コード例 #1
        private static void KpiDrop_2012SP1(AMO.Database tabularDatabase,
                                            string tableName,
                                            string kpiName)
            using (AMO.MdxScript mdxScript = tabularDatabase.Cubes[0].MdxScripts[MdxScriptStringName])
                Regex kpiTypeExpression = new Regex(KpiPattern, RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);

                foreach (AMO.Command modelCommand in mdxScript.Commands)
                    if (kpiTypeExpression.IsMatch(modelCommand.Text))
                        string matchKpiName = kpiTypeExpression.Match(modelCommand.Text).Groups["kpiName"].Value.Replace("[", string.Empty);
                        matchKpiName = matchKpiName.Replace("]", string.Empty);

                        if (string.Compare(kpiName, matchKpiName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            AMO.CalculationPropertyCollection modelCalculationProperties = mdxScript.CalculationProperties;

                            //  Remove KPI properties

                            //  To be sure that changing the command expression doesn't affect the search...
                            //      The search is performed over the AMO command text --> modelCommand.Text
                            //      But the removal of text is done over the copy --> measureRemovedCommands
                            bool   found = false;
                            string measureRemovedCommands = modelCommand.Text.Replace(kpiTypeExpression.Match(modelCommand.Text).Groups[0].Value, string.Empty);

                            Regex commandTypeExpression = new Regex(MemberPattern, RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);

                            //  Note:   Here we assume Goal, Status and Trend members were added following the
                            //          defined practice for MS SQL Server 2012 Tabular models of giving them the
                            //          names according to the following patterns:

                            //  Goal 'Member' name in MdxScripts:
                            string goalMemberName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[_{0} Goal]", kpiName);

                            //  Status 'Member' name in MdxScripts:
                            string statusMemberName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[_{0} Status]", kpiName);

                            //  Trend 'Member' name in MdxScripts:
                            string trendMemberName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[_{0} Trend]", kpiName);

                            //  To be sure that changing the command expression doesn't affect the search...
                            //      The search is performed over the AMO command text --> modelCommand.Text
                            //      But the removal of text is done over the copy --> measureRemovedCommands

                            found = false;
                            measureRemovedCommands = modelCommand.Text;
                            foreach (Match match in commandTypeExpression.Matches(modelCommand.Text))   //  search
                                string matchMemberName = match.Groups["memberName"].Value;

                                //  Remove the Goal 'Member' from the list of commands in MdxScripts
                                //  Remove the Status 'Member' from the list of commands in MdxScripts
                                if ((string.Compare(goalMemberName, matchMemberName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) ||
                                    (string.Compare(statusMemberName, matchMemberName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0))
                                    measureRemovedCommands = measureRemovedCommands.Replace(match.Groups[0].Value, string.Empty);   //  removal
                                    found = true;

                            if (found)
                                modelCommand.Text = measureRemovedCommands;

                            //Removing the Status member Calculation Property

                            //Removing the Goal member Calculation Property
コード例 #2
        private static void KpiDrop_2012RTM(AMO.Database tabularDatabase,
                                            string tableName,
                                            string kpiName)
            //  Major steps in dropping a KPI from a table in the database
            //  - Store the existing MdxScript in a 'temporary' variable
            //  - Remove the KPI element from the 'temporary' variable
            //  - Remove the Status element from the 'temporary' variable
            //  - Remove the Goal element from the 'temporary' variable
            //  - Remove the Trend element from the 'temporary' variable
            //  - Replace existing MdxScript with 'temporary' variable
            //  - Remove from Calculation Properties the KPI, Status, Goal and Trend elements
            //  Important Conceptual Note:
            //  In Tabular Models a KPI is a Measure that has been promoted to KPI. Deleting a KPI
            //  doesn't delete the undelying measure.
            //  Note: Measures are dynamic objects that live inside an MdxScript object in the cube
            //  IMPORTANT Note: Measures must not be created as native OLAP measure objects, from the MeasureGroup object.
            //      !!  Native OLAP measures cannot be:
            //          •	Referenced by DAX queries
            //          •	Referenced by calculated columns
            //          •	Referenced by other DAX measures

            //  Note: There are no validations for duplicated names, invalid names or
            //  similar scenarios. It is expected the server will take care of them and
            //  throw exceptions on any invalid situation.
            //  Note:   In AMO, strings as indexers refer to the ID of the object, not the name
            //  Note:   Only one DataSourceView is used in Tabular Models
            //          ==> tabularDatabase.DataSourceViews[0] represents the DSV of the model
            //  Note:   Only one Cube is used in Tabular Models
            //          ==> tabularDatabase.Cubes[0] represents the cube of the model
            //  Note:   Only one Commands script is used in Tabular Models to hold all ALL Measures and KPIs of the model
            //          ==> tabularDatabase.Cubes[0].MdxScripts["MdxScript"].Commands[1].Text contains ALL Measures and KPIs of the model
            //  Note:   Microsoft design tools use the following pattern to keep track of the
            //          datasource matching elements:
            //          DataSourceView->TableName <---> Dimension.ID, MeasureGroup.ID
            //          DataSourceView->ColumnName <---> Dimension->ColumnID, MeasureGroup.DegeneratedDimension->CoumnID
            //          So far, this sample follows the same pattern.
            //          WARNING:    Breaking the above pattern when creating your
            //                      own AMO to Tabular functions might lead to
            //                      unpredictable behavior when using Microsoft
            //                      Design tools in your models.

            using (AMO.MdxScript modelMdxScript = tabularDatabase.Cubes[0].MdxScripts[MdxScriptStringName])
                AMO.Command modelCommand = modelMdxScript.Commands[1];
                AMO.CalculationPropertyCollection modelCalculationProperties = modelMdxScript.CalculationProperties;

                //  Remove KPI properties

                Regex commandTypeExpression = new Regex(KpiPattern, RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);

                //  To be sure that changing the command expression doesn't affect the search...
                //      The search is performed over the AMO command text --> modelCommand.Text
                //      But the removal of text is done over the copy --> measureRemovedCommands
                bool   found = false;
                string measureRemovedCommands = modelCommand.Text;
                foreach (Match match in commandTypeExpression.Matches(modelCommand.Text))   //  search
                    string matchKpiName = match.Groups["kpiName"].Value.Replace("[", string.Empty);
                    matchKpiName = matchKpiName.Replace("]", string.Empty);
                    if (string.Compare(kpiName, matchKpiName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
                        measureRemovedCommands = measureRemovedCommands.Replace(match.Groups[0].Value, string.Empty);   //  removal
                        found = true;

                if (found)
                    modelCommand.Text = measureRemovedCommands;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.KpiDoesNotExistInvalidOperationException);

                commandTypeExpression = new Regex(MemberPattern, RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);

                //  Note:   Here we assume Goal, Status and Trend members were added following the
                //          defined practice for MS SQL Server 2012 Tabular models of giving them the
                //          names according to the following patterns:

                //  Goal 'Member' name in MdxScripts:
                string goalMemberName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[_{0} Goal]", kpiName);

                //  Status 'Member' name in MdxScripts:
                string statusMemberName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[_{0} Status]", kpiName);

                //  Trend 'Member' name in MdxScripts:
                string trendMemberName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[_{0} Trend]", kpiName);

                //  To be sure that changing the command expression doesn't affect the search...
                //      The search is performed over the AMO command text --> modelCommand.Text
                //      But the removal of text is done over the copy --> measureRemovedCommands

                found = false;
                measureRemovedCommands = modelCommand.Text;
                foreach (Match match in commandTypeExpression.Matches(modelCommand.Text))   //  search
                    string matchMemberName = match.Groups["memberName"].Value;

                    //  Remove the Goal 'Member' from the list of commands in MdxScripts
                    //  Remove the Status 'Member' from the list of commands in MdxScripts
                    //  Remove the Trend 'Member' from the list of commands in MdxScripts
                    if ((string.Compare(goalMemberName, matchMemberName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) ||
                        (string.Compare(statusMemberName, matchMemberName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) ||
                        (string.Compare(trendMemberName, matchMemberName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0))
                        measureRemovedCommands = measureRemovedCommands.Replace(match.Groups[0].Value, string.Empty);   //  removal
                        found = true;

                if (found)
                    modelCommand.Text = measureRemovedCommands;

                //Removing the Status member Calculation Property

                //Removing the Trend member Calculation Property

                //Removing the Goal member Calculation Property