コード例 #1
        public override SyntaxNode VisitPropertyDeclaration(PropertyDeclarationSyntax propertyDeclaration)
            // Check each node until we find the property in question. When we have it, we'll replace it with an Auto Property
            if (propertyDeclaration == this._fullProperty)
                // Create Empty getters and setters.
                var emptyGetter = SyntaxFactory.AccessorDeclaration(SyntaxKind.GetAccessorDeclaration).WithSemicolonToken(SyntaxFactory.Token(SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken));
                var emptySetter = SyntaxFactory.AccessorDeclaration(SyntaxKind.SetAccessorDeclaration).WithSemicolonToken(SyntaxFactory.Token(SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken));

                if (propertyDeclaration.HasGetter())
                    // Put the original Get modifier on the Auto property
                    emptyGetter = emptyGetter.WithModifiers(propertyDeclaration.GetGetter().Modifiers);
                    // Full property didn't have a getter, but no get in a Auto property makes no sense... We'll keep a get, but make it private
                    emptyGetter = emptyGetter.WithModifiers(SyntaxFactory.TokenList(SyntaxFactory.Token(SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword)));

                if (propertyDeclaration.HasSetter())
                    // Put the original Set modifier on the Auto property
                    emptySetter = emptySetter.WithModifiers(propertyDeclaration.GetSetter().Modifiers);
                    // Full property didn't have a setter, but no set in an Auto property makes no sense... We'll keep a set, but make it private
                    emptySetter = emptySetter.WithModifiers(SyntaxFactory.TokenList(SyntaxFactory.Token(SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword)));

                // Create a new auto property (without a body)
                var newProperty = _fullProperty.WithAccessorList(
                            SyntaxFactory.List(new[] { emptyGetter, emptySetter })));

                return newProperty;

            return base.VisitPropertyDeclaration(propertyDeclaration);
コード例 #2
        public override SyntaxNode VisitPropertyDeclaration(PropertyDeclarationSyntax property)
            // Check each node until we find the property in question. When we have it, we'll replace it with a Full Property
            if (property.IsEquivalentTo(this._crunchedProperty))
                AccessorDeclarationSyntax getter = null;
                AccessorDeclarationSyntax setter = null;

                SyntaxTokenList getterModifiers = default(SyntaxTokenList);
                SyntaxTokenList setterModifiers = default(SyntaxTokenList);

                bool hasGetter = false;
                bool hasSetter = false;

                if (property.IsExpressionProperty())
                    hasGetter = true;
                    hasGetter = property.HasGetter();
                    hasSetter = property.HasSetter();

                    if (hasGetter)
                        getterModifiers = property.GetGetter().Modifiers;
                    if (hasSetter)
                        setterModifiers = property.GetSetter().Modifiers;

                if (hasGetter) // Check if original Auto Property had a getter
                    // Create a new Getter with a body, returning a private field
                    getter = SyntaxFactory.AccessorDeclaration(SyntaxKind.GetAccessorDeclaration).WithBody(
                                        SyntaxFactory.ReturnStatement(SyntaxFactory.IdentifierName(this.PrivateFieldName))) // return field e.g. return _myProperty;
                                 .WithModifiers(getterModifiers) // Keep original modifiers
                if (hasSetter) // Check if original Auto Property had a setter
                    // Create a new Setter with a body, setter the private field
                    setter = SyntaxFactory.AccessorDeclaration(SyntaxKind.SetAccessorDeclaration).WithBody(
                                        SyntaxFactory.AssignmentExpression(SyntaxKind.SimpleAssignmentExpression, SyntaxFactory.IdentifierName(this.PrivateFieldName), SyntaxFactory.IdentifierName("value")))) // Assignment e.g. _myProperty = value
                             .WithModifiers(setterModifiers) // Keep original modifiers

                // Create a new property. Set the type and name
                var newProperty = SyntaxFactory.PropertyDeclaration(property.Type, property.Identifier.ValueText)
                    .WithModifiers(property.Modifiers); // use the modifier(s) of the original property

                // Add getter and setter to accessor list
                var accessors = new List<AccessorDeclarationSyntax>();
                if (getter != null)
                if (setter != null)

                // Put together the property with our built up accessors list
                newProperty = newProperty.WithAccessorList(

                return newProperty; // Returning our new property "replaces" the original

            return base.VisitPropertyDeclaration(property);