public static object GetDBVal(string dbName) { object returnValue; string measuresText = ""; string dimensionsText = ""; Boolean addcomma = false; foreach (AMDS.Dimension d in Context.CurrentCube.Dimensions) { foreach (AMDS.Hierarchy h in d.AttributeHierarchies) { if (d.DimensionType == DimensionTypeEnum.Measure) { measuresText = h.CurrentMember.UniqueName; } else //eliminate comparison dimension from the query if ((h.CurrentMember.UniqueName != h.DefaultMember) && (!h.CurrentMember.UniqueName.Contains("[Comparison Operations]"))) { if (addcomma == false) { addcomma = true; } else { dimensionsText += ","; } dimensionsText += h.CurrentMember.UniqueName; } } } //if all the dimensions in default members do not compose where clause of the query if (dimensionsText != "") { dimensionsText = " where (" + dimensionsText + ")"; } string query = " select " + measuresText + " on 0 from [" + Context.CurrentCube.Name + "] " + dimensionsText; Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdConnection conn = new Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdConnection("Data Source=" + Context.Server.Name + ";Catalog=" + dbName); conn.Open(); try { AMDC.CellSet queryCellset; Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdCommand queryCommand = new Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdCommand(); queryCommand.CommandText = query; queryCommand.Connection = conn; queryCellset = queryCommand.ExecuteCellSet(); returnValue = queryCellset[0].Value; } finally { conn.Close(); } return(returnValue); }
public void Close() { if (_type == AdomdType.AnalysisServices) { _conn.Close(); } else { ExcelAdoMdConnections.VoidDelegate f = delegate { _connExcel.Close(); }; f(); } }
public static DataTable ExecuteDrillthroughAndFixColumns(string sDrillthroughMDX) { AdomdClient.AdomdConnection conn = TimeoutUtility.ConnectAdomdClient("Data Source=" + Context.CurrentServerID + ";Initial Catalog=" + Context.CurrentDatabaseName + ";Application Name=ASSP;"); try { AdomdClient.AdomdCommand cmd = new AdomdClient.AdomdCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandText = sDrillthroughMDX; DataTable tbl = new DataTable(); AdomdClient.AdomdDataAdapter adp = new AdomdClient.AdomdDataAdapter(cmd); TimeoutUtility.FillAdomdDataAdapter(adp, tbl); Dictionary <string, int> dictColumnNames = new Dictionary <string, int>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); foreach (DataColumn col in tbl.Columns) { string sNewColumnName = col.ColumnName.Substring(col.ColumnName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1).Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""); if (dictColumnNames.ContainsKey(sNewColumnName)) { dictColumnNames[sNewColumnName]++; } else { dictColumnNames.Add(sNewColumnName, 1); } } foreach (DataColumn col in tbl.Columns) { string sNewColumnName = col.ColumnName.Substring(col.ColumnName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1).Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""); if (dictColumnNames[sNewColumnName] > 1) { sNewColumnName = col.ColumnName.Substring(col.ColumnName.LastIndexOf('[') + 1).Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").Replace("$", ""); } if (!tbl.Columns.Contains(sNewColumnName)) { col.ColumnName = sNewColumnName; } } return(tbl); } finally { conn.Close(); } }
public TabularItems.Measure GetMeasureFromDMV(string measureName) { if (!server.Connected) { throw new InvalidOperationException("You must be connected to the server"); } var dmv = string.Format( @"SELECT [CATALOG_NAME] as [DATABASE], CUBE_NAME AS [CUBE],[MEASUREGROUP_NAME] AS [TABLE],[MEASURE_CAPTION] AS [MEASURE], [MEASURE_IS_VISIBLE] FROM $SYSTEM.MDSCHEMA_MEASURES WHERE CUBE_NAME ='Model' AND MEASURE_CAPTION = '{0}'" , measureName); var daxClient = new DaxHelpers.DaxClient(); System.Data.DataTable dtResult = null; using (var cnn = new ADOMD.AdomdConnection(connectionString)) { cnn.Open(); dtResult = daxClient.ExecuteTable(dmv, cnn); cnn.Close(); } TabularItems.Measure measure = null; foreach (System.Data.DataRow drow in dtResult.Rows) { if (Convert.ToString(drow["MEASURE"]) == measureName) { measure = new TabularItems.Measure(Convert.ToString(drow["TABLE"]), measureName); break; } } if (measure == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Measure " + measureName + " was not found in database " + this.databaseName); } return(measure); }
public static DataTable ExecuteDrillthroughAndTranslateColumns(string sDrillthroughMDX) { Regex columnNameRegex = new Regex(@"\[(?<cube>[^]]*)]\.\[(?<level>[^]]*)]", RegexOptions.Compiled); string connStr = "Data Source=" + Context.CurrentServerID + ";Initial Catalog=" + Context.CurrentDatabaseName + ";Application Name=ASSP;Locale Identifier=" + Context.CurrentConnection.ClientCulture.LCID; AdomdClient.AdomdConnection conn = TimeoutUtility.ConnectAdomdClient(connStr); Context.TraceEvent(999, 0, string.Format("ExecuteDrillthroughAndTranslateColumns ConnectionString: {0}", connStr)); try { Dictionary <string, string> translations = new Dictionary <string, string>(); // get level names var resColl = new AdomdClient.AdomdRestrictionCollection(); resColl.Add("CUBE_SOURCE", "3"); // dimensions resColl.Add("LEVEL_VISIBILITY", "3"); // visible and non-visible resColl.Add("CUBE_NAME", Context.CurrentCube); // visible and non-visible var dsLevels = conn.GetSchemaDataSet("MDSCHEMA_LEVELS", resColl); foreach (DataRow dr in dsLevels.Tables[0].Rows) { var sColName = string.Format("[${0}.[{1}]", dr["DIMENSION_UNIQUE_NAME"].ToString().Substring(1), dr["LEVEL_NAME"].ToString()); if (!translations.ContainsKey(sColName)) { translations.Add(sColName, dr["LEVEL_CAPTION"].ToString()); } } // get measure names resColl.Clear(); resColl.Add("CUBE_NAME", Context.CurrentCube); resColl.Add("MEASURE_VISIBILITY", 3); // visible and non-visible var dsMeasures = conn.GetSchemaDataSet("MDSCHEMA_MEASURES", resColl); foreach (DataRow dr in dsMeasures.Tables[0].Rows) { if (!translations.ContainsKey(string.Format("[{0}].[{1}]", dr["MEASUREGROUP_NAME"].ToString(), dr["MEASURE_NAME"].ToString()))) { translations.Add(string.Format("[{0}].[{1}]", dr["MEASUREGROUP_NAME"].ToString(), dr["MEASURE_NAME"].ToString()), dr["MEASURE_CAPTION"].ToString()); } } // get dimension names resColl.Clear(); resColl.Add("CUBE_NAME", Context.CurrentCube); var dsDims = conn.GetSchemaDataSet("MDSCHEMA_DIMENSIONS", resColl); AdomdClient.AdomdCommand cmd = new AdomdClient.AdomdCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandText = sDrillthroughMDX; DataTable tbl = new DataTable(); AdomdClient.AdomdDataAdapter adp = new AdomdClient.AdomdDataAdapter(cmd); TimeoutUtility.FillAdomdDataAdapter(adp, tbl); // loop through the columns looking for duplicate translation names Dictionary <string, int> dictColumnNames = new Dictionary <string, int>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); foreach (DataColumn col in tbl.Columns) { var colKey = col.ColumnName.Substring(0, col.ColumnName.LastIndexOf(']') + 1); if (translations.ContainsKey(colKey)) { string sNewColumnName = translations[colKey]; if (dictColumnNames.ContainsKey(sNewColumnName)) { dictColumnNames[sNewColumnName]++; } else { dictColumnNames.Add(sNewColumnName, 1); } } else { Context.TraceEvent(999, 0, string.Format("The translation for the column '{0}' was not found", col.ColumnName)); } } foreach (DataColumn col in tbl.Columns) { var colKey = col.ColumnName.Substring(0, col.ColumnName.LastIndexOf(']') + 1); var suffix = col.ColumnName.Substring(col.ColumnName.LastIndexOf("]") + 1); if (translations.ContainsKey(colKey)) { string sNewName = translations[colKey]; if (dictColumnNames[sNewName] > 1) { //if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( suffix)){ //prefix with tablename var m = columnNameRegex.Matches(col.ColumnName); var dimName = m[0].Groups["cube"].Value.TrimStart('$'); var dimCaption = dsDims.Tables[0].Select(string.Format("DIMENSION_NAME = '{0}'", dimName))[0]["DIMENSION_CAPTION"].ToString(); sNewName = dimCaption + "." + sNewName + suffix; //} //else { // col.ColumnName = sNewName + suffix; //} } Context.TraceEvent(999, 0, string.Format("translating: '{0}' to '{1}'", col.ColumnName, sNewName)); col.ColumnName = sNewName; } } //foreach (DataColumn col in tbl.Columns) //{ // string sNewColumnName = col.ColumnName.Substring(col.ColumnName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1).Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""); // if (dictColumnNames[sNewColumnName] > 1) // sNewColumnName = col.ColumnName.Substring(col.ColumnName.LastIndexOf('[') + 1).Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").Replace("$", ""); // if (!tbl.Columns.Contains(sNewColumnName)) // col.ColumnName = sNewColumnName; //} return(tbl); } catch (Exception ex) { Context.TraceEvent(999, 0, string.Format("Unhandled Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); return(null); } finally { conn.Close(); } }
private static void CreateStringDistinctCountPartitions(string CubeName, string MeasureGroupName, string SetString, string PartitionGrouperExpressionString, string[] BoundaryValues) { int NumSubPartitions = BoundaryValues.Length + 1; if (AdomdServer.Context.ExecuteForPrepare) return; AdomdClient.Set s = null; AdomdClient.AdomdConnection conn = new AdomdClient.AdomdConnection("Data Source=" + AdomdServer.Context.CurrentServerID + ";Initial Catalog=" + AdomdServer.Context.CurrentDatabaseName); conn.ShowHiddenObjects = true; //ShowHiddenObjects=true allows you to see properties (like member.ParentLevel) of dimension attributes which aren't visible: conn.Open(); Server server = new Server(); server.Connect("*"); //connect to the current session... important to connect this way or else you will get a deadlock when you go to save the partition changes AdomdServer.Context.CheckCancelled(); //could be a bit long running, so allow user to cancel try { AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Retrieving Template Partition"); Database db = server.Databases.GetByName(AdomdServer.Context.CurrentDatabaseName); Cube cube = db.Cubes.GetByName(CubeName); MeasureGroup mg = cube.MeasureGroups.GetByName(MeasureGroupName); Partition template = mg.Partitions[0]; if (cube.State == AnalysisState.Unprocessed) throw new Exception("The cube [" + cube.Name + "] is unprocessed currently. Run ProcessStructure on it before partitioning it with ASSP."); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Distinct Count stuff AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Calculating min/max distinct count value"); Measure distinctMeasure = null; foreach (Measure m in mg.Measures) { if (m.AggregateFunction == AggregationFunction.DistinctCount) { if (distinctMeasure != null) throw new Exception("CreateStringDistinctCountPartitions does not support more than one distinct count measure on measure group " + mg.Name + "."); distinctMeasure = m; } } if (distinctMeasure == null) throw new Exception("Could not find a distinct count measure in measure group " + mg.Name + "."); ColumnBinding distinctColumnBinding = distinctMeasure.Source.Source as ColumnBinding; if (distinctColumnBinding == null) throw new Exception("Distinct count measure " + distinctMeasure.Name + " was not bound to a column."); AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Boundary values: " + String.Join(", ", BoundaryValues)); AdomdServer.Context.CheckCancelled(); //could be a bit long running, so allow user to cancel ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Resolving Set"); //will show up under the User Defined trace event which is selected by default AdomdClient.CellSet cs; AdomdClient.AdomdCommand cmd = new AdomdClient.AdomdCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(PartitionGrouperExpressionString)) { cmd.CommandText = "select {} on 0, {" + SetString + "} on 1 " + "from [" + CubeName + "]"; try { cs = cmd.ExecuteCellSet(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("The set specified was not valid: " + ex.Message); } } else { cmd.CommandText = "with member [Measures].[_ASSP_PartitionGrouper_] as " + PartitionGrouperExpressionString + " " + "select [Measures].[_ASSP_PartitionGrouper_] on 0, " + "{" + SetString + "} on 1 " + "from [" + CubeName + "]"; try { cs = cmd.ExecuteCellSet(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("The set or partition grouper specified was not valid: " + ex.Message); } } s = cs.Axes[1].Set; AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Determining Partition Scheme"); Dictionary<string, PartitionMetadata> dictPartitions = new Dictionary<string, PartitionMetadata>(); List<string> listPartitionNames = new List<string>(dictPartitions.Count); for (int iTuple = 0; iTuple < s.Tuples.Count; iTuple++) { AdomdServer.Context.CheckCancelled(); //could be a bit long running, so allow user to cancel AdomdClient.Tuple t = s.Tuples[iTuple]; string tostring = t.ToString(); string sTupleUniqueName = GetTupleUniqueName(t); string sTupleName = GetTupleName(t); string sOriginalGrouper = sTupleUniqueName; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PartitionGrouperExpressionString)) { //if a partition grouper has been specified, then group by it sTupleName = sOriginalGrouper = cs.Cells[0, iTuple].Value.ToString(); } for (int iSubPartition = 1; iSubPartition <= NumSubPartitions; iSubPartition++) { string sGrouper = sOriginalGrouper + " - DistinctCountSegment" + iSubPartition; if (!dictPartitions.ContainsKey(sGrouper)) { string sPartitionName = mg.Name + " - " + sTupleName + " - DistinctCountSegment" + iSubPartition; sPartitionName = sPartitionName.Trim(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(PartitionGrouperExpressionString)) { //make sure partition name is unique int i = 1; while (listPartitionNames.Contains(sPartitionName)) { sPartitionName = mg.Name + " - " + sTupleName + " - DistinctCountSegment" + iSubPartition + " - " + (++i); } } dictPartitions.Add(sGrouper, new PartitionMetadata(sPartitionName, t)); listPartitionNames.Add(sPartitionName); DataColumn dc = distinctMeasure.ParentCube.DataSourceView.Schema.Tables[distinctColumnBinding.TableID].Columns[distinctColumnBinding.ColumnID]; if (!dc.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey("ComputedColumnExpression")) { dictPartitions[sGrouper].DistinctCountColumn = "[" + distinctMeasure.ParentCube.DataSourceView.Schema.Tables[distinctColumnBinding.TableID].ExtendedProperties["FriendlyName"].ToString() + "].[" + GetColumnName(dc) + "]"; } else { dictPartitions[sGrouper].DistinctCountColumn = dc.ExtendedProperties["ComputedColumnExpression"].ToString(); } dictPartitions[sGrouper].DistinctCountRangeEndInclusive = false; if (iSubPartition > 1) dictPartitions[sGrouper].DistinctCountRangeStart = "'" + BoundaryValues[iSubPartition - 2].Replace("'", "''") + "'"; if (iSubPartition < NumSubPartitions) dictPartitions[sGrouper].DistinctCountRangeEnd = "'" + BoundaryValues[iSubPartition - 1].Replace("'", "''") + "'"; } else { dictPartitions[sGrouper].tuples.Add(t); } } } //remove all existing partitions except template for (int iPartition = mg.Partitions.Count - 1; iPartition > 0; iPartition--) { mg.Partitions.RemoveAt(iPartition); } bool bNeedToDeleteTemplate = true; foreach (PartitionMetadata pm in dictPartitions.Values) { AdomdServer.Context.CheckCancelled(); //could be a bit long running, so allow user to cancel AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Building Partition: " + pm.PartitionName); if (template.ID == pm.PartitionName) { pm.Partition = template; bNeedToDeleteTemplate = false; pm.Partition.Process(ProcessType.ProcessClear); //unprocess it } else { pm.Partition = template.Clone(); } pm.Partition.Slice = pm.PartitionSlice; pm.Partition.Name = pm.PartitionName; pm.Partition.ID = pm.PartitionName; if (template.ID != pm.PartitionName) mg.Partitions.Add(pm.Partition); //if we're only building one partition, it must be the All member if (s.Tuples.Count == 1) pm.TupleMustBeOnlyAllMembers = true; string sQuery = ""; sQuery = pm.OldQueryDefinition; string sWhereClause = pm.NewPartitionWhereClause; sQuery += "\r\n" + sWhereClause; pm.Partition.Source = new QueryBinding(pm.Partition.DataSource.ID, sQuery); } if (bNeedToDeleteTemplate) mg.Partitions.Remove(template); AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Saving changes"); mg.Update(UpdateOptions.ExpandFull); AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Done creating partitions"); } finally { try { conn.Close(); } catch { } try { server.Disconnect(); } catch { } } }
public static void CreatePartitions(string CubeName, string MeasureGroupName, string SetString, string PartitionGrouperExpressionString) { if (AdomdServer.Context.ExecuteForPrepare) return; AdomdClient.Set s = null; AdomdClient.AdomdConnection conn = new AdomdClient.AdomdConnection("Data Source=" + AdomdServer.Context.CurrentServerID + ";Initial Catalog=" + AdomdServer.Context.CurrentDatabaseName); conn.ShowHiddenObjects = true; //ShowHiddenObjects=true allows you to see properties (like member.ParentLevel) of dimension attributes which aren't visible: conn.Open(); Server server = new Server(); server.Connect("*"); //connect to the current session... important to connect this way or else you will get a deadlock when you go to save the partition changes AdomdServer.Context.CheckCancelled(); //could be a bit long running, so allow user to cancel try { AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Retrieving Template Partition"); Database db = server.Databases.GetByName(AdomdServer.Context.CurrentDatabaseName); Cube cube = db.Cubes.GetByName(CubeName); MeasureGroup mg = cube.MeasureGroups.GetByName(MeasureGroupName); Partition template = mg.Partitions[0]; if (cube.State == AnalysisState.Unprocessed) throw new Exception("The cube [" + cube.Name + "] is unprocessed currently. Run ProcessStructure on it before partitioning it with ASSP."); AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Resolving Set"); //will show up under the User Defined trace event which is selected by default AdomdClient.CellSet cs; AdomdClient.AdomdCommand cmd = new AdomdClient.AdomdCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(PartitionGrouperExpressionString)) { cmd.CommandText = "select {} on 0, {" + SetString + "} on 1 " + "from [" + CubeName + "]"; try { cs = cmd.ExecuteCellSet(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("The set specified was not valid: " + ex.Message); } } else { cmd.CommandText = "with member [Measures].[_ASSP_PartitionGrouper_] as " + PartitionGrouperExpressionString + " " + "select [Measures].[_ASSP_PartitionGrouper_] on 0, " + "{" + SetString + "} on 1 " + "from [" + CubeName + "]"; try { cs = cmd.ExecuteCellSet(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("The set or partition grouper specified was not valid: " + ex.Message); } } s = cs.Axes[1].Set; AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Determining Partition Scheme"); Dictionary<string, PartitionMetadata> dictPartitions = new Dictionary<string, PartitionMetadata>(); List<string> listPartitionNames = new List<string>(dictPartitions.Count); for (int iTuple = 0; iTuple < s.Tuples.Count; iTuple++) { AdomdServer.Context.CheckCancelled(); //could be a bit long running, so allow user to cancel AdomdClient.Tuple t = s.Tuples[iTuple]; string tostring = t.ToString(); string sTupleUniqueName = GetTupleUniqueName(t); string sTupleName = GetTupleName(t); string sGrouper = sTupleUniqueName; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PartitionGrouperExpressionString)) { //if a partition grouper has been specified, then group by it sTupleName = sGrouper = cs.Cells[0, iTuple].Value.ToString(); } if (!dictPartitions.ContainsKey(sGrouper)) { string sPartitionName = mg.Name + " - " + sTupleName; sPartitionName = sPartitionName.Trim(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(PartitionGrouperExpressionString)) { //make sure partition name is unique int i = 1; while (listPartitionNames.Contains(sPartitionName)) { sPartitionName = mg.Name + " - " + sTupleName + " " + (++i); } } dictPartitions.Add(sGrouper, new PartitionMetadata(sPartitionName, t)); listPartitionNames.Add(sPartitionName); } else { dictPartitions[sGrouper].tuples.Add(t); } } //remove all existing partitions except template for (int iPartition = mg.Partitions.Count - 1; iPartition > 0; iPartition--) { mg.Partitions.RemoveAt(iPartition); } bool bNeedToDeleteTemplate = true; foreach (PartitionMetadata pm in dictPartitions.Values) { AdomdServer.Context.CheckCancelled(); //could be a bit long running, so allow user to cancel AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Building Partition: " + pm.PartitionName); if (template.ID == pm.PartitionName) { pm.Partition = template; bNeedToDeleteTemplate = false; pm.Partition.Process(ProcessType.ProcessClear); //unprocess it AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "ProcessClear partition"); } else { pm.Partition = template.Clone(); AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "cloned partition"); } pm.Partition.Slice = pm.PartitionSlice; pm.Partition.Name = pm.PartitionName; pm.Partition.ID = pm.PartitionName; if (template.ID != pm.PartitionName) mg.Partitions.Add(pm.Partition); //if we're only building one partition, it must be the All member if (s.Tuples.Count == 1) pm.TupleMustBeOnlyAllMembers = true; string sQuery = ""; sQuery = pm.OldQueryDefinition; string sWhereClause = pm.NewPartitionWhereClause; sQuery += "\r\n" + sWhereClause; pm.Partition.Source = new QueryBinding(pm.Partition.DataSource.ID, sQuery); } if (bNeedToDeleteTemplate) mg.Partitions.Remove(template); AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Saving changes"); mg.Update(UpdateOptions.ExpandFull); AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Done creating partitions"); } catch (Exception ex) { AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "error: " + ex.Message + " - " + ex.StackTrace); throw ex; } finally { try { conn.Close(); } catch { } try { server.Disconnect(); } catch { } } }
public static void CreateDistinctCountPartitions(string CubeName, string MeasureGroupName, string SetString, string PartitionGrouperExpressionString, int NumSubPartitions) { if (AdomdServer.Context.ExecuteForPrepare) return; AdomdClient.Set s = null; AdomdClient.AdomdConnection conn = new AdomdClient.AdomdConnection("Data Source=" + AdomdServer.Context.CurrentServerID + ";Initial Catalog=" + AdomdServer.Context.CurrentDatabaseName); conn.ShowHiddenObjects = true; //ShowHiddenObjects=true allows you to see properties (like member.ParentLevel) of dimension attributes which aren't visible: conn.Open(); Server server = new Server(); server.Connect("*"); //connect to the current session... important to connect this way or else you will get a deadlock when you go to save the partition changes AdomdServer.Context.CheckCancelled(); //could be a bit long running, so allow user to cancel try { AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Retrieving Template Partition"); Database db = server.Databases.GetByName(AdomdServer.Context.CurrentDatabaseName); Cube cube = db.Cubes.GetByName(CubeName); MeasureGroup mg = cube.MeasureGroups.GetByName(MeasureGroupName); Partition template = mg.Partitions[0]; if (cube.State == AnalysisState.Unprocessed) throw new Exception("The cube [" + cube.Name + "] is unprocessed currently. Run ProcessStructure on it before partitioning it with ASSP."); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Distinct Count stuff AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Calculating min/max distinct count value"); Measure distinctMeasure = null; foreach (Measure m in mg.Measures) { if (m.AggregateFunction == AggregationFunction.DistinctCount) { if (distinctMeasure != null) throw new Exception("CreateDistinctCountPartitions does not support more than one distinct count measure on measure group " + mg.Name + "."); distinctMeasure = m; } } if (distinctMeasure == null) throw new Exception("Could not find a distinct count measure in measure group " + mg.Name + "."); ColumnBinding distinctColumnBinding = distinctMeasure.Source.Source as ColumnBinding; if (distinctColumnBinding == null) throw new Exception("Distinct count measure " + distinctMeasure.Name + " was not bound to a column."); MeasureGroupAttribute distinctMGDimensionAttribute = null; foreach (MeasureGroupDimension mgDim in mg.Dimensions) { if (mgDim is RegularMeasureGroupDimension) { MeasureGroupAttribute mga = PartitionMetadata.GetGranularityAttribute(mgDim); if (mga.KeyColumns.Count == 1) { ColumnBinding cb = mga.KeyColumns[0].Source as ColumnBinding; if (cb.ColumnID == distinctColumnBinding.ColumnID && cb.TableID == distinctColumnBinding.TableID) { distinctMGDimensionAttribute = mga; break; } } AdomdServer.Context.CheckCancelled(); //could be a bit long running, so allow user to cancel } } if (distinctMGDimensionAttribute == null) throw new Exception("Couldn't find a dimension joined to this measure group on the distinct count column [" + distinctColumnBinding.TableID + "].[" + distinctColumnBinding.ColumnID + "]."); if (distinctMGDimensionAttribute.KeyColumns[0].DataType != System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Integer && distinctMGDimensionAttribute.KeyColumns[0].DataType != System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.BigInt && distinctMGDimensionAttribute.KeyColumns[0].DataType != System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.UnsignedInt && distinctMGDimensionAttribute.KeyColumns[0].DataType != System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.UnsignedBigInt) throw new Exception("ASSP encountered a problem partitioning on distinct count column [" + distinctColumnBinding.TableID + "].[" + distinctColumnBinding.ColumnID + "] as ASSP only allows partitioning on a distinct count measure of data type Int or BigInt (or the unsigned equivalents) with CreateDistinctCountPartitions. Use CreateStringDistinctCountPartitions which allows boundary values to be passed in."); string sDistinctCountCubeDim = "[" + distinctMGDimensionAttribute.Parent.CubeDimension.Name + "]"; string sDistinctCountAttribute = sDistinctCountCubeDim + ".[" + distinctMGDimensionAttribute.Attribute.Name + "]"; string sDistinctCountLevel = sDistinctCountAttribute + ".[" + distinctMGDimensionAttribute.Attribute.Name + "]"; AdomdClient.CellSet distinctKeysCS; AdomdClient.AdomdCommand distinctKeysCmd = new AdomdClient.AdomdCommand(); distinctKeysCmd.Connection = conn; //doing a min and max across 20 million members took 14 minutes, so only scan the top and bottom million should should give us a pretty good estimate in a reasonable time unless the sorting is completely strange distinctKeysCmd.CommandText = @" with member [Measures].[_MinKey_] as Min(Head(" + sDistinctCountLevel + ".Members,1000000), " + sDistinctCountAttribute + @".CurrentMember.Properties(""Key0"", TYPED)) member [Measures].[_MaxKey_] as Max(Tail(" + sDistinctCountLevel + ".Members,1000000), " + sDistinctCountAttribute + @".CurrentMember.Properties(""Key0"", TYPED)) select {[Measures].[_MinKey_], [Measures].[_MaxKey_]} on 0 from [" + CubeName + @"] "; try { distinctKeysCS = distinctKeysCmd.ExecuteCellSet(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Could not retrieve the min and max key value for the dimension matching the distinct count measure: " + ex.Message); } long lngMinDistinctValue = Convert.ToInt64(distinctKeysCS.Cells[0].Value); long lngMaxDistinctValue = Convert.ToInt64(distinctKeysCS.Cells[1].Value); AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Min distinct value: " + lngMinDistinctValue); AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Max distinct value: " + lngMaxDistinctValue); AdomdServer.Context.CheckCancelled(); //could be a bit long running, so allow user to cancel ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Resolving Set"); //will show up under the User Defined trace event which is selected by default AdomdClient.CellSet cs; AdomdClient.AdomdCommand cmd = new AdomdClient.AdomdCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(PartitionGrouperExpressionString)) { cmd.CommandText = "select {} on 0, {" + SetString + "} on 1 " + "from [" + CubeName + "]"; try { cs = cmd.ExecuteCellSet(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("The set specified was not valid: " + ex.Message); } } else { cmd.CommandText = "with member [Measures].[_ASSP_PartitionGrouper_] as " + PartitionGrouperExpressionString + " " + "select [Measures].[_ASSP_PartitionGrouper_] on 0, " + "{" + SetString + "} on 1 " + "from [" + CubeName + "]"; try { cs = cmd.ExecuteCellSet(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("The set or partition grouper specified was not valid: " + ex.Message); } } s = cs.Axes[1].Set; AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Determining Partition Scheme"); Dictionary<string, PartitionMetadata> dictPartitions = new Dictionary<string, PartitionMetadata>(); List<string> listPartitionNames = new List<string>(dictPartitions.Count); for (int iTuple = 0; iTuple < s.Tuples.Count; iTuple++) { AdomdServer.Context.CheckCancelled(); //could be a bit long running, so allow user to cancel AdomdClient.Tuple t = s.Tuples[iTuple]; string tostring = t.ToString(); string sTupleUniqueName = GetTupleUniqueName(t); string sTupleName = GetTupleName(t); string sOriginalGrouper = sTupleUniqueName; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PartitionGrouperExpressionString)) { //if a partition grouper has been specified, then group by it sTupleName = sOriginalGrouper = cs.Cells[0, iTuple].Value.ToString(); } for (int iSubPartition = 1; iSubPartition <= NumSubPartitions; iSubPartition++) { string sGrouper = sOriginalGrouper + " - DistinctCountSegment" + iSubPartition; if (!dictPartitions.ContainsKey(sGrouper)) { string sPartitionName = mg.Name + " - " + sTupleName + " - DistinctCountSegment" + iSubPartition; sPartitionName = sPartitionName.Trim(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(PartitionGrouperExpressionString)) { //make sure partition name is unique int i = 1; while (listPartitionNames.Contains(sPartitionName)) { sPartitionName = mg.Name + " - " + sTupleName + " - DistinctCountSegment" + iSubPartition + " - " + (++i); } } dictPartitions.Add(sGrouper, new PartitionMetadata(sPartitionName, t)); listPartitionNames.Add(sPartitionName); DataColumn dc = distinctMeasure.ParentCube.DataSourceView.Schema.Tables[distinctColumnBinding.TableID].Columns[distinctColumnBinding.ColumnID]; if (!dc.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey("ComputedColumnExpression")) { dictPartitions[sGrouper].DistinctCountColumn = "[" + distinctMeasure.ParentCube.DataSourceView.Schema.Tables[distinctColumnBinding.TableID].ExtendedProperties["FriendlyName"].ToString() + "].[" + GetColumnName(dc) + "]"; } else { dictPartitions[sGrouper].DistinctCountColumn = dc.ExtendedProperties["ComputedColumnExpression"].ToString(); } if (iSubPartition > 1) dictPartitions[sGrouper].DistinctCountRangeStart = (((lngMaxDistinctValue - lngMinDistinctValue) / NumSubPartitions) * (iSubPartition - 1) + lngMinDistinctValue + 1).ToString(); if (iSubPartition < NumSubPartitions) dictPartitions[sGrouper].DistinctCountRangeEnd = (((lngMaxDistinctValue - lngMinDistinctValue) / NumSubPartitions) * iSubPartition + lngMinDistinctValue).ToString(); } else { dictPartitions[sGrouper].tuples.Add(t); } } } //remove all existing partitions except template for (int iPartition = mg.Partitions.Count - 1; iPartition > 0; iPartition--) { mg.Partitions.RemoveAt(iPartition); } bool bNeedToDeleteTemplate = true; foreach (PartitionMetadata pm in dictPartitions.Values) { AdomdServer.Context.CheckCancelled(); //could be a bit long running, so allow user to cancel AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Building Partition: " + pm.PartitionName); if (template.ID == pm.PartitionName) { pm.Partition = template; bNeedToDeleteTemplate = false; pm.Partition.Process(ProcessType.ProcessClear); //unprocess it } else { pm.Partition = template.Clone(); } pm.Partition.Slice = pm.PartitionSlice; pm.Partition.Name = pm.PartitionName; pm.Partition.ID = pm.PartitionName; if (template.ID != pm.PartitionName) mg.Partitions.Add(pm.Partition); //if we're only building one partition, it must be the All member if (s.Tuples.Count == 1) pm.TupleMustBeOnlyAllMembers = true; string sQuery = ""; sQuery = pm.OldQueryDefinition; string sWhereClause = pm.NewPartitionWhereClause; sQuery += "\r\n" + sWhereClause; pm.Partition.Source = new QueryBinding(pm.Partition.DataSource.ID, sQuery); } if (bNeedToDeleteTemplate) mg.Partitions.Remove(template); AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Saving changes"); mg.Update(UpdateOptions.ExpandFull); AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, "Done creating partitions"); } finally { try { conn.Close(); } catch { } try { server.Disconnect(); } catch { } } }
//as a workaround to a bug: private static object[] GetMemberKeys(AdomdClient.Member m, int iNumKeys) { AdomdClient.AdomdConnection conn = new AdomdClient.AdomdConnection("Data Source=" + AdomdServer.Context.CurrentServerID + ";Initial Catalog=" + AdomdServer.Context.CurrentDatabaseName); conn.ShowHiddenObjects = true; //ShowHiddenObjects=true allows you to see properties (like member.ParentLevel) of dimension attributes which aren't visible: conn.Open(); try { StringBuilder sCmd = new StringBuilder(); sCmd.AppendLine("with"); for (int i = 0; i < iNumKeys; i++) { sCmd.AppendLine("member [Measures].[_ASSP_MemberKey" + i + "] as " + m.ParentLevel.ParentHierarchy.UniqueName + ".CurrentMember.Properties('Key" + i + "')"); } sCmd.Append("select {"); for (int i = 0; i < iNumKeys; i++) { if (i > 0) sCmd.Append(", "); sCmd.Append("[Measures].[_ASSP_MemberKey" + i + "]"); } sCmd.AppendLine("} on 0,"); sCmd.Append(m.UniqueName).AppendLine(" on 1"); sCmd.Append("from [").Append(m.ParentLevel.ParentHierarchy.ParentDimension.ParentCube.Name).AppendLine("]"); AdomdClient.AdomdCommand cmd = new AdomdClient.AdomdCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandText = sCmd.ToString(); AdomdClient.CellSet cs = cmd.ExecuteCellSet(); List<object> keys = new List<object>(cs.Cells.Count); foreach (AdomdClient.Cell c in cs.Cells) { keys.Add(c.CellProperties["FORMATTED_VALUE"].Value); //the FORMATTED_VALUE will be null if it should be null } return keys.ToArray(); } finally { try { conn.Close(); } catch { } } }
private void LoadSessions() { Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 4, "Starting LoadSessions"); AdomdClient.AdomdConnection conn = new AdomdClient.AdomdConnection("Data Source=" + AdomdServer.Context.CurrentServerID); conn.Open(); DataSet ds = conn.GetSchemaDataSet("DISCOVER_SESSIONS", null); conn.Close(); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { sessions.Add(Convert.ToInt32(dr["SESSION_SPID"]), Convert.ToString(dr["SESSION_USER_NAME"])); } Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 5, "Finishing LoadSessions"); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { string varSRV = "SRV-OLAP"; string varDB = "dw_olap"; string varCube = "Рух товарів"; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].ToUpper().StartsWith("/SERVER:")) { varSRV = args[i].Substring(8); } else if (args[i].ToUpper().StartsWith("/DB:")) { varDB = args[i].Substring(4); } else if (args[i].ToUpper().StartsWith("/CUBE:")) { varCube = args[i].Substring(6); } } string varSeparator = "\t"; Proc p = new Proc(); p.CreateLog("d:\\Cube_" + varCube + ".txt"); Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server s = new Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server(); s.Connect(@"Data Source=" + varSRV + ";Provider=msolap;Initial Catalog=" + varDB); Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Database d = s.Databases.FindByName(varDB); Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Cube c = d.Cubes.FindByName(varCube); p.Log("База:" + varDB + " Куб:" + varCube); p.Log("Розмірності"); foreach (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.CubeDimension dim in c.Dimensions) { p.Log(dim.Name + varSeparator + dim.DimensionID + varSeparator + dim.Description); foreach (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.CubeAttribute attr in dim.Attributes) { p.Log(varSeparator + attr.Attribute + varSeparator + attr.AttributeID + "\t" + attr.Attribute.Description); } } p.Log("Групи мір"); foreach (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.MeasureGroup mg in c.MeasureGroups) { p.Log(mg.Name + varSeparator + mg.ID + varSeparator + mg.Description); foreach (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Measure m in mg.Measures) { p.Log(varSeparator + m.ID + varSeparator + m.Name + varSeparator + m.Description); } } p.Log("Калькульовані міри"); Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdConnection cn = new Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdConnection("Data Source=" + varSRV + ";Provider=msolap;Initial Catalog=" + varDB); cn.Open(); /*foreach ( Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.CubeDef tt in cn.Cubes) * p.Log(tt.Name+varSeparator+tt.Caption );*/ try { foreach (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.Measure m in cn.Cubes[varCube].Measures) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Expression) == false) { p.Log(m.UniqueName + varSeparator); //+m.Expression +varSeparator+ m.Description ); } } //Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}",m.UniqueName,m.Expression ); } catch { } finally { cn.Close(); }; //Console.ReadLine(); p.CloseLog(); }
public static object GetDBVal(string dbName) { object returnValue; string measuresText = ""; string dimensionsText = ""; Boolean addcomma = false; foreach (AMDS.Dimension d in Context.CurrentCube.Dimensions) { foreach (AMDS.Hierarchy h in d.AttributeHierarchies) { if (d.DimensionType == DimensionTypeEnum.Measure) { measuresText = h.CurrentMember.UniqueName; } else //eliminate comparison dimension from the query if ((h.CurrentMember.UniqueName != h.DefaultMember) && (!h.CurrentMember.UniqueName.Contains("[Comparison Operations]"))) { if (addcomma == false) addcomma = true; else dimensionsText += ","; dimensionsText += h.CurrentMember.UniqueName; } } } //if all the dimensions in default members do not compose where clause of the query if(dimensionsText!="") dimensionsText = " where (" + dimensionsText + ")"; string query=" select "+ measuresText+" on 0 from ["+Context.CurrentCube.Name+"] "+ dimensionsText; Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdConnection conn = new Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdConnection("Data Source=" + Context.Server.Name+";Catalog="+dbName); conn.Open(); try { AMDC.CellSet queryCellset; Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdCommand queryCommand = new Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdCommand(); queryCommand.CommandText = query; queryCommand.Connection = conn; queryCellset = queryCommand.ExecuteCellSet(); returnValue = queryCellset[0].Value; } finally { conn.Close(); } return returnValue; }
private static void RunAQuery(object o) { ParallelQueryThreadInfo info = null; try { info = (ParallelQueryThreadInfo)o; Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdConnection conn = new Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdConnection(info.connectionString); conn.Open(); try { CellSet queryCellset; Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdCommand queryCommand = new Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdCommand(); queryCommand.CommandText = info.query; queryCommand.Connection = conn; queryCellset = queryCommand.ExecuteCellSet(); info.returnValue = queryCellset[0].Value.ToString(); } finally { conn.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { info.ex = ex; } finally { info.autoEvent.Set(); } }