private static string ExportModel(object model, string modelFileRelativePath, ExportSettings settings) { if (model == null) { return(null); } var outputFolder = settings.OutputFolder; string modelPath = Path.Combine(outputFolder ?? string.Empty, settings.PathRewriter(modelFileRelativePath)); JsonUtility.Serialize(modelPath, model); return(TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToDisplayPath(modelPath)); }
private void PrepareBuild(DocumentBuildContext context, IEnumerable <HostService> hostServices) { var incrementalContext = context.IncrementalBuildContext; var lbv = incrementalContext?.LastBuildVersionInfo; var cbv = incrementalContext?.CurrentBuildVersionInfo; if (ShouldTraceIncrementalInfo) { var ldg = lbv?.Dependency; var cdg = cbv.Dependency; if (ldg != null) { // reregister dependency types from last dependency graph using (new LoggerPhaseScope("RegisterDependencyTypeFromLastBuild", true)) { cdg.RegisterDependencyType(ldg.DependencyTypes.Values); } // restore dependency graph from last dependency graph using (new LoggerPhaseScope("ReportDependencyFromLastBuild", true)) { cdg.ReportDependency(from r in ldg.ReportedBys from i in ldg.GetDependencyReportedBy(r) select i); } } } foreach (var hostService in hostServices) { hostService.SourceFiles = context.AllSourceFiles; foreach (var m in hostService.Models) { if (m.LocalPathFromRepoRoot == null) { m.LocalPathFromRepoRoot = TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToDisplayPath(Path.Combine(m.BaseDir, m.File)); } if (m.LocalPathFromRoot == null) { m.LocalPathFromRoot = TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToDisplayPath(Path.Combine(m.BaseDir, m.File)); } } if (ShouldTraceIncrementalInfo) { hostService.DependencyGraph = cbv.Dependency; using (new LoggerPhaseScope("RegisterDependencyTypeFromProcessor", true)) { RegisterDependencyType(hostService); } } } }
private static LoggerFileScope GetFileScope(ImmutableStack <string> parents) { if (!parents.IsEmpty) { var path = TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToDisplayPath(parents.Peek()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return(new LoggerFileScope(path)); } } return(null); }
public void Exec(SubCommandRunningContext context) { string outputFolder = null; try { var config = new DefaultConfigModel(); var questionContext = new QuestionContext { Quiet = _options.Quiet }; foreach (var question in _selectorQuestions) { question.Process(config, questionContext); } foreach (var question in _overallQuestion) { question.Process(config, questionContext); } if (questionContext.ContainsMetadata) { foreach (var question in _metadataQuestions) { question.Process(config, questionContext); } } foreach (var question in _buildQuestions) { question.Process(config, questionContext); } if (_options.OnlyConfigFile) { GenerateConfigFile(_options.OutputFolder, config); } else { outputFolder = TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToDisplayPath(Path.GetFullPath(string.IsNullOrEmpty(_options.OutputFolder) ? DefaultOutputFolder : _options.OutputFolder)); GenerateSeedProject(outputFolder, config); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DocfxInitException($"Error with init docfx project under \"{outputFolder}\" : {e.Message}", e); } }
private static void GenerateConfigFile(string outputFolder, object config) { var path = TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToDisplayPath(Path.Combine(outputFolder ?? string.Empty, ConfigName)); if (File.Exists(path)) { if (!ProcessOverwriteQuestion($"Config file \"{path}\" already exists, do you want to overwrite this file?")) { return; } } SaveConfigFile(path, config); $"Successfully generated default docfx config file to {path}".WriteLineToConsole(ConsoleColor.Green); }
public override FileModel Load(FileAndType file, ImmutableDictionary <string, object> metadata) { switch (file.Type) { case DocumentType.Article: var filePath = Path.Combine(file.BaseDir, file.File); var swaggerContent = File.ReadAllText(filePath); var swagger = SwaggerJsonParser.Parse(swaggerContent); swagger.Metadata[DocumentTypeKey] = RestApiDocumentType; swagger.Raw = swaggerContent; CheckOperationId(swagger, file.File); var repoInfo = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(filePath); if (repoInfo != null) { swagger.Metadata["source"] = new SourceDetail() { Remote = repoInfo }; } swagger.Metadata = MergeMetadata(swagger.Metadata, metadata); var vm = SwaggerModelConverter.FromSwaggerModel(swagger); var displayLocalPath = TypeForwardedToPathUtility.MakeRelativePath(EnvironmentContext.BaseDirectory, file.FullPath); return(new FileModel(file, vm, serializer: Environment.Is64BitProcess?null: new BinaryFormatter()) { Uids = new[] { new UidDefinition(vm.Uid, displayLocalPath) } .Concat(from item in vm.Children select new UidDefinition(item.Uid, displayLocalPath)) .Concat(from tag in vm.Tags select new UidDefinition(tag.Uid, displayLocalPath)).ToImmutableArray(), LocalPathFromRepoRoot = repoInfo?.RelativePath ?? TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToDisplayPath(filePath), LocalPathFromRoot = displayLocalPath }); case DocumentType.Overwrite: // TODO: Refactor current behavior that overwrite file is read multiple times by multiple processors return(OverwriteDocumentReader.Read(file)); default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } }
public override FileModel Load(FileAndType file, ImmutableDictionary <string, object> metadata) { string uid = null; Dictionary <string, object> content = null; var metafile = Path.Combine(file.BaseDir, file.File.TrimEnd('.') + ".meta"); if (File.Exists(metafile)) { content = YamlUtility.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(metafile); if (content != null) { foreach (var item in metadata) { if (!content.ContainsKey(item.Key)) { content[item.Key] = item.Value; } if (item.Key == Constants.PropertyName.Uid) { uid = item.Value as string; } } } } if (content == null) { content = metadata.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value); } var filePath = Path.Combine(file.BaseDir, file.File); var repoDetail = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(filePath); var displayLocalPath = TypeForwardedToPathUtility.MakeRelativePath(EnvironmentContext.BaseDirectory, file.FullPath); return(new FileModel(file, content) { Uids = string.IsNullOrEmpty(uid) ? ImmutableArray <UidDefinition> .Empty : ImmutableArray <UidDefinition> .Empty.Add(new UidDefinition(uid, displayLocalPath)), LocalPathFromRepoRoot = repoDetail?.RelativePath ?? TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToDisplayPath(Path.Combine(file.BaseDir, file.File)), LocalPathFromRoot = displayLocalPath }); }
public void ProcessTocWithCircularReferenceShouldFail() { var referencedToc = _fileCreator.CreateFile($@" - name: Topic href: ", FileType.YamlToc, "sub1"); var subToc = _fileCreator.CreateFile($@" #Topic ##[ReferencedToc](Toc.yml) ", FileType.MarkdownToc, "sub1"); var content = $@" - name: Topic1 href: {subToc} "; var toc = _fileCreator.CreateFile(content, FileType.YamlToc); FileCollection files = new FileCollection(_inputFolder); files.Add(DocumentType.Article, new[] { toc, subToc }); var e = Assert.Throws <DocumentException>(() => BuildDocument(files)); Assert.Equal($"Circular reference to {TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToDisplayPath(Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(_inputFolder, subToc)))} is found in {TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToDisplayPath(Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(_inputFolder, referencedToc)))}", e.Message, true); }
private static void GenerateSeedProject(string outputFolder, DefaultConfigModel config) { if (Directory.Exists(outputFolder)) { if (!ProcessOverwriteQuestion($"Output folder \"{outputFolder}\" already exists. Do you still want to generate files into this folder? You can use -o command option to specify the folder name")) { return; } } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputFolder); } // 1. Create default files var srcFolder = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "src"); var apiFolder = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "api"); var apidocFolder = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "apidoc"); var articleFolder = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "articles"); var imageFolder = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "images"); var folders = new string[] { srcFolder, apiFolder, apidocFolder, articleFolder, imageFolder }; foreach (var folder in folders) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); $"Created folder {TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToDisplayPath(folder)}".WriteLineToConsole(ConsoleColor.Gray); } // 2. Create default files // a. toc.yml // b. // c. articles/toc.yml // d. articles/ // e. .gitignore // f. api/.gitignore // TODO: move api/ out to some other folder var tocYaml = Tuple.Create("toc.yml", @"- name: Articles href: articles/ - name: Api Documentation href: api/ homepage: api/ "); var indexMarkdownFile = Tuple.Create("", @"# This is the **HOMEPAGE**. Refer to [Markdown]( for how to write markdown files. ## Quick Start Notes: 1. Add images to the *images* folder if the file is referencing an image. "); var apiTocFile = Tuple.Create("api/toc.yml", @"- name: TO BE REPLACED - href: "); var apiIndexFile = Tuple.Create("api/", @"# PLACEHOLDER TODO: Add .NET projects to the *src* folder and run `docfx` to generate **REAL** *API Documentation*! "); var articleTocFile = Tuple.Create("articles/toc.yml", @"- name: Introduction href: "); var articleMarkdownFile = Tuple.Create("articles/", @"# Add your introductions here! "); var gitignore = Tuple.Create(".gitignore", $@"############### # folder # ############### /**/DROP/ /**/TEMP/ /**/packages/ /**/bin/ /**/obj/ {config.Build.Destination} "); var apiGitignore = Tuple.Create("api/.gitignore", $@"############### # temp file # ############### *.yml "); var files = new Tuple <string, string>[] { tocYaml, indexMarkdownFile, apiTocFile, apiIndexFile, articleTocFile, articleMarkdownFile, gitignore, apiGitignore }; foreach (var file in files) { var filePath = Path.Combine(outputFolder, file.Item1); var content = file.Item2; var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } File.WriteAllText(filePath, content); $"Created File {TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToDisplayPath(filePath)}".WriteLineToConsole(ConsoleColor.Gray); } // 2. Create docfx.json var path = Path.Combine(outputFolder ?? string.Empty, ConfigName); SaveConfigFile(path, config); $"Created config file {TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToDisplayPath(path)}".WriteLineToConsole(ConsoleColor.Gray); $"Successfully generated default docfx project to {TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToDisplayPath(outputFolder)}".WriteLineToConsole(ConsoleColor.Green); "Please run:".WriteLineToConsole(ConsoleColor.Gray); $"\tdocfx \"{TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToDisplayPath(path)}\" --serve".WriteLineToConsole(ConsoleColor.White); "To generate a default docfx website.".WriteLineToConsole(ConsoleColor.Gray); }
private Dictionary <string, string> GetListContent(XPathNavigator navigator, string xpath, string contentType, ITripleSlashCommentParserContext context) { var iterator = navigator.Select(xpath); var result = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (iterator == null) { return(result); } foreach (XPathNavigator nav in iterator) { string name = nav.GetAttribute("name", string.Empty); string description = GetXmlValue(nav); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { if (result.ContainsKey(name)) { string path = context.Source.Remote != null?Path.Combine(context.Source.Remote.LocalWorkingDirectory, context.Source.Remote.RelativePath) : context.Source.Path; Logger.LogWarning($"Duplicate {contentType} '{name}' found in comments, the latter one is ignored.", null, TypeForwardedToStringExtension.ToDisplayPath(path), context.Source.StartLine.ToString()); } else { result.Add(name, description); } } } return(result); }