public static void Login(string username, string password, string server, bool isDryRun) { Version clientVersion = GetClientVersion(); if (clientVersion >= new Version(17, 7)) { ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo( "docker", $"login -u {username} --password-stdin {server}"); startInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; ExecuteHelper.Execute( startInfo, info => { Process process = Process.Start(info); process.StandardInput.WriteLine(password); process.StandardInput.Close(); process.WaitForExit(); return(process); }, isDryRun); } else { ExecuteHelper.Execute( "docker", $"login -u {username} -p {password} {server}", isDryRun, executeMessageOverride: $"login -u {username} -p ******** {server}"); } }
public static string GetCommitSha(string filePath, bool useFullHash = false) { // Don't make the assumption that the current working directory is a Git repository // Find the Git repo that contains the file being checked. DirectoryInfo directory = new FileInfo(filePath).Directory; while (!directory.GetDirectories(".git").Any()) { directory = directory.Parent; if (directory is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"File '{filePath}' is not contained within a Git repository."); } } filePath = Path.GetRelativePath(directory.FullName, filePath); string format = useFullHash ? "H" : "h"; return(ExecuteHelper.Execute( new ProcessStartInfo("git", $"log -1 --format=format:%{format} {filePath}") { WorkingDirectory = directory.FullName }, false, $"Unable to retrieve the latest commit SHA for {filePath}")); }
public static void PullBaseImages(ManifestInfo manifest, Options options) { Utilities.WriteHeading("PULLING LATEST BASE IMAGES"); foreach (string fromImage in manifest.GetExternalFromImages()) { ExecuteHelper.ExecuteWithRetry("docker", $"pull {fromImage}", options.IsDryRun); } }
public static int Main(string[] args) { int result = 0; try { ICommand[] commands = { new BuildCommand(), new CopyImagesCommand(), new CopyAcrImagesCommand(), new GenerateBuildMatrixCommand(), new GenerateTagsReadmeCommand(), new PublishManifestCommand(), new PublishMcrReadmesCommand(), new UpdateReadmeCommand(), new UpdateVersionsCommand(), new ValidateImageSizeCommand(), }; ArgumentSyntax argSyntax = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax => { foreach (ICommand command in commands) { command.Options.ParseCommandLine(syntax); } }); // Workaround for foreach (Argument arg in argSyntax.GetActiveArguments()) { if (arg.IsParameter && !arg.IsSpecified) { Logger.WriteError($"error: `{arg.Name}` must be specified."); Environment.Exit(1); } } if (argSyntax.ActiveCommand != null) { // Capture the Docker version and info in the output. ExecuteHelper.Execute(fileName: "docker", args: "version", isDryRun: false); ExecuteHelper.Execute(fileName: "docker", args: "info", isDryRun: false); ICommand command = commands.Single(c => c.Options == argSyntax.ActiveCommand.Value); command.LoadManifest(); command.ExecuteAsync().Wait(); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteError(e.ToString()); result = 1; } return(result); }
public static string GetCommitSha(string filePath, bool useFullHash = false) { string format = useFullHash ? "H" : "h"; return(ExecuteHelper.Execute( "git", $"log -1 --format=format:%{format} {filePath}", false, $"Unable to retrieve the latest commit SHA for {filePath}")); }
public void ExecuteAzCommand(string command, bool isDryRun, string commandMessageOverride = null) { commandMessageOverride = commandMessageOverride ?? command; ExecuteHelper.Execute( "docker", $"run --rm -v {_sessionId}:/root {AzureCliImage} az {command}", isDryRun, executeMessageOverride: $"docker run -it --rm -v {_sessionId}:/root {AzureCliImage} az {commandMessageOverride}"); }
private static string ExecuteCommand( string command, string errorMessage, string additionalArgs = null, bool isDryRun = false) { ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("docker", $"{command} {additionalArgs}"); startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; Process process = ExecuteHelper.Execute(startInfo, isDryRun, errorMessage); return(isDryRun ? "" : process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Trim()); }
public JArray Inspect(string image, bool isDryRun) { string output = ExecuteHelper.ExecuteWithRetry("manifest-tool", $"inspect {image} --raw", isDryRun); if (isDryRun) { return(null); } return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JArray>(output)); }
public static string GetCommitSha(string filePath, bool useFullHash = false) { string format = useFullHash ? "H" : "h"; ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("git", $"log -1 --format=format:%{format} {filePath}"); startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; Process gitLogProcess = ExecuteHelper.Execute( startInfo, false, $"Unable to retrieve the latest commit SHA for {filePath}"); return(gitLogProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Trim()); }
public static int Main(string[] args) { int result = 0; try { ICommand[] commands = Container.GetExportedValues <ICommand>().ToArray(); ArgumentSyntax argSyntax = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax => { foreach (ICommand command in commands) { command.Options.ParseCommandLine(syntax); } }); // Workaround for foreach (Argument arg in argSyntax.GetActiveArguments()) { if (arg.IsParameter && !arg.IsSpecified) { Logger.WriteError($"error: `{arg.Name}` must be specified."); Environment.Exit(1); } } if (argSyntax.ActiveCommand != null) { // Capture the Docker version and info in the output. ExecuteHelper.Execute(fileName: "docker", args: "version", isDryRun: false); ExecuteHelper.Execute(fileName: "docker", args: "info", isDryRun: false); ICommand command = commands.Single(c => c.Options == argSyntax.ActiveCommand.Value); if (command is IManifestCommand manifestCommand) { manifestCommand.LoadManifest(); } command.ExecuteAsync().Wait(); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteError(e.ToString()); result = 1; } return(result); }
public static int Main(string[] args) { int result = 0; try { ICommand[] commands = Container.GetExportedValues <ICommand>().ToArray(); RootCommand rootCliCommand = new RootCommand(); foreach (ICommand command in commands) { rootCliCommand.AddCommand(command.GetCliCommand()); } Parser parser = new CommandLineBuilder(rootCliCommand) .UseDefaults() .UseMiddleware(context => { if (context.ParseResult.CommandResult.Command != rootCliCommand) { // Capture the Docker version and info in the output. ExecuteHelper.Execute(fileName: "docker", args: "version", isDryRun: false); ExecuteHelper.Execute(fileName: "docker", args: "info", isDryRun: false); } }) .UseMiddleware(context => { context.BindingContext.AddModelBinder(new ModelBinder <AzdoOptions>()); context.BindingContext.AddModelBinder(new ModelBinder <GitOptions>()); context.BindingContext.AddModelBinder(new ModelBinder <ManifestFilterOptions>()); context.BindingContext.AddModelBinder(new ModelBinder <RegistryCredentialsOptions>()); context.BindingContext.AddModelBinder(new ModelBinder <ServicePrincipalOptions>()); context.BindingContext.AddModelBinder(new ModelBinder <SubscriptionOptions>()); }) .Build(); return(parser.Invoke(args)); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteError(e.ToString()); result = 1; } return(result); }
public static void PullBaseImages(ManifestInfo manifest, Options options) { Logger.WriteHeading("PULLING LATEST BASE IMAGES"); IEnumerable <string> baseImages = manifest.GetExternalFromImages().ToArray(); if (baseImages.Any()) { foreach (string fromImage in baseImages) { ExecuteHelper.ExecuteWithRetry("docker", $"pull {fromImage}", options.IsDryRun); } } else { Logger.WriteMessage("No external base images to pull"); } }
public void BuildImage(string dockerfilePath, string buildContextPath, IEnumerable <string> tags, IDictionary <string, string> buildArgs, bool isRetryEnabled, bool isDryRun) { string tagArgs = $"-t {string.Join(" -t ", tags)}"; IEnumerable <string> buildArgList = buildArgs .Select(buildArg => $" --build-arg {buildArg.Key}={buildArg.Value}"); string buildArgsString = String.Join(string.Empty, buildArgList); string dockerArgs = $"build {tagArgs} -f {dockerfilePath}{buildArgsString} {buildContextPath}"; if (isRetryEnabled) { ExecuteHelper.ExecuteWithRetry("docker", dockerArgs, isDryRun); } else { ExecuteHelper.Execute("docker", dockerArgs, isDryRun); } }
public static void Logout(string server, bool isDryRun) { ExecuteHelper.Execute("docker", $"logout {server}", isDryRun); }
private static void Logout(string server, bool isDryRun) { ExecuteHelper.ExecuteWithRetry("docker", $"logout {server}", isDryRun); }
public static void PullImage(string image, bool isDryRun) { ExecuteHelper.ExecuteWithRetry("docker", $"pull {image}", isDryRun); }
public void Dispose() { ExecuteHelper.Execute("docker", $"volume rm -f {_sessionId}", false); }
public string?Execute( string fileName, string args, bool isDryRun, string?errorMessage = null, string?executeMessageOverride = null) => ExecuteHelper.Execute(fileName, args, isDryRun, errorMessage, executeMessageOverride);
public void PushImage(string tag, bool isDryRun) => ExecuteHelper.ExecuteWithRetry("docker", $"push {tag}", isDryRun);
public string?Execute( ProcessStartInfo info, bool isDryRun, string?errorMessage = null, string?executeMessageOverride = null) => ExecuteHelper.Execute(info, isDryRun, errorMessage, executeMessageOverride);
public void PushFromSpec(string manifestFile, bool isDryRun) { // ExecuteWithRetry because the manifest-tool fails periodically while communicating // with the Docker Registry. ExecuteHelper.ExecuteWithRetry("manifest-tool", $"push from-spec {manifestFile}", isDryRun); }