コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Builds (compiles) the specified job in the specified Data Lake
 /// Analytics account for job correctness and validation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// Reference to the
 /// Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.AnalyticsJob.IJobOperations.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='resourceGroupName'>
 /// Required. The name of the resource group.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='accountName'>
 /// Required. The name of the Data Lake Analytics account to build the
 /// job for
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='parameters'>
 /// Required. The parameters to build a job, which simulates submission.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// Data Lake Analytics job information response from a build or create
 /// request.
 /// </returns>
 public static JobInfoBuildOrCreateResponse Build(this IJobOperations operations, string resourceGroupName, string accountName, JobInfoBuildOrCreateParameters parameters)
     return Task.Factory.StartNew((object s) => 
         return ((IJobOperations)s).BuildAsync(resourceGroupName, accountName, parameters);
     , operations, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.Default).Unwrap().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
        internal void RunJobToCompletion(DataLakeAnalyticsJobManagementClient jobClient, string resourceGroupName, string dataLakeAnalyticsAccountName, Guid jobIdToUse, string scriptToRun)
            var createOrBuildParams = new JobInfoBuildOrCreateParameters
                Job = new JobInformation
                    Name = TestUtilities.GenerateName("testjob1"),
                    JobId = jobIdToUse,
                    Type = JobType.USql,
                    DegreeOfParallelism = 2,
                    Properties = new USqlProperties
                        Type = JobType.USql,
                        Script = scriptToRun
            var jobCreateResponse = jobClient.Jobs.Create(resourceGroupName,
                dataLakeAnalyticsAccountName, createOrBuildParams);


            // Poll the job until it finishes
            JobInfoGetResponse getJobResponse = jobClient.Jobs.Get(resourceGroupName,
                dataLakeAnalyticsAccountName, jobCreateResponse.Job.JobId);

            int maxWaitInSeconds = 180; // 3 minutes should be long enough
            int curWaitInSeconds = 0;
            while (getJobResponse.Job.State != JobState.Ended && curWaitInSeconds < maxWaitInSeconds)
                // wait 5 seconds before polling again
                curWaitInSeconds += 5;
                getJobResponse = jobClient.Jobs.Get(resourceGroupName,
                    dataLakeAnalyticsAccountName, jobCreateResponse.Job.JobId);

            Assert.True(curWaitInSeconds <= maxWaitInSeconds);

            // Verify the job completes successfully
                getJobResponse.Job.State == JobState.Ended && getJobResponse.Job.Result == JobResult.Succeeded,
                    "Job: {0} did not return success. Current job state: {1}. Actual result: {2}. Error (if any): {3}",
                    getJobResponse.Job.JobId, getJobResponse.Job.State, getJobResponse.Job.Result,
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Builds (compiles) the specified job in the specified Data Lake
 /// Analytics account for job correctness and validation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// Reference to the
 /// Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.AnalyticsJob.IJobOperations.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='resourceGroupName'>
 /// Required. The name of the resource group.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='accountName'>
 /// Required. The name of the Data Lake Analytics account to build the
 /// job for
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='parameters'>
 /// Required. The parameters to build a job, which simulates submission.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// Data Lake Analytics job information response from a build or create
 /// request.
 /// </returns>
 public static Task<JobInfoBuildOrCreateResponse> BuildAsync(this IJobOperations operations, string resourceGroupName, string accountName, JobInfoBuildOrCreateParameters parameters)
     return operations.BuildAsync(resourceGroupName, accountName, parameters, CancellationToken.None);
コード例 #4
        public void SubmitGetListCancelTest()
                CommonTestFixture commonData = new CommonTestFixture();
                var clientToUse = this.GetDataLakeAnalyticsJobManagementClient();
                var accountClient = this.GetDataLakeAnalyticsManagementClient();

                // Create a test account to submit the job to.
                AzureAsyncOperationResponse responseCreate =
                    accountClient.DataLakeAnalyticsAccount.Create(resourceGroupName: commonData.ResourceGroupName,
                        parameters: new DataLakeAnalyticsAccountCreateOrUpdateParameters
                            DataLakeAnalyticsAccount = new DataLakeAnalyticsAccount
                                Name = commonData.DataLakeAnalyticsAccountName,
                                Location = commonData.Location,
                                Properties = new DataLakeAnalyticsAccountProperties
                                    DefaultDataLakeStoreAccount = commonData.DataLakeAccountName,
                                    DataLakeStoreAccounts = new List<DataLakeStoreAccount>
                                            new DataLakeStoreAccount
                                                Name = commonData.DataLakeAccountName,
                                                Properties = new DataLakeStoreAccountProperties
                                                    Suffix = commonData.DataLakeAccountSuffix
                                Tags = new Dictionary<string, string>
                                    { "testkey","testvalue" }

                Assert.True(responseCreate.Status == OperationStatus.Succeeded);

                // wait for provisioning state to be Succeeded
                // we will wait a maximum of 15 minutes for this to happen and then report failures
                DataLakeAnalyticsAccountGetResponse getResponse = accountClient.DataLakeAnalyticsAccount.Get(commonData.ResourceGroupName, commonData.DataLakeAnalyticsAccountName);
                int timeToWaitInMinutes = 15;
                int minutesWaited = 0;
                while (getResponse.DataLakeAnalyticsAccount.Properties.ProvisioningState != DataLakeAnalyticsAccountStatus.Succeeded && getResponse.DataLakeAnalyticsAccount.Properties.ProvisioningState != DataLakeAnalyticsAccountStatus.Failed && getResponse.DataLakeAnalyticsAccount.Properties.ProvisioningState != DataLakeAnalyticsAccountStatus.Failed && minutesWaited <= timeToWaitInMinutes)
                    TestUtilities.Wait(60000); // Wait for one minute and then go again.
                    getResponse = accountClient.DataLakeAnalyticsAccount.Get(commonData.ResourceGroupName, commonData.DataLakeAnalyticsAccountName);

                // Confirm that the account creation did succeed
                Assert.True(getResponse.DataLakeAnalyticsAccount.Properties.ProvisioningState == DataLakeAnalyticsAccountStatus.Succeeded);

                // TODO: Remove this sleep once defect 5022906 is fixed
                TestUtilities.Wait(120000); // Wait for two minutes to submit the job, which gives the CJS queue a chance to create.

                // We need to hardcode the job ID to use for the mocks.
                // TODO: come up with some way to re-generate this when necessary (i.e. re-running/running the test against the server).
                Guid jobId = TestUtilities.GenerateGuid();
                var secondId = TestUtilities.GenerateGuid();
                // Submit a job to the account
                var jobToSubmit = new JobInformation
                    Name = "azure sdk data lake analytics job",
                    JobId = jobId,
                    DegreeOfParallelism = 2,
                    Type = JobType.USql,
                    Properties = new USqlProperties
                        Type = JobType.USql,
                        Script = "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS testdb; CREATE DATABASE testdb;"

                var createOrBuildParams = new JobInfoBuildOrCreateParameters
                        Job = jobToSubmit

                JobInfoBuildOrCreateResponse jobCreateResponse = clientToUse.Jobs.Create(commonData.ResourceGroupName, commonData.DataLakeAnalyticsAccountName, createOrBuildParams);

                // TODO: Once the front end is no longer mocked, do response validation here as well as for all other requests

                // Cancel the job
                AzureOperationResponse cancelJobResponse = clientToUse.Jobs.Cancel(commonData.ResourceGroupName, commonData.DataLakeAnalyticsAccountName, jobCreateResponse.Job.JobId);

                // Verify the job was successfully cancelled
                Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, cancelJobResponse.StatusCode);

                // Get the job and ensure that it says it was cancelled.
                var getCancelledJobResponse = clientToUse.Jobs.Get(commonData.ResourceGroupName,
                    commonData.DataLakeAnalyticsAccountName, jobCreateResponse.Job.JobId);

                Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, getCancelledJobResponse.StatusCode);
                Assert.Equal(JobResult.Cancelled, getCancelledJobResponse.Job.Result);

                // Resubmit the job
                createOrBuildParams.Job.JobId = secondId;
                jobCreateResponse = clientToUse.Jobs.Create(commonData.ResourceGroupName, commonData.DataLakeAnalyticsAccountName, createOrBuildParams);


                // Poll the job until it finishes
                JobInfoGetResponse getJobResponse = clientToUse.Jobs.Get(commonData.ResourceGroupName, commonData.DataLakeAnalyticsAccountName, jobCreateResponse.Job.JobId);

                int maxWaitInSeconds = 180; // 3 minutes should be long enough
                int curWaitInSeconds = 0;
                while (getJobResponse.Job.State != JobState.Ended && curWaitInSeconds < maxWaitInSeconds)
                    // wait 5 seconds before polling again
                    curWaitInSeconds += 5;
                    getJobResponse = clientToUse.Jobs.Get(commonData.ResourceGroupName, commonData.DataLakeAnalyticsAccountName, jobCreateResponse.Job.JobId);

                Assert.True(curWaitInSeconds <= maxWaitInSeconds);

                // Verify the job completes successfully
                    getJobResponse.Job.State == JobState.Ended && getJobResponse.Job.Result == JobResult.Succeeded,
                    string.Format("Job: {0} did not return success. Current job state: {1}. Actual result: {2}. Error (if any): {3}",
                        getJobResponse.Job.JobId, getJobResponse.Job.State, getJobResponse.Job.Result, getJobResponse.Job.ErrorMessage));

                JobInfoListResponse listJobResponse = clientToUse.Jobs.List(commonData.ResourceGroupName, commonData.DataLakeAnalyticsAccountName, null);

                Assert.True(listJobResponse.Value.Any(job => job.JobId == getJobResponse.Job.JobId));

                // Just compile the job
                var compileResponse = clientToUse.Jobs.Build(commonData.ResourceGroupName, commonData.DataLakeAnalyticsAccountName, createOrBuildParams);

                // list the jobs both with a hand crafted query string and using the parameters
                listJobResponse = clientToUse.Jobs.List(commonData.ResourceGroupName, commonData.DataLakeAnalyticsAccountName, new JobListParameters {Select = "jobId"} );

                Assert.True(listJobResponse.Value.Any(job => job.JobId == getJobResponse.Job.JobId));

                listJobResponse = clientToUse.Jobs.ListWithQueryString(commonData.ResourceGroupName, commonData.DataLakeAnalyticsAccountName, "$select=jobId");

                Assert.True(listJobResponse.Value.Any(job => job.JobId == getJobResponse.Job.JobId));
                // we don't catch any exceptions, those should all be bubbled up.