private static string GetRuntimeIdentifier(DeploymentParameters deploymentParameters) { var architecture = deploymentParameters.RuntimeArchitecture; if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { return("win-" + architecture); } if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux)) { return("linux-" + architecture); } if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX)) { return("osx-" + architecture); } throw new InvalidOperationException("Unrecognized operation system platform"); }
protected void InvokeUserApplicationCleanup() { using (Logger.BeginScope("UserAdditionalCleanup")) { if (DeploymentParameters.UserAdditionalCleanup != null) { // User cleanup. try { DeploymentParameters.UserAdditionalCleanup(DeploymentParameters); } catch (Exception exception) { Logger.LogWarning("User cleanup code failed with exception : {exception}", exception.Message); } } } }
public DeploymentParameters(DeploymentParameters parameters) { foreach (var propertyInfo in typeof(DeploymentParameters).GetProperties()) { if (propertyInfo.CanWrite) { propertyInfo.SetValue(this, propertyInfo.GetValue(parameters)); } } foreach (var kvp in parameters.EnvironmentVariables) { EnvironmentVariables.Add(kvp); } foreach (var kvp in parameters.PublishEnvironmentVariables) { PublishEnvironmentVariables.Add(kvp); } }
public DeploymentResult(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, DeploymentParameters deploymentParameters) : this(loggerFactory, deploymentParameters : deploymentParameters, contentRoot : string.Empty, hostShutdownToken : CancellationToken.None) { }
public virtual Task <PublishedApplication> Publish(DeploymentParameters deploymentParameters, ILogger logger) { var publishDirectory = CreateTempDirectory(); using (logger.BeginScope("dotnet-publish")) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deploymentParameters.TargetFramework)) { throw new Exception($"A target framework must be specified in the deployment parameters for applications that require publishing before deployment"); } var parameters = $"publish " + $" --output \"{publishDirectory.FullName}\"" + $" --framework {deploymentParameters.TargetFramework}" + $" --configuration {deploymentParameters.Configuration}" // avoids triggering builds of dependencies of the test app which could cause issues like + $" --no-dependencies" + $" /p:TargetArchitecture={deploymentParameters.RuntimeArchitecture}" + " --no-restore"; if (deploymentParameters.ApplicationType == ApplicationType.Standalone) { parameters += $" --runtime {GetRuntimeIdentifier(deploymentParameters)}"; } else { // Workaround for parameters += " -p:UseAppHost=false"; } parameters += $" {deploymentParameters.AdditionalPublishParameters}"; var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = DotnetCommandName, Arguments = parameters, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true, RedirectStandardError = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, WorkingDirectory = deploymentParameters.ApplicationPath, }; ProcessHelpers.AddEnvironmentVariablesToProcess(startInfo, deploymentParameters.PublishEnvironmentVariables, logger); var hostProcess = new Process() { StartInfo = startInfo }; logger.LogInformation($"Executing command {DotnetCommandName} {parameters}"); hostProcess.StartAndCaptureOutAndErrToLogger("dotnet-publish", logger); // A timeout is passed to Process.WaitForExit() for two reasons: // // 1. When process output is read asynchronously, WaitForExit() without a timeout blocks until child processes // are killed, which can cause hangs due to MSBuild NodeReuse child processes started by dotnet.exe. // With a timeout, WaitForExit() returns when the parent process is killed and ignores child processes. // // // 2. If "dotnet publish" does hang indefinitely for some reason, tests should fail fast with an error message. const int timeoutMinutes = 5; if (hostProcess.WaitForExit(milliseconds: timeoutMinutes * 60 * 1000)) { if (hostProcess.ExitCode != 0) { var message = $"{DotnetCommandName} publish exited with exit code : {hostProcess.ExitCode}"; logger.LogError(message); throw new Exception(message); } } else { var message = $"{DotnetCommandName} publish failed to exit after {timeoutMinutes} minutes"; logger.LogError(message); throw new Exception(message); } logger.LogInformation($"{DotnetCommandName} publish finished with exit code : {hostProcess.ExitCode}"); } return(Task.FromResult(new PublishedApplication(publishDirectory.FullName, logger))); }
public SelfHostDeployer(DeploymentParameters deploymentParameters, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) : base(deploymentParameters, loggerFactory) { }
protected void StartTimer() { Logger.LogInformation($"Deploying {DeploymentParameters.ToString()}"); _stopwatch.Start(); }