コード例 #1
        private static LambdaConversionResult IsAnonymousFunctionCompatibleWithExpressionTree(UnboundLambda anonymousFunction, NamedTypeSymbol type)
            Debug.Assert((object)anonymousFunction != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)type != null);

            // SPEC OMISSION:
            // The C# 3 spec said that anonymous methods and statement lambdas are *convertible* to expression tree
            // types if the anonymous method/statement lambda is convertible to its delegate type; however, actually
            // *using* such a conversion is an error. However, that is not what we implemented. In C# 3 we implemented
            // that an anonymous method is *not convertible* to an expression tree type, period. (Statement lambdas
            // used the rule described in the spec.)  
            // This appears to be a spec omission; the intention is to make old-style anonymous methods not 
            // convertible to expression trees.

            var delegateType = type.TypeArgumentsNoUseSiteDiagnostics[0];
            if (!delegateType.IsDelegateType())
                return LambdaConversionResult.ExpressionTreeMustHaveDelegateTypeArgument;

            if (anonymousFunction.Syntax.Kind == SyntaxKind.AnonymousMethodExpression)
                return LambdaConversionResult.ExpressionTreeFromAnonymousMethod;

            return IsAnonymousFunctionCompatibleWithDelegate(anonymousFunction, delegateType);