コード例 #1
        async Task InvokeAfterReceiveTimeoutFalse()
            const int ReceiveTimeoutInSeconds = 15;

            Log("Calling RegisterEventProcessorAsync with InvokeProcessorAfterReceiveTimeout=false");

            var eventProcessorHost = new EventProcessorHost(

            var processorOptions = new EventProcessorOptions
                ReceiveTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ReceiveTimeoutInSeconds),
                InvokeProcessorAfterReceiveTimeout = false,
                MaxBatchSize = 100

            var emptyBatchReceiveEvent = new AsyncAutoResetEvent(false);
            var processorFactory       = new TestEventProcessorFactory();

            processorFactory.OnCreateProcessor += (f, createArgs) =>
                var    processor   = createArgs.Item2;
                string partitionId = createArgs.Item1.PartitionId;
                processor.OnProcessEvents += (_, eventsArgs) =>
                    int eventCount = eventsArgs.Item2 != null?eventsArgs.Item2.events.Count() : 0;

                    Log($"Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor processing {eventCount} event(s)");
                    if (eventCount == 0)

            await eventProcessorHost.RegisterEventProcessorFactoryAsync(processorFactory, processorOptions);

                Log("Verifying no empty batches arrive...");
                bool waitSucceeded = await emptyBatchReceiveEvent.WaitAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ReceiveTimeoutInSeconds * 2));

                Assert.False(waitSucceeded, "No empty batch should have been received!");
                Log("Calling UnregisterEventProcessorAsync");
                await eventProcessorHost.UnregisterEventProcessorAsync();
コード例 #2
        async Task <Dictionary <string, List <EventData> > > RunGenericScenario(EventProcessorHost eventProcessorHost,
                                                                                EventProcessorOptions epo = null, int totalNumberOfEventsToSend = 1, bool checkPointLastEvent = true,
                                                                                bool checkPointBatch      = false)
            var receivedEvents = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, List <EventData> >();
            var lastReceivedAt = DateTime.Now;

            if (epo == null)
                epo = new EventProcessorOptions
                    ReceiveTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15),
                    MaxBatchSize   = 100

                Log($"Calling RegisterEventProcessorAsync");
                var processorFactory = new TestEventProcessorFactory();

                processorFactory.OnCreateProcessor += (f, createArgs) =>
                    var    processor   = createArgs.Item2;
                    string partitionId = createArgs.Item1.PartitionId;
                    string hostName    = createArgs.Item1.Owner;
                    processor.OnOpen          += (_, partitionContext) => Log($"{hostName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor opened");
                    processor.OnClose         += (_, closeArgs) => Log($"{hostName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor closing: {closeArgs.Item2}");
                    processor.OnProcessError  += (_, errorArgs) => Log($"{hostName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor process error {errorArgs.Item2.Message}");
                    processor.OnProcessEvents += (_, eventsArgs) =>
                        int eventCount = eventsArgs.Item2 != null?eventsArgs.Item2.events.Count() : 0;

                        Log($"{hostName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor processing {eventCount} event(s)");
                        if (eventCount > 0)
                            List <EventData> events;
                            receivedEvents.TryGetValue(partitionId, out events);
                            if (events == null)
                                events = new List <EventData>();

                            receivedEvents[partitionId] = events;
                            lastReceivedAt = DateTime.Now;

                        eventsArgs.Item2.checkPointLastEvent = checkPointLastEvent;
                        eventsArgs.Item2.checkPointBatch     = checkPointBatch;

                await eventProcessorHost.RegisterEventProcessorFactoryAsync(processorFactory, epo);

                Log($"Sending {totalNumberOfEventsToSend} event(s) to each partition");
                var sendTasks = new List <Task>();
                foreach (var partitionId in PartitionIds)
                    for (int i = 0; i < totalNumberOfEventsToSend; i++)
                        sendTasks.Add(this.SendToPartitionAsync(partitionId, $"{partitionId} event.", this.ConnectionStringBuilder.ToString()));

                await Task.WhenAll(sendTasks);

                // Wait until all partitions are silent, i.e. no more events to receive.
                while (lastReceivedAt > DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-30))
                    await Task.Delay(1000);

                Log("Verifying at least an event was received by each partition");
                foreach (var partitionId in PartitionIds)
                    Assert.True(receivedEvents.ContainsKey(partitionId), $"Partition {partitionId} didn't receive any message!");

                Log("Calling UnregisterEventProcessorAsync");
                await eventProcessorHost.UnregisterEventProcessorAsync();

            return(receivedEvents.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value));
コード例 #3
        async Task MultipleConsumerGroups()
            var customConsumerGroupName = "cgroup1";

            // Generate a new lease container name that will be used through out the test.
            string leaseContainerName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            var consumerGroupNames = new[]  { PartitionReceiver.DefaultConsumerGroupName, customConsumerGroupName };
            var processorOptions   = new EventProcessorOptions
                ReceiveTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15),
                MaxBatchSize   = 100
            var processorFactory       = new TestEventProcessorFactory();
            var partitionReceiveEvents = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, AsyncAutoResetEvent>();
            var hosts = new List <EventProcessorHost>();

            // Confirm that custom consumer group exists before starting hosts.
                // Create a receiver on the consumer group and try to receive.
                // Receive call will fail if consumer group is missing.
                var ehClient = EventHubClient.CreateFromConnectionString(this.EventHubConnectionString);
                var receiver = ehClient.CreateReceiver(customConsumerGroupName, this.PartitionIds.First(), PartitionReceiver.StartOfStream);
                await receiver.ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
            catch (MessagingEntityNotFoundException)
                throw new Exception($"Cunsumer group {customConsumerGroupName} cannot be found. MultipleConsumerGroups unit test requires consumer group '{customConsumerGroupName}' to be created before running the test.");

            processorFactory.OnCreateProcessor += (f, createArgs) =>
                var    processor         = createArgs.Item2;
                string partitionId       = createArgs.Item1.PartitionId;
                string hostName          = createArgs.Item1.Owner;
                string consumerGroupName = createArgs.Item1.ConsumerGroupName;
                processor.OnOpen          += (_, partitionContext) => Log($"{hostName} > {consumerGroupName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor opened");
                processor.OnClose         += (_, closeArgs) => Log($"{hostName} > {consumerGroupName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor closing: {closeArgs.Item2}");
                processor.OnProcessError  += (_, errorArgs) => Log($"{hostName} > {consumerGroupName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor process error {errorArgs.Item2.Message}");
                processor.OnProcessEvents += (_, eventsArgs) =>
                    int eventCount = eventsArgs.Item2 != null?eventsArgs.Item2.events.Count() : 0;

                    Log($"{hostName} > {consumerGroupName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor processing {eventCount} event(s)");
                    if (eventCount > 0)
                        var receivedEvent = partitionReceiveEvents[consumerGroupName + "-" + partitionId];

                // Register a new host for each consumer group.
                foreach (var consumerGroupName in consumerGroupNames)
                    var eventProcessorHost = new EventProcessorHost(

                    Log($"Calling RegisterEventProcessorAsync on consumer group {consumerGroupName}");

                    foreach (var partitionId in PartitionIds)
                        partitionReceiveEvents[consumerGroupName + "-" + partitionId] = new AsyncAutoResetEvent(false);

                    await eventProcessorHost.RegisterEventProcessorFactoryAsync(processorFactory, processorOptions);


                Log("Sending an event to each partition");
                var sendTasks = new List <Task>();
                foreach (var partitionId in PartitionIds)
                    sendTasks.Add(this.SendToPartitionAsync(partitionId, $"{partitionId} event.", this.ConnectionStringBuilder.ToString()));

                await Task.WhenAll(sendTasks);

                Log("Verifying an event was received by each partition for each consumer group");
                foreach (var consumerGroupName in consumerGroupNames)
                    foreach (var partitionId in PartitionIds)
                        var  receivedEvent            = partitionReceiveEvents[consumerGroupName + "-" + partitionId];
                        bool partitionReceivedMessage = await receivedEvent.WaitAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));

                        Assert.True(partitionReceivedMessage, $"ConsumerGroup {consumerGroupName} > Partition {partitionId} didn't receive any message!");

                Log("Calling UnregisterEventProcessorAsync on both hosts.");
                foreach (var eph in hosts)
                    await eph.UnregisterEventProcessorAsync();
コード例 #4
        async Task InvokeAfterReceiveTimeoutTrue()
            const int ReceiveTimeoutInSeconds = 15;

            Log("Testing EventProcessorHost with InvokeProcessorAfterReceiveTimeout=true");

            var emptyBatchReceiveEvents = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, AsyncAutoResetEvent>();

            foreach (var partitionId in PartitionIds)
                emptyBatchReceiveEvents[partitionId] = new AsyncAutoResetEvent(false);

            var eventProcessorHost = new EventProcessorHost(

            var processorOptions = new EventProcessorOptions
                ReceiveTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ReceiveTimeoutInSeconds),
                InvokeProcessorAfterReceiveTimeout = true,
                MaxBatchSize = 100

            var processorFactory = new TestEventProcessorFactory();

            processorFactory.OnCreateProcessor += (f, createArgs) =>
                var    processor   = createArgs.Item2;
                string partitionId = createArgs.Item1.PartitionId;
                processor.OnOpen          += (_, partitionContext) => Log($"Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor opened");
                processor.OnProcessEvents += (_, eventsArgs) =>
                    int eventCount = eventsArgs.Item2.events != null?eventsArgs.Item2.events.Count() : 0;

                    Log($"Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor processing {eventCount} event(s)");
                    if (eventCount == 0)
                        var emptyBatchReceiveEvent = emptyBatchReceiveEvents[partitionId];

            await eventProcessorHost.RegisterEventProcessorFactoryAsync(processorFactory, processorOptions);

                Log("Waiting for each partition to receive an empty batch of events...");
                foreach (var partitionId in PartitionIds)
                    var  emptyBatchReceiveEvent = emptyBatchReceiveEvents[partitionId];
                    bool emptyBatchReceived     = await emptyBatchReceiveEvent.WaitAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ReceiveTimeoutInSeconds * 2));

                    Assert.True(emptyBatchReceived, $"Partition {partitionId} didn't receive an empty batch!");
                Log("Calling UnregisterEventProcessorAsync");
                await eventProcessorHost.UnregisterEventProcessorAsync();
コード例 #5
        async Task MultipleProcessorHosts()
            Log("Testing with 2 EventProcessorHost instances");

            var partitionReceiveEvents = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, AsyncAutoResetEvent>();

            foreach (var partitionId in PartitionIds)
                partitionReceiveEvents[partitionId] = new AsyncAutoResetEvent(false);

            int hostCount = 2;
            var hosts     = new List <EventProcessorHost>();

                for (int i = 0; i < hostCount; i++)
                    Log("Creating EventProcessorHost");
                    var eventProcessorHost = new EventProcessorHost(
                        string.Empty, // Passing empty as entity path here rsince path is already in EH connection string.
                    Log($"Calling RegisterEventProcessorAsync");
                    var processorOptions = new EventProcessorOptions
                        ReceiveTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
                        InvokeProcessorAfterReceiveTimeout = true,
                        MaxBatchSize = 100

                    var processorFactory = new TestEventProcessorFactory();
                    processorFactory.OnCreateProcessor += (f, createArgs) =>
                        var    processor   = createArgs.Item2;
                        string partitionId = createArgs.Item1.PartitionId;
                        string hostName    = createArgs.Item1.Owner;
                        processor.OnOpen          += (_, partitionContext) => Log($"{hostName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor opened");
                        processor.OnClose         += (_, closeArgs) => Log($"{hostName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor closing: {closeArgs.Item2}");
                        processor.OnProcessError  += (_, errorArgs) => Log($"{hostName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor process error {errorArgs.Item2.Message}");
                        processor.OnProcessEvents += (_, eventsArgs) =>
                            int eventCount = eventsArgs.Item2 != null?eventsArgs.Item2.events.Count() : 0;

                            Log($"{hostName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor processing {eventCount} event(s)");
                            if (eventCount > 0)
                                var receivedEvent = partitionReceiveEvents[partitionId];

                    await eventProcessorHost.RegisterEventProcessorFactoryAsync(processorFactory, processorOptions);

                Log("Waiting for partition ownership to settle...");
                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));

                Log("Sending an event to each partition");
                var sendTasks = new List <Task>();
                foreach (var partitionId in PartitionIds)
                    sendTasks.Add(this.SendToPartitionAsync(partitionId, $"{partitionId} event.", this.ConnectionStringBuilder.ToString()));
                await Task.WhenAll(sendTasks);

                Log("Verifying an event was received by each partition");
                foreach (var partitionId in PartitionIds)
                    var  receivedEvent            = partitionReceiveEvents[partitionId];
                    bool partitionReceivedMessage = await receivedEvent.WaitAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));

                    Assert.True(partitionReceivedMessage, $"Partition {partitionId} didn't receive any message!");
                var shutdownTasks = new List <Task>();
                foreach (var host in hosts)
                    Log($"Host {host} Calling UnregisterEventProcessorAsync.");

                await Task.WhenAll(shutdownTasks);
コード例 #6
        async Task <GenericScenarioResult> RunGenericScenario(EventProcessorHost eventProcessorHost,
                                                              EventProcessorOptions epo = null, int totalNumberOfEventsToSend = 1, bool checkpointLastEvent = true,
                                                              bool checkpointBatch      = false, bool checkpoingEveryEvent    = false)
            var runResult      = new GenericScenarioResult();
            var lastReceivedAt = DateTime.Now;

            if (epo == null)
                epo = new EventProcessorOptions
                    ReceiveTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15),
                    MaxBatchSize   = 100


                Log($"Calling RegisterEventProcessorAsync");
                var processorFactory = new TestEventProcessorFactory();

                processorFactory.OnCreateProcessor += (f, createArgs) =>
                    var    processor   = createArgs.Item2;
                    string partitionId = createArgs.Item1.PartitionId;
                    string hostName    = createArgs.Item1.Owner;
                    processor.OnOpen         += (_, partitionContext) => Log($"{hostName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor opened");
                    processor.OnClose        += (_, closeArgs) => Log($"{hostName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor closing: {closeArgs.Item2}");
                    processor.OnProcessError += (_, errorArgs) =>
                        Log($"{hostName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor process error {errorArgs.Item2.Message}");
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref runResult.NumberOfFailures);
                    processor.OnProcessEvents += (_, eventsArgs) =>
                        int eventCount = eventsArgs.Item2.events != null?eventsArgs.Item2.events.Count() : 0;

                        Log($"{hostName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor processing {eventCount} event(s)");
                        if (eventCount > 0)
                            lastReceivedAt = DateTime.Now;
                            runResult.AddEvents(partitionId, eventsArgs.Item2.events);

                            foreach (var e in eventsArgs.Item2.events)
                                // Checkpoint every event received?
                                if (checkpoingEveryEvent)

                        eventsArgs.Item2.checkPointLastEvent = checkpointLastEvent;
                        eventsArgs.Item2.checkPointBatch     = checkpointBatch;

                await eventProcessorHost.RegisterEventProcessorFactoryAsync(processorFactory, epo);

                // Wait 5 seconds to avoid races in scenarios like EndOfStream.
                await Task.Delay(5000);

                Log($"Sending {totalNumberOfEventsToSend} event(s) to each partition");
                var sendTasks = new List <Task>();
                foreach (var partitionId in PartitionIds)
                    for (int i = 0; i < totalNumberOfEventsToSend; i++)
                        sendTasks.Add(this.SendToPartitionAsync(partitionId, $"{partitionId} event.", this.ConnectionStringBuilder.ToString()));

                await Task.WhenAll(sendTasks);

                // Wait until all partitions are silent, i.e. no more events to receive.
                while (lastReceivedAt > DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-30))
                    await Task.Delay(1000);

                Log($"Verifying at least {totalNumberOfEventsToSend} event(s) was received by each partition");
                foreach (var partitionId in PartitionIds)
                    Assert.True(runResult.ReceivedEvents.ContainsKey(partitionId) &&
                                runResult.ReceivedEvents[partitionId].Count >= totalNumberOfEventsToSend,
                                $"Partition {partitionId} didn't receive expected number of messages. Expected {totalNumberOfEventsToSend}, received {runResult.ReceivedEvents[partitionId].Count}.");

                Log("Calling UnregisterEventProcessorAsync");
                await eventProcessorHost.UnregisterEventProcessorAsync();

コード例 #7
        async Task HostShouldRecoverAfterReceiverDisconnection()
            // We will target one partition and do validation on it.
            var targetPartition = this.PartitionIds.First();

            int targetPartitionOpens           = 0;
            int targetPartitionCloses          = 0;
            int targetPartitionErrors          = 0;
            PartitionReceiver externalReceiver = null;

            var eventProcessorHost = new EventProcessorHost(

                var processorFactory = new TestEventProcessorFactory();

                processorFactory.OnCreateProcessor += (f, createArgs) =>
                    var    processor   = createArgs.Item2;
                    string partitionId = createArgs.Item1.PartitionId;
                    string hostName    = createArgs.Item1.Owner;
                    processor.OnOpen += (_, partitionContext) =>
                        Log($"{hostName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor opened");
                        if (partitionId == targetPartition)
                            Interlocked.Increment(ref targetPartitionOpens);
                    processor.OnClose += (_, closeArgs) =>
                        Log($"{hostName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor closing: {closeArgs.Item2}");
                        if (partitionId == targetPartition && closeArgs.Item2 == CloseReason.Shutdown)
                            Interlocked.Increment(ref targetPartitionCloses);
                    processor.OnProcessError += (_, errorArgs) =>
                        Log($"{hostName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor process error {errorArgs.Item2.Message}");
                        if (partitionId == targetPartition && errorArgs.Item2 is ReceiverDisconnectedException)
                            Interlocked.Increment(ref targetPartitionErrors);

                await eventProcessorHost.RegisterEventProcessorFactoryAsync(processorFactory);

                // Wait 15 seconds then create a new epoch receiver.
                // This will trigger ReceiverDisconnectedExcetion in the host.
                await Task.Delay(15000);

                Log("Creating a new receiver with epoch 2. This will trigger ReceiverDisconnectedException in the host.");
                var ehClient = EventHubClient.CreateFromConnectionString(this.EventHubConnectionString);
                externalReceiver = ehClient.CreateEpochReceiver(PartitionReceiver.DefaultConsumerGroupName,
                                                                targetPartition, PartitionReceiver.StartOfStream, 2);
                await externalReceiver.ReceiveAsync(100, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

                // Give another 1 minute for host to recover then do the validatins.
                await Task.Delay(60000);

                Log("Verifying that host was able to receive ReceiverDisconnectedException");
                Assert.True(targetPartitionErrors == 1, $"Host received {targetPartitionErrors} ReceiverDisconnectedExceptions!");

                Log("Verifying that host was able to reopen the partition");
                Assert.True(targetPartitionOpens == 2, $"Host opened target partition {targetPartitionOpens} times!");

                Log("Verifying that host notified by close");
                Assert.True(targetPartitionCloses == 1, $"Host closed target partition {targetPartitionCloses} times!");
                Log("Calling UnregisterEventProcessorAsync");
                await eventProcessorHost.UnregisterEventProcessorAsync();

                if (externalReceiver != null)
                    await externalReceiver.CloseAsync();
コード例 #8
        async Task HostShouldRecoverWhenProcessEventsAsyncThrows()
            var lastReceivedAt        = DateTime.Now;
            var lastReceivedAtLock    = new object();
            var poisonMessageReceived = false;
            var poisonMessageProperty = "poison";
            var processorFactory      = new TestEventProcessorFactory();
            var receivedEventCounts   = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, int>();

            var eventProcessorHost = new EventProcessorHost(

            processorFactory.OnCreateProcessor += (f, createArgs) =>
                var    processor         = createArgs.Item2;
                string partitionId       = createArgs.Item1.PartitionId;
                string hostName          = createArgs.Item1.Owner;
                string consumerGroupName = createArgs.Item1.ConsumerGroupName;
                processor.OnOpen         += (_, partitionContext) => Log($"{hostName} > {consumerGroupName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor opened");
                processor.OnClose        += (_, closeArgs) => Log($"{hostName} > {consumerGroupName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor closing: {closeArgs.Item2}");
                processor.OnProcessError += (_, errorArgs) =>
                    Log($"{hostName} > {consumerGroupName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor process error {errorArgs.Item2.Message}");

                    // Throw once more here depending on where we are at exception sequence.
                    if (errorArgs.Item2.Message.Contains("ExceptionSequence1"))
                        throw new Exception("ExceptionSequence2");
                processor.OnProcessEvents += (_, eventsArgs) =>
                    int eventCount = eventsArgs.Item2.events != null?eventsArgs.Item2.events.Count() : 0;

                    Log($"{hostName} > {consumerGroupName} > Partition {partitionId} TestEventProcessor processing {eventCount} event(s)");
                    if (eventCount > 0)
                        lock (lastReceivedAtLock)
                            lastReceivedAt = DateTime.Now;

                        foreach (var e in eventsArgs.Item2.events)
                            // If this is poisoned event then throw.
                            if (!poisonMessageReceived && e.Properties.ContainsKey(poisonMessageProperty))
                                poisonMessageReceived = true;
                                Log($"Received poisoned message from partition {partitionId}");
                                throw new Exception("ExceptionSequence1");

                            // Track received events so we can validate at the end.
                            if (!receivedEventCounts.ContainsKey(partitionId))
                                receivedEventCounts[partitionId] = 0;


                Log("Registering processorFactory...");
                var epo = new EventProcessorOptions()
                    MaxBatchSize = 100
                await eventProcessorHost.RegisterEventProcessorFactoryAsync(processorFactory, epo);

                Log("Waiting for partition ownership to settle...");
                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

                // Send first set of messages.
                Log("Sending an event to each partition as the first set of messages.");
                var sendTasks = new List <Task>();
                foreach (var partitionId in PartitionIds)
                    sendTasks.Add(this.SendToPartitionAsync(partitionId, $"{partitionId} event.", this.ConnectionStringBuilder.ToString()));
                await Task.WhenAll(sendTasks);

                // Now send 1 poisoned message. This will fail one of the partition pumps.
                Log($"Sending a poison event to partition {PartitionIds.First()}");
                var client  = EventHubClient.CreateFromConnectionString(this.EventHubConnectionString);
                var pSender = client.CreatePartitionSender(PartitionIds.First());
                var ed      = new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This is poison message"));
                ed.Properties[poisonMessageProperty] = true;
                await pSender.SendAsync(ed);

                // Wait sometime. The host should fail and then recever during this time.
                await Task.Delay(30000);

                // Send second set of messages.
                Log("Sending an event to each partition as the second set of messages.");
                foreach (var partitionId in PartitionIds)
                    sendTasks.Add(this.SendToPartitionAsync(partitionId, $"{partitionId} event.", this.ConnectionStringBuilder.ToString()));
                await Task.WhenAll(sendTasks);

                Log("Waiting until hosts are idle, i.e. no more messages to receive.");
                while (lastReceivedAt > DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-60))
                    await Task.Delay(1000);

                Log("Verifying poison message was received");
                Assert.True(poisonMessageReceived, "Didn't receive poison message!");

                Log("Verifying received events by each partition");
                foreach (var partitionId in PartitionIds)
                    if (!receivedEventCounts.ContainsKey(partitionId))
                        throw new Exception($"Partition {partitionId} didn't receive any messages!");

                    var receivedEventCount = receivedEventCounts[partitionId];
                    Assert.True(receivedEventCount >= 2, $"Partition {partitionId} received {receivedEventCount} where as at least 2 expected!");
                Log("Calling UnregisterEventProcessorAsync.");
                await eventProcessorHost.UnregisterEventProcessorAsync();