public void RemoveReceiveEndpoint(string Url) { if (!this.Initialized) { throw new NotInitialized(); } ReceiverEndpoint endpoint = (ReceiverEndpoint)this.endpoints[Url]; if (null == endpoint) { return; } this.endpoints.Remove(Url); endpoint.Dispose(); }
public void UpdateEndpointConfig(string Url, IPropertyBag pConfig, IPropertyBag pBizTalkConfig) { if (!this.Initialized) { throw new NotInitialized(); } ReceiverEndpoint endpoint = (ReceiverEndpoint)this.endpoints[Url]; if (null == endpoint) { throw new EndpointNotExists(Url); } // delegate the update call to the endpoint instance itself endpoint.Update(pConfig, pBizTalkConfig, this.HandlerPropertyBag); }
// IBTTransportConfig public void AddReceiveEndpoint(string Url, IPropertyBag pConfig, IPropertyBag pBizTalkConfig) { if (!this.Initialized) { throw new NotInitialized(); } if (this.endpoints.ContainsKey(Url)) { throw new EndpointExists(Url); } ReceiverEndpoint endpoint = (ReceiverEndpoint)Activator.CreateInstance(this.endpointType); if (null == endpoint) { throw new CreateEndpointFailed(this.endpointType.FullName, Url); } endpoint.Open(Url, pConfig, pBizTalkConfig, this.HandlerPropertyBag, this.TransportProxy, this.TransportType, this.PropertyNamespace, this.control); this.endpoints[Url] = endpoint; }