public const string endpoint = ""; // You must use the same Azure region that you generated your subscription keys for. Free trial subscription keys are generated in the westus region. static void Main(string[] args) { OCRSample.RunAsync(endpoint, subscriptionKey).Wait(5000); Console.WriteLine("\nPress ENTER to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { await OCRSample.RunAsync(endpoint, subscriptionKey); Console.WriteLine("\nPress ENTER to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); }
public const string endpoint = ""; // You must use the same Azure region that you generated your subscription keys for. Free trial subscription keys are generated in the westus region. static void Main(string[] args) { try { OCRSample.RunAsync(endpoint, subscriptionKey).Wait(5000); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.WriteLine("\nPress ENTER to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Add your Computer Vision subscription key and endpoint to your environment variables string subscriptionKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("45c714d75ff847fd8e45719009d766d6"); string endpoint = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(""); try { OCRSample.RunAsync(endpoint, subscriptionKey).Wait(5000); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.WriteLine("\nPress ENTER to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Add your Computer Vision subscription key and endpoint to your environment variables string subscriptionKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("COMPUTER_VISION_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY"); string endpoint = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("COMPUTER_VISION_ENDPOINT"); try { OCRSample.RunAsync(endpoint, subscriptionKey).Wait(5000); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.WriteLine("\nPress ENTER to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); }