private static List <AmClusterResource> AddIpAddressesToStrandedNetworks(ILogTraceHelper logger, AmClusterGroup group, AmClusterResource netname, IEnumerable <AmClusterNetwork> publicNetworks, IEnumerable <string> networksWithResources) { logger = (logger ?? NullLogTraceHelper.GetNullLogger()); if (publicNetworks.Count <AmClusterNetwork>() <= networksWithResources.Count <string>()) { logger.AppendLogMessage("AddIpAddressesToStrandedNetworks: publicNetworks.Count({0}) <= networksWithResources.Count({1}). So we're doing nothing.", new object[] { publicNetworks.Count <AmClusterNetwork>(), networksWithResources.Count <string>() }); return(new List <AmClusterResource>(0)); } List <AmClusterResource> list = new List <AmClusterResource>(publicNetworks.Count <AmClusterNetwork>() - networksWithResources.Count <string>()); IEnumerable <AmClusterNetwork> enumerable = from publicNet in publicNetworks where !networksWithResources.Contains(publicNet.Name) select publicNet; foreach (AmClusterNetwork amClusterNetwork in enumerable) { logger.AppendLogMessage("AddIpAddressesToStrandedNetworks() There doesn't appear to be an IP resource on network '{0}'.", new object[] { amClusterNetwork.Name }); IEnumerable <string> source = amClusterNetwork.EnumerateAlternateIPv4Names(); IEnumerable <string> source2 = amClusterNetwork.EnumeratePureAlternateIPv6Names(); List <AmClusterResource> collection = AmClusterResourceHelper.CreateIpAddressResources(logger, group, netname, null, source.ToArray <string>(), source2.ToArray <string>()); list.AddRange(collection); } return(list); }
public static void ValidateIpv4Addresses(IAmCluster cluster, IPAddress[] ipv4Addresses) { for (int i = 0; i < ipv4Addresses.Length - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < ipv4Addresses.Length; j++) { if (object.Equals(ipv4Addresses[i], ipv4Addresses[j])) { throw new IPv4AddressesHasDuplicateEntries(ipv4Addresses[i].ToString()); } } } if (cluster != null) { IDictionary <IPAddress, AmClusterNetwork> dictionary = null; try { dictionary = AmClusterResourceHelper.GetIpv4StaticNetworkMap(cluster, ipv4Addresses); } finally { if (dictionary != null) { SharedHelper.DisposeObjectList <AmClusterNetwork>(dictionary.Values); } } } }
internal static AmClusterNetwork GetNetworkFromIpResource(ILogTraceHelper logger, AmClusterResource ipRes) { AmClusterNetwork result = null; string networkNameFromIpResource = AmClusterResourceHelper.GetNetworkNameFromIpResource(logger, ipRes); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(networkNameFromIpResource)) { result = ipRes.OwningCluster.OpenNetwork(networkNameFromIpResource); } return(result); }
public static void ValidateIpv6Networks(IAmCluster cluster, string[] ipv6Networks) { for (int i = 0; i < ipv6Networks.Length - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < ipv6Networks.Length; j++) { if (SharedHelper.StringIEquals(ipv6Networks[i], ipv6Networks[j])) { throw new IPv6NetworksHasDuplicateEntries(ipv6Networks[i]); } } } Dictionary <string, AmClusterNetwork> ipv6AutoCfgNetworkMap = AmClusterResourceHelper.GetIpv6AutoCfgNetworkMap(cluster, ipv6Networks); if (ipv6AutoCfgNetworkMap != null) { SharedHelper.DisposeObjectList <AmClusterNetwork>(ipv6AutoCfgNetworkMap.Values); } }
private static List <AmClusterResource> CreateIpAddressResources(ILogTraceHelper logger, AmClusterGroup group, AmClusterResource netname, IPAddress ipv4StaticAddress, string[] ipv4Networks, string[] ipv6Networks) { logger = (logger ?? NullLogTraceHelper.GetNullLogger()); logger.AppendLogMessage("CreateIpAddressResources(). IPv4Networks=[{0}]. IPv6Networks=[{1}].", new object[] { (ipv4Networks == null) ? string.Empty : string.Join(",", ipv4Networks), (ipv6Networks == null) ? string.Empty : string.Join(",", ipv6Networks) }); List <AmClusterResource> list = new List <AmClusterResource>(2); if (ipv4Networks != null) { list.AddRange(AmClusterResourceHelper.ConfigureIPv4DhcpResources(logger, group, ipv4Networks)); } if (ipv6Networks != null) { list.AddRange(AmClusterResourceHelper.ConfigureIPv6AutoCfgResources(logger, group, ipv6Networks)); } return(list); }
internal static int DeleteOrphanedIpAddresses(ILogTraceHelper logger, AmClusterGroup owningGroup, AmClusterResource netname, IEnumerable <AmClusterResource> currentIpResources, IEnumerable <IPAddress> staticIpAddresses, IEnumerable <AmClusterNetwork> allNetworks, out IList <string> networksWithResources) { logger = (logger ?? NullLogTraceHelper.GetNullLogger()); int num = 0; networksWithResources = new List <string>(allNetworks.Count <AmClusterNetwork>()); bool flag = staticIpAddresses != null && staticIpAddresses.Count <IPAddress>() > 0; bool flag2 = staticIpAddresses != null && staticIpAddresses.Count <IPAddress>() == 0; if (currentIpResources.Count <AmClusterResource>() < 1) { logger.AppendLogMessage("DeleteOrphanedIpAddresses() found no IP address resources in the cluster at all!", new object[0]); } else { IAmCluster owningCluster = owningGroup.OwningCluster; Dictionary <string, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, int>(networksWithResources.Count <string>()); IEnumerable <string> enumerable = netname.EnumerateDependentNames(); logger.AppendLogMessage("Netname resource '{0}' depends on the following resources:", new object[] { netname.Name }); foreach (string text in enumerable) { logger.AppendLogMessage(" -> {0}", new object[] { text }); } foreach (AmClusterResource amClusterResource in currentIpResources) { bool flag3 = false; string privateProperty = amClusterResource.GetPrivateProperty <string>("Network"); int privateProperty2 = amClusterResource.GetPrivateProperty <int>("EnableDhcp"); logger.AppendLogMessage("Resource '{0}' is on network '{1}' (enableDhcp={2}).", new object[] { amClusterResource.Name, privateProperty, privateProperty2 }); if (!enumerable.Contains(amClusterResource.Name)) { logger.AppendLogMessage("Resource '{0}' should be deleted because the cluster netname does not depend on it.", new object[] { amClusterResource.Name }); flag3 = true; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(privateProperty)) { logger.AppendLogMessage("Resource '{0}' should be deleted because it does not have a valid network.", new object[] { amClusterResource.Name }); flag3 = true; } else { if (flag) { if (privateProperty2 != 0) { logger.AppendLogMessage("Resource '{0}' should be deleted because it's a DHCP resource and we're converting to static addresses.", new object[] { amClusterResource.Name }); flag3 = true; } else if (amClusterResource.IsIpv6()) { logger.AppendLogMessage("Resource '{0}' should be deleted because it's an IPv6 resource and we're converting to static addresses.", new object[] { amClusterResource.Name }); flag3 = true; } else { string privateProperty3 = amClusterResource.GetPrivateProperty <string>("Address"); IPAddress ipaddress = IPAddress.Parse(privateProperty3); if (!staticIpAddresses.Contains(ipaddress)) { logger.AppendLogMessage("Resource '{0}' should be deleted because it's a static address ({1}) that is not in the list of updated addresses.", new object[] { amClusterResource.Name, ipaddress }); flag3 = true; } } } else if (flag2 && privateProperty2 == 0 && amClusterResource.IsIpv4()) { logger.AppendLogMessage("Resource '{0}' should be deleted because it's a static IPv4 resource and we're converting to dynamic addresses.", new object[] { amClusterResource.Name }); flag3 = true; } if (!flag3) { using (AmClusterNetwork networkFromIpResource = AmClusterResourceHelper.GetNetworkFromIpResource(logger, amClusterResource)) { if (networkFromIpResource == null) { logger.AppendLogMessage("Resource '{0}' should be deleted because it does not have a valid network.", new object[] { amClusterResource.Name }); flag3 = true; } else { dictionary[networkFromIpResource.Name] = 1; } } } } if (flag3) { logger.AppendLogMessage("Deleting resource named '{0}' because its network ({1}) does not appear to be valid (enableDhcp={2}).", new object[] { amClusterResource.Name, privateProperty, privateProperty2 }); amClusterResource.OfflineResource(); netname.RemoveDependency(amClusterResource); amClusterResource.DeleteResource(); amClusterResource.Dispose(); num++; } } foreach (string item in dictionary.Keys) { networksWithResources.Add(item); } } return(num); }
internal static IEnumerable <AmClusterNetwork> FilterPublicNetworksFromAllNetworks(IEnumerable <AmClusterNetwork> allNetworks) { return(from network in allNetworks where AmClusterResourceHelper.IsMapiNetwork(network.GetNativeRole()) select network); }
internal static LocalizedString FixUpIpAddressesForNetName(ITaskOutputHelper logger, IAmCluster cluster, AmClusterGroup group, AmClusterResource netname, IEnumerable <IPAddress> staticIpAddresses) { logger = (logger ?? NullTaskOutputHelper.GetNullLogger()); LocalizedString localizedString = Strings.FixUpIpAddressStatusUnchanged; if (staticIpAddresses != null && staticIpAddresses.Count <IPAddress>() == 1 && IPAddress.Any.Equals(staticIpAddresses.ElementAt(0))) { logger.AppendLogMessage("DAG IP Address was specified in AD, but it's the sentinel value for forcing DHCP ({0}).", new object[] { IPAddress.Any }); staticIpAddresses = new IPAddress[0]; } bool flag = staticIpAddresses != null && staticIpAddresses.Count <IPAddress>() > 0; bool flag2 = staticIpAddresses != null && staticIpAddresses.Count <IPAddress>() == 0; logger.AppendLogMessage("FixUpIpAddressesForNetName: goingToStaticIps: {0}, goingToDynamicIps = {1}.", new object[] { flag, flag2 }); if (flag) { logger.AppendLogMessage("FixUpIpAddressesForNetName: The static IPs specified are:", new object[0]); foreach (IPAddress ipaddress in staticIpAddresses) { logger.AppendLogMessage(" -> {0}", new object[] { ipaddress }); } } IEnumerable <AmClusterNetwork> enumerable = null; IEnumerable <AmClusterResource> enumerable2 = null; IEnumerable <AmClusterResource> enumerable3 = null; IEnumerable <AmClusterResource> enumerable4 = null; try { enumerable = cluster.EnumerateNetworks(); IEnumerable <AmClusterNetwork> enumerable5 = AmClusterResourceHelper.FilterPublicNetworksFromAllNetworks(enumerable); enumerable2 = group.EnumerateResourcesOfType("IP Address"); enumerable3 = group.EnumerateResourcesOfType("IPv6 Address"); IEnumerable <AmClusterResource> enumerable6 = enumerable2.Concat(enumerable3); IList <string> networksWithResources; int num = AmClusterResourceHelper.DeleteOrphanedIpAddresses(logger, group, netname, enumerable6, staticIpAddresses, enumerable5, out networksWithResources); if (num > 0) { SharedHelper.DisposeObjectList <AmClusterResource>(enumerable6); enumerable2 = group.EnumerateResourcesOfType("IP Address"); enumerable3 = group.EnumerateResourcesOfType("IPv6 Address"); } if (flag) { enumerable4 = AmClusterResourceHelper.AddStaticIpAddressesToStrandedNetworks(logger, group, netname, enumerable5, networksWithResources, staticIpAddresses); } else { enumerable4 = AmClusterResourceHelper.AddIpAddressesToStrandedNetworks(logger, group, netname, enumerable5, networksWithResources); } int num2 = enumerable4.Count <AmClusterResource>(); if (num2 > 0) { HashSet <string> hashSet = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (AmClusterResource amClusterResource in enumerable2) { hashSet.Add(amClusterResource.Name); } foreach (AmClusterResource amClusterResource2 in enumerable3) { hashSet.Add(amClusterResource2.Name); } foreach (AmClusterResource amClusterResource3 in enumerable4) { hashSet.Add(amClusterResource3.Name); } string text = string.Format("[{0}]", string.Join("] OR [", hashSet.ToArray <string>())); logger.AppendLogMessage("Setting the dependency on netname '{0}' to '{1}'", new object[] { netname.Name, text }); netname.OfflineResource(); uint num3 = netname.SetDependencyExpression(text); logger.AppendLogMessage("SetDependencyExpression returned {0}.", new object[] { num3 }); } localizedString = Strings.FixUpIpAddressStatusUpdated(num, num2); } finally { SharedHelper.DisposeObjectList <AmClusterNetwork>(enumerable); SharedHelper.DisposeObjectList <AmClusterResource>(enumerable2); SharedHelper.DisposeObjectList <AmClusterResource>(enumerable3); SharedHelper.DisposeObjectList <AmClusterResource>(enumerable4); netname.OnlineResource(); } logger.AppendLogMessage("Successfully completed fixing up the IP addresses for netname '{0}'. Changes made: {1}", new object[] { netname.Name, localizedString }); return(localizedString); }
public static List <AmClusterResource> ConfigureIPv6AutoCfgResources(ILogTraceHelper logger, AmClusterGroup group, string[] ipv6Networks) { bool flag = false; Dictionary <string, AmClusterResource> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, AmClusterResource>(8); Dictionary <string, AmClusterNetwork> dictionary2 = null; AmClusterResource[] array = null; List <AmClusterResource> list = new List <AmClusterResource>(10); List <AmClusterResource> list2 = null; try { logger = (logger ?? NullLogTraceHelper.GetNullLogger()); dictionary2 = AmClusterResourceHelper.GetIpv6AutoCfgNetworkMap(group.OwningCluster, ipv6Networks); IEnumerable <AmClusterResource> source = group.EnumerateResourcesOfType("IPv6 Address"); if (source.Count <AmClusterResource>() > 0) { array = source.ToArray <AmClusterResource>(); } if (array != null) { foreach (string key in ipv6Networks) { for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++) { AmClusterResource amClusterResource = array[j]; string privateProperty = amClusterResource.GetPrivateProperty <string>("Network"); AmClusterNetwork amClusterNetwork = dictionary2[key]; if (SharedHelper.StringIEquals(amClusterNetwork.Name, privateProperty)) { logger.AppendLogMessage("Reusing ipv6 resource because its network is matching. (resource:{0}, network:{1}/{2}", new object[] { amClusterResource.Name, privateProperty, amClusterNetwork.Name }); dictionary[key] = amClusterResource; array[j] = null; break; } } } } if (dictionary.Count < ipv6Networks.Length) { int num = 1; foreach (string text in ipv6Networks) { if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(text)) { AmClusterResource amClusterResource = (AmClusterResource)group.CreateUniqueResource(logger, "IPv6 Auto Config Address", "IPv6 Address", ref num); list.Add(amClusterResource); logger.AppendLogMessage("Created new ipv6 resource. (resource:{0}, network:{1})", new object[] { amClusterResource.Name, text }); dictionary[text] = amClusterResource; } } } list2 = new List <AmClusterResource>(ipv6Networks.Length); foreach (string key2 in ipv6Networks) { AmClusterResource amClusterResource = dictionary[key2]; AmClusterNetwork amClusterNetwork = dictionary2[key2]; logger.AppendLogMessage("ConfigureIPv6AutoCfgResources: Setting resource '{0}' to be on network '{1}' (role={2}).", new object[] { amClusterResource.Name, amClusterNetwork.Name, amClusterNetwork.GetNativeRole() }); amClusterResource.SetPrivateProperty <string>("Network", amClusterNetwork.Name); AmClusterResourceHelper.SetPossibleOwnersForIpResource(logger, amClusterResource); list2.Add(amClusterResource); } flag = true; } finally { if (!flag) { SharedHelper.DisposeObjectList <AmClusterResource>(list); } SharedHelper.DisposeObjectList <AmClusterResource>(array); if (dictionary2 != null) { SharedHelper.DisposeObjectList <AmClusterNetwork>(dictionary2.Values); } } return(list2); }
public static List <AmClusterResource> ConfigureIPv4DhcpResources(ILogTraceHelper logger, AmClusterGroup group, string[] ipv4Networks) { bool flag = false; Dictionary <string, AmClusterResource> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, AmClusterResource>(8); Dictionary <string, AmClusterNetwork> dictionary2 = null; AmClusterResource[] array = null; List <AmClusterResource> list = new List <AmClusterResource>(10); List <AmClusterResource> list2 = new List <AmClusterResource>(10); List <AmClusterResource> list3 = null; try { logger = (logger ?? NullLogTraceHelper.GetNullLogger()); dictionary2 = AmClusterResourceHelper.GetIpv4DhcpNetworkMap(group.OwningCluster, ipv4Networks); IEnumerable <AmClusterResource> enumerable = group.EnumerateResourcesOfType("IP Address"); if (enumerable != null) { array = enumerable.ToArray <AmClusterResource>(); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { AmClusterResource amClusterResource = array[i]; if (amClusterResource.GetPrivateProperty <int>("EnableDhcp") != 0) { list.Add(amClusterResource); array[i] = null; } } } foreach (string key in ipv4Networks) { for (int k = 0; k < list.Count; k++) { AmClusterResource amClusterResource2 = list[k]; string privateProperty = amClusterResource2.GetPrivateProperty <string>("Network"); AmClusterNetwork amClusterNetwork = dictionary2[key]; if (SharedHelper.StringIEquals(amClusterNetwork.Name, privateProperty)) { logger.AppendLogMessage("Reusing ipv4 dhcp resource because its network is matching. (resource:{0}, network:{1}/{2}", new object[] { amClusterResource2.Name, privateProperty, amClusterNetwork.Name }); dictionary[key] = amClusterResource2; list[k] = null; break; } } } if (dictionary.Count < ipv4Networks.Length) { int num = 1; foreach (string text in ipv4Networks) { if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(text)) { AmClusterResource amClusterResource2 = (AmClusterResource)group.CreateUniqueResource(logger, "IPv4 DHCP Address", "IP Address", ref num); list2.Add(amClusterResource2); logger.AppendLogMessage("Created new ipv4 dhcp resource. (resource:{0}, network:{1})", new object[] { amClusterResource2.Name, text }); dictionary[text] = amClusterResource2; } } } list3 = new List <AmClusterResource>(ipv4Networks.Length); foreach (string key2 in ipv4Networks) { AmClusterResource amClusterResource2 = dictionary[key2]; AmClusterNetwork amClusterNetwork = dictionary2[key2]; int num2; using (AmClusterPropListDisposable amClusterPropListDisposable = AmClusPropListMaker.CreatePropListInt("EnableDhcp", 1, out num2)) { using (AmClusterPropListDisposable amClusterPropListDisposable2 = AmClusPropListMaker.DupeAndAppendPropListString(amClusterPropListDisposable.RawBuffer, (int)amClusterPropListDisposable.BufferSize, "Network", amClusterNetwork.Name, out num2)) { logger.AppendLogMessage("ConfigureIPv4DhcpResources: Setting resource '{0}' to be DHCP-enabled on network '{1}' (role={2}).", new object[] { amClusterResource2.Name, amClusterNetwork.Name, amClusterNetwork.GetNativeRole() }); amClusterResource2.SetPrivatePropertyList(amClusterPropListDisposable2); } } AmClusterResourceHelper.SetPossibleOwnersForIpResource(logger, amClusterResource2); list3.Add(amClusterResource2); } flag = true; } finally { if (!flag) { SharedHelper.DisposeObjectList <AmClusterResource>(list2); } SharedHelper.DisposeObjectList <AmClusterResource>(array); SharedHelper.DisposeObjectList <AmClusterResource>(list); if (dictionary2 != null) { SharedHelper.DisposeObjectList <AmClusterNetwork>(dictionary2.Values); } } return(list3); }