private static void RowValuesToConditions(RowValues values, BulkCampaignProductScope c) { var product = (ProductScope)c.CampaignCriterion.Criterion; product.Conditions = new List <ProductCondition>(); ProductConditionHelper.AddConditionsFromRowValues(values, product.Conditions); }
private static void ConditionsToRowValues(BulkCampaignProductScope c, RowValues values) { if (c.CampaignCriterion.Criterion == null) { return; } var product = (ProductScope)c.CampaignCriterion.Criterion; if (product.Conditions == null) { return; } ProductConditionHelper.AddRowValuesFromConditions(product.Conditions, values); }
public async override Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData) { try { #region CampaignThroughAdGroupSetup // You will need to use the Campaign Management service to get the Bing Merchant Center Store Id. This will be used // when creating a new Bing Shopping Campaign. // For other operations such as adding product conditions, you can manage Bing Shopping Campaigns solely with the Bulk Service. CampaignService = new ServiceClient<ICampaignManagementService>(authorizationData); // Get a list of all Bing Merchant Center stores associated with your CustomerId IList<BMCStore> stores = await GetBMCStoresByCustomerIdAsync(); if (stores == null) { OutputStatusMessage( String.Format("You do not have any BMC stores registered for CustomerId {0}.\n", authorizationData.CustomerId) ); return; } BulkService = new BulkServiceManager(authorizationData); var progress = new Progress<BulkOperationProgressInfo>(x => OutputStatusMessage(String.Format("{0} % Complete", x.PercentComplete.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)))); const int campaignIdKey = -123; const int adGroupIdKey = -1234; var uploadEntities = new List<BulkEntity>(); /* Add a new Bing Shopping campaign that will be associated with a ProductScope criterion. * - Set the CampaignType element of the Campaign to Shopping. * - Create a ShoppingSetting instance and set its Priority (0, 1, or 2), SalesCountryCode, and StoreId elements. * Add this shopping setting to the Settings list of the Campaign. */ var bulkCampaign = new BulkCampaign { // ClientId may be used to associate records in the bulk upload file with records in the results file. The value of this field // is not used or stored by the server; it is simply copied from the uploaded record to the corresponding result record. // Note: This bulk file Client Id is not related to an application Client Id for OAuth. ClientId = "YourClientIdGoesHere", Campaign = new Campaign { // When using the Campaign Management service, the Id cannot be set. In the context of a BulkCampaign, the Id is optional // and may be used as a negative reference key during bulk upload. For example the same negative value set for the campaign Id // will be used when associating this new campaign with a new campaign product scope in the BulkCampaignProductScope object below. Id = campaignIdKey, CampaignType = CampaignType.Shopping, Settings = new[] { new ShoppingSetting() { Priority = 0, SalesCountryCode = "US", StoreId = (int)stores[0].Id } }, Name = "Bing Shopping Campaign " + DateTime.UtcNow, Description = "Bing Shopping Campaign Example.", BudgetType = BudgetLimitType.MonthlyBudgetSpendUntilDepleted, MonthlyBudget = 1000.00, TimeZone = "PacificTimeUSCanadaTijuana", // DaylightSaving is not supported in the Bulk file schema. Whether or not you specify it in a BulkCampaign, // the value is not written to the Bulk file, and by default DaylightSaving is set to true. DaylightSaving = true, } }; /* Optionally, you can create a ProductScope criterion that will be associated with your Bing Shopping campaign. * Use the product scope criterion to include a subset of your product catalog, for example a specific brand, * category, or product type. A campaign can only be associated with one ProductScope, which contains a list * of up to 7 ProductCondition. You'll also be able to specify more specific product conditions for each ad group. */ var bulkCampaignProductScope = new BulkCampaignProductScope { CampaignCriterion = new CampaignCriterion() { CampaignId = campaignIdKey, BidAdjustment = null, // Reserved for future use Criterion = new ProductScope() { Conditions = new ProductCondition[] { new ProductCondition { Operand = "Condition", Attribute = "New" }, new ProductCondition { Operand = "CustomLabel0", Attribute = "MerchantDefinedCustomLabel" }, } }, }, Status = Status.Active, }; // Specify one or more ad groups. var bulkAdGroup = new BulkAdGroup { CampaignId = campaignIdKey, AdGroup = new AdGroup { Id = adGroupIdKey, Name = "Product Categories", AdDistribution = AdDistribution.Search, BiddingModel = BiddingModel.Keyword, PricingModel = PricingModel.Cpc, StartDate = null, EndDate = new Microsoft.BingAds.V10.CampaignManagement.Date { Month = 12, Day = 31, Year = 2016 }, Language = "English", Status = AdGroupStatus.Active }, }; /* * Create a product ad. You must add at least one ProductAd to the corresponding ad group. * A ProductAd is not used directly for delivered ad copy. Instead, the delivery engine generates * product ads from the product details that it finds in your Bing Merchant Center store's product catalog. * The primary purpose of the ProductAd object is to provide promotional text that the delivery engine * adds to the product ads that it generates. For example, if the promotional text is set to * “Free shipping on $99 purchases”, the delivery engine will set the product ad’s description to * “Free shipping on $99 purchases.” */ var bulkProductAd = new BulkProductAd { AdGroupId = adGroupIdKey, ProductAd = new ProductAd { PromotionalText = "Free shipping on $99 purchases." } }; uploadEntities.Add(bulkCampaign); uploadEntities.Add(bulkAdGroup); uploadEntities.Add(bulkCampaignProductScope); uploadEntities.Add(bulkProductAd); // Write the upload output var Reader = await UploadEntities(uploadEntities); var bulkEntities = Reader.ReadEntities().ToList(); var campaignResults = bulkEntities.OfType<BulkCampaign>().ToList(); OutputBulkCampaigns(campaignResults); var adGroupResults = bulkEntities.OfType<BulkAdGroup>().ToList(); OutputBulkAdGroups(adGroupResults); var productAdResults = bulkEntities.OfType<BulkProductAd>().ToList(); OutputBulkProductAds(productAdResults); var campaignProductScopeResults = bulkEntities.OfType<BulkCampaignProductScope>().ToList(); OutputBulkCampaignProductScopes(campaignProductScopeResults); Reader.Dispose(); #endregion CampaignThroughAdGroupSetup #region BidAllProducts var adGroupId = (long)adGroupResults[0].AdGroup.Id; var helper = new ProductPartitionHelper(adGroupId); var root = helper.AddUnit( null, new ProductCondition { Operand = "All", Attribute = null }, 0.35, false, "root" ); OutputStatusMessage("Applying only the root as a Unit with a bid . . . \n"); var applyBulkProductPartitionActionsResults = await ApplyBulkProductPartitionActions(helper.PartitionActions); var productPartitions = await GetBulkAdGroupProductPartitionTree(adGroupId); OutputStatusMessage("The ad group's product partition only has a tree root node: \n"); OutputProductPartitions(productPartitions); /* * Let's update the bid of the root Unit we just added. */ var updatedRoot = GetNodeByClientId(applyBulkProductPartitionActionsResults, "root"); var bid = new FixedBid { Bid = new Bid { Amount = 0.45 } }; ((BiddableAdGroupCriterion)(updatedRoot.AdGroupCriterion)).CriterionBid = bid; helper = new ProductPartitionHelper(adGroupId); helper.UpdatePartition(updatedRoot); OutputStatusMessage("Updating the bid for the tree root node . . . \n"); await ApplyBulkProductPartitionActions(helper.PartitionActions); productPartitions = await GetBulkAdGroupProductPartitionTree(adGroupId); OutputStatusMessage("Updated the bid for the tree root node: \n"); OutputProductPartitions(productPartitions); #endregion BidAllProducts #region InitializeTree /* * Now we will overwrite any existing tree root, and build a product partition group tree structure in multiple steps. * You could build the entire tree in a single call since there are less than 20,000 nodes; however, * we will build it in steps to demonstrate how to use the results from bulk upload to update the tree. * * For a list of validation rules, see the Bing Shopping Campaigns technical guide: * */ helper = new ProductPartitionHelper(adGroupId); /* * Check whether a root node exists already. */ var existingRoot = GetNodeByClientId(applyBulkProductPartitionActionsResults, "root"); if (existingRoot != null) { existingRoot.ClientId = "deletedroot"; helper.DeletePartition(existingRoot); } root = helper.AddSubdivision( null, new ProductCondition { Operand = "All", Attribute = null }, "root" ); /* * The direct children of any node must have the same Operand. * For this example we will use CategoryL1 nodes as children of the root. * For a list of valid CategoryL1 through CategoryL5 values, see the Bing Category Taxonomy: * */ var animalsSubdivision = helper.AddSubdivision( root, new ProductCondition { Operand = "CategoryL1", Attribute = "Animals & Pet Supplies" }, "animalsSubdivision" ); /* * If you use a CategoryL2 node, it must be a descendant (child or later) of a CategoryL1 node. * In other words you cannot have a CategoryL2 node as parent of a CategoryL1 node. * For this example we will a CategoryL2 node as child of the CategoryL1 Animals & Pet Supplies node. */ var petSuppliesSubdivision = helper.AddSubdivision( animalsSubdivision, new ProductCondition { Operand = "CategoryL2", Attribute = "Pet Supplies" }, "petSuppliesSubdivision" ); var brandA = helper.AddUnit( petSuppliesSubdivision, new ProductCondition { Operand = "Brand", Attribute = "Brand A" }, 0.35, false, "brandA" ); /* * If you won't bid on Brand B, set the helper method's bidAmount to '0' and isNegative to true. * The helper method will create a NegativeAdGroupCriterion and apply the condition. */ var brandB = helper.AddUnit( petSuppliesSubdivision, new ProductCondition { Operand = "Brand", Attribute = "Brand B" }, 0, true, "brandB" ); var otherBrands = helper.AddUnit( petSuppliesSubdivision, new ProductCondition { Operand = "Brand", Attribute = null }, 0.35, false, "otherBrands" ); var otherPetSupplies = helper.AddUnit( animalsSubdivision, new ProductCondition { Operand = "CategoryL2", Attribute = null }, 0.35, false, "otherPetSupplies" ); var electronics = helper.AddUnit( root, new ProductCondition { Operand = "CategoryL1", Attribute = "Electronics" }, 0.35, false, "electronics" ); var otherCategoryL1 = helper.AddUnit( root, new ProductCondition { Operand = "CategoryL1", Attribute = null }, 0.35, false, "otherCategoryL1" ); OutputStatusMessage("Applying product partitions to the ad group . . . \n"); applyBulkProductPartitionActionsResults = await ApplyBulkProductPartitionActions(helper.PartitionActions); productPartitions = await GetBulkAdGroupProductPartitionTree(adGroupId); /* * The product partition group tree now has 9 nodes. All other (Root Node) | +-- Animals & Pet Supplies (CategoryL1) | | | +-- Pet Supplies (CategoryL2) | | | | | +-- Brand A | | | | | +-- Brand B | | | | | +-- All other (Brand) | | | +-- All other (CategoryL2) | +-- Electronics (CategoryL1) | +-- All other (CategoryL1) */ OutputStatusMessage("The product partition group tree now has 9 nodes: \n"); OutputProductPartitions(productPartitions); #endregion InitializeTree #region UpdateTree /* * Let's replace the Electronics (CategoryL1) node created above with an Electronics (CategoryL1) node that * has children i.e. Brand C (Brand), Brand D (Brand), and All other (Brand) as follows: Electronics (CategoryL1) | +-- Brand C (Brand) | +-- Brand D (Brand) | +-- All other (Brand) */ helper = new ProductPartitionHelper(adGroupId); /* * To replace a node we must know its Id and its ParentCriterionId. In this case the parent of the node * we are replacing is All other (Root Node). The node that we are replacing is Electronics (CategoryL1). */ var rootId = GetNodeByClientId(applyBulkProductPartitionActionsResults, "root").AdGroupCriterion.Id; electronics.AdGroupCriterion.Id = GetNodeByClientId(applyBulkProductPartitionActionsResults, "electronics").AdGroupCriterion.Id; helper.DeletePartition(electronics); var parent = new BulkAdGroupProductPartition { AdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion() { Id = rootId } }; var electronicsSubdivision = helper.AddSubdivision( parent, new ProductCondition { Operand = "CategoryL1", Attribute = "Electronics" }, "electronicsSubdivision" ); var brandC = helper.AddUnit( electronicsSubdivision, new ProductCondition { Operand = "Brand", Attribute = "Brand C" }, 0.35, false, "brandC" ); var brandD = helper.AddUnit( electronicsSubdivision, new ProductCondition { Operand = "Brand", Attribute = "Brand D" }, 0.35, false, "brandD" ); var otherElectronicsBrands = helper.AddUnit( electronicsSubdivision, new ProductCondition { Operand = "Brand", Attribute = null }, 0.35, false, "otherElectronicsBrands" ); OutputStatusMessage( "Updating the product partition group to refine Electronics (CategoryL1) with 3 child nodes . . . \n" ); applyBulkProductPartitionActionsResults = await ApplyBulkProductPartitionActions(helper.PartitionActions); productPartitions = await GetBulkAdGroupProductPartitionTree(adGroupId); /* * The product partition group tree now has 12 nodes, including the children of Electronics (CategoryL1): All other (Root Node) | +-- Animals & Pet Supplies (CategoryL1) | | | +-- Pet Supplies (CategoryL2) | | | | | +-- Brand A | | | | | +-- Brand B | | | | | +-- All other (Brand) | | | +-- All other (CategoryL2) | +-- Electronics (CategoryL1) | | | +-- Brand C (Brand) | | | +-- Brand D (Brand) | | | +-- All other (Brand) | +-- All other (CategoryL1) */ OutputStatusMessage( "The product partition group tree now has 12 nodes, including the children of Electronics (CategoryL1): \n" ); OutputProductPartitions(productPartitions); #endregion UpdateTree var Service = new ServiceClient<ICampaignManagementService>(authorizationData); var getCampaignIds = new List<long>(); getCampaignIds.Add((long)campaignResults[0].Campaign.Id); var request = new GetCampaignsByIdsRequest { AccountId = authorizationData.AccountId, CampaignIds = getCampaignIds, CampaignType = CampaignType.Shopping }; await Service.CallAsync((s, r) => s.GetCampaignsByIdsAsync(r), request); #region CleanUp /* Delete the campaign, ad group, criterion, and ad that were previously added. * You should remove this region if you want to view the added entities in the * Bing Ads web application or another tool. */ var campaignId = campaignResults[0].Campaign.Id; bulkCampaign = new BulkCampaign { Campaign = new Campaign { Id = campaignId, Status = CampaignStatus.Deleted } }; uploadEntities = new List<BulkEntity>(); uploadEntities.Add(bulkCampaign); // Write the upload output Reader = await UploadEntities(uploadEntities); bulkEntities = Reader.ReadEntities().ToList(); campaignResults = bulkEntities.OfType<BulkCampaign>().ToList(); OutputBulkCampaigns(campaignResults); Reader.Dispose(); OutputStatusMessage(String.Format("Deleted CampaignId {0}\n", campaignResults[0].Campaign.Id)); #endregion Cleanup } // Catch Microsoft Account authorization exceptions. catch (OAuthTokenRequestException ex) { OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Couldn't get OAuth tokens. Error: {0}. Description: {1}", ex.Details.Error, ex.Details.Description)); } // Catch Bulk service exceptions catch (FaultException<Microsoft.BingAds.V10.Bulk.AdApiFaultDetail> ex) { OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.Errors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message)))); } catch (FaultException<Microsoft.BingAds.V10.Bulk.ApiFaultDetail> ex) { OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message)))); OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message)))); } // Catch Campaign Management service exceptions catch (FaultException<Microsoft.BingAds.V10.CampaignManagement.AdApiFaultDetail> ex) { OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.Errors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message)))); } catch (FaultException<Microsoft.BingAds.V10.CampaignManagement.ApiFaultDetail> ex) { OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message)))); OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message)))); } catch (BulkOperationInProgressException ex) { OutputStatusMessage("The result file for the bulk operation is not yet available for download."); OutputStatusMessage(ex.Message); } catch (BulkOperationCouldNotBeCompletedException<DownloadStatus> ex) { OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Errors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message)))); } catch (BulkOperationCouldNotBeCompletedException<UploadStatus> ex) { OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Errors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message)))); } catch (Exception ex) { OutputStatusMessage(ex.Message); } finally { if (Reader != null) { Reader.Dispose(); } if (Writer != null) { Writer.Dispose(); } } }
private static void RowValuesToConditions(RowValues values, BulkCampaignProductScope c) { var product = (ProductScope)c.CampaignCriterion.Criterion; product.Conditions = new List<ProductCondition>(); ProductConditionHelper.AddConditionsFromRowValues(values, product.Conditions); }