public void SarifLogger_DoNotScrapeFilesFromNotifications() { var sb = new StringBuilder(); using (var textWriter = new StringWriter(sb)) { using (var sarifLogger = new SarifLogger( textWriter, analysisTargets: null, verbose: false, computeTargetsHash: true, logEnvironment: false, prereleaseInfo: null, invocationTokensToRedact: null)) { var toolNotification = new Notification { PhysicalLocation = new PhysicalLocation { Uri = new Uri(@"file:///file0.cpp") } }; sarifLogger.LogToolNotification(toolNotification); var configurationNotification = new Notification { PhysicalLocation = new PhysicalLocation { Uri = new Uri(@"file:///file0.cpp") } }; sarifLogger.LogConfigurationNotification(configurationNotification); } } string logText = sb.ToString(); var sarifLog = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SarifLog>(logText); sarifLog.Runs[0].Files.Should().BeNull(); }
protected void Verify(SarifValidationSkimmerBase skimmer, string testFileName) { string ruleName = skimmer.GetType().Name; string testDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, TestDataDirectory, ruleName); string targetPath = Path.Combine(testDirectory, testFileName); string expectedFilePath = MakeExpectedFilePath(testDirectory, testFileName); string actualFilePath = MakeActualFilePath(testDirectory, testFileName); string inputLogContents = File.ReadAllText(targetPath); JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = SarifContractResolver.Instance }; SarifLog inputLog = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SarifLog>(inputLogContents, settings); using (var logger = new SarifLogger( actualFilePath, new string[] { targetPath }, verbose: false, logEnvironment: false, computeTargetsHash: false, prereleaseInfo: null, invocationTokensToRedact: null)) { logger.AnalysisStarted(); var context = new SarifValidationContext { Rule = skimmer, Logger = logger, TargetUri = new Uri(targetPath), SchemaFilePath = JsonSchemaFile, InputLogContents = inputLogContents, InputLog = inputLog }; skimmer.Initialize(context); context.Logger.AnalyzingTarget(context); skimmer.Analyze(context); logger.AnalysisStopped(RuntimeConditions.None); } string actualLogContents = File.ReadAllText(actualFilePath); string expectedLogContents = File.ReadAllText(expectedFilePath); // We can't just compare the text of the log files because properties // like start time, and absolute paths, will differ from run to run. // Until SarifLogger has a "deterministic" option (see, // we perform a selective compare of just the elements we care about. SelectiveCompare(actualLogContents, expectedLogContents); }
public void CanWriteToStream() { var textWriter = new StringWriter(); var logger = new SarifLogger( textWriter, analysisTargets: Enumerable.Empty<string>(), verbose: false, computeTargetsHash: false, logEnvironment: false, prereleaseInfo: null, invocationTokensToRedact: null); string result = textWriter.ToString(); result.Should().NotBeNull(); }
public void SarifLogger_RedactedCommandLine() { var sb = new StringBuilder(); // On a developer's machine, the script BuildAndTest.cmd runs the tests with a particular command line. // Under AppVeyor, the appveyor.yml file simply specifies the names of the test assemblies, and AppVeyor // constructs and executes its own, different command line. So, based on our knowledge of each of those // command lines, we select a different token to redact in each of those cases. // // // Sample test execution command-line from within VS. We will redact the 'TestExecution' role data // // "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 14.0\COMMON7\IDE\COMMONEXTENSIONS\MICROSOFT\TESTWINDOW\te.processhost.managed.exe" // /role=TestExecution /wexcommunication_connectionid=2B1B7D58-C573-45E8-8968-ED321963F0F6 // /stackframecount=50 /wexcommunication_protocol=ncalrpc // // Sample test execution from command-line when running test script. Will redact hostProcessId // // "C:\Program Files (x86\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\QTAgent32_40.exe\" // /agentKey a144e450-ac06-46d0-8365-c21ea7872d23 /hostProcessId 8024 /hostIpcPortName // eqt -60284c64-6bc1-3ecc-fb5f-a484bb1a2475" // // Sample test execution from Appveyor will redact 'Appveyor' // // pathToExe = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\Extensions // commandLine = vstest.console /logger:Appveyor "C:\projects\sarif-sdk\bld\bin\Sarif.UnitTests\AnyCPU_Release\Sarif.UnitTests.dll" using (var textWriter = new StringWriter(sb)) { string[] tokensToRedact = new string[] { }; string pathToExe = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().Location); string commandLine = Environment.CommandLine; if (pathToExe.IndexOf(@"\Extensions", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1) { string appVeyor = "Appveyor"; if (commandLine.IndexOf(appVeyor, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1) { // For Appveyor builds, redact the string Appveyor. tokensToRedact = new string[] { appVeyor }; } else { // The calling assembly lives in an \Extensions directory that hangs off // the directory of the test driver (the location of which we can't retrieve // from Assembly.GetEntryAssembly() as we are running in an AppDomain). pathToExe = pathToExe.Substring(0, pathToExe.Length - @"\Extensions".Length); tokensToRedact = new string[] { pathToExe }; } } else { string argumentToRedact = commandLine.Split(new string[] { @"/agentKey" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Trim(); argumentToRedact = argumentToRedact.Split(' ')[0]; tokensToRedact = new string[] { argumentToRedact }; } using (var sarifLogger = new SarifLogger( textWriter, analysisTargets: null, verbose: false, computeTargetsHash: false, logEnvironment: false, prereleaseInfo: null, invocationTokensToRedact: tokensToRedact)) { } string result = sb.ToString(); result.Split(new string[] { SarifConstants.RemovedMarker }, StringSplitOptions.None) .Length.Should().Be(tokensToRedact.Length + 1, "redacting n tokens gives you n+1 removal markers"); } }
public void SarifLogger_WritesSarifLoggerVersion() { var sb = new StringBuilder(); using (var textWriter = new StringWriter(sb)) { using (var sarifLogger = new SarifLogger( textWriter, analysisTargets: new string[] { @"foo.cpp" }, verbose: false, computeTargetsHash: false, logEnvironment: false, prereleaseInfo: null, invocationTokensToRedact: null)) { } } string result = sb.ToString(); var sarifLog = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SarifLog>(result); string sarifLoggerLocation = typeof(SarifLogger).Assembly.Location; string expectedVersion = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(sarifLoggerLocation).FileVersion; sarifLog.Runs[0].Tool.SarifLoggerVersion.Should().Be(expectedVersion); }
public void SarifLogger_WritesFileData() { var sb = new StringBuilder(); string file; using (var tempFile = new TempFile(".cpp")) using (var textWriter = new StringWriter(sb)) { file = tempFile.Name; File.WriteAllText(file, "#include \"windows.h\";"); using (var sarifLogger = new SarifLogger( textWriter, analysisTargets: new string[] { file }, verbose: false, computeTargetsHash: true, logEnvironment: false, prereleaseInfo: null, invocationTokensToRedact: null)) { } } string logText = sb.ToString(); string fileDataKey = new Uri(file).ToString(); var sarifLog = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SarifLog>(logText); sarifLog.Runs[0].Files[fileDataKey].MimeType.Should().Be(MimeType.Cpp); sarifLog.Runs[0].Files[fileDataKey].Hashes[0].Algorithm.Should().Be(AlgorithmKind.MD5); sarifLog.Runs[0].Files[fileDataKey].Hashes[0].Value.Should().Be("4B9DC12934390387862CC4AB5E4A2159"); sarifLog.Runs[0].Files[fileDataKey].Hashes[1].Algorithm.Should().Be(AlgorithmKind.Sha1); sarifLog.Runs[0].Files[fileDataKey].Hashes[1].Value.Should().Be("9B59B1C1E3F5F7013B10F6C6B7436293685BAACE"); sarifLog.Runs[0].Files[fileDataKey].Hashes[2].Algorithm.Should().Be(AlgorithmKind.Sha256); sarifLog.Runs[0].Files[fileDataKey].Hashes[2].Value.Should().Be("0953D7B3ADA7FED683680D2107EE517A9DBEC2D0AF7594A91F058D104B7A2AEB"); }
public void SarifLogger_ScrapesFilesFromResult() { var sb = new StringBuilder(); using (var textWriter = new StringWriter(sb)) { using (var sarifLogger = new SarifLogger( textWriter, analysisTargets: null, verbose: false, computeTargetsHash: true, logEnvironment: false, prereleaseInfo: null, invocationTokensToRedact: null)) { string ruleId = "RuleId"; var rule = new Rule() { Id = ruleId }; var result = new Result() { RuleId = ruleId, Locations = new[] { new Location { AnalysisTarget = new PhysicalLocation { Uri = new Uri(@"file:///file0.cpp")}, ResultFile = new PhysicalLocation { Uri = new Uri(@"file:///file1.cpp")} }, }, Fixes = new[] { new Fix { FileChanges = new[] { new FileChange { Uri = new Uri(@"file:///file2.cpp") } } } }, RelatedLocations = new[] { new AnnotatedCodeLocation { PhysicalLocation = new PhysicalLocation { Uri = new Uri(@"file:///file3.cpp")} } }, Stacks = new[] { new Stack { Frames = new[] { new StackFrame { Uri = new Uri(@"file:///file4.cpp") } } } }, CodeFlows = new[] { new CodeFlow { Locations = new[] { new AnnotatedCodeLocation { PhysicalLocation = new PhysicalLocation { Uri = new Uri(@"file:///file5.cpp")} } } } } }; sarifLogger.Log(rule, result); } } string logText = sb.ToString(); var sarifLog = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SarifLog>(logText); int fileCount = 6; for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; ++i) { string fileName = @"file" + i + ".cpp"; string fileDataKey = "file:///" + fileName; sarifLog.Runs[0].Files.Should().ContainKey(fileDataKey, "file data for " + fileName + " should exist in files collection"); } sarifLog.Runs[0].Files.Count.Should().Be(fileCount); }
public void SarifLogger_ResultAndRuleIdMismatch() { var sb = new StringBuilder(); using (var writer = new StringWriter(sb)) using (var sarifLogger = new SarifLogger(writer, verbose: true)) { var rule = new Rule() { Id = "ActualId" }; var result = new Result() { RuleId = "IncorrectRuleId", Message = "test message" }; sarifLogger.Log(rule, result); } }