public static RuntimeBinderException ReportAccessError(SymWithType swtBad, Symbol symWhere, CType typeQual) { Debug.Assert(!CheckAccess(swtBad.Sym, swtBad.GetType(), symWhere, typeQual) || !CheckTypeAccess(swtBad.GetType(), symWhere)); return(CheckAccess2(swtBad.Sym, swtBad.GetType(), symWhere, typeQual) == ACCESSERROR.ACCESSERROR_NOACCESSTHRU ? ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_BadProtectedAccess, swtBad, typeQual, symWhere) : ErrorHandling.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAccess, swtBad)); }
public void ReportAccessError(SymWithType swtBad, Symbol symWhere, CType typeQual) { Debug.Assert(!CheckAccess(swtBad.Sym, swtBad.GetType(), symWhere, typeQual) || !CheckTypeAccess(swtBad.GetType(), symWhere)); if (CheckAccess2(swtBad.Sym, swtBad.GetType(), symWhere, typeQual) == ACCESSERROR.ACCESSERROR_NOACCESSTHRU) { ErrorContext.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_BadProtectedAccess, swtBad, typeQual, symWhere); } else { ErrorContext.ErrorRef(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAccess, swtBad); } }
private void ReportBogus(SymWithType swt) { Debug.Assert(swt.Sym.hasBogus() && swt.Sym.checkBogus()); switch (swt.Sym.getKind()) { case SYMKIND.SK_EventSymbol: break; case SYMKIND.SK_PropertySymbol: if (swt.Prop().useMethInstead) { MethodSymbol meth1 = swt.Prop().methGet; MethodSymbol meth2 = swt.Prop().methSet; ReportBogusForEventsAndProperties(swt, meth1, meth2); return; } break; case SYMKIND.SK_MethodSymbol: if (swt.Meth().name == NameManager.GetPredefinedName(PredefinedName.PN_INVOKE) && swt.Meth().getClass().IsDelegate()) { swt.Set(swt.Meth().getClass(), swt.GetType()); } break; default: break; } // Generic bogus error. GetErrorContext().ErrorRef(ErrorCode.ERR_BindToBogus, swt); }
private static RuntimeBinderException ReportBogus(SymWithType swt) { Debug.Assert(CSemanticChecker.CheckBogus(swt.Sym)); MethodSymbol meth1 = swt.Prop().GetterMethod; MethodSymbol meth2 = swt.Prop().SetterMethod; Debug.Assert((meth1 ?? meth2) != null); return(meth1 == null | meth2 == null ? ErrorHandling.Error( ErrorCode.ERR_BindToBogusProp1,, new SymWithType(meth1 ?? meth2, swt.GetType()), new ErrArgRefOnly(swt.Sym)) : ErrorHandling.Error( ErrorCode.ERR_BindToBogusProp2,, new SymWithType(meth1, swt.GetType()), new SymWithType(meth2, swt.GetType()), new ErrArgRefOnly(swt.Sym))); }
private void ReportBogus(SymWithType swt) { Debug.Assert(CSemanticChecker.CheckBogus(swt.Sym)); MethodSymbol meth1 = swt.Prop().GetterMethod; MethodSymbol meth2 = swt.Prop().SetterMethod; Debug.Assert((meth1 ?? meth2) != null); if (meth1 == null | meth2 == null) { GetErrorContext().Error( ErrorCode.ERR_BindToBogusProp1,, new SymWithType(meth1 ?? meth2, swt.GetType()), new ErrArgRefOnly(swt.Sym)); } else { GetErrorContext().Error( ErrorCode.ERR_BindToBogusProp2,, new SymWithType(meth1, swt.GetType()), new SymWithType(meth2, swt.GetType()), new ErrArgRefOnly(swt.Sym)); } }
private void ReportBogusForEventsAndProperties(SymWithType swt, MethodSymbol meth1, MethodSymbol meth2) { if (meth1 != null && meth2 != null) { GetErrorContext().Error(ErrorCode.ERR_BindToBogusProp2,, new SymWithType(meth1, swt.GetType()), new SymWithType(meth2, swt.GetType()), new ErrArgRefOnly(swt.Sym)); return; } if (meth1 != null || meth2 != null) { GetErrorContext().Error(ErrorCode.ERR_BindToBogusProp1,, new SymWithType(meth1 != null ? meth1 : meth2, swt.GetType()), new ErrArgRefOnly(swt.Sym)); return; } throw Error.InternalCompilerError(); }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private EXPREVENT CreateEvent( SymWithType swt, EXPR callingObject) { EventSymbol eventSymbol = swt.Event(); EXPREVENT e = _exprFactory.CreateEvent(eventSymbol.type, callingObject, new EventWithType(eventSymbol, swt.GetType())); return e; }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private EXPR CreateField( SymWithType swt, EXPR callingObject) { // For a field, simply create the EXPRFIELD and our caller takes care of the rest. FieldSymbol fieldSymbol = swt.Field(); CType returnType = fieldSymbol.GetType(); AggregateType fieldType = swt.GetType(); FieldWithType fwt = new FieldWithType(fieldSymbol, fieldType); EXPR field = _binder.BindToField(callingObject.isCLASS() ? null : callingObject, fwt, 0); return field; }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private EXPR CreateIndexer(SymWithType swt, EXPR callingObject, EXPR arguments, BindingFlag bindFlags) { IndexerSymbol index = swt.Sym as IndexerSymbol; AggregateType ctype = swt.GetType(); EXPRMEMGRP memgroup = CreateMemberGroupEXPR(, null, callingObject, SYMKIND.SK_PropertySymbol); EXPR result = _binder.BindMethodGroupToArguments(bindFlags, memgroup, arguments); return ReorderArgumentsForNamedAndOptional(callingObject, result); }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private EXPR CreateProperty( SymWithType swt, EXPR callingObject, BindingFlag flags) { // For a property, we simply create the EXPRPROP for the thing, call the // expression tree rewriter, rewrite it, and send it on its way. PropertySymbol property = swt.Prop(); AggregateType propertyType = swt.GetType(); PropWithType pwt = new PropWithType(property, propertyType); EXPRMEMGRP pMemGroup = CreateMemberGroupEXPR(, null, callingObject, SYMKIND.SK_PropertySymbol); return _binder.BindToProperty(// For a static property instance, don't set the object. callingObject.isCLASS() ? null : callingObject, pwt, flags, null, null, pMemGroup); }
private EXPR AdjustMemberObject(SymWithType swt, EXPR pObject, out bool pfConstrained, out bool pIsMatchingStatic) { // Assert that the type is present and is an instantiation of the member's parent. Debug.Assert(swt.GetType() != null && swt.GetType().getAggregate() == swt.Sym.parent.AsAggregateSymbol()); bool bIsMatchingStatic = IsMatchingStatic(swt, pObject); pIsMatchingStatic = bIsMatchingStatic; pfConstrained = false; bool isStatic = swt.Sym.isStatic; // If our static doesn't match, bail out of here. if (!bIsMatchingStatic) { if (isStatic) { // If we have a mismatched static, a static method, and the binding flag // that tells us we're binding simple names, then insert a type here instead. if ((pObject.flags & EXPRFLAG.EXF_SIMPLENAME) != 0) { // We've made the static match now. pIsMatchingStatic = true; return null; } else { ErrorContext.ErrorRef(ErrorCode.ERR_ObjectProhibited, swt); return null; } } else { ErrorContext.ErrorRef(ErrorCode.ERR_ObjectRequired, swt); return pObject; } } // At this point, all errors for static invocations have been reported, and // the object has been nulled out. So return out of here. if (isStatic) { return null; } // If we're in a constructor, then bail. if (swt.Sym.IsMethodSymbol() && swt.Meth().IsConstructor()) { return pObject; } if (pObject == null) { if (InFieldInitializer() && !InStaticMethod() && ContainingAgg() == swt.Sym.parent) { ErrorContext.ErrorRef(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldInitRefNonstatic, swt); // give better error message for common mistake <BUGNUM>See VS7:119218</BUGNUM> } else if (InAnonymousMethod() && !InStaticMethod() && ContainingAgg() == swt.Sym.parent && ContainingAgg().IsStruct()) { ErrorContext.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_ThisStructNotInAnonMeth); } else { return null; } // For fields or structs, make a this pointer for us to use. EXPRTHISPOINTER thisExpr = GetExprFactory().CreateThis(Context.GetThisPointer(), true); thisExpr.SetMismatchedStaticBit(); if (thisExpr.type == null) { thisExpr.setType(GetTypes().GetErrorSym()); } return thisExpr; } CType typeObj = pObject.type; CType typeTmp; if (typeObj.IsNullableType() && (typeTmp = typeObj.AsNullableType().GetAts(GetErrorContext())) != null && typeTmp != swt.GetType()) { typeObj = typeTmp; } if (typeObj.IsTypeParameterType() || typeObj.IsAggregateType()) { AggregateSymbol aggCalled = null; aggCalled = swt.Sym.parent.AsAggregateSymbol(); Debug.Assert(swt.GetType().getAggregate() == aggCalled); // If we're invoking code on a struct-valued field, mark the struct as assigned (to // avoid warning CS0649). if (pObject.isFIELD() && !pObject.asFIELD().fwt.Field().isAssigned && !swt.Sym.IsFieldSymbol() && typeObj.isStructType() && !typeObj.isPredefined()) { pObject.asFIELD().fwt.Field().isAssigned = true; } if (pfConstrained && (typeObj.IsTypeParameterType() || typeObj.isStructType() && swt.GetType().IsRefType() && swt.Sym.IsVirtual())) { // For calls on type parameters or virtual calls on struct types (not enums), // use the constrained prefix. pfConstrained = true; } EXPR objNew = tryConvert(pObject, swt.GetType(), CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC); // This check ensures that we do not bind to methods in an outer class // which are visible, but whose this pointer is of an incorrect type... // ... also handles case of calling an pObject method on a RefAny value. // WE don't give a great message for this, but it'll do. if (objNew == null) { if (!pObject.type.isSpecialByRefType()) { ErrorContext.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_WrongNestedThis, swt.GetType(), pObject.type); } else { ErrorContext.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConv, pObject.type, swt.GetType()); } } pObject = objNew; } return pObject; }
private void ReportBogus(SymWithType swt) { Debug.Assert(swt.Sym.hasBogus() && swt.Sym.checkBogus()); switch (swt.Sym.getKind()) { case SYMKIND.SK_EventSymbol: break; case SYMKIND.SK_PropertySymbol: if (swt.Prop().useMethInstead) { MethodSymbol meth1 = swt.Prop().methGet; MethodSymbol meth2 = swt.Prop().methSet; ReportBogusForEventsAndProperties(swt, meth1, meth2); return; } break; case SYMKIND.SK_MethodSymbol: if (swt.Meth().name == GetSymbolLoader().GetNameManager().GetPredefName(PredefinedName.PN_INVOKE) && swt.Meth().getClass().IsDelegate()) { swt.Set(swt.Meth().getClass(), swt.GetType()); } break; default: break; } // Generic bogus error. GetErrorContext().ErrorRef(ErrorCode.ERR_BindToBogus, swt); }