { if (version == 0) { writer.Write("ProjectContexts"); writer.Write(projectContexts.Count); for (int i = 0; i < projectContexts.Count; i++) { writer.Write(projectContexts[i].ProjectPath); writer.Write(projectContexts[i].Id); } } else { var obj = new JObject(); obj["MessageType"] = "ProjectContexts"; var projects = new JObject(); obj["Projects"] = projects; foreach (var pair in projectContexts) { projects[pair.ProjectPath] = pair.Id; } writer.Write(obj.ToString(Formatting.None)); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { var error = new JObject(); error["Message"] = ex.Message; queue.Send(new Message { MessageType = "Error", Payload = error }); throw; } }
private async Task OpenChannel(int port, string hostId) { var cacheContextAccessor = new CacheContextAccessor(); var cache = new Cache(cacheContextAccessor); var namedDependencyProvider = new NamedCacheDependencyProvider(); var contexts = new Dictionary <int, ApplicationContext>(); var services = new ServiceProvider(_services); var protocolManager = new ProtocolManager(maxVersion: 2); // This fixes the mono incompatibility but ties it to ipv4 connections var listenSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); listenSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, port)); listenSocket.Listen(10); Console.WriteLine("Listening on port {0}", port); for (; ;) { var acceptSocket = await AcceptAsync(listenSocket); Console.WriteLine("Client accepted {0}", acceptSocket.LocalEndPoint); var stream = new NetworkStream(acceptSocket); var queue = new ProcessingQueue(stream); var connection = new ConnectionContext( contexts, services, cache, cacheContextAccessor, namedDependencyProvider, queue, protocolManager, hostId); queue.OnReceive += message => { // Enumerates all project contexts and return them to the // sender if (message.MessageType == "EnumerateProjectContexts") { WriteProjectContexts(message, queue, contexts); } else { // Otherwise it's a context specific message connection.OnReceive(message); } }; queue.Start(); } }
public ConnectionContext(IDictionary <int, ApplicationContext> contexts, IServiceProvider services, ICache cache, ICacheContextAccessor cacheContextAccessor, INamedCacheDependencyProvider namedDependencyProvider, ProcessingQueue queue, string hostId) { _contexts = contexts; _services = services; _cache = cache; _cacheContextAccessor = cacheContextAccessor; _namedDependencyProvider = namedDependencyProvider; _queue = queue; _hostId = hostId; }
private static void WriteProjectContexts(ProcessingQueue queue, IDictionary <int, ApplicationContext> contexts) { var projects = contexts.Values.Select(p => new { Id = p.Id, ProjectPath = p.ApplicationPath }) .ToList(); queue.Send(writer => { writer.Write("ProjectContexts"); writer.Write(projects.Count); for (int i = 0; i < projects.Count; i++) { writer.Write(projects[i].ProjectPath); writer.Write(projects[i].Id); } }); }
public void Start() { _queue = new ProcessingQueue(_stream); _queue.OnReceive += OnReceive; _queue.Start(); }