public void CloseThrowsSouldntTakeProcessDown() { var memoryStream = MemoryStream(""); var eventSource = new EventSourceStreamReader(memoryStream); eventSource.Closed = (ex) => { throw new Exception("Throw on closed"); }; eventSource.Start(); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); }
public void ReadTriggersOpenedOnOpen() { var memoryStream = MemoryStream("data:somedata\n\n"); var wh = new ManualResetEvent(false); var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>(); var eventSource = new EventSourceStreamReader(memoryStream); eventSource.Opened = () => wh.Set(); eventSource.Message = sseEvent => tcs.TrySetResult(sseEvent.Data); eventSource.Start(); Assert.True(wh.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))); Assert.True(tcs.Task.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))); Assert.Equal("somedata", tcs.Task.Result); }
public void CloseThrowsSouldntTakeProcessDown() { var memoryStream = MemoryStream(""); var eventSource = new EventSourceStreamReader(memoryStream); var wh = new ManualResetEventSlim(); eventSource.Closed = (ex) => { wh.Set(); throw new Exception("Throw on closed"); }; eventSource.Start(); Assert.True(wh.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))); }
private void OpenConnection(IConnection connection, string data, CancellationToken disconnectToken, Action initializeCallback, Action<Exception> errorCallback) { // If we're reconnecting add /connect to the url bool reconnecting = initializeCallback == null; var callbackInvoker = new ThreadSafeInvoker(); var requestDisposer = new Disposer(); var url = (reconnecting ? connection.Url : connection.Url + "connect") + GetReceiveQueryString(connection, data); connection.Trace(TraceLevels.Events, "SSE: GET {0}", url); HttpClient.Get(url, req => { _request = req; connection.PrepareRequest(_request); _request.Accept = "text/event-stream"; }).ContinueWith(task => { if (task.IsFaulted) { Exception exception = task.Exception.Unwrap(); if (!ExceptionHelper.IsRequestAborted(exception)) { if (errorCallback != null) { callbackInvoker.Invoke((cb, ex) => cb(ex), errorCallback, exception); } else if (reconnecting) { // Only raise the error event if we failed to reconnect connection.OnError(exception); Reconnect(connection, data, disconnectToken); } } requestDisposer.Dispose(); } else { var response = task.Result; Stream stream = response.GetStream(); var eventSource = new EventSourceStreamReader(connection, stream); bool retry = true; var esCancellationRegistration = disconnectToken.SafeRegister(state => { retry = false; ((IRequest)state).Abort(); }, _request); eventSource.Opened = () => { // If we're not reconnecting, then we're starting the transport for the first time. Trigger callback only on first start. if (!reconnecting) { callbackInvoker.Invoke(initializeCallback); } else if (connection.ChangeState(ConnectionState.Reconnecting, ConnectionState.Connected)) { // Raise the reconnect event if the connection comes back up connection.OnReconnected(); } }; eventSource.Message = sseEvent => { if (sseEvent.EventType == EventType.Data) { if (sseEvent.Data.Equals("initialized", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return; } bool timedOut; bool disconnected; TransportHelper.ProcessResponse(connection, sseEvent.Data, out timedOut, out disconnected); if (disconnected) { retry = false; connection.Disconnect(); } } }; eventSource.Closed = exception => { if (exception != null) { // Check if the request is aborted bool isRequestAborted = ExceptionHelper.IsRequestAborted(exception); if (!isRequestAborted) { // Don't raise exceptions if the request was aborted (connection was stopped). connection.OnError(exception); } } requestDisposer.Dispose(); esCancellationRegistration.Dispose(); response.Dispose(); if (AbortResetEvent != null) { AbortResetEvent.Set(); } else if (retry) { Reconnect(connection, data, disconnectToken); } }; eventSource.Start(); } }); var requestCancellationRegistration = disconnectToken.SafeRegister(state => { if (state != null) { // This will no-op if the request is already finished. ((IRequest)state).Abort(); } if (errorCallback != null) { callbackInvoker.Invoke((cb, token) => { #if NET35 || WINDOWS_PHONE cb(new OperationCanceledException(Resources.Error_ConnectionCancelled)); #else cb(new OperationCanceledException(Resources.Error_ConnectionCancelled, token)); #endif }, errorCallback, disconnectToken); } }, _request); requestDisposer.Set(requestCancellationRegistration); if (errorCallback != null) { TaskAsyncHelper.Delay(ConnectionTimeout).Then(() => { callbackInvoker.Invoke((conn, cb) => { // Abort the request before cancelling _request.Abort(); // Connection timeout occurred cb(new TimeoutException()); }, connection, errorCallback); }); } }
internal void OpenConnection(IConnection connection, string data, CancellationToken disconnectToken, bool reconnecting) { // If we're reconnecting add /connect to the url var url = reconnecting ? UrlBuilder.BuildReconnect(connection, Name, data) : UrlBuilder.BuildConnect(connection, Name, data); connection.Trace(TraceLevels.Events, "SSE: GET {0}", url); var getTask = HttpClient.Get(url, req => { _request = req; _request.Accept = "text/event-stream"; connection.PrepareRequest(_request); }, isLongRunning: true); var requestCancellationRegistration = disconnectToken.SafeRegister(state => { _stop = true; // This will no-op if the request is already finished. ((IRequest)state).Abort(); }, _request); getTask.ContinueWith(task => { if (task.IsFaulted || task.IsCanceled) { var exception = task.IsCanceled ? new OperationCanceledException(Resources.Error_TaskCancelledException) : task.Exception.Unwrap(); if (!reconnecting) { TransportFailed(exception); } else if (!_stop) { // Only raise the error event if we failed to reconnect connection.OnError(exception); Reconnect(connection, data, disconnectToken); } requestCancellationRegistration.Dispose(); } else { // If the disconnect token is canceled the response to the task doesn't matter. if (disconnectToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } var response = task.Result; Stream stream = response.GetStream(); var eventSource = new EventSourceStreamReader(connection, stream); eventSource.Opened = () => { // This will noop if we're not in the reconnecting state if (connection.ChangeState(ConnectionState.Reconnecting, ConnectionState.Connected)) { // Raise the reconnect event if the connection comes back up connection.OnReconnected(); } }; eventSource.Message = sseEvent => { if (sseEvent.EventType == EventType.Data && !sseEvent.Data.Equals("initialized", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ProcessResponse(connection, sseEvent.Data); } }; eventSource.Closed = exception => { if (exception != null) { // Check if the request is aborted if (!ExceptionHelper.IsRequestAborted(exception)) { // Don't raise exceptions if the request was aborted (connection was stopped). connection.OnError(exception); } } requestCancellationRegistration.Dispose(); response.Dispose(); if (_stop) { AbortHandler.CompleteAbort(); } else if (AbortHandler.TryCompleteAbort()) { // Abort() was called, so don't reconnect } else { Reconnect(connection, data, disconnectToken); } }; eventSource.Start(); } }); }
private void OpenConnection(IConnection connection, string data, CancellationToken disconnectToken, Action initializeCallback, Action<Exception> errorCallback) { // If we're reconnecting add /connect to the url bool reconnecting = initializeCallback == null; var callbackInvoker = new ThreadSafeInvoker(); var requestDisposer = new Disposer(); var url = (reconnecting ? connection.Url : connection.Url + "connect") + GetReceiveQueryString(connection, data); IRequest request = null; #if NET35 Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "SSE: GET {0}", (object)url)); #else Debug.WriteLine("SSE: GET {0}", (object)url); #endif HttpClient.Get(url, req => { request = req; connection.PrepareRequest(request); request.Accept = "text/event-stream"; }).ContinueWith(task => { if (task.IsFaulted) { Exception exception = task.Exception.Unwrap(); if (!ExceptionHelper.IsRequestAborted(exception)) { if (errorCallback != null) { callbackInvoker.Invoke((cb, ex) => cb(ex), errorCallback, exception); } else if (reconnecting) { // Only raise the error event if we failed to reconnect connection.OnError(exception); Reconnect(connection, data, disconnectToken); } } requestDisposer.Dispose(); } else { IResponse response = task.Result; Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream(); var eventSource = new EventSourceStreamReader(stream); bool retry = true; var esCancellationRegistration = disconnectToken.SafeRegister(es => { retry = false; es.Close(); }, eventSource); eventSource.Opened = () => { if (!reconnecting) { callbackInvoker.Invoke(initializeCallback); } else if (connection.ChangeState(ConnectionState.Reconnecting, ConnectionState.Connected)) { // Raise the reconnect event if the connection comes back up connection.OnReconnected(); } }; eventSource.Message = sseEvent => { if (sseEvent.EventType == EventType.Data) { if (sseEvent.Data.Equals("initialized", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return; } bool timedOut; bool disconnected; TransportHelper.ProcessResponse(connection, sseEvent.Data, out timedOut, out disconnected); if (disconnected) { retry = false; connection.Disconnect(); } } }; eventSource.Closed = exception => { bool isRequestAborted = false; if (exception != null) { // Check if the request is aborted isRequestAborted = ExceptionHelper.IsRequestAborted(exception); if (!isRequestAborted) { // Don't raise exceptions if the request was aborted (connection was stopped). connection.OnError(exception); } } // Skip reconnect attempt for aborted requests if (!isRequestAborted && retry) { Reconnect(connection, data, disconnectToken); } }; // See eventSource.Disabled = () => { requestDisposer.Dispose(); esCancellationRegistration.Dispose(); response.Close(); }; eventSource.Start(); } }); var requestCancellationRegistration = disconnectToken.SafeRegister(req => { if (req != null) { // This will no-op if the request is already finished. req.Abort(); } if (errorCallback != null) { callbackInvoker.Invoke((cb, token) => { #if NET35 || WINDOWS_PHONE cb(new OperationCanceledException(Resources.Error_ConnectionCancelled)); #else cb(new OperationCanceledException(Resources.Error_ConnectionCancelled, token)); #endif }, errorCallback, disconnectToken); } }, request); requestDisposer.Set(requestCancellationRegistration); if (errorCallback != null) { TaskAsyncHelper.Delay(ConnectionTimeout).Then(() => { callbackInvoker.Invoke((conn, cb) => { // Abort the request before cancelling request.Abort(); // Connection timeout occurred cb(new TimeoutException()); }, connection, errorCallback); }); } }
private void OpenConnection(IConnection connection, string data, CancellationToken disconnectToken, Action initializeCallback, Action<Exception> errorCallback) { // If we're reconnecting add /connect to the url bool reconnecting = initializeCallback == null; var callbackInvoker = new ThreadSafeInvoker(); var requestDisposer = new Disposer(); Action initializeInvoke = () => { callbackInvoker.Invoke(initializeCallback); }; var url = connection.Url + (reconnecting ? "reconnect" : "connect") + GetReceiveQueryString(connection, data); connection.Trace(TraceLevels.Events, "SSE: GET {0}", url); HttpClient.Get(url, req => { _request = req; _request.Accept = "text/event-stream"; connection.PrepareRequest(_request); }, isLongRunning: true).ContinueWith(task => { if (task.IsFaulted || task.IsCanceled) { Exception exception; if (task.IsCanceled) { exception = new OperationCanceledException(Resources.Error_TaskCancelledException); } else { exception = task.Exception.Unwrap(); } if (errorCallback != null) { callbackInvoker.Invoke((cb, ex) => cb(ex), errorCallback, exception); } else if (!_stop && reconnecting) { // Only raise the error event if we failed to reconnect connection.OnError(exception); Reconnect(connection, data, disconnectToken); } requestDisposer.Dispose(); } else { // If the disconnect token is canceled the response to the task doesn't matter. if (disconnectToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } var response = task.Result; Stream stream = response.GetStream(); var eventSource = new EventSourceStreamReader(connection, stream); var esCancellationRegistration = disconnectToken.SafeRegister(state => { _stop = true; ((IRequest)state).Abort(); }, _request); eventSource.Opened = () => { // This will noop if we're not in the reconnecting state if (connection.ChangeState(ConnectionState.Reconnecting, ConnectionState.Connected)) { // Raise the reconnect event if the connection comes back up connection.OnReconnected(); } }; eventSource.Message = sseEvent => { if (sseEvent.EventType == EventType.Data) { if (sseEvent.Data.Equals("initialized", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return; } bool shouldReconnect; bool disconnected; TransportHelper.ProcessResponse(connection, sseEvent.Data, out shouldReconnect, out disconnected, initializeInvoke); if (disconnected) { _stop = true; connection.Disconnect(); } } }; eventSource.Closed = exception => { if (exception != null) { // Check if the request is aborted bool isRequestAborted = ExceptionHelper.IsRequestAborted(exception); if (!isRequestAborted) { // Don't raise exceptions if the request was aborted (connection was stopped). connection.OnError(exception); } } requestDisposer.Dispose(); esCancellationRegistration.Dispose(); response.Dispose(); if (_stop) { AbortHandler.CompleteAbort(); } else if (AbortHandler.TryCompleteAbort()) { // Abort() was called, so don't reconnect } else { Reconnect(connection, data, disconnectToken); } }; eventSource.Start(); } }); var requestCancellationRegistration = disconnectToken.SafeRegister(state => { if (state != null) { // This will no-op if the request is already finished. ((IRequest)state).Abort(); } if (errorCallback != null) { callbackInvoker.Invoke((cb, token) => { #if !NET35 cb(new OperationCanceledException(Resources.Error_ConnectionCancelled, token)); #else cb(new OperationCanceledException(Resources.Error_ConnectionCancelled)); #endif }, errorCallback, disconnectToken); } }, _request); requestDisposer.Set(requestCancellationRegistration); }
public void ConnectionIdsCantBeUsedAsGroups() { using (var host = new MemoryHost()) { IProtectedData protectedData = null; host.Configure(app => { var config = new ConnectionConfiguration { Resolver = new DefaultDependencyResolver() }; app.MapSignalR<MyConnection>("/echo", config); protectedData = config.Resolver.Resolve<IProtectedData>(); }); var connection = new Client.Connection("http://memoryhost/echo"); using (connection) { var connectionTcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>(); var spyTcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>(); connection.Received += data => { connectionTcs.SetResult(data.Trim()); }; connection.Start(host).Wait(); var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>(); EventSourceStreamReader reader = null; Task.Run(async () => { try { string url = GetUrl(protectedData, connection); var response = await host.Get(url, r => { }, isLongRunning: true); reader = new EventSourceStreamReader(connection, response.GetStream()); reader.Message = sseEvent => { if (sseEvent.EventType == EventType.Data && sseEvent.Data != "initialized" && sseEvent.Data != "{}") { spyTcs.TrySetResult(sseEvent.Data); } }; reader.Start(); tcs.TrySetResult(null); } catch (Exception ex) { tcs.TrySetException(ex); } }); tcs.Task.Wait(); connection.SendWithTimeout("STUFFF"); Assert.True(connectionTcs.Task.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))); Assert.Equal("STUFFF", connectionTcs.Task.Result); Assert.False(spyTcs.Task.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))); } } }
public async Task GroupsTokenIsPerConnectionId() { using (var host = new MemoryHost()) { IProtectedData protectedData = null; host.Configure(app => { var config = new HubConfiguration { Resolver = new DefaultDependencyResolver() }; app.MapSignalR<MyGroupConnection>("/echo", config); protectedData = config.Resolver.Resolve<IProtectedData>(); }); var connection = new Client.Connection("http://memoryhost/echo"); using (connection) { var inGroup = new AsyncManualResetEvent(); connection.Received += data => { if (data == "group") { inGroup.Set(); } }; await connection.Start(host); await inGroup.WaitAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); Assert.NotNull(connection.GroupsToken); var spyWh = new AsyncManualResetEvent(); var hackerConnection = new Client.Connection(connection.Url) { ConnectionId = "hacker" }; var url = GetUrl(protectedData, connection, connection.GroupsToken); var response = await host.Get(url, r => { }, isLongRunning: true); var reader = new EventSourceStreamReader(hackerConnection, response.GetStream()); reader.Message = sseEvent => { if (sseEvent.EventType == EventType.Data && sseEvent.Data != "initialized" && sseEvent.Data != "{}") { spyWh.Set(); } }; reader.Start(); await connection.Send("random"); Assert.False(await spyWh.WaitAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))); } } }
private void OpenConnection(IConnection connection, string data, Action initializeCallback, Action<Exception> errorCallback) { // If we're reconnecting add /connect to the url bool reconnecting = initializeCallback == null; var callbackInvoker = new ThreadSafeInvoker(); var url = (reconnecting ? connection.Url : connection.Url + "connect") + GetReceiveQueryString(connection, data); Action<IRequest> prepareRequest = PrepareRequest(connection); #if NET35 Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "SSE: GET {0}", (object)url)); #else Debug.WriteLine("SSE: GET {0}", (object)url); #endif HttpClient.GetAsync(url, request => { prepareRequest(request); request.Accept = "text/event-stream"; }).ContinueWith(task => { if (task.IsFaulted) { Exception exception = task.Exception.Unwrap(); if (!ExceptionHelper.IsRequestAborted(exception)) { if (errorCallback != null) { callbackInvoker.Invoke((cb, ex) => cb(ex), errorCallback, exception); } else if (reconnecting) { // Only raise the error event if we failed to reconnect connection.OnError(exception); Reconnect(connection, data); } } } else { IResponse response = task.Result; Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream(); var eventSource = new EventSourceStreamReader(stream); bool retry = true; lock (connection.Items) { connection.Items[EventSourceKey] = eventSource; } eventSource.Opened = () => { if (initializeCallback != null) { callbackInvoker.Invoke(initializeCallback); } if (reconnecting && connection.ChangeState(ConnectionState.Reconnecting, ConnectionState.Connected)) { // Raise the reconnect event if the connection comes back up connection.OnReconnected(); } }; eventSource.Message = sseEvent => { if (sseEvent.EventType == EventType.Data) { if (sseEvent.Data.Equals("initialized", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return; } bool timedOut; bool disconnected; ProcessResponse(connection, sseEvent.Data, out timedOut, out disconnected); if (disconnected) { retry = false; } } }; eventSource.Closed = exception => { bool isRequestAborted = false; if (exception != null) { // Check if the request is aborted isRequestAborted = ExceptionHelper.IsRequestAborted(exception); if (!isRequestAborted) { // Don't raise exceptions if the request was aborted (connection was stopped). connection.OnError(exception); } } // See response.Close(); // Skip reconnect attempt for aborted requests if (!isRequestAborted) { if (retry) { Reconnect(connection, data); } else { connection.Stop(); } } }; eventSource.Start(); } }); if (errorCallback != null) { TaskAsyncHelper.Delay(ConnectionTimeout).Then(() => { callbackInvoker.Invoke((conn, cb) => { // Stop the connection Stop(conn); // Connection timeout occured cb(new TimeoutException()); }, connection, errorCallback); }); } }