コード例 #1
            private static IMethodSymbol Resolve(
                SymbolKeyReader reader, string metadataName, int arity, bool isPartialMethodImplementationPart,
                ImmutableArray <RefKind> parameterRefKinds, int beforeParametersPosition,
                IMethodSymbol method)
                if (method.Arity == arity &&
                    method.MetadataName == metadataName &&
                    ParameterRefKindsMatch(method.Parameters, parameterRefKinds))
                    // Method looks like a potential match.  It has the right arity, name and
                    // refkinds match.  We now need to do the more complicated work of checking
                    // the parameters (and possibly the return type).  This is more complicated
                    // because those symbols might refer to method type parameters.  In order
                    // for resolution to work on those type parameters, we have to keep track
                    // in the reader that we're resolving this method.

                    // Restore our position to right before the list of parameters.  Also, push
                    // this method into our method-resolution-stack so that we can properly resolve
                    // method type parameter ordinals.
                    reader.Position = beforeParametersPosition;

                    var result = Resolve(reader, isPartialMethodImplementationPart, method);


                    if (result != null)

コード例 #2
            public static SymbolKeyResolution Resolve(SymbolKeyReader reader)
                var metadataName = reader.ReadString();
                var containingSymbolResolution = reader.ReadSymbolKey();
                var arity = reader.ReadInteger();
                var isPartialMethodImplementationPart = reader.ReadBoolean();
                var parameterRefKinds = reader.ReadRefKindArray();

                // For each method that we look at, we'll have to resolve the parameter list and
                // return type in the context of that method.  i.e. if we have Foo<T>(IList<T> list)
                // then we'll need to have marked that we're on the Foo<T> method so that we know
                // 'T' in IList<T> resolves to.
                // Because of this, we keep track of where we are in the reader.  Before resolving
                // every parameter list, we'll mark which method we're on and we'll rewind to this
                // point.
                var beforeParametersPosition = reader.Position;

                var result = new List <IMethodSymbol>();

                var namedTypes = containingSymbolResolution.GetAllSymbols().OfType <INamedTypeSymbol>();

                foreach (var namedType in namedTypes)
                    var method = Resolve(reader, metadataName, arity, isPartialMethodImplementationPart,
                                         parameterRefKinds, beforeParametersPosition, namedType);

                    // Note: after finding the first method that matches we stop.  That's necessary
                    // as we cache results while searching.  We don't want to override these positive
                    // matches with a negative ones if we were to continue searching.
                    if (method != null)

                if (reader.Position == beforeParametersPosition)
                    // We didn't find any candidates.  We still need to stream through this
                    // method signature so the reader is in a proper position.

                    // Push an null-method to our stack so that any method-type-parameters
                    // can at least be read (if not resolved) properly.
                    reader.PushMethod(methodOpt: null);
                    var parameterTypeResolutions = reader.ReadSymbolKeyArray();
                    var returnType = GetFirstSymbol <ITypeSymbol>(reader.ReadSymbolKey());
                    reader.PopMethod(methodOpt: null);
