コード例 #1
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ODataRawValueMediaTypeMapping"/> class.
        ///// </summary>
        //protected ODataRawValueMediaTypeMapping(string mediaType)
        //    : base(mediaType)

        ///// <inheritdoc/>
        //public override double TryMatchMediaType(HttpRequestMessage request)
        //    if (request == null)
        //    {
        //        throw Error.ArgumentNull("request");
        //    }

        //    return (IsRawValueRequest(request) && IsMatch(GetProperty(request))) ? 1 : 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// This method determines if the <see cref="HttpRequest"/> is an OData Raw value request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertySegment">The <see cref="PropertyAccessPathSegment"/> of the path.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the request is an OData raw value request.</returns>
        protected abstract bool IsMatch(PropertyAccessPathSegment propertySegment);