// Creates a TableQuery for each named metric and returns a dictionary mapping each name to its query // Note: The overall start and end times are used in each query since this reduces processing and the query will still work the same on each Nday table private static Dictionary <string, TableQuery> GenerateMetricNameQueries(IEnumerable <string> names, string partitionKey, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime) { return(names.ToDictionary(name => ShoeboxHelper.TrimAndEscapeKey(name) + "__").ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Value, kvp => GenerateMetricQuery( partitionKey, kvp.Key + (DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks - endTime.Ticks).ToString("D19"), kvp.Key + (DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks - startTime.Ticks).ToString("D19")))); }
private string GetFilterStringForDefinitions(MetricFilter filter, IEnumerable <MetricDefinition> definitions) { return(ShoeboxHelper.GenerateMetricFilterString(new MetricFilter() { TimeGrain = filter.TimeGrain, StartTime = filter.StartTime, EndTime = filter.EndTime, DimensionFilters = filter.DimensionFilters.Where(df => definitions.Any(d => string.Equals(df.Name, d.Name.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) })); }
public async Task <MetricListResponse> GetMetricsAsync(string resourceUri, string filterString, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (resourceUri == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("resourceUri"); } // Generate filter strings MetricFilter filter = MetricFilterExpressionParser.Parse(filterString); string filterStringNamesOnly = filter.DimensionFilters == null ? null : ShoeboxHelper.GenerateMetricDefinitionFilterString(filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => df.Name)); // Get definitions for requested metrics IList <MetricDefinition> definitions = (await this.Client.MetricDefinitionOperations.GetMetricDefinitionsAsync( resourceUri, filterStringNamesOnly, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)).MetricDefinitionCollection.Value; // Get Metrics with definitions return(await this.GetMetricsAsync(resourceUri, filterString, definitions, cancellationToken)); }
// This method tries to figure out the original name of the metric from the encoded name // Note: Will unescape the name if it is not in the list, but it will not be able to unhash it if it was hashed private static string FindMetricName(string encodedName, IEnumerable <string> names) { return(names.FirstOrDefault(n => string.Equals(ShoeboxHelper.TrimAndEscapeKey(n), encodedName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ?? ShoeboxHelper.UnEscapeKey(encodedName)); }
// Generates queries for all metrics by timestamp (timestamp-name rowKey format) and filters the results to the requested metrics (if any) // Note: Does not populate Metric fields unrelated to query (i.e. "display name", resourceUri, and properties) private static async Task <MetricCollection> GetMetricsByTimestampAsync(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId) { // Find all the tables that fall partially or fully within the timerange IEnumerable <CloudTable> tables = GetNdayTables(filter, location); // Generate a query for the partition key and time range TableQuery query = GenerateMetricTimestampQuery(location.PartitionKey, filter.StartTime, filter.EndTime); // Get all the entities for the query IEnumerable <DynamicTableEntity> entities = await GetEntitiesAsync(tables, query, invocationId).ConfigureAwait(false); ICollection <string> dimensionFilterNames = null; if (filter.DimensionFilters != null) { dimensionFilterNames = new HashSet <string>(filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => ShoeboxHelper.TrimAndEscapeKey(df.Name))); } var metricWraps = new Dictionary <string, MetricWrap>(); var metrics = new List <Metric>(); // Iterate over the instances to do conversion and aggregation when needed. foreach (var entity in entities) { string encodedName = GetMetricNameFromRowKeyByTimestampByMetricName(entity.RowKey); // When there is filter, skip entities not included in the filter. if (dimensionFilterNames != null && !dimensionFilterNames.Contains(encodedName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } MetricWrap metricWrap; if (!metricWraps.TryGetValue(encodedName, out metricWrap)) { metricWrap = new MetricWrap { Metric = new Metric() { Name = new LocalizableString() { Value = encodedName }, StartTime = filter.StartTime, EndTime = filter.EndTime, TimeGrain = filter.TimeGrain, MetricValues = new List <MetricValue>() }, InstanceMetrics = new List <MetricValue>(), GlobalMetrics = new List <DynamicTableEntity>() }; metricWraps[encodedName] = metricWrap; metrics.Add(metricWrap.Metric); } // Skip aggregated entities if (!IsInstanceMetric(entity.RowKey)) { // We ignore the aggergated metrics if there are instance metrics. if (metricWrap.InstanceMetrics.Count == 0) { metricWrap.GlobalMetrics.Add(entity); } continue; } MetricValue lastMetricValue = metricWrap.InstanceMetrics.LastOrDefault(); if (lastMetricValue == null) { metricWrap.InstanceMetrics.Add(ResolveMetricEntity(entity)); } else { if (lastMetricValue.Timestamp.Ticks == GetTimestampFromIndexTimestampMetricName(entity)) { Aggregate(lastMetricValue, entity); } else { metricWrap.InstanceMetrics.Add(ResolveMetricEntity(entity)); } } } foreach (var metricWrap in metricWraps.Values) { // Decide whether to return the aggregation of the instance metrics on the fly or the final value in the storage account // If there are instance metrics, the aggregation on the fly is used. Metric metric = metricWrap.Metric; metric.Name.Value = FindMetricName(metric.Name.Value, dimensionFilterNames); if (metricWrap.InstanceMetrics.Count > 0) { foreach (var metricValue in metricWrap.InstanceMetrics) { metricValue.Average = metricValue.Total / metricValue.Count; } metric.MetricValues = metricWrap.InstanceMetrics; } else { metric.MetricValues = metricWrap.GlobalMetrics.Select(me => ResolveMetricEntity(me)).ToList(); } } return(new MetricCollection() { Value = metrics }); }
public async Task <MetricDefinitionListResponse> GetMetricDefinitionsAsync(string resourceUri, string filterString, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { MetricDefinitionListResponse result; string invocationId = TracingAdapter.NextInvocationId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); this.LogStartGetMetricDefinitions(invocationId, resourceUri, filterString); // Remove any '/' characters from the start since these are handled by the hydra (thin) client // Encode segments here since they are not encoded by hydra client resourceUri = ShoeboxHelper.EncodeUriSegments(resourceUri.TrimStart('/')); IEnumerable <MetricDefinition> definitions = null; // If no filter string, must request all metric definitions since we don't know if we have them all if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filterString)) { // request all definitions definitions = (await this.GetMetricDefinitionsInternalAsync(resourceUri, string.Empty, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false)) .MetricDefinitionCollection.Value; // cache definitions if (this.Client.IsCacheEnabled) { this.Client.Cache[resourceUri] = definitions; } // wrap and return definitions result = new MetricDefinitionListResponse() { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK, MetricDefinitionCollection = new MetricDefinitionCollection() { Value = definitions.ToList() } }; this.LogEndGetMetricDefinitions(invocationId, result); return(result); } // Parse the filter and retrieve cached definitions IEnumerable <string> names = MetricDefinitionFilterParser.Parse(filterString); if (this.Client.IsCacheEnabled) { definitions = this.Client.Cache[resourceUri]; } // Find the names in the filter that don't appear on any of the cached definitions IEnumerable <string> missing = definitions == null ? names : names.Where((n => !definitions.Any(d => string.Equals(d.Name.Value, n, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))); // Request any missing definitions and update cache (if any) if (missing.Any()) { string missingFilter = ShoeboxHelper.GenerateMetricDefinitionFilterString(missing); // Request missing definitions var missingDefinitions = (await this.GetMetricDefinitionsInternalAsync(resourceUri, missingFilter, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) .MetricDefinitionCollection.Value; // merge definitions definitions = (definitions ?? new MetricDefinition[0]).Union(missingDefinitions); // Store the new set of definitions if (this.Client.IsCacheEnabled) { this.Client.Cache[resourceUri] = definitions; } } // Filter out the metrics that were cached but not requested and wrap result = new MetricDefinitionListResponse() { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK, MetricDefinitionCollection = new MetricDefinitionCollection() { Value = definitions.Where(d => names.Contains(d.Name.Value)).ToList() } }; this.LogEndGetMetricDefinitions(invocationId, result); return(result); }