///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Expression types. private ExprBinOp VisitBoundLambda(ExprBoundLambda anonmeth) { Debug.Assert(anonmeth != null); MethodSymbol lambdaMethod = GetPreDefMethod(PREDEFMETH.PM_EXPRESSION_LAMBDA); AggregateType delegateType = anonmeth.DelegateType; TypeArray lambdaTypeParams = GetSymbolLoader().getBSymmgr().AllocParams(1, new CType[] { delegateType }); AggregateType expressionType = GetSymbolLoader().GetPredefindType(PredefinedType.PT_EXPRESSION); MethWithInst mwi = new MethWithInst(lambdaMethod, expressionType, lambdaTypeParams); Expr createParameters = CreateWraps(anonmeth); Debug.Assert(createParameters != null); Debug.Assert(anonmeth.Expression != null); Expr body = Visit(anonmeth.Expression); Debug.Assert(anonmeth.ArgumentScope.nextChild == null); Expr parameters = GenerateParamsArray(null, PredefinedType.PT_PARAMETEREXPRESSION); Expr args = GetExprFactory().CreateList(body, parameters); CType typeRet = GetSymbolLoader().GetTypeManager().SubstType(mwi.Meth().RetType, mwi.GetType(), mwi.TypeArgs); ExprMemberGroup pMemGroup = GetExprFactory().CreateMemGroup(null, mwi); ExprCall call = GetExprFactory().CreateCall(0, typeRet, args, pMemGroup, mwi); call.PredefinedMethod = PREDEFMETH.PM_EXPRESSION_LAMBDA; return(GetExprFactory().CreateSequence(createParameters, call)); }
// Value public Expr BindValue(Expr exprSrc) { Debug.Assert(exprSrc != null && exprSrc.Type is NullableType); // For new T?(x), the answer is x. if (IsNullableConstructor(exprSrc, out ExprCall call)) { var args = call.OptionalArguments; Debug.Assert(args != null && !(args is ExprList)); return(args); } NullableType nubSrc = (NullableType)exprSrc.Type; CType typeBase = nubSrc.GetUnderlyingType(); AggregateType ats = nubSrc.GetAts(); PropertySymbol prop = GetSymbolLoader().getBSymmgr().propNubValue; if (prop == null) { prop = GetSymbolLoader().getPredefinedMembers().GetProperty(PREDEFPROP.PP_G_OPTIONAL_VALUE); Debug.Assert(prop != null); GetSymbolLoader().getBSymmgr().propNubValue = prop; } PropWithType pwt = new PropWithType(prop, ats); MethPropWithInst mpwi = new MethPropWithInst(prop, ats); ExprMemberGroup pMemGroup = GetExprFactory().CreateMemGroup(exprSrc, mpwi); return(GetExprFactory().CreateProperty(typeBase, null, null, pMemGroup, pwt, null)); }
public ExprProperty CreateProperty(CType pType, Expr pOptionalObject) { MethPropWithInst mwi = new MethPropWithInst(); ExprMemberGroup pMemGroup = CreateMemGroup(pOptionalObject, mwi); return(CreateProperty(pType, null, null, pMemGroup, null, null, null)); }
public ExprMemberGroup CreateMemGroup(EXPRFLAG nFlags, Name pName, TypeArray pTypeArgs, SYMKIND symKind, CType pTypePar, MethodOrPropertySymbol pMPS, Expr pObject, CMemberLookupResults memberLookupResults) { Debug.Assert(0 == (nFlags & ~( EXPRFLAG.EXF_CTOR | EXPRFLAG.EXF_INDEXER | EXPRFLAG.EXF_OPERATOR | EXPRFLAG.EXF_NEWOBJCALL | EXPRFLAG.EXF_BASECALL | EXPRFLAG.EXF_DELEGATE | EXPRFLAG.EXF_USERCALLABLE | EXPRFLAG.EXF_MASK_ANY ) )); ExprMemberGroup rval = new ExprMemberGroup(); rval.Kind = ExpressionKind.EK_MEMGRP; rval.Type = GetTypes().GetMethGrpType(); rval.Flags = nFlags; rval.name = pName; rval.typeArgs = pTypeArgs; rval.sk = symKind; rval.ParentType = pTypePar; rval.OptionalObject = pObject; rval.MemberLookupResults = memberLookupResults; rval.OptionalLHS = null; if (rval.typeArgs == null) { rval.typeArgs = BSYMMGR.EmptyTypeArray(); } Debug.Assert(rval != null); return(rval); }
public ExprCall(CType type, EXPRFLAG flags, Expr arguments, ExprMemberGroup member, MethWithInst method) : base(ExpressionKind.Call, type) { Debug.Assert( (flags & ~(EXPRFLAG.EXF_NEWOBJCALL | EXPRFLAG.EXF_CONSTRAINED | EXPRFLAG.EXF_NEWSTRUCTASSG | EXPRFLAG.EXF_IMPLICITSTRUCTASSG | EXPRFLAG.EXF_MASK_ANY)) == 0); Flags = flags; OptionalArguments = arguments; MemberGroup = member; NullableCallLiftKind = NullableCallLiftKind.NotLifted; MethWithInst = method; }
// Create an expr for new T?(exprSrc) where T is exprSrc.type. private static ExprCall BindNubNew(Expr exprSrc) { Debug.Assert(exprSrc != null); NullableType pNubSourceType = TypeManager.GetNullable(exprSrc.Type); AggregateType pSourceType = pNubSourceType.GetAts(); MethodSymbol meth = PredefinedMembers.GetMethod(PREDEFMETH.PM_G_OPTIONAL_CTOR); MethWithInst methwithinst = new MethWithInst(meth, pSourceType, TypeArray.Empty); ExprMemberGroup memgroup = ExprFactory.CreateMemGroup(null, methwithinst); return(ExprFactory.CreateCall(EXPRFLAG.EXF_NEWOBJCALL | EXPRFLAG.EXF_CANTBENULL, pNubSourceType, exprSrc, memgroup, methwithinst)); }
private Expr GenerateDelegateInvoke(ExprCall expr) { Debug.Assert(expr != null); ExprMemberGroup memberGroup = expr.MemberGroup; Debug.Assert(memberGroup.IsDelegate); Expr oldObject = memberGroup.OptionalObject; Debug.Assert(oldObject != null); Expr pObject = Visit(oldObject); Expr args = GenerateArgsList(expr.OptionalArguments); Expr Params = GenerateParamsArray(args, PredefinedType.PT_EXPRESSION); return(GenerateCall(PREDEFMETH.PM_EXPRESSION_INVOKE, pObject, Params)); }
private ExprCall GenerateCall(PREDEFMETH pdm, Expr arg1, Expr arg2, Expr arg3, Expr arg4) { MethodSymbol method = GetPreDefMethod(pdm); if (method == null) { return(null); } AggregateType expressionType = GetSymbolLoader().GetPredefindType(PredefinedType.PT_EXPRESSION); Expr args = GetExprFactory().CreateList(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); MethWithInst mwi = new MethWithInst(method, expressionType); ExprMemberGroup pMemGroup = GetExprFactory().CreateMemGroup(null, mwi); ExprCall call = GetExprFactory().CreateCall(0, mwi.Meth().RetType, args, pMemGroup, mwi); call.PredefinedMethod = pdm; return(call); }
private ExprCall GenerateCall(PREDEFMETH pdm, Expr arg1) { MethodSymbol method = GetPreDefMethod(pdm); // this should be enforced in an earlier pass and the transform pass should not // be handling this error if (method == null) { return(null); } AggregateType expressionType = GetSymbolLoader().GetPredefindType(PredefinedType.PT_EXPRESSION); MethWithInst mwi = new MethWithInst(method, expressionType); ExprMemberGroup pMemGroup = GetExprFactory().CreateMemGroup(null, mwi); ExprCall call = GetExprFactory().CreateCall(0, mwi.Meth().RetType, arg1, pMemGroup, mwi); call.PredefinedMethod = pdm; return(call); }
// Value public Expr BindValue(Expr exprSrc) { Debug.Assert(exprSrc != null && exprSrc.Type.IsNullableType()); // For new T?(x), the answer is x. if (IsNullableConstructor(exprSrc, out ExprCall call)) { var args = call.OptionalArguments; Debug.Assert(args != null && !(args is ExprList)); return(args); } CType typeBase = exprSrc.Type.AsNullableType().GetUnderlyingType(); AggregateType ats = exprSrc.Type.AsNullableType().GetAts(GetErrorContext()); if (ats == null) { ExprProperty rval = GetExprFactory().CreateProperty(typeBase, exprSrc); rval.SetError(); return(rval); } PropertySymbol prop = GetSymbolLoader().getBSymmgr().propNubValue; if (prop == null) { prop = GetSymbolLoader().getPredefinedMembers().GetProperty(PREDEFPROP.PP_G_OPTIONAL_VALUE); GetSymbolLoader().getBSymmgr().propNubValue = prop; } PropWithType pwt = new PropWithType(prop, ats); MethWithType mwt = new MethWithType(prop?.methGet, ats); MethPropWithInst mpwi = new MethPropWithInst(prop, ats); ExprMemberGroup pMemGroup = GetExprFactory().CreateMemGroup(exprSrc, mpwi); ExprProperty exprRes = GetExprFactory().CreateProperty(typeBase, null, null, pMemGroup, pwt, mwt, null); if (prop == null) { exprRes.SetError(); } return(exprRes); }
// If we have this.prop = 123, but the implementation of the property is in the // base class, then the object is of the base class type. Note that to get // the object, we must go through the MEMGRP. // // "throughObject" is // of the type we are actually calling through. (We need to know the // "through" type to ensure that protected semantics are correctly enforced.) public ExprProperty(CType type, Expr pOptionalObjectThrough, Expr pOptionalArguments, ExprMemberGroup pMemberGroup, PropWithType pwtSlot, MethWithType mwtSet) : base(ExpressionKind.Property, type) { OptionalObjectThrough = pOptionalObjectThrough; OptionalArguments = pOptionalArguments; MemberGroup = pMemberGroup; if (pwtSlot != null) { PropWithTypeSlot = pwtSlot; } if (mwtSet != null) { MethWithTypeSet = mwtSet; if (!HasIsExternalInitModifier(mwtSet)) { Flags = EXPRFLAG.EXF_LVALUE; } } }
public ExprCall BindNew(Expr pExprSrc) { Debug.Assert(pExprSrc != null); NullableType pNubSourceType = GetSymbolLoader().GetTypeManager().GetNullable(pExprSrc.Type); AggregateType pSourceType = pNubSourceType.GetAts(); MethodSymbol meth = GetSymbolLoader().getBSymmgr().methNubCtor; if (meth == null) { meth = GetSymbolLoader().getPredefinedMembers().GetMethod(PREDEFMETH.PM_G_OPTIONAL_CTOR); Debug.Assert(meth != null); GetSymbolLoader().getBSymmgr().methNubCtor = meth; } MethWithInst methwithinst = new MethWithInst(meth, pSourceType, BSYMMGR.EmptyTypeArray()); ExprMemberGroup memgroup = GetExprFactory().CreateMemGroup(null, methwithinst); return(GetExprFactory().CreateCall(EXPRFLAG.EXF_NEWOBJCALL | EXPRFLAG.EXF_CANTBENULL, pNubSourceType, pExprSrc, memgroup, methwithinst)); }
public ExprProperty CreateProperty(CType pType, Expr pOptionalObjectThrough, Expr pOptionalArguments, ExprMemberGroup pMemberGroup, PropWithType pwtSlot, MethWithType mwtGet, MethWithType mwtSet) { ExprProperty rval = new ExprProperty(pType); rval.OptionalObjectThrough = pOptionalObjectThrough; rval.OptionalArguments = pOptionalArguments; rval.MemberGroup = pMemberGroup; if (pwtSlot != null) { rval.PropWithTypeSlot = pwtSlot; } if (mwtSet != null) { rval.MethWithTypeSet = mwtSet; } return(rval); }
protected override Expr VisitCALL(ExprCall expr) { Debug.Assert(expr != null); switch (expr.NullableCallLiftKind) { default: break; case NullableCallLiftKind.NullableIntermediateConversion: case NullableCallLiftKind.NullableConversion: case NullableCallLiftKind.NullableConversionConstructor: return(GenerateConversion(expr.OptionalArguments, expr.Type, expr.isChecked())); case NullableCallLiftKind.NotLiftedIntermediateConversion: case NullableCallLiftKind.UserDefinedConversion: return(GenerateUserDefinedConversion(expr.OptionalArguments, expr.Type, expr.MethWithInst)); } if (expr.MethWithInst.Meth().IsConstructor()) { return(GenerateConstructor(expr)); } ExprMemberGroup memberGroup = expr.MemberGroup; if (memberGroup.IsDelegate) { return(GenerateDelegateInvoke(expr)); } Expr pObject; if (expr.MethWithInst.Meth().isStatic || expr.MemberGroup.OptionalObject == null) { pObject = GetExprFactory().CreateNull(); } else { pObject = expr.MemberGroup.OptionalObject; // If we have, say, an int? which is the object of a call to ToString // then we do NOT want to generate ((object)i).ToString() because that // will convert a null-valued int? to a null object. Rather what we want // to do is box it to a ValueType and call ValueType.ToString. // // To implement this we say that if the object of the call is an implicit boxing cast // then just generate the object, not the cast. If the cast is explicit in the // source code then it will be an EXPLICITCAST and we will visit it normally. // // It might be better to rewrite the expression tree API so that it // can handle in the general case all implicit boxing conversions. Right now it // requires that all arguments to a call that need to be boxed be explicitly boxed. if (pObject != null && pObject is ExprCast cast && cast.IsBoxingCast) { pObject = cast.Argument; } pObject = Visit(pObject); } Expr methodInfo = GetExprFactory().CreateMethodInfo(expr.MethWithInst); Expr args = GenerateArgsList(expr.OptionalArguments); Expr Params = GenerateParamsArray(args, PredefinedType.PT_EXPRESSION); PREDEFMETH pdm = PREDEFMETH.PM_EXPRESSION_CALL; Debug.Assert(!expr.MethWithInst.Meth().isVirtual || expr.MemberGroup.OptionalObject != null); return(GenerateCall(pdm, pObject, methodInfo, Params)); }
public ExprProperty CreateProperty(CType pType, Expr pOptionalObjectThrough, Expr pOptionalArguments, ExprMemberGroup pMemberGroup, PropWithType pwtSlot, MethWithType mwtGet, MethWithType mwtSet) { ExprProperty rval = new ExprProperty(); rval.Kind = ExpressionKind.EK_PROP; rval.Type = pType; rval.Flags = 0; rval.OptionalObjectThrough = pOptionalObjectThrough; rval.OptionalArguments = pOptionalArguments; rval.MemberGroup = pMemberGroup; if (pwtSlot != null) { rval.PropWithTypeSlot = pwtSlot; } if (mwtSet != null) { rval.MethWithTypeSet = mwtSet; } Debug.Assert(rval != null); return(rval); }
/*************************************************************************************************** * Called by BindImplicitConversion when the destination type is Nullable<T>. The following * conversions are handled by this method: * * For S in { object, ValueType, interfaces implemented by underlying type} there is an explicit * unboxing conversion S => T? * System.Enum => T? there is an unboxing conversion if T is an enum type * null => T? implemented as default(T?) * * Implicit T?* => T?+ implemented by either wrapping or calling GetValueOrDefault the * appropriate number of times. * If imp/exp S => T then imp/exp S => T?+ implemented by converting to T then wrapping the * appropriate number of times. * If imp/exp S => T then imp/exp S?+ => T?+ implemented by calling GetValueOrDefault (m-1) times * then calling HasValue, producing a null if it returns false, otherwise calling Value, * converting to T then wrapping the appropriate number of times. * * The 3 rules above can be summarized with the following recursive rules: * * If imp/exp S => T? then imp/exp S? => T? implemented as * qs.HasValue ? (T?)(qs.Value) : default(T?) * If imp/exp S => T then imp/exp S => T? implemented as new T?((T)s) * * This method also handles calling bindUserDefinedConverion. This method does NOT handle * the following conversions: * * Implicit boxing conversion from S? to { object, ValueType, Enum, ifaces implemented by S }. (Handled by BindImplicitConversion.) * If imp/exp S => T then explicit S?+ => T implemented by calling Value the appropriate number * of times. (Handled by BindExplicitConversion.) * * The recursive equivalent is: * * If imp/exp S => T and T is not nullable then explicit S? => T implemented as qs.Value * * Some nullable conversion are NOT standard conversions. In particular, if S => T is implicit * then S? => T is not standard. Similarly if S => T is not implicit then S => T? is not standard. ***************************************************************************************************/ private bool BindNubConversion(NullableType nubDst) { // This code assumes that STANDARD and ISEXPLICIT are never both set. // bindUserDefinedConversion should ensure this! Debug.Assert(0 != (~_flags & (CONVERTTYPE.STANDARD | CONVERTTYPE.ISEXPLICIT))); Debug.Assert(_exprSrc == null || _exprSrc.Type == _typeSrc); Debug.Assert(!_needsExprDest || _exprSrc != null); Debug.Assert(_typeSrc != nubDst); // BindImplicitConversion should have taken care of this already. AggregateType atsDst = nubDst.GetAts(); // Check for the unboxing conversion. This takes precedence over the wrapping conversions. if (GetSymbolLoader().HasBaseConversion(nubDst.GetUnderlyingType(), _typeSrc) && !CConversions.FWrappingConv(_typeSrc, nubDst)) { // These should be different! Fix the caller if typeSrc is an AggregateType of Nullable. Debug.Assert(atsDst != _typeSrc); // typeSrc is a base type of the destination nullable type so there is an explicit // unboxing conversion. if (0 == (_flags & CONVERTTYPE.ISEXPLICIT)) { return(false); } if (_needsExprDest) { _binder.bindSimpleCast(_exprSrc, _typeDest, out _exprDest, EXPRFLAG.EXF_UNBOX); } return(true); } bool dstWasNullable; bool srcWasNullable; CType typeDstBase = nubDst.StripNubs(out dstWasNullable); CType typeSrcBase = _typeSrc.StripNubs(out srcWasNullable); ConversionFunc pfn = (_flags & CONVERTTYPE.ISEXPLICIT) != 0 ? (ConversionFunc)_binder.BindExplicitConversion : (ConversionFunc)_binder.BindImplicitConversion; if (!srcWasNullable) { Debug.Assert(_typeSrc == typeSrcBase); // The null type can be implicitly converted to T? as the default value. if (_typeSrc is NullType) { // If we have the constant null, generate it as a default value of T?. If we have // some crazy expression which has been determined to be always null, like (null??null) // keep it in its expression form and transform it in the nullable rewrite pass. if (_needsExprDest) { if (_exprSrc.isCONSTANT_OK()) { _exprDest = GetExprFactory().CreateZeroInit(nubDst); } else { _exprDest = GetExprFactory().CreateCast(_typeDest, _exprSrc); } } return(true); } Expr exprTmp = _exprSrc; // If there is an implicit/explicit S => T then there is an implicit/explicit S => T? if (_typeSrc == typeDstBase || pfn(_exprSrc, _typeSrc, typeDstBase, _needsExprDest, out exprTmp, _flags | CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC)) { if (_needsExprDest) { ExprUserDefinedConversion exprUDC = exprTmp as ExprUserDefinedConversion; if (exprUDC != null) { exprTmp = exprUDC.UserDefinedCall; } if (dstWasNullable) { ExprCall call = _binder.BindNubNew(exprTmp); exprTmp = call; call.NullableCallLiftKind = NullableCallLiftKind.NullableConversionConstructor; } if (exprUDC != null) { exprUDC.UserDefinedCall = exprTmp; exprTmp = exprUDC; } Debug.Assert(exprTmp.Type == nubDst); _exprDest = exprTmp; } return(true); } // No builtin conversion. Maybe there is a user defined conversion.... return(0 == (_flags & CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC) && _binder.bindUserDefinedConversion(_exprSrc, _typeSrc, nubDst, _needsExprDest, out _exprDest, 0 == (_flags & CONVERTTYPE.ISEXPLICIT))); } // Both are Nullable so there is only a conversion if there is a conversion between the base types. // That is, if there is an implicit/explicit S => T then there is an implicit/explicit S?+ => T?+. if (typeSrcBase != typeDstBase && !pfn(null, typeSrcBase, typeDstBase, false, out _exprDest, _flags | CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC)) { // No builtin conversion. Maybe there is a user defined conversion.... return(0 == (_flags & CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC) && _binder.bindUserDefinedConversion(_exprSrc, _typeSrc, nubDst, _needsExprDest, out _exprDest, 0 == (_flags & CONVERTTYPE.ISEXPLICIT))); } if (_needsExprDest) { MethWithInst mwi = new MethWithInst(null, null); ExprMemberGroup pMemGroup = GetExprFactory().CreateMemGroup(null, mwi); ExprCall exprDst = GetExprFactory().CreateCall(0, nubDst, _exprSrc, pMemGroup, null); // Here we want to first check whether or not the conversions work on the base types. Expr arg1 = _binder.mustCast(_exprSrc, typeSrcBase); bool convertible = (_flags & CONVERTTYPE.ISEXPLICIT) != 0 ? _binder.BindExplicitConversion( arg1, arg1.Type, typeDstBase, out arg1, _flags | CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC) : _binder.BindImplicitConversion( arg1, arg1.Type, typeDstBase, out arg1, _flags | CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC); if (!convertible) { Debug.Fail("bind(Im|Ex)plicitConversion failed unexpectedly"); return(false); } exprDst.CastOfNonLiftedResultToLiftedType = _binder.mustCast(arg1, nubDst, 0); exprDst.NullableCallLiftKind = NullableCallLiftKind.NullableConversion; exprDst.PConversions = exprDst.CastOfNonLiftedResultToLiftedType; _exprDest = exprDst; } return(true); }
protected virtual Expr VisitMEMGRP(ExprMemberGroup pExpr) { return(VisitEXPR(pExpr)); }
public static ExprProperty CreateProperty(CType type, Expr optionalObjectThrough, Expr arguments, ExprMemberGroup memberGroup, PropWithType property, MethWithType setMethod) => new ExprProperty(type, optionalObjectThrough, arguments, memberGroup, property, setMethod);
public static ExprCall CreateCall(EXPRFLAG flags, CType type, Expr arguments, ExprMemberGroup memberGroup, MethWithInst method) => new ExprCall(type, flags, arguments, memberGroup, method);
public ExprCall CreateCall(EXPRFLAG nFlags, CType pType, Expr pOptionalArguments, ExprMemberGroup pMemberGroup, MethWithInst MWI) { Debug.Assert(0 == (nFlags & ~( EXPRFLAG.EXF_NEWOBJCALL | EXPRFLAG.EXF_CONSTRAINED | EXPRFLAG.EXF_BASECALL | EXPRFLAG.EXF_NEWSTRUCTASSG | EXPRFLAG.EXF_IMPLICITSTRUCTASSG | EXPRFLAG.EXF_MASK_ANY ) )); ExprCall rval = new ExprCall(); rval.Kind = ExpressionKind.EK_CALL; rval.Type = pType; rval.Flags = nFlags; rval.OptionalArguments = pOptionalArguments; rval.MemberGroup = pMemberGroup; rval.NullableCallLiftKind = NullableCallLiftKind.NotLifted; rval.CastOfNonLiftedResultToLiftedType = null; rval.MethWithInst = MWI; Debug.Assert(rval != null); return(rval); }